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Everything posted by Rookie69

  1. It sounds like the FCC rules will just change every time there is a new administration in the White House. Only way it becomes permanent is with legislation passed, which I think is highly unlikely. I think the main thing we will see is throttling of major companies like Netflix to try and squeeze money out of them, which supposedly already happening. I think most changes will be very subtle though, aimed to make major companies pay more to IPs. Any major changes that consumers will recognize, and I think there will be major backlash. I've always thought that the American public is politically very passive until you take their TV away. If we start seeing Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, etc disappearing from major IPs there is bound to be major backlash. I don't think the IPs are interested in censoring content from small websites. They just want to extort money out of major websites. Then again, anything is possible in the crazy Trump era.
  2. I've been to Steamworks 3 times. Every time I was there someone stealth booty bumped me with Tina. The first time someone also offered me a bottle of water that was spiked with something. Probably G. If you don't want to get taken advantage of beware of getting stealth booty bumped or slipped drugs some other way
  3. I'll be in PalmSprings on 2/11 Sat? I haven't parTied in some Time. Looking for a parTner in crime or the best place to go to find a good parTy. How is the parTy scene at CCBC?
  4. Are they detecting an infection? If they aren't detecting an infection it might be something called Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
  5. It may very well be that you have an infection, but there really is no evidence that chronic prostatitis is caused by a viral or bacteria infection. Some doctors are now even calling it chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) instead of chronic prostatitis, because they believe it is not caused by an infection. I had prostatitis/CPPS for about 1.5 years straight when I was in my 20's. Several doctors insisted that it was an infection even though I wasn't even sexually active at that time. I was on hard core antibiotics for about 6 months until I started getting serious side effects, and they did nothing to help. After a lot of research I found that there is a large number of men who suffer from this with no medical explanation. It turns out many people suffer these symptoms because of a muscle tension disorder that causes the pelvis muscles to tighten and spasm, which can cause all sorts of painful symptoms in the pelvic region including urethritis, swollen epididymis, testicular pain, among other symptoms. I read a book call A Headache In The Pelvis http://www.biblio.com/book/headache-pelvis-new-understanding-treatment-prostatitis/d/883297827?aid=frg&utm_source=google&utm_medium=product&utm_campaign=feed-details&gclid=CPXB0ebc784CFQYdaQod0AMDDQ Which shed a lot of light on the subject. many times CPPS is actually caused by stress and anxiety which can lead to pelvis spasms. The way I got it under control was through breathing exercises, stretching, and physical therapy. They also suggest something called prostate trigger release massage, but I didn't do that. It took me about 3 or four months to get it under control. Then I had flare ups for another couple years. Now I have no symptoms. Occasionally a little tightness which I can recognize now as early symptoms and get it under control quick. I'd suggest checking out that book I linked if your prescribed medications aren't helping. I haven't had problems for years, but was recently talking to an endocrinologist, and this topic came up. She suggested that it could have been hormonal too, because hormone changes in men can lead to similar symptoms. Good luck.
  6. You should be able to get all the loads you want at Steamworks in Berkeley. I don't think I've ever seen people even use condoms there actually. Lay face down in your room with the door open and someone will come in and slide their bare cock in
  7. I've been to Steamworks in Berkeley once. I'm pretty shy, and don't have a ton of experience with men. I cruised around the place once or twice, and then decided to go into one of the stalls. I saw a mouth waiting as I walked in, and my cock was instantly hard so i stuck it into the hole. I left the stall door open, and within minutes I had multiple guys in the stall with me. One kissing me from behind. One eating my ass. One rubbing my nipples. The more I moaned, the more attention and men it drew to the stall. I think this is the easiest way to get attention. Go into a stall or get a room, and leave the door open. It is an instant invitation for guys to come in. Otherwise if you walk around and see something you like just make eye contact, and turn your head as they walk by. Most times they will stop and something will start up.
  8. I went to the Berkeley Steamworks about a year ago, and it blew my mind. I want to go back, but am still nervous about going. I used protection while i was there, and came away without catching anything, but know if i went back i'd probably turn into a pig and bareback bottom multiple guys. I've been really fantasizing about trying T and going one night. I'm sure if you did some partying before you went it would ease your nerves about going all in. Good luck. Let me know how it turns out.
  9. what did you have in mind?
  10. how was the cumUnion party on Aug. 7th? would love to go to one, but am neg, and pretty nervous about getting carried away.
  11. a guy i met on A4A wants to poinT me for the first time in a private room at steamworks. do you think there is a possibility they will catch this and kick us out. I've never done T or BB so I'm a little nervous and excited, but don't want to get caught by the people at steamworks.
  12. i want to go to steamworks, but am pretty nervous about going. it would be nice to have a partner take me. might have to do some drugs too to melt away my inhibitions.
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