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Everything posted by 2rawguys

  1. We live in PS also and I have family in Ft Lauderdale. It is a city and fun depends on what you like. Palm Springs is part of the first gay resort towns and only palces gay men can go to on vacation and be themselves. along with P town, Key West, Sagatuck, Rehoboth to name a few. Its small resort laid back, lots of artist, musicians, actors etc.bars are more for socializing and meeting new friends from different parts of the world There is a time a year that is "season" when sometimes the tourist out number the locals 2 to 1. Where as Ft Laurderdale is a city like any other San Francisco, San Diego, LA, Boston, DC, Chicago, Etc. The scene is pretty muc the same as the other gay freindly cities besides alot more tourists all times of the year tey do not realy have a season. Palm Springs is so different geography wise obviusly its a desert tucked away in a valley with mountains all around and pools lots of pools. Ft Lauderdale is Tropical beaches and ocean and pools. but besides the sun and they are both are hot. One has what they say is dry heat and when it is windy which can be often think of it as a convection oven. Where the other is a wet damp heat like a steam room. With all that said I love Palm Springs nothing like a hot dry night of raw sex outside by the pool.
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