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Everything posted by ironix

  1. Even if I magically didn't have HIV, I somehow doubt I'd stop barebacking, so I suppose it would be inevitable in any case. Oh, and thanks. =D
  2. I must say that I am surprised that the state does not pay for HIV medication in the US. After all, it is in the public interest to keep viral load levels undetectable to reduce the chance of transmission. In British Columbia, Canada, HIV medication is free. In most other provinces it is also free or has a nominal dispensing fee.
  3. I have been HIV+ for 15 years now – I am 32. After my few initial viral load tests my doctor told me I probably wouldn't need to take any medication for 10 years or more. Here I am 15 years later and I still haven't started taking any medication. Apparently this has something to do with my genetics. I now only get my viral load done every year or so. However, more recently my doctor has suggested that I do start taking medication because of something to do with it incorporating itself into my DNA. I'm really not sure if I want to take his advice on this or not and there is practically zero information out there when it comes to people in similar situations. I was in a relationship when I tested positive; he was 11 years older than me and negative. Because he was willing to say with me I ended up staying in that relationship for nearly 10 years. I feared that if I left him I wouldn't find anyone else who'd want me. In fact, during those 10 years we never used condoms and he always remained negative (we have the same doctor). Apparently he's another anomaly. In the end he became a raving alcoholic and I was cheating on him left right and centre. It was a messy breakup. =p Apart from fearing that nobody would want me as damaged goods, being HIV+ hasn't really impacted my life as an actual medical condition – well, yet anyhow. It has, however, impacted my life as a social stigma. After nearly 6 years of being single I would like to find someone with whom to share my life and being HIV+ makes that more difficult than I would like. I have tried meeting other HIV+ guys, but I haven't really hit it off with any of them. I tend to like geeky/smart guys as I am a huge physics/computer geek myself, but these types of guys tend to be few and far between in the gay community, yet alone within the subset of gay guys who are HIV+. There is a ray of hope though! I recently met a super cute and smart guy who's finishing off his degree (8 years younger than me) and we've had a few successful dates. My status doesn't seem to bother him and we get along as though we've known each other for years. I really like him and hope this goes somewhere. I suppose I'll just have to get used to using condoms again. =D
  4. Hey there! I'm in Vancouver and just registered for this site. Are you still looking?
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