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Posts posted by w2kiwi

  1. I believe the negatives outweigh the positive.  I seroconverted in 2004 and started on meds 2013 and never had any problems with side-effects.  I'm 55 and I'm glad it happened when I was 42 as  I never would have had the life I've had so far.  I don't deny I've had some amazing fun times while high and met some amazing people.  I've also had some pretty big lows and met some absolute low lifes.  I could never have emigrated and there are restrictions on where you can work.   Unless you are married to a citizen of the country you want to move to most countries will not take people with HIV.  This not unique to HIV.  The same applies if you are diabetic.  HIV patients are some of the most commonly discriminated against in housing and healthcare.  I work in healthcare and I've seen it firsthand.  Nothing is ever said directly to the patient but they are left wondering why they didn't get the best treatment available or their operation/treatment on time.  It's subtle and it happens.  So on balance I believe the negatives outweigh the positives

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