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Posts posted by ryanroman

  1. On 7/25/2023 at 7:42 PM, PlayfulPup said:

    My ex-BF of eight and a half years had a triple zero PA.  He’d fuck my rather tight ass and we regularly tag teamed bottoms together.  The trick for him was to turn the ring to the side so I laid flat against his cock during insertion then not pulling all the way out until he was done.  He would take it out upon request.

    Honestly I wasn’t a fan of the full circle captured bead jewelry.  But the crescent bar bell fucking rocked my world.  It gave him a 3/8” bead at the urethral opening and another underneath his glans.  I’d cum without touching myself 6-8 times during a session.

    The bad news was that he was far more susceptible to UTIs, including non-CT/GC bacterial infections.  Even if a bottom was just a little bit unclean, his PA would come out dirty.

    So yes, if a bottom is not fully clean, my PA will come out dirty. Not the end of the world, just need to shower right away. My personal favourite PA is my 0g closed tribal ring, but I do love the weight of my 0g captive ball ring. 

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  2. On 3/31/2024 at 8:19 AM, MuscledHorse said:

    People forget that sexual monogamy in a relationship is a made up church construct that has no basis in reality. This was done by the church as a means of control, tying the idea of being sexually faithful to the holy sacrament of marriage. Without this concept, there is no "cheating" in a relationship because sex isn't a part of the conversation. WHat religion essentially created is a relationship based on Jealousy of the Other, and not Love as it claims. Scientific research has demonstrated mamaals are not sexually monogamous, even paired ones. My husband and I are open. Sex is sport to us. It's what horny males do because we're horny males. The fact is, who I have sex with has no bearing on how much I love my partner, BUT the churhc has marketed sex and love are synonymous for so long, people accept it without question. Because we don't do sexual monogamy, there is no cloud of jealousy having over the relationship. When one of us goes someplace there's no nagging "is he seeing someone else behind my back?", "did he have sex with a guy on hos way home?" to it. We have no jealousy and can talk about our hookups like we talk about anything else. Having the monogamy thing a non-issue, lets us focus on each other and our relationship and emotional commitment to each other. It's a far healthier state of mind to live in. Many gays want to copy the hetrosexual relationship structure created by the church because that's al they know.  However, there's a reason the divorce rate runs so high among the hetersexuals where "cheating" is involved: it's not normal and it's not natural. Further, the whole finding and loving "the one" thing the church and every rom-com known to man has pushed is mad eup as well. There's nothing that says you can't equally love more than one person and all have a relationship together. If my partner brought in another guy he really cared for and wanted to expand our relationship, I would welcome him with open arms (and legs00I'm a slut, what can I say?).  So, don't limit yourself by trying to adhere to a structure the heterosexuals have already demonstrated doesn't really work. THatn's not to say it can't work for some people, but they are a minority.  Hope this helps.

    Sexual monogamy is a social construct and is not natural in nature, if for nothing less, biodiversity.  Men are genetically programmed to spread and share our DNA to propagate. Even if your sexually fluid, you still have that primal need based on biological evolution.  I have been in an open relationship for almost 8 years - since the first date.  I believe in polyamory as well as emotional monogamy, but sexual monogamy is a social construct the str8s can't get - there's a reason why the divorce rate is as high as it is. IMHO...

    • Piggy 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Pornlover said:

    If you like hot verbals I definitely recommend these two. The downside is they're probably only worth the occasional sub as the selection is somewhat limited, they aren't updated on a regular schedule, and the video quality isn't always prime. That said I had to stop myself from blowing several times.

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://justfor.fans/TonyCruz

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://justfor.fans/ryanromansxxx

    I'm actually fucking @tonycruz right now - I'm trying to see if I can get him up for doing a live stream on justforfans...

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  4. On 8/11/2023 at 3:37 PM, Jose said:

    I’m just curious how you guys see yourselves and your penis. For me my dick controls my life haha not in a bad way but more in an extension of my primal being. I have never and will never wear a condom because I believe that shooting my seed in someone is such a primal and natural act. When I go on a hike I’ll stop in a clearing and jerk off, same for if I’m staying in a hotel. I need to leave a piece of me everywhere I go. In everyone I fuck. I would genuinely fuck anyone and anything, and I fucking love doing it. If the aliens came to earth tomorrow I’d probably want to shoot my load in their alien cunts haha. My seed is a little part of me that I feel needs to be shared with the world. Any other dudes feel the same? 

    My pierced cock runs everything I do in my life.  And, to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I never used condoms ever because I was raised the my cum belongs inside whoever I chose to fuck and unload into.  He/she/they/them - it doesn't matter. My pierced cock will always fuck bareback and pump whatever hole I'm fucking full of my DNA. A piece of me will live on inside of them one way or another.  Just this past weekend I knocked up a man of God in trade so my bf could take a nap in in his room after a cruise. I knew as soon as I saw the man of God I'd have to fuck him, but my bf got his nap, and the man of God took his first pierced cock.  Maybe something else took as well, but that's the mystery of life and letting your cock make decisions for you... I wouldn't have it any other way-ugmjfj.thumb.jpg.793406b9a1917df14d45f9c9b123f099.jpg

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  5. 4 hours ago, JamesL100 said:

    Also guys are judgemental if you're getting more sex than they are, even way back with condoms, or you you pull a model gym hunk who said no to the other guys. Add HIV or BB sex to the mix and the gossip rockets.

    That's very true - guys are judgemental if you're getting laid more than they are (or if they perceive you getting laid more than them).  I find it ironic that many of the same guys who judge others are getting their whore on when they think no one is looking.  I've run into into them at bathhouses/sex clubs/etc.  And I think it's great (I'm very sexy positive)... But if you're gonna live in a glass whore house, don't throw stones 😈

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  6. 10 hours ago, RawPlug said:

    I get no judgement from my medical staff who are mostly female and all very positive (no pun intended) and upbeat. However, my consultant always gives one piece of advice: be careful who you tell, because you can never untell it.

    Like if you make a porn scene with poz in the title... There's no pulling out after that... And, regardless of those in your life, some will judge you (what if people think I am because of your porn scene?).  It's that bullshit that makes life harder. 

  7. On 6/25/2023 at 10:17 AM, ErosWired said:

    All of you here singing full-throated praise of HIV, what a boon it’s been for you, what an unmitigated blessing, let me ask you this:

    On the day the cure comes - and the cure will come - are you going to get it, and abandon your coveted Poz status?

    If, today, it were within your power to wave a wand and eradicate HIV forever from the planet, would you?

    If the answer to either of these questions is ‘No’, I can see no reason to listen to another word you say.

    This is a question that can be looked at through so many lenses.  Some guys accept it.  Other embrace it.  Others feel it makes them a fighter.  Still others are embarrassed or ashamed.  We still get judged based on our status.  My own bf was embarrassed by what people would think of him based on poz porn content I made with a buddy.  The shaming by others is always a gut punch.  

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  8. On 7/31/2023 at 12:44 PM, ObedientChaser said:

    Which is the proper way of fucking! I wish more tops had PA piercings. 

    Same. I wish more porn models would leave their PAs on when shooting scenes.  But there is a large contingent of gay men who think PAs are trashy...

  9. 4 hours ago, PlayfulPup said:

    My ex-BF of eight and a half years had a triple zero PA.  He’d fuck my rather tight ass and we regularly tag teamed bottoms together.  The trick for him was to turn the ring to the side so I laid flat against his cock during insertion then not pulling all the way out until he was done.  He would take it out upon request.

    Honestly I wasn’t a fan of the full circle captured bead jewelry.  But the crescent bar bell fucking rocked my world.  It gave him a 3/8” bead at the urethral opening and another underneath his glans.  I’d cum without touching myself 6-8 times during a session.

    The bad news was that he was far more susceptible to UTIs, including non-CT/GC bacterial infections.  Even if a bottom was just a little bit unclean, his PA would come out dirty.

    I've got a 0g PA but I like to go with a shorter interior diameter so it "hugs" the head of my cock a bit more closely than PAs with a larger interior diameter.  I wear a tribal ring PA, so unless I have my screwdriver, it's not coming out 😈.  I've been lucky and haven't had any UTIs, but I've had a few times where my PA did come out dirtier than desired. 

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  10. On 6/25/2023 at 12:04 PM, DirtyFckr said:

    I hope the healing keeps going well! I’ve been thinking about getting a PA for years. Got my nips a week ago (after getting my ears pierced a while ago) and believe 2023 will be the year I get it!

    Get the PA. You'll look back after getting it and wish you'd gotting it sooner 

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  11. On 6/27/2023 at 2:43 PM, psylenc1 said:

    I just stretched up to a 6g yesterday, and it was a different experience than when I went to an 8g. Still a bit sore, and a different jewelry design than I've had before, but I'm still a wide-eyed pup when I look down at it. Looks big on my small dick. Unsure if I can go to a 4g, but I will be getting a consult when the time nears.

    You'll be able to get to a 4g. Just get used to the 6g first and let your cock adapt. I went from an 8g to a 4g in 4 months (but everyone adapts differently to their PA, so I'm more of an exception than the norm).

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  12. On 11/6/2022 at 12:00 PM, ellentonboy said:

    I have done this, with a guy who was respectful and gave me the time to get situated with what exactly was going in my ass.

    TBH, I had put it on my "Bucket List" of things I wanted to do and accomplish.  He was great about it,  he didn't hurt me, or cause damage.

    On the negative side, there was a guy at a group party I attended.  When everyone was out of the room, he said "you're the only one attractive here" and proceeded to push his PA dick in my ass.  

    This promptly got his kicked out of the house and the party.

    Just an example of someone who thinks they are doing you a good deed by fucking you.  No he was not, and despite an apology and further requests to hook up, I took a hard pass.  Not having my rectum ruined by some idiot.  I knew there was a safe and easy way to accomplish this,  and I am glad to say I achieved by goal.

    I always insist on a guy easing himself on my cock and slowly let his gash open up to take my pierced cock.  On the flip side I've had bottoms slam their dry kunt down on my pierced cock and I'd pray for that hole to self lubricate.

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