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Posts posted by Diesel

  1. Just found this story again, having first read it when it was freshly minted. It’s still one of my all time horniest reads on the site, and got me boned again as I smoke my pipe.

    Love the realism, tenderness and effortless corruption, as well as the creation of a new leather pipe cub.

    Thanks for writing this & I hope to read more from you soon.

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  2. On 5/9/2023 at 10:11 PM, UKFFBBBtm said:

    I keep thinking about getting a PA, I love the look on other guys, find them a real turn on and would love to get one, however I'm squeamish when it comes to pain, needles and blood. 

    For people that have a PA (or had one) say how painful it was, how much blood and how was the recovery?

    Did you actually get one yet, & how was the experience?

  3. I’ve had mine for around ten years, I guess. I have had it upsized twice.

    It was very quick & easy for me, with little or no blood or pain. I was so happy with the procedure that I immediately had both my nips done as well, the first was fine, but the second one was ouch!

    The PA only took around 10 days to heal, with limited wanking for the first few days.

    You will enjoy the PA, not only for how it looks, but how it feels 🔥🔥🔥

    • Like 1
  4. Will enjoy seeing how this develops, the lad already displays interest and the beer and smoke can only lower his inhibitions. Hopefully he will embrace the opportunities provided 😈

    Great start & greatly looking forward to further instalments. Please don’t keep us waiting too long!

    • Like 2
  5. Very sorry to hear about your tremendously sad loss. Hopefully you can take some consolation from the time you were able to spend together, and finally grant his wish.

    Giving yourself some space from other encounters, might be the right approach just now, but in time you will probably want to reconsider this.

    • Like 2
  6. On 9/28/2022 at 11:53 AM, daveinkent1 said:

    If I could suck my own cock, I'd barely leave the house 😅 but yes, still always eat my own. No spunk ever should go to waste 💦🍆

    I concur, it would be Perpetual CumMotion. 

    Unfortunately I never had the agility to self suck, at least at a time I would have recognised it’s potential!

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/9/2022 at 11:40 PM, IrishKinkSlut said:

    Hi ok so I probably sound really stuoid right now but i have limited intelligence anyway so I need to ask

    I am neg and plan to stay that way for a while and am getting back on PrEP but have to ask a hypothetical. 

    If I (or anyone) either knowingky or unknowingly had sex with someone who was fully blown. Would they get HIV like everyone else or do they automatically become fully blown. Its a question that has plagued me since I started this site and cant get a straight answer from anyone I have asked 

    Hope I don't sound too thick

    You are not stupid & the question you asked was perfectly reasonable.

    We are mostly here to enjoy our community for mutual enjoyment, but sharing knowledge. It’s great when people can provide help and answers, as often occurs based on shared knowledge or direct experience.

    There is absolutely no shame at all in asking questions & doing so does NOT make you thick. 🤗

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  8. In support of the moderators, I would suggest that they have an entirely thankless task, for a job that they do, by & large very efficiently. Without them it’s difficult to see how this site can survive. I doubt either of them would miss the probably non existent salary! It certainly doesn’t come from my subs, or anyone else’s.

    Their task is rather like that of a children’s soccer referee taking very public and verbal abuse when they rule against  a parent’s particular team or child. Not surprisingly in areas where this occurs it’s becoming impossible to retain or recruit people into these positions; then surprise surprise teams and leagues are disbanded. The disrespectful parents are entirely to blame when this happens. 

    Without moderation and rules this site would be in a minefield of legal disasters, waiting to happen, including, but not limited to closure or litigation 

    Now my dealings with both the moderators  has been extremely limited, but less it be said I’m trying to curry favour for myself, I will say they are human, and as such not infallible.

    Mistakes will inevitably sometimes happen. However if I found myself being sanctioned for something I’d done, I would either grin and bear it, or if I felt it was questionable, or unfair, I would raise this directly with the person concerned. I would be confident of a fair hearing, or second opinion.

    Complaining publicly, with the obvious intention of causing embarrassment to the parties concerned, is not the way to change any minds. It’s a bit like having a shouting argument in a restaurant, when the meal has been unsatisfying. A quiet discrete complaint is far more likely to lead to a resolution.

    Goading or daring people to take sanctions, is pretty dumb, and may not have the intended consequences.

    Its a bloody good job I am not on the moderating team, because I would show considerably less restraint towards some of the nasty complainants, than has been shown here.

    Anyone unhappy with the site, (rules & all) is entitled to either cease active participation or if they wish they are free to leave.

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