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Everything posted by scrumrob

  1. A rental car might be your best option. The rates are generally not too bad for a day or two rental. Best bets are Zipcar.com and Enterprise. I know that Enterprise will pick up you. Not sure about Zipcar.com. I no longer know Atlanta's pig scene. I have traveled out of state for work for several years, which has left me little time to play in Atlanta. I can probably give you more info on Chicago, Seattle, Vancouver, Ft. Lauderdale, Dallas, and Houston since that is where I have done most of my snuffling about the last few years. The sex clubs I use to enjoy are gone, now, and the outdoor cruising has moved in response to increased police surveillance. There are a few widely scattered adult bookstores. Most of them are part of a chain called Inserection. There is one on West Peachtree St. just north of 10th Street. There use to be a dingy adult theatre in Avondale Estates on the East Side just off Memorial Drive, but it is pretty bad. I haven't been in several years, so it might be gone. I just remember that when it rained, water poured through the roof into one of the two screening rooms. Sort of sad, because I had some fine anonymous play there in years past. Sorry I can't be more help.
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