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Posts posted by 1stimebare

  1. Very impressive explanation of the facts.  Since you mentioned the oral version of prep was expecting a comment on the injectable version as well.  That's what I'm on.  I have been told by my doctor's office I was their first patient to ever go on it and so far as I know still the only one there who is using it.

  2. Saturday night in a sling.  Saw him but never asked his name.  The conversation was limited to me saying I should have taken my sandals off while he was trying to get my feet in the stirrups(if that's the right name) and his saying well you're in there now as he got my feet in at about that point and got down to business fucking me.  Remember him saying tight hole at some point too.  And he got me off as well which really doesn't happen all that often when I get fucked.

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  3. Was at a bear event this weekend at a gay campground.  Got fucked twice by the same really hot black guy once on Thursday night once around 1 a.m. Sunday.  Both times bareback, but no load either time.  He fucked a lot of guys there.  Had an audience both times.  Got the cock, but never actually got a load out of him, but not from lack of trying.  He also fucked the guy I was rooming with in the sauna.


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  4. Just get on prep.  I did.  It was a pain in the ass because the doc at the time promised and failed to deliver a referral(and an infectious disease practice that dealt with both prep and HIV patients would NOT see me without a referral, I asked.  Anyway finally got on it and per what the folks at the infectious disease clinic where I get the prep shots tells me, insurance is not paying for it the manufacturers assistance program is.  That was news to me.  But great.  Yes the cost is high if you have to pay, but you may not.  All it costs me is $94 every other month for an office visit to get the shot.  I can live with that.

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  5. Your doctor's will be able to see that you are on it.  I was questioned about it by my urologist during a visit awhile back.  He was looking at the computer while asking questions, asked if I was HIV positive when he saw all the tests, (done every two months before the apretude injections).  Told him no and he seem confused for just a split second then said oh, "so you're taking it as a preventative", and that was the end of the conversation.  No big deal.  I was under the impression my insurance was paying, but when I got my most recent shot earlier this month I asked at the infectious disease doctors about if the court ruling in the Texas case might cause a problem with insurance paying and they told me it was actually being paid for by the manufacturers assistance program, not insurance.  I knew we filled out paperwork for that but had been under the impression it was being paid by insurance.  At any rate all it costs me is a copay for an office visit to get the shot every other month.

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  6. Few years ago toured an old house/ mansion from about 1860.  Had a tower room in the middle of the house, third floor with windows all four sides, designed draw out hot air in the days before air conditioning( you see a few of those down here).  Was just the right size for a sling.  Remember thinking I would definitely put one up there if I could have afforded the house.  Talk about a room with a view.

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  7. When I first started having sex with guys I a avoided black guys.  Only wanted guys who looked a lot like me.  But once at a party in DC got sucked off by a cute black guy with guys watching.  Then a few years later at some sex parties played with a skinny hot black guy a few times.  Always bare but he never shot in me.  Than at another party at the same house had this very sexy black guy with dreadlocks play with me, but again did not get his load(his boyfriend was there and that was apparently not allowed).  Finally at the party after that I sucked an amazing BBC and asked him to fuck me.  He had already cum so told me maybe later.  Much later in the evening saw him again and he asked if I was still interested.  Immediately said let's go and headed for the garage where the slings were.  Halfway there I stopped and told him I wanted him to cum in me bareback.  Up to that time no one ever had.  That was my very first load.  It was late and only one other couple was still in the garage fucking.  They finished first and came over and watched him breed me and come in me.  Since then I have to admit to having a bit of a weakness for black guys.  Maybe as an earlier comment said the [banned word] nature is a turn on, maybe it's the contrasting skin colors.  No idea of why, and I am not exclusively looking for them.  But freely admit I find them very appealing and definitely want more especially when I am in a sling.


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  8. On 2/5/2023 at 3:25 AM, bareback-flipflop said:

    I don’t if any poppers discussion is here, but it would be surprising if not. 
    However, there are lots of brands and lots of types within a brand. According to my experiences there is a big difference between their strength. After using some, I have headache, another one can cause being dizzy. There are others that are very “clean “ and I feel only that amazing flow and freedom and not any side effects (in Hungary typically it’s the Fistfuck and Iron Fist). But poppers effects differently on different people. You have to try a medium strength one. And you have to have your own experiences. I felt also that one which was very good for me once was less effective next time. I ask the seller opinion every time. 
    And one last thing, be aware if poppers is legal where you want to buy. For example if you travel to Spain you have to bring your poppers with yourself because it’s very difficult to buy it there.  Basically it is sold as a leather cleaner. 


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