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Everything posted by pearylove

  1. So I've never messed with a guy other than literally touching another guys penis....and I'm sick of it >_> I'm a black english (raised in Britain) guy and I am drunk... I went to the green door earlier today and was all like "Oh I'm going to do this tonight" so I ride my bicycle because I'm drunk 1. and 2. don't like/ enjoy/partake driving in america cause it confuses me....and surprise surprise it was CLOSED.... then I rode back all sad and upset and with a twitching butt saying " aww" so I go to craigslist determined to ending it.... I get two emails and stand outside for two hours whilst still drinking ( its 4:00 am) now... one guy saying he'll do it and another one saying I'll give you a ride if you ride me... and he'd eat me out... two experiences I've never had so I was all about it... None of them replied further though. That or craigslist is full of shit... Anyhow I was wanting/wondering... if I go ride my bike the mile or so to the green door tomorrow if someone would completely do everything to me as hard as they wanted as nasty as they wanted...literally anything....just nothing involving murder or anything insane along those lines lol... but yeah AND if the answers yes ( I'll be literally the only english guy in this shit hole of a town ( no offense to people who enjoy it here) what time should I go to the green door in bethlehem township... I will be drunk... but I don't care, if you have friends that want to do it fine @_@ if you want to take me into your car, fine, if you want me to blow you while your driving when going to your place or somewhere discreet cause thats what your about oh my god I'd love to try that and fine. I've never been with a guy, I'm drunk, and I'm flustured after literally wasting 4 hours of my life. Q_Q sorry for the ran and I hope I didn't break any rules.
  2. oh well that all sounds rather dreary >_< guess I'll just go there drunk
  3. um... I live like 1-2 miles away walking distance from this place, (at the moment) I've never done anything with another guy before, but a part of me always wanted to get it out of the way, I'm 24 years old as of the end of december last year, and in the first week of february (even if its the second or third day) I'm going to build up enough courage to go to that place and check it out... I have a couple questions though >_< is there a bar inside ?@_@ going from having nothing in your butt to a penis sounds like a big jump that may require liquid aphrodisiac... I mean courage >_> any replies or information would have me very gratuitous... lol I would've went sooner but I was in the Navy >_> (no jokes) then I went to texas (no jokes again) and came here like 6 months ago to try and take a breath from my travels.
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