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pisces bearcub

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Posts posted by pisces bearcub

  1. I generally apply Boy Butter, wait a few, then apply some Vaseline afterwards.  It helps get through the initial insertion, which is where I have the worst problems with the pain.  The Vaseline helps keep the Butter from affecting the top's cock.  The numbing effects wear off fairly quick, so you don't lose the sensations you get from the fuck.


    I've just found that using just saliva causes some bleeding for me.  Of course, not having lube hasn't stopped me from taking cocks, and never will.  Just makes it harder to take more than one in a session.

  2. I have found that using Boy Butter works great for me. I will apply it a bit ahead of time, in anticipation of a good fuck. It cuts the initial pain some, and doesn't affect the top's cock. Helped me take a super thick cock last week. (Covered, unfortunately)

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  3. Any topical analgesic will work for numbing the tissues. Lubricants with benzocaine or lidocaine will both work great. In a pinch, you could even use toothache medications like Orajel, as they contain the same active ingredients. Apply the stuff a little bit ahead of time, and allow it to work itself into the tissues. Use as little as possible, and use plenty of other lubricant as well, otherwise, disastrous results may occur to the top! (It is hard to fuck if you can't stay hard.)

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