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Posts posted by hairyone

  1. There was a brief period where it seemed that way, maybe in my late 40s or early 50s. But now that I'm almost 60, it's picking back up. Many men like us older daddies.

    I think it may be because we lost most of a generation from AIDS who never had a chance to grow old. Many of those of that generation who didn't die seemed to be a bit shell-shocked from the experience and may not have been as active. 

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  2. The part of the video that gives me a glimmer of hope is the discussion that for most people it's just fantasy and it's less than 1% that truly seek it out. 

    Overall, however, this was far from being a documentary. The only piece that seemed at all professional was the interview with Jamie, the PhD who did what appears to be a better research. The rest of it was just a fluff piece for the drama of it. 

    Thank you for sharing. 

  3. I started Doxy PEP on recommendation from my doctor here in Washington, DC.  I get tested every 3-4 months and get an STI maybe every other year. But, my doctor recommended it for me several months after this year's Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL).

    MAL is a huge leather, sex-filled event held in DC every year. And every year my doctor, who has a large gay patient base, sees PLENTY of STIs in the weeks following MAL. However, Doxy PEP was available at MAL this year for all attendees for free and those guys took advantage of it. And this year, my doctor saw no STIs like he usually does from MAL attendees. ZERO. ZILCH. 

    So far, good enough for me!

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  4. Bottoms, after a hookup (anon, or cum-and-go, or bathhouse, etc.), how do you feel when a top ignores you without saying anything and just leaves? How often does that happen?

    A lot of times it appears the top will try to make small-talk or say something like "Thanks" or "See ya" or something like that as they leave (or even a smack on the ass). Is that because of "good manners"? I wonder how often a top just ignores the bottom after they get off and how that makes the bottom feel. 

    Tops, do you do that? Why?

  5. 59 years old and I still JO every day (usually even on the same day I have sex with someone). Many times I'll JO 2 or 3 times a day; rarely 4 times or more but not uncommon. It is very rare that I miss a day but that's usually a REALLY busy day or wanting to "save up" for an upcoming very special occasion.

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  6. I've had a few anal orgasms over the years but they've been more frequent over the past few years. During covid lockdown, I purchased a fuck machine and was able to learn how to take bigger dildos into my ass. Once I started becoming comfortable with having my second hole penetrated, I started having anal orgasms and it seemed it was caused by a spot about 9 - 10 inches deep, right past the second hole. They don't last minutes for me but I can get several over a short time period. It's not like a regular, ejaculatory orgasm (which is still better for me) but I still love the anal orgasms!

    I haven't gotten the same intensity from getting fucked by a man. But I think my body is starting to learn. Just the other day, I was using smaller dildos with my fuck machine (6.5" long and 7.5" long) and I started having anal orgasms pretty quickly! Part of it is because I'm learning what it feels like when I start getting that... "tickle" inside (not sure how to describe it). But then it builds until my eyes roll back in my head, and the muscles deep in my ass start spasming sending waves of pleasure through me.

    When I use the bigger dildos and start to have an anal orgasm, my muscle spasms push out the big dildo and it kinda distracts or shortens the orgasm. But, when I was using the shorter ones the other day (which didn't go past the second hole and they are a bit firmer), I didn't push it out and had some pretty intense orgasms without ejaculating.

    I don't get that "post ejaculation let down" after an anal orgasm. I can definitely have more. I usually don't have a hardon. That could be because I'm really focused on my ass or that I'm getting a bit older. I've always had a lot of precum but I get a LOT more with a session on my fuck machine. 

    After playing for awhile (up to a few hours) on my fuck machine, I can still have a regular ejaculation orgasm. Other times I'm satisfied with just the anal orgasms.

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  7. On 3/29/2024 at 4:15 PM, hntnhole said:

    We all know that His Orange Corpulence needs the dough - and badly - but I didn't think even he could sink so low.  The glittery gold gym shoes were bad enough - but - now he's peddling Bibles !!!  One cent short of $60 per !!! 

    It's a very smart way to launder money from churches to his personal coffers. There will be entire congregations that will buy it.

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  8. You're 28 in a sexless relationship!? 😦 Dude, you deserve better. 

    Have a chat with her and tell her your needs. Figure it out before you are bitter and old. 

    If you continue bb sex with men, you need prep. You don't want HIV. Yeah, it's treatable but there is no cure and life on treatment sucks. If you do get HIV, get on the meds and take care of yourself.

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  9. I have a thick dick and sliding into a pre-lubed and pre-fucked hole is usually so much easier. It's an amazing, loose, warm, silky feel. But what really gets me going is when I can hear the bottoms guts sloshing around with the cum of many men while I'm fucking him. Then I know I'm with a talented and well-used cumdump. I understand that feeling and switch between feeling a bit jealous and a bit thankful to share a talented hole with other men knowing they have had their pleasure in him as I am about to.

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  10. 1 hour ago, rawfuckr said:

    Also seems my insurance doesn't cover Mavyret which is the 8 week treatment. But they cover Epclusa. I did price epclusa and it's $75k for the treatment but I have a 30% copay of that (specialty drug) and I can't afford...

    The manufacturer has a co-pay assistance program that could cover most of that. Call them. [think before following links] https://hcp.epclusa.com/access-and-support#:~:text=The EPCLUSA Co-pay Coupon,co-pay for their medicine.

    Good luck, man.

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  11. 2 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    I wonder if discretion is what the money actually buys.

    Living in Washington, DC, and running in to sex workers occasionally, I have heard stories of escorts officially signing NDA's for some of their clients. They are paid handsomely for it. But it's the classic case of those who have much to lose, go to great lengths to ensure that discretion.

    Not real sure if those NDA's can be enforced but it could take a ton of money in legal fees to defend breaking an NDA. And any rentboy who blabs isn't going to stay in business long. And I'm sure those NDA's are written in a way that keeps any hint of prostitution out of it.

    (NDA = Non-Disclosure Agreement. Legal way to keep someone's mouth shut or they can face severe consequences, $$$$$.)

  12. Sex is easy to get (particularly for a top).  Discretion is not.  

    Many customers are not necessarily paying for sex. They are paying for silence.

    Good rentboys keep every hole open for their client during their meeting and keep their mouth shut after the appointment.

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  13. Sex without intimacy is one of the most basic biological and physiological needs of humans. And those most basic needs have to be met before we desire intimacy. 

    Sexual intimacy is part of a love and belongingness need of humans. And these needs can only be addressed after the biological needs are met and even after the needs for safety is met. Check out "Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs" where he discusses the levels of human needs for fulfillment.

    [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs

    There are different levels of intimacy (think of levels of intimacy from "acquaintance" through "long-term spouse"). You could consider learning someone's name as low-level part of intimacy. 

    Of course, when great sex and great intimacy combine into one experience, THAT's powerful!

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  14. I love fucking and breeding in many positions. But my favorite is with the bottom on his stomach, flat on the bed, legs slightly apart so I can mount him with my legs on the outside of his thighs.

    In this position, I can get in deep and grind around in all directions depending how high or low I'm entering his pussy. Moving up a little, my dick pushes down harder onto his prostate and love his response when I punch it just right with my cock.  I can also get up on my knees and enjoy the view of his back (especially if hairy and/or tattooed!  WOOF!) and his submissive position.  Or I can lay fully on his back to hold him down (again, if his back is hairy, my hairy chest rubbing his hairy back drives me wild!); lick or chew his ears and neck (even easily grab his hair if I want).  I can grab his hips and hold him on my dick the way I want. I really enjoy finally grabbing his shoulders (under or over) and pull him onto my cock as I unleash my load into him.  There's a combination of closeness and submission that gets me off. 

    There is also an option for him to easily suck off another guy sitting on the bed at his head and THAT gives me an awesome view.  Hell, I can even help!  LOL

    Damn.  I'm hard again!

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  15. I had my nipples pierced and loved them. It took way less than a year to heal (just don't play with it until it does!! LOL).  However, as time went on, I had a few periods of high stress in my life. I noticed during those times, the piercing migrated a bit. It looked like my body was trying to push them out.  So, I took them out when it got noticeable to let them heal and get them re-pierced.  It was a little tougher to pierce them because of the scar tissue.  On the third (and last) time, I almost came off the table when he pierced them.  By then I had lost a lot of sensitivity.  I didn't mind if they were still played with, but it just didn't do much anymore.

    When they started to migrate after that third piercing, I took them out and left them out.  So, I had them probably 15-20 years.  It took many years for the sensitivity to come back.  Now it turns me on again to have them played with.  They are bigger and I don't know if it was from the piercing or just from playing with them over the years; probably a combination. 

    I'd recommend piercing one to see how you react with it.  You can always get the other one done later.

  16. On 1/8/2024 at 9:55 PM, hairyone said:
    On 1/8/2024 at 5:27 PM, tomzefis said:

    cd4/cd8 for me is 0,45 today


    You're doing fine.  It sounds like your whole body is under general stress from flu, or minor infection, or just plain worn out (too many holiday parties?).  Get some rest and take some extra care of yourself for a couple of weeks. 

    I apologize. I did the cd4/cd8 calculation backwards.  This should be at least 1.0.  Your immune system is under stress.  It's probably a normal blip due to many possible normal things.  

    First, relax.  You are working with your doctors and you will be ok. 

    Remember, the HIV meds are not a cure.  It is only to "help" you manage a lifelong, chronic disease from a virus that is trying to kill you.  The rest is up to you.  You need to take some time out to take care of yourself.  Reduce stress, eat right, get rest, avoid drugs and alcohol.  You don't have to cut out those things forever; everything in moderation.  But, right now, you need to be extra careful until your body recovers from whatever it is fighting.  



  17. This conversation is confusing.  Is it "incest" (sex between close relatives) or "pedophilia" (psychiatric disorder of sex between an adult and minor)?  They are not the same thing. 

    If it is pedophilia with a relative (incestuous pedophilia), the term pedophilia takes precedence because of the seriousness of the psychiatric illness.  THAT needs medical intervention at a minimum. 

    Incest between adults is not necessarily a psychiatric disorder and can be a very interesting dialogue.  I'd be interested in reading more if the thread goes in this direction.  

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  18. 7 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    l took a look at this and it does check a lot of the boxes, but it appears that the price is a little misleading - they get you on the attachments, which run around thirty bucks or more apiece, including fairly essential things like an extender rod. They do offer a spring attachment to give some flexibility in position mid-fuck, so that’s a plus.

    Have you investigated the online communal capabilities of the control interface? It sounds from the description as though it offers the potential to give others operational control remotely. I’m not sure how many people are out there eagerly looking to control a fucking machine that’s fucking someone else they don’t know, but if there are I have a pretty shrewd idea where that’s headed. I’ve subbed for people like that.

    If you have the room, the extension rod is nice but not truly necessary (yeah, ya gotta navigate your feet).  I still got the extension rod.  

    I got the spring, too, and I don't use it anymore. I like longer dildos with a little bend (dual density, or any of the "skin like" material) so they already have a "give".  I like to move to different angles so the dildos hit different spots and the spring was just too much "give".

    I also got a couple of the "Adapter For Vac-U-Lock Dildo With KlicLok Connector" because I picked up a couple of other dildos that already had a hole in the base for the adapter (apparently, it's a standard!). 

    I joined a Discord channel for HiSmith where guys (and gals) offer control.  I've controlled a few.  I had a friend control mine through the internet.  Had a "blast"!  😈

  19. CD4 counts can vary for many reasons.  Regular infections (flu, etc) will also impact other parts of your immune system, in particular the CD8 counts.  However, CD4 and CD8 will lower or increase together.  So, your bloodwork may also have a percentage report on the CD4/CD8 ratio.  40% ratio is ideal but anywhere from 30-60% is "fine". 

    My CD4 counts can vary by several hundred points but the ratio with CD8 is always around 40%. That means I'm fine. 

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