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Everything posted by JayHawk27

  1. anyone in the mood for sick, perv, twisted taboo chat should hit me up on skype at jayhawk2786. No limits

  2. I love the scene in "Mecos" where slutty bottom Aldo cam to the shoot pre-loaded and his ass was loose and cummy. Does anyone know of any other porn scenes like this?
  3. Chris entered the free HIV/STD clinic very annoyed. He had just been hired by a bareback gay porn company and, prior to shooting, the company insisted he get tested. Chris was 29, 6'2, a former bodybuilder who had softened out, and honestly, the softening had actually made him more attractive, as his body now had plumpness in all the right places, namely his ass. His Greek heritage was apparent by his deep tan that framed a dazzling smile. Chris was also a huge bareback slut, which is why he was trying his hand at porn, figuring that since he had let every guy who fucked him blow his sperm up his colon for free, he might as well try getting paid. He had been completely taken aback by the insistence of the company that he get tested because he honestly assumed status didn't matter. Even as he waited in line behind other sluts to check-in, a spermy load was being squished around in his hole from a random trick he met on Grindr. The gay boy working the desk made him sign in while raping him with his eyes. Chris, who was wearing short, tight jean shorts for a reason, didn't mind, in fact he liked the attention. He had also thrown on a skin-tight tank top and leather flip-flops on his beautiful, golden feet. After Chris signed in, he took a seat in the waiting room and waited for his number to be called. He gazed around the room at all the drunken one-night stands and condom 'breakage' cases around him and smiled to himself. His ears perked up as his named was called, then was directed to an examination room for the tests. The nurse came in and introduced himself as Jorge. Jorge looks to be around 40, about 5'11, with a bit of a belly and tanned skin, was no one's definition of attractive. He wore sperm-white scrubs and white crocs. Taking a seat, Jorge said "I will ask you questions of a very personal nature. Answering is optional and used for statistical purposes only." Without missing a beat, Chris replied "I'll answer all of your questions, I'm not shy." Jorge smiled, and began by asking "Are you gay, bi, or straight?" "100% strictly dickly" "Are you normally a top or a bottom?" "100% bottom bitch." Then the questions became a lot more exciting for Chris. "How often do you have bareback sex?" "All my sex is bareback." Jorge looked unfazed. "How often do you let guys cum in your ass?" "I don't allow any pullouts. What's the point having dick up my ass if the top doesn't blow his load in there?" "How many times in the last week have you let a guy cum up your hole?" "I stopped counting at 30." Nothing seemed to shock Jorge, nor did he give judgmental looks. "Look, can we skip to the test? I'm only here because the porn studio that just hired me wants the test done before I'm allowed to get creampied in any of their movies." I had to stop here to go to work. This is my first time writing a story and I will continue it shortly.
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