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Everything posted by cumslutfordaddy

  1. Also I'm not throwing stones at bottoms who go to bathhouses I plan on being that bttm. I'm throwing stones at guys who get breed without caring about status and then two weeks later go on the hunt for unsuspecting negs.
  2. I'm talking specifically about men who bareback with other men and never get tested, and then play around with safe sex guys, and tell them that they too are also safe sex only guys and based on that premise get them poppered/horned up during sex and manage to convince them to take it raw since there so safe. To me thats just another forum of stealthing. Also I will apologize for using the word clean, in my post I used it in the context of casual jargon on hookup sites. I never say to someone if their clean, I always point blank just about STI/hiv status.
  3. If a HIV negative person goes to a bathhouse and is a no loads refused cumdump and then two weeks later goes on his safe sex only manhunt/squirt/grindr profile and meets up with a 20 year old and during that hookup manages to convince him that he's clean (as per his last test) and only plays safe (no guns and knifes mirite) and then manages to convince him to take his load up his boy cunt. Should that person be thrown I jail? I would argue he should be shot in the head. Now this site is obviously based on biased and stigmas, and my bathhouse example was an extreme but I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there who bareback willy nilly and don't bother getting tested so that when they find those cute twinks they are not legally responsible since they don't know if they have HIV.
  4. An anus is not a vagina. It can not naturally lubricate itself lol.
  5. I live in a hour away from the border. Every 3 months I'm just going to bus down to Seattle to pick it up and buy American groceries, stuff that I can't buy in Canada.
  6. I'm buying this. It's made from an Indian Company and it's the exact same thing. http://www.unitedpharmacies.com/Tenvir-EM-Tenofovir-Disoproxil-Fumarate-Emtricitabine.html
  7. I actually could care less about barebacking or even loads in my ass. But good bottom boys do as the top tells them to do.
  8. So ya considering how its being paid for population control I will cede my point. I still find it a double standard. Woman can use condoms just as much as gay men can.
  9. I know this may sound silly considering how new and expensive it is. But I was talking to a friend about this and I find it to be a huge double standard. My agrument is this. If the government is going to pay for a pill that allows women to be sluts without condoms it's only fair that they pay for the equivalent pill for men.
  10. So I can't buy it online since I don't have an american address .
  11. Oh that is interesting thank you. So according to that link I can buy a 60 day supply for about 150 dollars. Even though I don't need to get a prescription for this anymore I still want to go to my doctor to make sure my kidney and liver is working normal and also I should see him every 3 months to get checked out and see how the drug is reacting to my body. What information should I give him so he knows what tests to run? Just give him the CDC and FDA report for prep/truvada and tell him that I'm buying the generic version online?
  12. So I've made some calls and if I can get a doctor to write me a prescription for it, there is a pharmacy at my local hospital that can special order me 30 tablets for just about 900 dollars. I obviously can't afford that, and when I called my provincial government to see if I can get help paying for it, they told me truvada isn't in there system. Now theres a chance that I can get covered for it since I have extended healthcare from work (it isnt great but if it helps it helps) I just hope that its A) in there system and Will just assume I'm on it since I have HIV and not using it for preventative purposes. If that doesn't work I'm considering just getting a second part time job to pay for it. I really wanna go to a major metro steamworks while I'm still younger than 24. :/ Edit: Also since it cost me 900 dollars for 30 tablets, and your suppose to keep taking it everyday for 28 days after last highrisk exposure, I assume it's a smart idea to always have an extra 30 tablets on hand just to never run into the situation where you can't afford a new order, and the amount of pills you have is less than 28 days worth? Also when I do start taking it, how long does it take to be firmly in my body so to speak? A week?
  13. Actually I've already met 3 different guys and made 600 dollars. Not all tops play bare...
  14. I wouldn't say its a common problem, but I mean evil people do exist. I'm mostly taking these precautions because I'm extremely cynical and I know way to much about this kind of stuff to not do it.
  15. Hey guys so I'm in the process of maybe becoming an escort, I've posted ads on craigslist, squirt and rentb-y. Now obviously considering the nature of my trade and the amount of traffic, I'm going to be using a condom each and everytime (Though once I'm on prep I'm considering adding an extra BB charge if the top is interested) Anyway I need to know everything I need to know about things stealthers can do to compromise the condom What I know so far -Always bring my own condom -NEVER let the top touch it -Each and everytime the dick is going to go inside me, feel the head of the condom to make sure its still in tact -Also each time the dick accidently slips out, and is about to go back inside me, check again to make sure it's still in tact. Now two questions, what else should I know, and also I hear there is a way for skilled tops to remove the condom while he's fucking me. Is this true and is there a way for me to try and notice this? Also for those interested here is my escort ad. (edit: interested in seeing it, I don't expect any of you guys to have to pay for sex lol) rentb-y.com/ryanschiff
  16. When I'm having piggy daddy boy sex my dick doesn't matter. It's all about my ass (and I guess the tops dick). However after I have done enough poppers that I know I won't be able to get hard even if I try ill whip my dick out of my jock and start jerking it. And that point it's essentially a male clit. And my goodness stroking your dick while your all poppered up and giving your ass up feels so good :/
  17. Not all poz guys go on meds right away. "Poz on meds" =/= undectable. Some(a very small few) undectable guys like to skimp on the meds every once I'm a while to poz unsuspecting negs. Also why doesn't it bother you if a HIV+ man sets his BBRT status to negative. If he is undectable and he never skimps on his meds I have no problem if he tells dumb twinks that he's neg. (also assuming he has no reason to believe he has syllphallis or any other Disease that could cause his viral load to unexpected spike). But if a HIV+ who is not on meds tells someone he is either undectable or neg, I would like to assume that would bother you, and if you found that someone you knew was doing that you would report him to the police
  18. Yes a lot of it is fantasy. But some of it isn't. To say that there are not people on this forum who get off on oozing unsuspecting negs, is delusional. Anyone who thinks its ok to poz up unsuspecting negs, need to be shot in the head.
  19. Raw top I am aware that ALOT of it is fantasy. But I'm sure you wouldn't disagree that a lot of members on this forum think that's its ok to not tell their partners if their HIV+ or even going so far as saying their neg. In fact I've seen a lot of profiles here from poz Guys then when I go to their BBRT they have there status set to neg. Does that not bother you?
  20. Thanks for the replies guys. So as long as I take my pill everyday, I could spend 6 hours in a sling at a public pathhouse once a week, every week for a year, and not have to worry about HIV? (I understand the risk isn't zero%, but its still lower than lets say 1% right) What if the guy has a mutated virus (say neither of us know about it) and say that his virus is resistant to meds, would that put me at risk?
  21. First of all, someone told me you can't get Prep in canada, and I'm just wondering if anyone knows if thats bulllshit? As per this thread exactly how much does prep reduce the risk? Say that I take my prep pill every day and I never skimp on taking it. And then say that once a week every friday night I go to my local bathhouse and whore myself out. If I do that for a year, would I still be at highrisk for HIV? If I just want to go to a bathhouse and whore myself out would post-exposure prophylaxis be a better idea?
  22. No I have BB before but only with two different guys. And only because of the fact that given their job and their status in life, they have a LOT to lose if there were lying to me about their HIV status. I've been lurking on this site long enough to never trust someone to say "im neg" or "im undetectable" In fact if I ever do get HIV not only am I going to be able to prove that the person lied to me about their HIV status, but I will thusly seek legal action against that person.
  23. So a little about me. I'm 22, and I love being a little poppered up sub slut for dom daddies (I understand the hypocrisy from my last thread). I could care less about whether the tops wants to use a condom or not. As a bttm its not my place, the top is 100% in charge, I know my role. However I have no lust or desires for barebacking or for loads in my ass. If I trust the guy I'll BB with him, but only because I'm giving in to what he wants. I'm going to release just as many endophins whether he rubbers up or goes in me raw. And as far as loads are concerned to be perfectly honest I actually want all loads to go in my mouth, because that way, I /actually get to experience it/. Whether he comes inside me or he pulls out and cums on the carpet it feels the exact same to me(any bttm who says they can feel the top cumming inside them is BSing) So I dunno why I made this thread, I mostly just want to see if theres any other bttms out there like me. When I'm masturbating or thinking of my sexual desires, I never get off on the idea of bareback or on taking loads, its ALL merely on the idea of being a no questions asked sub bttm. Which is another thing I find weird. I consider myself a sociopath and I fucking hate people. Yet I have one voice telling me (my sexual voice) that I am to be a sub bttm for dom aggressive men to use me. And then I have another voice telling me that humans are fucking garbage and that I shouldn't care about their feelings. Yet sexually I'm a total sub. I dunno I just find that to be a weird conflict.
  24. I suppose I shouldn't have said methhead. I meant more around the lines of normal functioning members of society, the type that are normal health, sane, go to school or have a job etc etc. And I suppose I am being slightly hypocritical given my name. I'm 22 and your typical sub bttm daddy boy bitch. However in the past two years I've only had two different daddies I BB with, only because I've been lurking on this site long enough to never trust someone to say "im neg" or "relax, im undetectable".
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