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About -Pablo-

  • Birthday 03/21/1992

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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. Sexy guy, love your hair :)

  2. Hi deepanalnut, thanks a lot for your reply! I'm terribly shocked right now: just today I got to know that a girl I knew several years ago is dying of aids. She's barely 19 and apparently she got infected recently but for some reason her body isn't reacting well, she hasn't developed antibodies and she's in a desperate situation. I'm no doctor, so I can't be certain about the details of her condition, but it left me feeling really bad today. She got it from barebacking with a member of a band she's a fan of (she's sort of a groupie). She thought it was okay to do it this only time because they were giving some gig in our country and by bbing she would be somehow "special" for this guy. The guy probably forgot her within days and now she's fucking dying and she's not even my age (I'm 22). I don't have words for this. I know her situation is totally uncommon and that hiv today is generally just a chronic condition and not the death sentence it used to be. But this sort of crap still actually happens. I totally understand that many on this forum are already poz or really don't value their lives at all and don't care to get infected. I can't judge them. But I think it's pretty dangerous, too. Some people like me come here just out of curiosity because we're turned on by bareback sex or the thought of "sharing the bug" and without really understanding what kind of crap it is. So even though I'm not advocating censorship, I think it should be made totally clear that you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to get that shit. It's "hot" but then you may die and it stops being so hot. Everyone knows it but reading the kind of posts that can be found on these forums may actually encourage people to get pozzed in real life. And that in my opinion should only be a fantasy. There are safer ways to live out this fantasy, like barebacking with a known negative person. Or well, if you're already poz, just being responsible like you describe. I felt the need to say this here, probably only because of the state I'm in after hearing about this girl who's really close to my heart. I think the guy who started the thread should really listen to the regret stories he has been told in real life and jut not be carried away but some hot stories he reads here. Take care! -Pablo
  3. This site is a fucking fantasy. Nobody should really believe it. It may be hot but nobody in their right mind should seek getting infected with HIV. It can really be deadly... sometimes even if you can afford your medicines and/or you get them for free. Really guys just use your head and make it clear that it's a fantasy!! You may be screwing somebody's life. That's not cool, really!
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