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Everything posted by deshlox

  1. yeah, id like to avoid harsh winters
  2. I can always visit there was a guy on xtube that would jerk off in his driveway in DFW.. always made me wanna visit
  3. California does appeal to me.. its not so different from where I live now
  4. So I have to opportunity to relocate to the US.. I can pretty much choose where I want to live.. outside the expensive cities like NY, SF, etc, what would be a good choice for an aspiring cum dump?
  5. eeep.. fixed: wottehfuk
  6. I've always wanted to rim and fetch a big rosebud
  7. lookin for hookups in cardiff next week, 25th to 28th march.. flat to myself so can accom bbrts: wottehfuk
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