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Everything posted by beginnerslut

  1. Went back tonight. Sucked off three more guys. This is going to be addicting
  2. Tonight I went cruising for the first time. It is something I have thought about for a while and something that turns me on a lot. I live very close to a prime spot, so tonight, armed with an odd spike in confidence, I walked to the park and I sucked off two guys. I could have sucked off a dozen or more - I have never felt so lusted after in my life. (The perks of being a slim guy in his mid-twentys.) But after two, the shame set in. Honestly I still feel a bit like I did back in my religious days when I would look at gay porn - now I have a secret and if people know I would loose a lot of respect. And, I have done something that is a bit more on the risky side, which is not typical for me. (I may love bareback porn and talking about it, but I have decided that I would like to do my best and remain STD free.) I really enjoyed the experience though. So much that I would like to do it again. So much that even after I said I was done, I chatted it up briefly with another guy, although he turned out to not be very cute so nothing happened. So if I am going to do this, how can I do it safely? And what is the etiquette around sex in this context? Obviously the basic answers would involve- 1) Check the cock for sores or anything, 2) use a condom if fucking, 3) ask if they have anything? But in the thick of the trees and bushes it gets dark, and you can't easily see the cock so something small might to unnoticed, do you just pull out a condom for them to use if you decide to fuck, and it seems weird to ask them anything since no one is talking. So how does one go about these things? What is acceptable and what is considered rude? I have some other questions as well, these ones more general, such as what if I am not interested in continuing? Tonight I just said, "I think I'm done and walked away" to one guy because his dick was fucking huge and my mouth got tired... I guess I need more practice. As for the guy I didn't end up fooling around with, I said to him, "Well I think I'm going to head home," after we started talking. It was true, but what if in the future I just see a guy up close and don't want anything? What do you do or say? Also, while I was sucking on one guy, there were other guys watching. I thought it would be hot to have another join in, but how do I initiate that? I must say though, I had a lot of fun tonight and experienced something I have been wanting to try for quite a while. I will be excited to go out again!
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