One of the things that make it hard for me to conform to society is this evolution of "sex is dirty and wrong." It's only gotten worse.
I am by no means saying that i condone non-consensual sexual activity between any two people (except in fantasy scenarios, I understand people get off on that); but if two people are willing to have sex, regardless (to a point) of age of consent, then there should be no finding of a crime being committed.
Starting young is natural. In my opinion it is no different than masturbating for the first time (although some studies say that even infants - newborns - masturbate in their own inefficient/ineffective ways).
True there are emotional and mental interactions in sex, and not every teenager is capable of handling those events.
Personally, I've been propositioned by <18 young men on the various dating apps, and as much as it gets my juices flowing, I turn them down. Every. Single. Time. Once that magic day arrives, I'd be happy to do whatever they want with them. But with all the bullshit going on, the way that social media interacts with the whole age of consent thing and the bizarre way that sex "crimes" are penalized... I just can't take the risk.
Remember, no "victim," no crime. And even if you meet age of consent but aren't 18, it doesn't make it legal. There are other laws that the adult can get charged with; it's just that statutory rape won't be among them.
Sorry, needed to get all that out. Glad you had fun when you were younger, wish I had