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Status Replies posted by billy88666

  1. My latest studio film has a preview on Mansurfer this morning. Shot this for TIMJack last December. 

    <iframe src="[think before following links] https://www.mansurfer.com/free-video-260296/" border="0" frameborder="0" width="480" height="380" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" id="mansurfer" name="mansurfer"></iframe>

  2. Planning to deep fist a French pig tomorrow (Friday). He's asked to meet at the bathhouse. I was planning to go there anyway.

    What sort of other trouble should I get up to while I'm there? Open for suggestions because I'm celebrating a birthday! 

    1. billy88666


      Surprised there wasn't a long list of depraved urgings for you have your hole filled with unmedicated loads all night long. Whatever you did and whoever you did it with, I hope you had a fantastic day 🥂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. I won Hottest Leather Pig on Ravens Eden tonight!! EEK!

    This is sure to lead to some fetish work for me down the road. Thank you everyone who voted for me last autumn.

  4. I don't get it. Do I need to commit to spending a night at the bathhouse every week, taking loads and giving loads to strangers until I become a pozzed-up whore with a sex addiction? Will that get me any closer to a fulfilling sex life? Or will I come away disappointed and find nothing has changed? 

    Can I do something that's a LITTLE LESS desperate? I don't want to be THAT level of needy.

    1. billy88666


      If it is about simply fulfilling a need than you should make more use of the apps for hooking up. I'm sure there are plenty of guys in Seattle that share your tastes. I just Googled Seattle and there are quite a few bars that welcome a leather clientele. I'm sure they must run leather events and leather and kink usually go hand in hand 😉

      You're a good looking guy and I'm sure there must be a load of men on here that would be only too willing to befriend  you if you are wanting to attend an event for the first time. Maybe it's time to get out of that rut and take the plunge. Get online and do a bit of research to see if there's a local leather community that may appeal to you. Just found [think before following links] https://seattlemeninleather.org/ They have a membership of 300. It's about 299 more than where I live 🙂

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. I don't get it. Do I need to commit to spending a night at the bathhouse every week, taking loads and giving loads to strangers until I become a pozzed-up whore with a sex addiction? Will that get me any closer to a fulfilling sex life? Or will I come away disappointed and find nothing has changed? 

    Can I do something that's a LITTLE LESS desperate? I don't want to be THAT level of needy.

    1. billy88666


      I don't think that route is the way to a fulfilling sex life... it's just a means of scratching and itch. It's certainly a way to get a lot of action but it's really quantity over quality. I know you have spoken in the past about having lost your partner and I feel that it's intimacy that you're searching for. On line sites are really just for hook up sex with no commitment. I'm not saying the sex is purely mechanical but men are just looking for a release. I don't think there's anything wrong with that if all you want to do is sublimate your carnal cravings or feel another man's touch and the heat of his body for a couple of hours.

      In all honesty, most of us are here for the opportunity to meet up with men. It's not about intimacy... it's more about the opportunity to explore our kinks and fetishes. There will be men here  in relationships but their partners don't share their more extreme kinks and fetishes. They are prepared to let their partner explore their darker sides.

      Some guys are hell bent on chasing until they become positive, others for the thrill of the risk that they take with each anonymous load. It's no different to men who smoke or those who race motorcycles. It's about taking calculated risks and the excitement of spinning that wheel of chance.  Will they regret the outcome? That I can't answer.. but if it's purely a thrill that you're looking for, there's nothing more exciting than taking a load from a man who has the capacity to change your life forever. It's certainly an extreme bod mod.

      Is this the right path for you?... Only you can decide. No one here has the right to make that choice for you. It will be interesting to read what other guys think

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. I did something bold yesterday. First, a story:

    A decade ago, I linked up with a well-hung couple who unlocked my pig side. One of them, Jim, was the piggier of the two, and the one I spent the most time with. He got me into fisting and piss play. Sometime in 2012, he got pozzed and didn't tell anybody, not even his lover Don. On Don's birthday in 2013, Jim spread his bugs to Don. Jim died the following summer from unrelated sickness. I lost touch with Don for many years, and didn't know any of this except that Jim had died. It wasn't until shortly before my own lover died that Don and I reconnected. Last Thanksgiving, Don told me the whole story about Jim's sickness. Don has been living with HIV since 2013, and is undetectable, but still widowed. 

    Now you're up to speed. Yesterday, Don and I were talking, and I admitted that I am a bugchaser. He fully supports it. If that's what I want, he says I should go for it. I took it a step further: he wants to visit me when he feels safe flying. Wants to fuck again like we did in the old days. I asked him to take a meds holiday to share his/Jim's bug with me when we meet again. 😮 He says he'll have to think about it, but he'd be happy to do this. 

    Chances are high that it won't happen, and I gave him the option to say no. Don says he responds really well to medication, and doesn't know how long it takes to build enough toxicity to make it work. I speculated that a month would be sufficient.


    1. billy88666


      I would say a month should do it for his VL to climb but it's not a certainty. Your gifting should be from someone you love and it will be all the more special for your both if Don shares his former partner's kinks. You're experienced enough to know how to achieve a successful outcome and that it can take a lot of seedings before you convert. Fisting can cause small fissures and will help the virus to enter your bloodstream. If you want to be certain, you're well aware that a direct blood exchange will guarantee a result. It just depends on how comfortable your are with needles.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm currently talking to a poz breeder in Seattle. He wants me badly.

    I am in so much trouble. 😈

    Now I have a choice to make: the bug, or my porn career (which is finally beginning to go somewhere). 

    Decisions, decisions...

    1. billy88666


      Guess it then depends on what's more important to you for now. If you stand to make a decent living out of the porn, it would be stupid to chase ATM. I presume that if you do eventually convert and stay off meds for a year, you either intend to gift others or collect strains.

      For some, the sole purpose of chasing is to get it. There are a lot of guys who convert and they are satisfied at that, as if it was simply a box ticking exercise. They're not looking to gift and go straight to meds. Some want every bug they can get so they can share them with others. Some want med resistant strains and their aim is to go "full blown". There are guys that will go for the direct route with a simple blood exchange.  I don't question anyone's motive for chasing or their methods.

      I've chatted in the past with a guy in the Netherlands that makes a very good living out of escorting and selling his seed. He caters to guys who want to convert and are looking for for a handsome man who will provide them with what they are looking for. He did porn before he converted but the money merely supplemented his income as it wasn't enough to live on and he continued to work in the health service. His "personal services"  include gifting but he caters to guys with a wide range of kinks. He's heavily inked and a hardcore smoker into BDSM, leather and rubber. I found him fascinating to talk with. The last time we chatted he said he converted around 10 years ago and has never gone on meds. He does keep an eye on his own health and regularly check his viral load and CD4 levels. I was never gauche enough to ask how much he earned 🙂










    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm currently talking to a poz breeder in Seattle. He wants me badly.

    I am in so much trouble. 😈

    Now I have a choice to make: the bug, or my porn career (which is finally beginning to go somewhere). 

    Decisions, decisions...

    1. billy88666


      If you convert and start on meds I don't see what the issue is. You could still have a career in the industry if you're undetectable. I'm sure it full of performers that medicate without revealing their status.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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