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Everything posted by lkn4top855

  1. More please!!
  2. More please!!!!
  3. this story is HOT please more soon!!
  4. how is part 3 coming?? i cant wait! anytime soon?
  5. Sorry that my post came off so angry.... I loved this story and was just frustrated in having to wait... I wish I your talent for writing such great stuff and I hope we get more from you!
  6. WHY WHY WHY do these stories have to come in pieces months apart??? If you cant finish the stories in one posting....THEN WAIT AND POST IT ALL AT ONCE!! I dont know about anyone else but it pisses me off to no end to have to wait four or five months for the rest of the story!! This is a great post.... but it gets to the good part then stops!! WTF!!!!
  7. I hope its soon!!
  8. please hurry....this is the hottest story on here...
  9. oh cum on.... please post chapter 3
  10. damn that was hot..... how can l find these cam sites?? I would love to watch this kinda thing!
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