Full story and explanation:
As some of you know, I've been taking a lot of loads (and iving them!) lately and after a particularly sketchy hookup (aren't those the best, though?) recently became HSV2 positive and, whereas for most people it's a rather innocuous virus, it took me down quite hard - I had fatigue, dizzyness, horrible, horrible headaches (I even called the doctor's pager in the middle of the night to talk to the doctor on call because of the headaches).
It took a visit to the STD clinic, a visit to a doctor on campus to get a culture done and three visits to the general practicioner about the other really scary symptoms (it was so bad she wanted to run a CT scan - but it turns out all this was just a really bad initial outbreak of herpes).
I don't have insurance, so it was about $25 for the herpes culture and about $480 for the doctors visits ($160 per visit). I thought maybe I could get charity care through the hospital she's affiliated with, but every time I send documentation for that, they tell me I'm missing something and have fifteen days to respond. They told me to go apply for Medi-caid, so I filled out the four page application for Medi-caid and took it into the county social services office only to be given a quarter inch thick packet of additional forms to be filled out. An hour and a half later, I victoriously handed them in, only to get a letter in the mail two weeks later requesting four additional documents including a certified birth certificate, which was another $20 to request and the request had to be notarized. So I submitted those additional documents, and they lost them, and after I re-sent them, they mysteriously found them a few hours before the deadline. And then there's been silence for a few weeks. And the hospital billers are not particularly thrilled with how long it is taking to get the MediCal denial.
And the medications for herpes are pretty expensive, but so far I've been able to borrow some pills from a friend - but I don't know how long that will last.
In the meantime my general practicioner continues to look down there and say things look much better (which is a relief), but I still seem to have pretty frequent itching in that area even though she can't see anything -- and it still hurts when I bottom - I had a really hot Top breeder who wanted to breed my hole last night and it hurt too much to even have him slide my cock in -- and I'd really love to get an actual proctologist to take a scope in and make sure everything down there is fine, but he wants $400 just to take a look at it.
To make matters even worse, I'm at the maximum amount for student loans, and my school isn't letting me borrow any more money without a cosigner - so I can't just do what i've done in the past and borrow money to cover this stuff.
To make a long story short, if anyone was feeling generous and wanted to help out with this situation financially, I could use a bit of help here. I can't really promise much in return - to continue taking loads in my hole, to continue to give loads, and to continue to work to build community in its myraid forms and diversities for all my fetishes, especially barebacking. And maybe a hand-written thank you note, and to exchange some semen with you if you ever make it to the Bay Area or if you happen to be on my conference itinerary for this year - Chicago, Santa Cruz, DC, and possibly Philadelphia (I'm a graduate student and had a lucky break and got $3000 this year for conference travel, but it can't be used for any other purposes -- although I definitely hope to swap a few loads on those trips!) ;-) And definitely can promise some updates on my situation, and to summarize lessons learned and give advice for anyone grappling with a similar situation.