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Posts posted by jcklvrga

  1. Been on PrEP for almost months. Side affects have not been bad at all. It makes me dizzy briefly on occasion and causes some fatigue, that I do not remember from before being on PrEP.  


    But for me psychologically has greatly REDUCED my sex drive, does this mean I am a bug chaser at heart? I miss some of the risk that is gone now - am I insane?

  2. i'd skip the herbals and go straight to the stuff that really works better, viagra, cialis, or levitra. for me i keep it up better with anon, than with someone i know. I have always been a bottom, but lately have started topping.... I totally relate to what you are saying, have experienced some of the same. For me viagra works the best.

  3. Let's just put HIV aside for a moment, there's a whole bunch of other stuff you can catch. I have been bottoming with condoms for years, then condoms some and bb some for past 5 years, still neg... BUT... just started topping very recently and almost first time out of the "topping" gate I pick up a case of gono and chlamydia in my dick... it sucks, not in a good way, one round of antibiotics and the gono came back on me, just starting a second round of different antibiotics... I am seriously thinking of going back to condoms all the time.

    And last summer I picked up a case of bactierial and parasitic diarrhea just from sucking cock that probably had some shit on it. The diarrhea went on solid for a week and ended up in the hospital... took me 4 months to get fully back to normal.

  4. My former Master and another dom top friend taught me to exercise my ass muscles when getting fucked. My dom friend gave me drills to do during the day at work. Tops really seem to get off on that use of the ass muscles by the bottom.

    I just recently started topping ... always been a bottom and so far to my disappointment the bottoms i have fucked seem to do nothing with their ass muscles at all. .. but i was trained to milk and massage my tops cock with my ass muscles. Maybe its time i find a bottom and train him up properly. Bottoms have a job to do for their tops . Using the bottom's ass muscles is part of his job to please his top .

  5. I think it makes sense to evaluate your own risk avoidance/acceptance levels, and I respect others desires to live with different levels of risk.

    I still don't think PrEP makes sense for all of us right now. And, I think there are still some valid medical concerns out there, the use of Truvada for PrEP, and used "incorrectly" by large numbers, can possibly lead to some development of resistant strains.

    We all experience all types of risks every day, and part of being alive is living with and yes, sometimes enjoying some selected risks.

  6. I think this has been discussed some lately but i am wondering is anyone else finding online hooking up never works out?

    Typically there is always some reason that i never get to actually meeting up for real. In my case my schedule is constricting.

    I am thinking fuck the online hookups, and when i have time i'm just gonna get my ass spiffed up and head out to the local bath or video booth place.

    Anyone else feeling this way and any suggestions where and how to do real in the flesh hookups?

  7. thanks guys for the info. i went to my doctor a little while after my first message. He gave me procto foam, and I have had that before. It works, took about 3 to 4 weeks and it went down. Nothing like some good presciption drugs usually always work better than over the counter in my experience. And yes I too have found that keeping the area clean as possible does help. I also have increased my fiber intake a lot. I have bottomed once since the roid went away and it was fine. And the cleanout was easier since I am eating/taking more fiber.

  8. I thought breedingzone was a website to share both fantasy and real life bare backing bug chasing? This thread and several other recent ones seem to be getting a bit preachy and parental. There are few places to go to get away from the heavy handed opinions of those who think they know what is right for everyone else to think in this world these days. Lets get more hot fucking chasing stories on this site and have some fun again.

  9. The store owner told me could be out to February to get supply all back up. But some of the stores around here are selling poppers..and if you look on the bottle it says nail polish remover... which is NOT the same thing as real nail polish remover that women use to actually take off nail polish, which of course is extremely harmful to inhale (though I did that few times as a horny teenager).

    • Haha 1
  10. I live in atlanta and have read several reviews / comments about this place. I am a white guy for reference here. I think its crazy that in this day that such a club exists, but it is a private club so I respect that from a legal point of view. Still I would personally stay the hell away from a place that does not welcome me.

    All that said Atlanta has several other places where black and white men and all colors mix naturally and easily .. like the local bath house flex. I personally have played with many hot sexy friendly black men there. In fact for some reason that I have never yet figured out i seem to attract black men easily ... not complaining , its a good thing.

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