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Posts posted by grayhoss

  1. Cheating is a hard no for me and gets a guy thrown out so hard his ass skips along the sidewalk like a rock across a lake.  'High morals' seems to imply your guy feels as I do. Dump him if you must, but don't cheat!

  2. I just.. I don't know, honestly. The current generation is..deeply wierd to me. The minute they discover the internet they're the most jaded of jaded whores. And I speak as someone who's heard multiple groups of 'kids' plan gangbangs based ob their folks' porn stash. Its a little jarring, hearing someone of whom all the local conservatives are saying 'we have to protect these frail innocents!' about ans meanwhile, the clique-leader's all 'Shut up! I'm in charge because its my Mom's porn and I got boobs first! You'll shut him up with your bagina while Missy rides him and like it!' to all her friends waiting for the schoolbus to take 'em home. If I didn't have the wind up me about being condemned for having anything to do with kids, because gay man, I would've tried to report them. Needless to say, I refused to be 'line-watcher' while my Mom and other teachers finished up their overtime anymore. Kids are damn creepy , these last few decades!  It was like realizing I live in the twilight zone or something, each time. Once back in Tampa in 98 and several times living in a DC apartment more recently. So, when people talk about kids being innocent, I sortof just shake my head and bite my toungue.

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  3. Eroswired,

    Regarding Jessieboy, I have a point or two of disagreement: first, as someone who values sexual fidelity, the hypothetical girlfriend's loss is more akin to the trauma of somone who's has a tumor excised. There is suffering in the cure, but ultimately, such a person loses nothing worth the keeping, in my opinion.


    Secondly, while your threesome policy is, of course, your own decision, in my experience a 'relationship ending threesome' is less the wedge that split the solid oak, than the wind that knocked over the tree that had rotted away from the core. Most couples that split because of a third in my opinion were looking , on some level, for an excuse that would leave them blameless in the eyes of what can, admittedly, be a community obsessed with finger-pointing and virtue-signalling.

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  4. I agree with FelchingPisser. With all respect, I'm a 'pup'; its intrinsic. Part of that is wanting 'Daddy'. I realize this begs for the 'abnormal' label from some, but lets face it: Normality is a myth. I've read psychology studies where they take on 'gay hookup culture' in the days before multiculturalism, and cluck and clutch-pearls about the 'disorders attendant ti the sexual-inversion disorder'..and then , I snicker, thinking about the reported 60% among the heteros slipping out on their spouses in quest of cock or pussy on the hoof, a mere generation later. All this, a mere 25 years after those august headshrinkers clucked over the bathhouses!

    In short, i just..I don't believe in 'normalacy', at all. I admit to a screwed up childhood..but, hell, 60% of kids probably have one with broken homes, and parents who go hunting strange whenever they can. I'm just not a hypocrite about things. I want a Daddy-figure in my life, for whatever reason. Thats my business, I think.

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  5. I was raped by several people from 4 to about twelve. I hated it. I am not attracted to anyone resembling my rapists.

    It began with my female cousins
    I have cerebral palsy and wore a body brace for the first several years of my life. My cousins quickly realized that I couldn't get to my feet once prone, so they started pushing me onto my back, fondling me, forcing fellation on me while fingering my ass, etc. Dad caught them the first time when I was three and warned them to stop, but claimed it must be partly my fault as 'All boys want the pussy'. Needless to say, when I was sent across the street to my grandmother's where the girls stayed each bridge night, they took it as carte blanche .

    They began to rape me with the handles of household tools while saying things I didn't understand I was terrified, as I figured that the bleeding meant I'd die. Stupid, but when this began, I was four. They progressed to threatening to hurt me if I didn't perform cunnilingus, and reminded me that Mother beat all the kids in our family if we did anything 'abnormal', so that I wouldn't tell on them.

    They later progressed to other forma of abuse like pushing my hands or feel into fireant hills, applying honey or syrup so that palmetto bugs would swarm and bite me, etc. This culminated with them getting me up into a tree on my parents' property and pushing me out when I was eleven. That got them sent back to their mother, where the stepfather gave them the clap and knocked up, so he was caught.

    Unfortunately, I tried to go to a local Roman Catholic Church for help when I was about six or seven. The priests there had it in for me because Mother left an extremely violent abusive relationship due to her first husband being an alocholic and drug addict and being prone to beating her and my half siblings. They claimed that remarriage made her a whore, 'whoredom' was an 'inheiritable sin, like the sin of Eve' and that 'God was punishing me for being a whore, by sending people to treat me as I deserved'. If I'd known then that being 'sent flyers' was RCC code for a church that was sent many contact-offender priests to hide their crimes from parishoners, I'd have never tried for help there; but the RCC scandal was decades in the future, at that point.

    A local man, a retiree with a need to hurt, humiliate and degrade his victims, used to use eavesdropping by the confessionals as a way to find 'scapegoat' kids like me to abuse. Back in the 70s, a man willing to devote his time free to watch the children of struggling families in the neighborhood could do no wrong; he was trusted implicitly and any adult nearby would just hand us kids over to his dementia-addled wife when she came round and said we were due at her house for babysitting.

    She's bring us kids there and he's tell her to walk to the bingo hall, and once she was gone, he'd start scaring or hurting us. I believe he was impotent and only our fear made him functional. He was very fond of threatening us with his pistol. He was an amatuer photgrapher, and took 'trophy' pictures of us during his abuse sessions. As I had childhood-epilepsy, he became very aroused when the flash would trigger a seizure in me. I often came out of one to find him sexually assaulting me or threatening me with the handgun. This went on till he committed suicide when I was almost 9.

    A few months later his wife founds the trophies and called my father in a panic. He got her to burn them, but he saw the photos of me and decided I was a willing participant who had been desperate for sex and had somehow 'corrupted or seduced' his friend 'Because thats what you queers all do to straight guys.' Dad started encouraging my mother's beatings of me, because he thought that would turn me straight or 'fix my morals' or something. She was trying to beat the disability out of me anyway I'd tried telling her about the lesser abuses of my cousins but it was too 'abnormal' and she'd beat or hit me 'for lying'.

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