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Everything posted by Randomentry

  1. ...It seems to be working now, after I reset my password then reset it back to what it was because I like my own, the forums work but not the member search by location. WTF? And the meber movies have not been updated. Soon it will be a year since I uploaded my last one and it got screwed up and the others overlooked or lost or something. (I still have them of course uploaded to rapidshare and archived, not posted anywhere though, yet.) Also did not get a birthday greeting mail, which I don't care about anyway except that it means the site is not working like it should or even as it has been working I fear for it's health and survival. - I wish it would get well soon. I find Adam4Adam too primitive and limited, and Manhunt just a pain in the brain to use, even though I do get dick on it when I try and even when I don't, it's just too tweaky. BBRT is a clone of Manhunt's crap format so as such still more than a bit of a pain, I LOVED BarebackCity so much - extended profiles, user interaction, forums, non-buggy code (generally,) and profiles and information that was easy to save. Also you could post your real E-Mail and website address(es) - like you can't on Mancunt etc WTF is that about? If the goal is facilitating guys connect, let us the fuck connect!? Something about BNSkin - the group of guys, the forums, and the initial concept is really great, I think. Regardless of the shitty old code and lack of maintenance. I would love to find other sites similarly good, also video sites other than xtube to upload a video or two... - any suggestions anybody??
  2. This thread was the first Google result for "bnskin.com site trouble" Damn. Thanks for the thread, and the blog I never saw before. The forum is one of the best things about BNSkin, though rather primitive in style. I LOVE that site - and have met more real good and fun guys from there than any cyber where. I found it after wandering as a refugee from the fall of my beloved Barebackcity. BNSkin seems to have the same problems it did two weeks ago, not recognizing username / password. I just waited, it seemed OK, but no forums nor member search via location, which was too bad as I was traveling. I do not want to complain or make a stink (besides why?) because I don't want to upset anyone or re-state the (bleeding) obvious. It makes me feel a tad prematurely sad and insecure that there have been problems of neglect there for some time. I uploaded movies almost a year ago that never got posted and one that got posted wrong. One E-Mail every two months since, my compromise of doing something and not nagging. Oh Well. I am imagining it will get repaired in a week or so, and perhaps anyone with knowledge might post here I will check back THANKS guys ~ And I will upload a member pic when I can dig one up and check out the rest of the site. I believe Rawtop's profile has gotten my dick hard a lot from BNSkin, though from afar as I am in Washington DC for now - James~
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