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Posts posted by jcklvrga

  1. 21 hours ago, 50latinos said:

    The pozzing fetish doesn't do anything for me, other than scare me of course. I don't commit to anything for life let alone a potentially mortal virus. No, thank you.

    May I ask then if the poz chasing fetish does nothing for you, then why are you even on this breedingzone site?

    I was always under the impression that the breedingzone was a niche website simply for those into this fetish?


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  2. overall really surprised by what I perceive as a rather judgemental tone to this thread and in breeding.zone of all places.

    we're all going to die eventually. from something..let individuals make their own choices. And as for prep, does no one question the side affects of daily prep for years on end? 

    Do we as a society make straight people that eat too much take a daily pill to possibly stop diabetes from developing..do we make people that drink too much take a daily pill to stop them from becoming alcoholics..but oh yeah many are advocating that all gay hiv neg men should take daily prep so they won't get hiv. I am really surprised by some of the puritanical type comments applied by gay men to other gay men.

    So hiv chasing is a fetish for some, so what..are we now supposed to rank and judge which fetishes are ok and which are not..what about being into bdsm..couldn't you accidentally die if a rope gets too tight in the wrong place..let's just love each other and stop being so judgmental.


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  3. Try to find a doctor that you are comfortable with, preferably a gay doctor or practice which has a lot of gay patients. Because you will get std's. No need for shame on your part and totally unacceptable for docs or nurses to give you any shame. It is just normal when you bb. You also may pick up some bugs from time to time that give you other things such as diarrhea, while not technically stds, as a bottom when you get fucked can't control who else's ass that cock was in previously lol.  All that said don't worry and don't feel ashamed. Good bb sex is more than worth it...own your sluttiness...be proud!

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  4. 10 minutes ago, rawsatyr said:

    At a sex=party I typically join the smirking DISBELIEF crowd when an old-school, nervous 'safe sex' player mumbles something about 'oh fun, let me find a condom'. That shit won't get me. I want me sex RAW, bb, BAREBACK, skin-on-skin as in DEVOUTLY UNSAFE and anxious to accept or share random DNA. Won't know his name, his 'status' or possibly what he 'looked like' in a police line-up... but if I see or hear anything about CONDOMS I hop up and out like it's KRYPTONITE!

    OOPS look at the time! I politely decline!

    I 1000% agree with you 

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  5. Are there others here like me? As a sub bottom on the one hand I don't like to turn down an interested top. But, when a top insists on condom use honestly I lose all interest in sex with them and turn them down. Do you let tops that require condoms fuck you? And the whole time someone with a condom is fucking me I cannot stop thinking the condom will come off and get stuck up my ass...have had that happen where I have to pull a condom out of my ass..hate that.

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  6. just got dignosed for syphilis today, test came back positive during annual check up and dr did a second test because it was at a very low level. 2nd test just came back positive today, so i have to get one shot of antibiotic.  think i picked it up at cumunion in feb in atlanta.   im actually kind of turned on by this, is that strange?

  7. I have been on PREP in the past and in fact I have a bottle and half in my medicine cabinet that I cannot seem to make myself use. But when I was on PREP I felt depressed and did not want sex at all. But when I stop PREP, the lust returns. I like the risk of raw unprotected BB fucking with the very real possibility of getting POZ. I think PREP takes all the fun away. Is there any other guys that feel like me, or am I truly insane?

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