The face of aides with Antonio Biaggi ---- --- If I didn't think he was now, with this article I for sure changed my mind.... He is bare backing hiv positive guys. Do safe bare backing, know who you are with, it is illegal for the person not to disclose their hiv status. Visit your local hospital and those who suffer from the active form of Aids, it might change your mind, knowing what can come from this life altering disease as it progresses. The porn stars may look healthy and fit now thanks too the modern advancement of medications and use of steroids etc but those medications are just as bad as the disease on your liver and other body organs. Do not be ashamed of it, live and be strong but don't ever encourage random unprotected sex even if you are hiv positive as you are more prone to spreading it and becoming infected with something else. Hiv causes your immune system not to function properly and you are more prone too all kinds of infection, its not HIV that kills you FYI its other common things like that flu that your body can no longer fight off. A 40 year old man who is hiv positive and who perhaps contracts a major flu strain has the same chance as an 80 year old healthy individual of becoming terminally ill and life threatening. Be come informed people! I know sex education was not something well taught back in the day but become informed, visit your local hospital, safe aid houses (hospices). Think before you act. When your horny, its hard. Hell Antonio is one beautiful man and one amazing cock.
So anyway if anyone has slept with him and he did not disclose his status and you became infected contact your local law enforcement agency, so it doesn't happen unknowingly too someone else. I would imagine he discloses that information before he meets with his clients - if he is or isn't... Donky dick Antonio Biaggi Face of Hiv -- would he really promote being in a video with the face of hiv if he was not? That is a really high risk too take.