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Posts posted by billy88666

  1. A very well written opening chapter. I really enjoy when a writer takes the time to "flesh out" a character in a story with extra little details. Barry's knowledge of wood and letting the chosen wood dictate the outcome of the finished item is just such an example. We all enjoy the "Money Shot" but sometimes the journey there is even more pleasurable. Losolent is a master at this and I've a feeling that I your story could turn into an amazing tale too.

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  2. So good to have you back bud! When I started reading the first paragraph, I was transported back in time to when I moved into a newly built house. Within a few weeks of moving in, a squad of travelers offered to tarmac my driveway. I hadn't much money and thought the price was very reasonable so I agreed to have it done the following day. They did a great job and at the end of the day a young guy came to collect the money. He looked very similar to Sampson and couldn't have been  much more than 20 himself. I grabbed my cheque book and as I wrote the cheque,  the guy leaned in so close to me that I could feel his breath against my face. He had a gorgeous quiff of dark brown hair which fell against my face. It was all I could do to refrain from kissing him. It took no more than 20 seconds to write the cheque but we made eye contact about 10 times. He lingered at the door for about another 10 minutes chatting and gave me a business card in case I need other jobs done. I didn't want to risk a smack in the mouth if I had misjudged the situation, but it did feel like the guy was interested in something more. His handsome eyes came to mind for many weeks afterwards. It's almost 28 years later and I'm surprised that the driveway has lasted pretty well in that time. I often wondered if the years were as kind to that handsome face.

    Thank you for such a lovely chapter a bringing back very fond memories. I truly hope that this is another one of your beautifully crafted tales that extends to many chapters. Will Sampson encounter Nick again or will become a ruthless gifter himself? Can't wait to find out.

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  3. I hate goodbyes... and saying goodbye to this wonderful tale was made easier by this final chapter. Poor old Simon... his sudden departure did come as a surprise but I guess not everyone in life can have a happy ending. We all new knew that he was a" Tart with a Heart" and it was plain for everyone to see how Conrad had found a place in his heart over the years. I guess all those stray threads have been tied and woven into the tapestry of the lives of those live and visit Hibiscus Drive, I can set the story aside for a while. This is one that I will revisit from time to time. It will be like looking through a photo album as each and every character was so beautifully written, they came to life so vividly in my mind.

    Thank you for your beautiful words losolent ❤️

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  4. When I read the first two paragraphs, I thought WTF.... What a sneaky twist ! A great way to introduce Carrington's parents. It was the perfect read at the end of another busy workday and a good diversion from a couple of domestic disasters. My heating packed up won't be repaired until the weekend and I also managed to flood my bathroom on Monday night that lead to water coming through the ceiling and causing a light in the kitchen to explode. I have a couple of portable heaters but this chapter was more than enough to leave me feeling warm and cosy 🙂


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  5. Well worth the wait. It sounds like Charlie is discovering real love for the first time. It makes me wonder if he really knew his true feelings all along and the relationship with Serena was one of convenience. I wonder if he ever harbored subconscious feelings for Joshua. Speaking of Joshua, looks like are we are starting to understand what was behind his controlling nature. Will we see him reformed?? Another beautifully crafted chapter.

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  6. After a really shitty work day, I needed something to lift my spirits. I read it twice. I loved all the little details, such as the difference in the smell of the pillows. That was like a flashback for me the first time I traveled to the US. You tend to go into sensory overload after a long haul flight and it little details like this that make this story so tangible to a reader.

    I thought it was going to go pear shaped at Carrington's front door. I'm so glad it didn't. Charlie must be anxious about taking the "next step". Can't wait to read all the juicy details 🙂

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  7. What a beautifully crafted chapter! Hasn't our boy Conrad blossomed in a few short months. He has shown his darker side with this introduction to B&D. I loved it !!

    In the back of my mind I have a nagging feeling of sadness, as I feel like this incredible tale is drawing closer to it's conclusion. It's so easy to fall for characters that have been so skillfully written that they've been fixed in my heart. I can take comfort, knowing there are a few little threads to this tale that need to be tied up 🙂 I have LOVED every word you have written.

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