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Posts posted by NCPOZTOP

  1. I don't care about a bottoms dick size, but I can definitely see how being small can work out better for them.

    I once dated a bottom with a really large dick, and it seemed like every time he hooked up with a so called top, they were begging him to fuck them.

    He told me that tops seemed to be intimidated because his cock was so much bigger than theirs, and versatile guys never seemed to care about his ass once they saw his dick.

    Personally, I'm happy whether its 2 inches or 10 inches, as long as he has one LOL

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  2. If I had to choose between being NEG and POZ, I'd choose to be NEG, but I wouldn't change anything that I've done to make that choice. I guess I just wish that I had been luckier.

    Actually, if I had it to do all over again, I'd have played it LESS safe. I used to be so picky about who I fucked because I was afraid of HIV. I wouldn't fuck guys that were too thin, or too old, or too eager because the old myths as I was growing up was that that's how you got it. From 16-21, I only fucked 4 guys, and I could have fucked a lot more, but I was too scared. I never used condoms, but I thought I was protecting myself by being selective.

    After that I started fucking around a lot more after hearing constantly that bare tops have about the same risk as safe bottoms, and I must have fucked 100 guys between 2001-2006 and didn't convert until sometime in 2007 or 2008 when I was in a relationship and considerably less active.

    IF I was a bottom, I'm not sure what I would've done. As a top, I can't get hard with a rubber, so they've never been an option.

  3. As a top I really don't care if a bottom sucks my dick clean. Sometimes i'd prefer him not to if I'm in a hurry, and he's eager to get me off again.

    As far as sucking a hole that I just fucked, it really depends on the guy. With some guys, I cant wait to shoot my load in their holes so I can suck it back out...and with others, I wouldn't even consider it.

  4. I would love a site with user reviews, thought people should be able to delete any review that is left for them. But It would give you an idea of what youre getting, at the same time letting a user delete those that didnt have a good time.

    for instance, a guy has been on a site for 2 years, and has no feedback...he's either not doing anything, or is deleting his feedback.

    At the same time, a 300 pound guy might find a twink that has fucked other 300 lb guys and enjoyed it. . On other sites you get the option to SAY what you are into, but not really specifically.

    It would be fun to befriend someone on a site, and verify what you have done together!

  5. I always wanted to suck my dads uncut dick, but I was too scared to try.

    I have a gay uncle that I would love to fuck, but I don't think he'd be into it, so I haven't ever tried.

    I fucked my ex's brother, and found out that they used to fuck each other, unfortunately I never had both of them at the same time.

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  6. Maybe he didn't know he had anything? Maybe his hateful response was in reply to a hateful "It had to have been you, Why didn't you tell me?" message in the first place.

    Instead, maybe you could have sent a message explaining to him that he's the only one you've been with recently, and suggesting that he get tested if he wasn't aware.

    It may not have even been him that infected you. Symptoms can lie dormant for a long time, some people have lots of STI's with no symptoms at all.

    So maybe he was harsh in response because he felt accused. It really wasn't his responsibility to care. You took his word for it, you took the risk.

  7. OUCH!

    I saw this about a year ago for the first time.

    The website that originally posted it had a Q&A with the guy. He had apparently been putting jars up his ass for a long time. Starting small, and going bigger.

    From what I remember, he said that it hurt like hell, but he didn't scream because his wife and kids were in the next room!

    Try explaining THAT to the wife LMAO!

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