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Everything posted by bbpozslut

  1. I forgot to mention does 357 has douching facilities? Im staying in a hostel so I cannot douche myself there.
  2. Im new to Sydney. I have travelled over on a working holiday visa from the UK. I am looking to have some fun here. Which are the best places to get loaded up? I have seen a thread about sauna 357 and another about Headquarters. But I'm not sure which one to go to.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. My flight and hostel accommodation is booked. I land in Sydney on the 6th August. Initially I will be doing the touristy stuff (free or cheap as possible) and looking for a job. As money will be tight for a first few months. Its only when Im working I'll be looking in to having some proper fun.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. My flight has been booked. I'll be arriving on the 6th August. I suspect I'll do some touristy things first around Sydney before settling down and more importantly find a job. If you want I'll be happy to meet you. It would nice to hook up. I'll private message you when I actually land in Sydney like most things I suspect my initial plans will change fast.
  5. I'll be visiting Australia for a year long working holiday in August. Just wonder how are things for hooking up for bb sex etc? Any decent saunas, sex clubs etc. It will be the first time I'll be alone away from my parents. The plan for me to stay in Sydney for a month or so then find work (ideally in the IT sector) Also I'll be travelling about as well, hopefully to the west coast and Whiteheaven Beach. As I don't want to me just working all the time.
  6. Im free on Saturday 17th night. Just wondering where to go for lots of BB sex? Im tempted to head to the Leeds Steam Sauna. They got an kink night on then. Is it worth going there? Really Im looking for a all night for BB sex, no holds barred. Im not interested in looks, etc. I generally bottom but also top as well. As I love to breed arses as well. Especially neg arses Oh I forgot to mention. Im based in Sheffield but can't accom as I live my parents (currently saving up for my gap year trip to go Australia) but I can travel as I got my own transport.
  7. Can travel from Sheffield if you are interested
  8. I have decided to take the plunge and check out Boltz I heard nothing but great reviews of this place. Is the Dare to be bare events excellent for BB sex? I am looking to get loaded up my many men as possible not interested in the other guy looks or personality etc. Also I am also wanting to dump my toxic load in many guys as possible as well. Is anyone else planning to go? Also when is a good time to go on the actual day? I am thinking of going when the event starts and then booking a hotel for the night before travelling back to Sheffield in the following morning Any reviews and advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. What made you changed your mind? You should of went inside even if you decide if you didn't want to take part.
  10. Thank you for the feedback. Hopefully there might be another one soon. If so I'll be definitely heading to that one.
  11. Please let us know how you got on. Im sure you won't be leaving disappointed. As other mentioned on this thread hopefully the success of it might spur on the organisers to hold more regular events in UK
  12. Not to my knowledge. Im a regular gym goer (im also asthmatic as well) and also a heavy user of poppers as well and have no problems with them. However I have noticed temporary issues with my eyesight after heavy use of poppers which hasn't happened before. I read somewhere that can happen. So I have decided to ease off my use of them. I value my eyesight a lot. Also when I am being a top and using toppers do no favours maintaining a hard on.
  13. Yep I agree, I have decided not to go because of the costs of going. However I am keen on feedback on how the party went. Hopefully they might host one closer to us "northerners" As I explained earlier I'll be in Sydney in July 2014 for a year and there plenty of BB sex there. I have noticed they are planning to host monthly Cumunion parties there so I'll attend one of them instead when im visiting "down under"
  14. Yep im surpised about that. I only found out about it on here. Its unlikely I'll be going. The problem is the other costs incurring by going there e.g. one night hotel and return train tickets. Don't get me wrong I think it will be great night there. I'll probably end up with a overflowing cum filled arse after the party. Its a shame they didn't organise one closer to us northerners. The good news for me I got Sydney Australia to look forward to in July 2014.
  15. I love that. Im finding it difficult to justify the cost of travelling and staying in London for one night.
  16. Im still two minds in going down? Partly due to the cost of staying in London. Plus Im saving up for my year long working holiday to Australia. I'll wait and see if Josh goes. If it does then I might go. 3 Nov is still a while yet.
  17. Im tempted to go. However im saving up for my year long trip to Australia which will happen mid next year. If I do go I worked out it will cost me in total £120. For train fares and one night hotel booking plus the ticket for the party. Then again going on feedback of other cumunion parties I do expect to be well used lol so it comes down if I can justify spending that amount. Decisions decisions
  18. Anyone recommend a cheap place to stay? I'll be coming from Sheffield. Basically I would need somewhere to crash for the night
  19. Here is my biohazard on my lower back. Im thinking of getting some more done. Got any ideas what else I should go for? Someone mentioned a scorpio one.
  20. asianpozslut is my BBRT profile name
  21. I'll be in Blackpool on the 14th August for the day. Im looking for vers bb sex. However I do prefer being a bottom. Anyone interested in meeting me? Any idea which saunas is good for BB sex there?
  22. Thank you for the info. The problem is im only coming for a day trip. I'll be heading back to Sheffield later in the evening that day. That's why Im thinking of spending the day at the Baths. Possibily Pleasuredome as I heard lots about the dark room they got.
  23. Im sorry to hear you didn't have a good time. I always heard great things about London. However your experience proves that there no guarantee of any fun at all. Its the same at the baths I go to. Some days are great. I leave with 10 - 15 loads inside in other days none at all. Basically no two days are the same. I forgot to point out im planning to come to London for a day trip. I won't be able to afford to stay there. Unless someone on here is willing to put me up for the night.
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