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Posts posted by frank86

  1. Hi there guys,

    first off I hope my following posting is not so hard to read, as I am not a native english-language speaker/writer :concern:

    Well my problem is, I am often browsing certain pages and often get hit up by guys, we chat back and forth exchange pics and then they suggest to meet, I get horny and everything and agree... I prepare (bottom) and everything but for a while now, like the last few months - on the way to these guys I chicken out. I know its not cool... really I really wish I didnt behave like this. I have missed a lot of opportunities because of this, which I wish I hadnt.

    Its not like I dont want it but you see I have met some people who seemed nice and all but then turned out to be f**king crazy. One guy I met had laid his entire "playing area" out with some plastic foil and was all about tying me up and this, I got out of this by telling him I forgot something in the car.. but honestly I had a feeling this guy was going to slaughter me or something, pics he showed me must of been 10 years younger by the looks.

    Another guy I once met was nice until he stuck his cock in me and then this dude got rougher and rougher to the point that he was wrapping his arms around my neck and half choking me. It was arousing but not what I had asked him for or anything I had agreed to.

    I dont have a very big build, am only 1,60 m tall and not very heavy so I tend to lack the physical power to fight back if things get ugly. I have some equipment for self defence, but I cant go around to dates packing a gun can I?

    I cant host these guys because I live together with my boyfriend. I dont have so much money so that I can rent a hotel room for a few hours. I dont know how to lose my fear again of meeting strangers.

    All I want is to spend some time getting plowed by them and having a good time, but my head always messes with me.

    Hope somebody out there knows what im trying to say?

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