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Posts posted by yunghungtop

  1. A couple years ago I listened to Sam's podcast and was active in his Discord group. 

    I broke off contact with him and deleted his Discord channel because he was unwilling to disavow men who wanted to breed underage boys. 

    I am all for Daddy/son play and fetish breeding if all participants are of legal age. I'm 40 and in recent years I've fucked boys aged 18 to 55. 

    I do not have credible evidence that Sam was directly involved in exploitation of minors, but he refused to police his channel appropriately to block those who were. 

    I live in the USA and it is legal for me to breed boys age 18+

    I will not engage or participate in a community where breaking the law with age of consent is encouraged. 

  2. I stopped counting in my early 30s when I started prep, in the 125 range. I always hated condoms so back then I used to find a few people I knew well and breed them all the time. Like I'd have one main bottom I'd seed over and over for months at a time. After Prep, I went wild and started breeding every hole I wanted. I suspect I have not crossed the thousand threshold yet but I am definitely in the hundreds. 

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  3. A top I am friends with invited me over to breed his bottom with him. It was really sweet. He (my top bro) knew I had been working long hours and just needed some easy pussy. It was a nice gift from a friend. His boy has a super cute pussy. Great lips. 2 quick loads (1 from each top), and I was on my way. Nice to have friends like that. 

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  4. On 4/3/2023 at 10:58 AM, NastyRawBottom said:

    It’s ironic, but I think part of it is just that I feel more comfortable getting used by strangers. 

    There is no awkwardness and things get straight to the point. Strangers just see me as a hole and nothing more, which I like. I can definitely be nastier with strangers because I’ll probably never see them again and if I do, I likely won’t remember. 

    Anon guys themselves are usually into hotter, kinkier scenes as many of them are also closeted or DL. 

    Having random DNA inside me is also just a hot feeling. It’s fun to think that the guy that just bred me could live across the street or on the other side of the world. 

    Yeah I agree. As a top I love just sliding in a slutty hole and using it, no small talk, no nonsense. I may or may not ever see you again. But my dna will be in you forever. 


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  5. Made friends online with another top. Turns out he and I use the same local cumdump. So we went over to the dump’s house together and put 4 loads in that pussy. 2 each. Was super fun. 

    I love the physical sensation of churning loads in a slutty hole. I also love the camaraderie and friendship among tops when we are using pussy together. Super fun. Can’t wait to do it again. 

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  6. I'm a total top married to a vers/bottom. The only way it works for us is open relationship. 

    It also feeds into my natural top's desire to spread my dna and seed random hole. When he wants to top, we find a bottom to breed together. 

    Honestly the only tension that's come up lately is when he started hooking up with this "condoms only" guy and I was like uh, no. Not in my house. This is a bareback household. 

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