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Everything posted by brazilianboy

  1. I may try Rogaine next month. The only reason I haven't tried it yet it's because I heard that during the first month of use, it's very common to lose even more hair before it starts growing. So I want to see If it gets better on its own before using anything. But thanks for the help!
  2. How long has it been?
  3. Thanks! Glad to know it grew back. I'm doing the same thing, keeping it really short. But even so, it's possible to notice that there's less hair in some areas of the scalp :/
  4. One month ago I found out I had syphilis and took the 3 weekly injections (2.4 MU penincillin per week). Hair loss was one of the first symptoms I had before the diagnosis. My last injection was 18 days ago and I'm much better now, all the other symtoms are gone, but I'm still losing hair and it's very patchy. Has any of you guys experienced that? And if so, how long did it take for the hair to grow back?
  5. Does anybody know if it's possible to prevent herpes by taking acyclovir? I know it works for those who are infected and take the medication to avoid an outbreak, but I'd like to know if it's possible to avoid transmission by taking acyclovir for some time right after having BB sex with somebody who may have it.
  6. Can you remember what cream was that? I used wartec before having the surgery. It worked, but when I quit using it, the warts came back even bigger. I don't know if the cream 'caused it, but I decided to quit.
  7. I should have done the same thing as you and treated it as soon as the warts started to appear. But my doctor told me that he had hiv+ patients that didn't need to go through the surgery after taking the medication. well... that was not my case at all. Thanks for the advices.
  8. In my case, small warts started to appear on the anus, but I ignored it. Then I had this situation where a guy fingered me during sex and told me that the warts could be caused by hpv, he had had a friend who went through the same situation. So I went to the doctor and it was confirmed that it was anal condyloma and asked me to have a HIV test. and that was how I found out I'm hiv+. Then I went to another doctor, a gastroenterologist surgeon, and he told me to wait for my medication for hiv to have some effect, 'cause the meds had effect on the hpv syntoms too. I waited for 2 months and the warts still were there, so I had the surgery. I advise that you talk to a doctor. As soon as you treat it, better. These warts can get big and it's really uncomfortable. I think that if I had insisted on having my surgery even before taking medication for hiv, it would have been less painful for me. Thanks for the attention!
  9. I posted I thread a couple of months ago about my situation with hpv. I had big warts on the anal area. So... I had a surgery about 2 months ago. The big warts are gone, there are some small ones in the lower rectum region, but I'm doing everyhing my doctor tells me to. I've been using a cream for the remaining warts, prescribed by him, but the skin region right next to the rectal opening still hurts sometimes when I go to bathroom, it's not completely healed. The thing is... the remaining warts and the pain makes me unconfortable about having sex. I'm just having sex after I'm completely healed, with no warts. I've been avoiding sex since I had my surgery, and I can't wait to be healed so that I can do what I enjoy, which is taking cocks. Is there anybody here who has been through the same situation as me? If so, how long did it take for you to go back to your sexual life and did the pain while in the bathroon remain this long after the surgery. I know I have to talk to my doctor, and I have been doing so, but I wanna hear what patients have to say. It all makes me really uncomfortable with everything and the doctor may not be the right person to tell me about sexual experiences after the surgery.
  10. Some months ago small warts appeard on my anus. Since then, they've grown bigger so I went to the doctor. He asked me some blood exams before figuring what to do and that was how I found out I was hiv+. After that, he told me that I woundn't need to have a surgery to remove the warts, because, with the medications for HIV being taken, the warts would disappear by themselves. He says that many patients had the same problem as me and after taking the medications there were no more warts. I started taking the medication about 2 weeks ago (Reyataz+Norvir and Biovir). Since I'm not so patient to wait for the medications to have some effect on the condyloma, I used the wartec cream. I've been using it since last week. The warts became smaller but they didn't disappear. Has anybody here had the same problem as me? If so, did the warts disappear with the medication for hiv?
  11. He may be conservative, but it got me worried 'cause I like BB sex better. I know it's not safe, but I like it. What he said concerns me because of the medication thing. I don't know if it's commom or he's being too conservative. That's why I'd like to know what long-time barebackers say. Thank you for helping. By the way, are u poz?
  12. I've already talked to the doctor and scheduled the exams I need. But I have a question that may be answered by those who have been HIV+ for longer. It's about BB sex between 2 poz. My doctor said it's really important to use protection even if both guys are HIV+ 'cause the virus in each body is in a different form, so if I have sexual contact if another poz partner, I may get a different "type" of the virus, which may be resistent to my medication. I know it's expected that a doctor says that sex must be safe always, but what he said about mutations of the virus that can get it resistent to the medication is new to me. I see some guys in porn that have BB sex with so many different guys, but they look so healthy. My question is: do you have BB sex with poz partners? If so, did you get any problems with medications because of that? Sorry for my english and thank u for the help!
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