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Posts posted by GreenChaser

  1. @ youngcumdumpboi

    If you are talking about sub btm-maybe. But bottoms in general are not subs and I am certainly not here for the sole pleasure of somebody. Sex is about two people having a great time and not about property rights. I would love to kick out a top that came with such an attitude-he is so not going to get in my hole and I am simply going to move to the next cock.

    I completely agree!

  2. ** I usually never let people read my stories. This is one I threw together that I thought you might enjoy. Let me know***

    I was 19 years old. I had been having sex with guys for several years at that point- starting with experimenting with a few school friends, moving onto meeting with old trolls from the internet and culminating with weekly trips to the bath houses in the city.

    Periodically I'd drive in from the suburbs, telling my parents I'd be out with friends late so I knew I'd have enough of the night to do as my glands drove me. I wasn't the golden cast example of adonis, but I did alright- working out regularly and proud of my developing sixpack. Usually I'd hit the local gay club, which usually was a 18+ dance place. It was easy to get guys to buy me drinks, and easier to get the occasional blowjobs in the bathroom stalls.

    Once or twice a month I'd get nice and tipsy on drinks from the generous, horny enablers I'd meet in at the clubs. One night I met this man- couldn't tell you his name. I would guess he was in his early 30's, just under six foot with a great body displayed immodestly within collared t-shirt and overly tight denims. He bought me drink after drink, and we danced till about midnight, his hands making a detailed map of my body while the liqour began coursing through my young brain. I found myself at one point locked into a deep kiss with one of his hands down the front of my pants as we held each other close atop one of the gogo boxes in front of the DJ's desk- in plain view of all in the club.

    He licked my ear as he gripped my nuts, whispering into my ear against the throbbing din of techno and excited queens: "I don't live in the city. Do you have a place?" I shook my no. He tightened his grip, and said "Then we're going to the baths." I agreed, and suggested the club at which I had a membership. Together we left the club, my arm around his waist and his hand tucked safely between my cheeks.

    We kissed some more as we made our way down the street, pausing long enough for him to begin fingering my hole as he pressed me against his car in another deep, sloppy kiss. I don't know what make or year or anything- the details are a bit foggy from all the two tequilla sunrises and four shots of what sounded like "yagermeister" he had fed down my throat.

    The leather seat creaked as I climbed in, and the radio bumped out beats I could feel in my guts as we cruised down through the city. At one point he pushed my head down to his lap, where I pointedly began sucking off his beautiful uncut cock, loving the way the foreskin rolled up and down with every stroke. The smells of his sweat and cigarette were thick, and made me all the hornier.

    We made out a little more while in the bath house parking lot- his fingers reaching deep into my hole and he nibbled on my neck, sending me over the edge. He helped me up to the door and to the front desk- my legs were a bit unstable from the booze. Robotically, I signed the form and paid my locker fee, picked up my towel and made for the locker room. Together we undressed, giving me the chance to see for the first time the totality of his perfection. His muscles roped through his tight flesh, making the perfect canvas for the myriad of tattoos that covered his form. I admired the variation of design that covered him- an angry looking woman, naked, slicing the dead from a lamp post on his ribs; a red and greed skull with a biohazzard symbol etched into its forehead eating a fighting cobra on his thigh; a black and red scorpion on his other, grasping a terrified looking rabbit in its claws and a large, gleaming drop of emerald poison dripping from it's oversized stinger.

    He led me immediately down to the darker basement rooms, where we made out more as he settled me into the sling. Fat old trolls began to emerge from the shadows like moths to a flame as my enabler began lubing up my hole. His fingers drove themselves deep and forcefuly into my core, elating and overloading my senses. I begged him to be gentle, only getting "You can take it," in reply as he began driving into me deeper and more agressively. He massaged my prostate, making a load start to bubble and burn within me with each determined push. He pulled his fingers out and scrutinized them. "Do you often bleed?" he asked with a small smirk. I told him it had been awhile since I'd been in that situation- normally being a devout top. He asked me if I wanted his cock as he drove his fingers back into my open hole- a moan as I bit my bottom lip against the pain of his invading fingers my only rely.

    I began to feel light headed, disconected in a way. I noticed my heart felt like it was beating against my ribs and my vision begging to distort. The more I thought about how strange I felt, the more I would only concentrate and his wonderful fingers beating against my prostate. From nowhere a cock pressed against the side of my face. Obediently I took it into my throat without even opening my eyes. Only a minute passed before another cock pushed against my other cheek. I switched over and started sucking the new comer. Only another minute passed and I felt another cock nudging my other cheek. From the length and girth I could tell it was huge.

    "Do you party?" he asks as he pushes his fingers deeper into me, "do you like booty bumps?" At first I don't know what he meant- but my education in the local fag language finally kicked in. I push against the cock invading my throat. "--I've--never--done--it--" I pant between thrusts against my boiling prostate. He pushes as far into me as he can reach, and twists his fingers back and forth as he starts to laugh. "I've already put a heavy hit in you boy. You should be feeling it." It was then I realized that I was high, and instead of worrying about it I only moaned in acceptance. I was lost in a swirl of speed and lust- noticing only the thrusting into my hole and the cocks alternating position within my throat.

    I reached down wanted to feel his fingers glide back and forth, only to find that it was his dick I was feeling. Without missing a beat I grabbed his muscled ass, and pulled him deeper and deeper into me. I suddenly became aware of the pain, and felt the slickness of his driving cock. When I pulled my hand away I noticed some pink and red streaked accross my palm. His beat grew faster and faster- opening me up like a flower on prom night, until with great gasps he drove himself hard and furiously into me, shouting "Take this charge!" He stayed in my for awhile, slowly fucking his load deeper into me- his cock gliding back and forth more easily with the extra lube. As he pulled out one of the trolls whispered, "Did you just convert him?" My heart skipped a beat as he giggled, "Fuck that charged load deeper into his guts. He's told me he's a top, I want to make sure he passes my gift along." Promptly, the troll mounted my used hole, and began quickly driving his short, thick dick into me.

    Four or five guys ended up fucking me that night, each filling my ass with his load. The next morning I woke up at home- no idea how I got there. My mom was banging on the door, saying I needed to get up and mow the lawn. When I checked, the seat of my boxers were streaked with dried blood and cum.

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