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Everything posted by Toxicwanted

  1. In need of some aidsbreeding, when i have it snuff me!

  2. I want a meds resistent load up my ass, who can give this?

  3. Just breed me and give me real aids cum, i would love to recieve your deathfuck

  4. First fill me with aids cum and then snuff me

  5. In 1,5months i get finaly to USA on holiday for hunting aidsloads.... You are welcome to breed me :-)

  6. In 1,5months i get finaly to USA on holiday for hunting aidsloads.... You are welcome to breed me :-)

  7. Fuck me up with aids and then snuff me

    1. gingerbbsubfaggot


      hell yes!! thats so fucking hot

  8. Give me your aids, and after you can snuff me!

  9. Craving for real aidsloads

  10. Is it normal i'm more and more craving to get aids.... While i write this my cock is getting hard

  11. Kill me with your aids gun

  12. Fuck me up with aids and then snuff

    1. Jackfoster


      Wickr me man, toxicjack

  13. Give me your aidsload, i take it like a good faggot

  14. Can anybody tell me where i should be in fort lauderdale for getting fuckt, not needed to see great body's but i do need to feel big big cocks don't mind to tzke poz and toxic loads.... But i try to find a good hotel nearby to get fuckt

  15. Snuff

    1. MackyJay


      that stuff will make you sneeze

    2. Toxicwanted


      If you know what i mean that would this not be a sneeze :-)

  16. Unbelieveble how many guys want to get pozt, but are they really or is just hot to say on the internet... Some off us mean it like me :-), i'm poz but love taking real toxic cum

    1. MackyJay


      If I could find a poz guy with HVL I WILL take it.

    2. MackyJay


      If I could find a poz guy with HVL I WILL take it.

    3. MackyJay


      damn puter likes to double up at times

  17. Took yesterday a real big cock, the biggest i have seen in real life...and all in without condom, was feeling great hope he was poz

    1. Toxicwanted


      I hope he is toxic too :-)

  18. I need to get fuckt up, need a real aidsload so i can go faster to full blown

  19. Time to begin the end, and go full blown aids whore, i'm visiting DC, LA, Palm Springs, Las Vegas and miami in september

  20. Someone willing to travel from europe to USA?

  21. Need to get real toxic/aids loads up my ass, bring me to the next level

  22. Who can help to get me to the next level and breed me with aids and high viral loads?



      Where are you located

  23. The beginning of the end, i look for high viral loads or real aidsloads to breed me, get in contact, who's up for this?

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