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Everything posted by nosmorex

  1. I prefer twink on twink but older on twink is damn hot too!
  2. hey guys! can anyone point me in the direction of some good quality amature bb twink porn? its hard to sort thru xtube trying to find the good stuff so i thought i would ask the men here for some good reccomendations! thanks!!!
  3. looks like bareback is a thing of the past at helix. only the boycrush and staxus bonus materal have bareback content and its streaming only. think its time to cancel membership
  4. tommy defendi tommy defendi and tommy defendi
  5. how about Matt getting raped or stealthed by a bunch of hs or college jocks or frat boys? i'd love to read that story
  6. so hot! would love to hear more
  7. if dayton o'connor isnt by now i would be surprised
  8. your stories about matt are allways so fuckin hot! keep it up
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