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Posts posted by totalasspig

  1. From having many STD's in my hole it's probably Chlamydia. Go to your local Health department, BE HONEST and tell them everything. Believe me, even the Straight nurses have heard it all and yes they have seen plenty of asses and assholes, so don't worry about it.

    Worse that can happen is that you will have to get one of those lovely penicillin shots that burns like hell in your ass, or take some pills. Share with us your experience as it will encourage others not to be afraid when something crawls up our cock or asshole.

  2. I've been to a few of these kind of parties in dark, unused warehouses where they clean up an area just for the purpose of having a one night party to abuse a few guys. The last kind of party for me like this was in a Motel in Chicago were twenty black guys were present. The main party host toothbrushed my hole, and everyone began to fuck - In nine hours, I have taken 58 loads and left with blood and cum flowing out of my asshole :-) What a night...that also boosted my VL a few months later from 200,000 to 800,000 and lowered by CD4 to 100. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

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  3. RawTop,

    FFA/CAC is a fisting party that is held on ODD weekends (not even) in Washington DC.

    Trust me If i do attend, I will be breeding as well...Bred hole #82 last night - Yes 82 guys this year :-) and Thousands of loads in my hole this year along with fisting/getting fisted - Truly Vers Pig here and Proud of it :-) "Who says big obese guys don't have fun"

  4. Top starts out slapping my face, proceeds to gunt punches, breath control, flogging on my back, beating my ass until it's bleeding, tooth brushing my asshole, fucking his loads in, fisting my hole, taking a nice long piss afterwards in my hole, restraining me, giving me injections in my ass cheek that hurt and finally expelling the loads of cum, blood, crisco and piss from my hole, getting my ass beaten again for it, then pouring alcohol all over my beaten ass and back and being forced to clean it up and when I don't, good swift kicks to my ass.

  5. Always took my loads raw - Condoms were for guys to prevent them from getting a girlfriend pregnant.

    At 10, I took my first cock from a 15 y/o guy that robbed my Cherry that night. Kept on getting fucked by guys in age range of 12-17.

    At 12, I took my First Adult Cock with the help of Rush from The College Student Gym teacher who was 26 and nailed my ass in the Jr. High School locker room. Our relationship continued for a long time all the way through my college years, and I was even brought into the Club Baths when I was 13 years old and the Adonis as well - no one ever checked ID or cared back in the 70's or 80's. Took Thousands of loads in my hole and didn't turn poz until 2006. Still will not use gloves or condoms going in my ass, it's all raw the way it was intended to be.

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    • Piggy 1
  6. There are alot of people that are very shallow when it comes to Height and weight proportioned guys when they meet and fuck. Being a big guy myself, I've had my share of rejection for them to fuck the twink in the next room at the bathhouse...But I know one thing...Thousands of men have fucked my ass, and I get plenty of those wanting more. I always said it's not the body size, it's the connection.

  7. Current VL is 788,000 CD4 500, went off meds because it is effecting my ability to loose weight...Since I have been off meds, lost 40 pounds.

    Highly toxic cock and ass, only take it raw. Don't plan on starting on meds again unless necessary. STD''s really ramp up my VL as well.

  8. Lost my virginity at 10 from a 15 year old guy. At 12, the 26 Year old College Student Gym Teacher fucked my ass in the Middle School Locker room. I knew what I wanted. If my Dad found out, he would have torn up my ass with the razor strop, but that got done for other things I did anyway.

    The kid was 15 - old enough to know better, but apparently he did it for whatever reason. True that HIV meds will keep him alive for decades to come. The question is where were his parents? Did they police the time he was out of the house? Did they ever ask to look at his IPHONE? I know that If I did not call my parents and let them know my ass got beaten. Today if you beat your kids ass, they can call 911 on you - what the hell kind of shit is that?

    Parents can't police their kids like the parents I had - but they bitch and moan when the kid gets into trouble and the Judge says "Bad Parenting".

    Kids lie about their age. One kid showed what looked like an authentic New Jersey's drivers license that he was 18 and senior in high school. Nice place he had and his parents let him have people over - I found out later he was only 16.

    Between the ages of 12 and 17, I got into bathhouses, adult theaters, bars, you name it - all with an adult with me - I lied about my age as well. I had no choice but to deal with the consequences of my actions when it came to STD's. Unfortunately for the 15 year old in South Florida, the same will apply.

  9. Of all the years that I have been going to bathhouses or sex parties NOT ONE, and I repeat NOT ONE guy has asked me my status. I choose to lay face down on the bed with my ass lubed up, or in a sling with my ass lubed up as well and take ANY dick as long as they shot their load inside.

    I enjoy BAREBACK sex - nothing like it. I was NEG for years, then became POZ. No big deal, nothing to cry over. Come on people!!

  10. I've scored many times at the YMCA's and Gym's throughout the United States - In the open showers at the Y, behind a curtain at an Golds Gym in San Fran, Steamroom at a LA Fitness in Chicagoland, on the locker room bench at A Y in Newark NJ -- The fear of getting caught is a great enhancer, the guy gets his dick rock hard, fucks the hell out of me, blasts his load inside and we both leave satisfied :-) A STR8 guy walked in on me once when i was getting it up the ass in the open shower at a Y in NYC - he watched and his dick got hard, but when the other guy left and I want over to him he punched me in the stomach and said "Fag it" and walked out of the shower, still hard :-)

  11. Guys and Gals - Said it once, I'll say it again. YOU PLAY RAW - YOU PAY LATER. Rubio2001 if all you had to get were few shots in the ass, consider yourself lucky. I first got Syphilis when I was 13, so those shots in the ass are like badges of honor too me even to this very day. If getting shots of bicillin or Doxycycline in the ass takes care of it, bring on the needles!! I've had Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis - in stage one and two, HSV1 and HSV2 in my ass and guys knew it and continued to fuck it because they either wanted it or had someone else that they were going to fuck it inside an ass or vagina (Yea, STR8/BI guys have fucked my ass to get infected so they could screw the cunt they were going out with to get rid of it)

    During my last round of Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis (Stage two) , HSV1 and HSV2 in my ass I got fucked by many men at IML and some baths in NYC and Philly - if guys are in the mood to fuck and fuck, they don't care and know that "YOU PLAY RAW YOU PAY LATER".

    I do get tested now for HIV1 & 2, plus STD's every ninety days. I have had many bicillin shots in my ass, I even tried where I injected my ass with Bicillin before getting fucked by someone that had Syphilis, but since it in Tertiary stage it did nothing. The lower stages of Syphilis and Gonorrhea you can get away with a shot in the ass before sex.

    So guys and gals - Quit your bitching - YOU PLAY RAW YOU PAY LATER. Remember, you can test negative at the blood draw, but become infected later.

  12. If I am get lectured at my doctors office, I say "Really now?" (as he is sticking a penicillin injection into my ass)

    If I get lectured at the bathhouse, My dick goes limp and I throw the guy out.

    If I get lectured online, I say "Everyone will be poz one day, Condoms are know to fail".

    If the lecturing continues online, I say "Thank you now mind your own Fucking business and move on!"

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