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Status Updates posted by PozBearz

  1. I care so much for this woman I don't even know her.

    POZPOPPERPIG - contact me and we will all be working soon.

  2. I could really use some help.

    I NEED POZZED in Pollock Pines

    Have sling, playroom and a special gift for my POZ DADDY

  3. Need to find a REAL DADDY who can give the right orders when needed.

    I recommend "West & his companion....I don't know

  4. POZPOPPERPIG: I want you to slam your blood in me! There it has taken me over 2 years to get the nerve to even ask the guy I been following on here.

    I also will be slamming some T today so I have the energy to attend a "Conversion Party" later tonight.

    So PozPopperPig, would you do me the honor of watching me slam tonight on whatever service I can join for free or have. I want your input and advice so as if and when you reward me with YOUR slam I can treat it like the gold that it is. Give me a call when your free and able.

    AND if you like me enough, would you even conceder POZZING me with your GIFT?

  5. I am in need of your help! As many of you may know – I run a ministry with the sole purpose of helping to properly educate both gay and straight, Roman Catholic’s and the community concerning what exactly the Roman Catholic Church teaches concerning homosexuality and homosexual persons. Homosexuality or a same sex attraction is NOT a sin, it is NOT a choice as God created people to be homosexual and heterosexual for His own reasons. People who are gay are to be “accepted with respect, com...

    1. barehole4use


      what help do you need ?

    2. TattPig


      Oh, good god. Spare us.

    3. Barehorny


      Looks like a sweet try to scam, spoof or spam some honest sensitive guys! Saying you need help but not writing what help??? I bet it won't take long for you to ask money. I could have take a link to a project with info but this! Sorry if not but you would have said the same if having my experience on the web & its many hatebable tricky liars. Reason why I won't approve people my place unless they have a presentation text written on their profile. We can never be 100% sure...

  6. I would love to be tied in a sling, smoking a cigar and then offer up my ass for your enjoyment.

  7. ok, got the server in order and it should clear up on it's own.

  8. would like to ask you to poz me and make me worasship you and call you my SIRE awhile my partner records my b4eading by you.

    1. arseboy


      Can anyone join in? *oink*

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