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Posts posted by toughguyabs

  1. On 7/2/2017 at 3:46 PM, whthole4u said:

    Part 2 - Speed Breeding: Garrett’s troll dick was angled to the right, stretching my ass for what he called part of my ‘training’ for the Speed Breeding that was going to happen Friday night at the big sex party. He had already filled me with two loads, and called in a BBC buddy of his to give me a third, so my ass was good and wet. I had only recently tested POZ and while safe sex was the norm those days, it was awesome just fucking without having to talk about all that. Garrett never mentioned his status or asked mine, and I didn’t either. He wanted some ass, I needed some dick, and so we were good. “Lift that right leg back now - that’s it - feel that bit of resistance? That’s your second hole ring. You got a deep ass boy and it took me a minute to find the right spot. There will be some guys there Friday night who are bigger than me and will fuck you with no mercy as hard, deep, and fast as they can. You think you can take that? Once the Speed Breeding starts I can’t have you bowing out or complaining. You trust me? Willing to do what I need to make sure you are trained and ready?” I nodded yes; then looked in Garrett’s eyes as he picked up speed and SLAM! tore through that fleshy barrier. I screamed then immediately started to apologize as it felt like my hole was bleeding a bit. Garrett just kept fucking and smiled, “It’s OK, it’s OK. Feeling better now? See no matter how much your ass may hurt in that second, soon your it starts getting all warm, the hormones flow, and whatever little sting you felt becomes just fucking bliss. Ready for it again?”


    After Garrett had pumped another load in me, he lit a cigarette, laid back on the messed up bed beside me, and we started to talk. The conversation wasn’t about sex or anything major really, just life, stories of guys he knew, things he had experienced, asses he had fucked, his outlook on life in DC. His townhouse was modest and located at the edge of the ‘gay hood’ and next to a sketchy part of town. Nothing about his life screamed money or flashiness - just a normal guy. Garrett was in his early 40s and I was about 12 years younger. He said he liked the ‘old troll’ label as it was freeing. He had learned long ago not to give a fuck about what anybody thought or said and there was something wild and wicked about all those pretty boy queens bending over to let him fuck them like he wanted. “You’re different though,” Garrett observed as he tapped out his cigarette and handed me the bottle of coke – high grade cocaine. “Quiet and fresh sure, but you don’t seem like that crowd suits you.” I snorted, wiped my nose, shrugged, and admitted, “Yeah. I guess I lived that way far too long - caring what everyone else thought - and have started to realize I was missing out on a lot. You know I had never done anything like what we did at the bar before. I fucking loved it though!” Garrett laughed, took the bottle, snorted, “Yeah that was obvious too. Let me think on what else we can do today to help you along with seeing what you been missing.” Garrett had gone out, but had left me with a few bottles of cocaine and told me to get good and high. He also said I should make myself at home and he would be back shortly and that I was welcome to spend the evening. Then he had added cryptically, “You will really enjoy it if you do.” I couldn’t believe how trusting he was and so just sat in the living room, flipping through a stack of magazines he had on his coffee table. I heard the back door open, Garrett’s voice, and the voices of at least two others. “Pour us a drink will you,” Garrett said to his new guests as he started to walk my way, “Add an extra one for my new friend.” I stood up. Garrett set a few more bottles of coke on the coffee table, “Snort up. Tonight’s my usual card night with a couple buddies. I know you like black dick and they are a couple of white ass killers and tag team destroyers who each have humongous dicks and can fuck round after round. Is that ass still hungry? Fuck your hole is dripping wet and Jesus - look what you did to my dick. But I’ll wait. I need you to take my buddies first. Couple things to know. They are rough, rowdy, rude, and will hold you down and rape fuck you hard. You ever been truly rape fucked? They’re straight - mostly - but a pussy is a pussy and when we drink and get high they get horny as shit, so on occasion I line up a little side action for them. They are not pretty boys - these are real men who take what they want and need when they want and need it. Unlike that young guy I had come fuck you earlier, these two are the real deal. Finally, they are both homeless and for Speed Breeding you have to be willing to take ANY dick. You trust me? Will you do this? I can assure you that you will fucking love it!” And then it began:














    Garrett and his friends never did get to their card game as they said breeding me was all the spades they needed. Of course my friends were suspicious when I called to let them know I was crashing someplace else that night and were not happy when I just told them I was staying with a friend and that it was no one they knew. They believed I didn’t know anyone else in DC - how could I? I had just gotten here Saturday. Well the stress I felt after the call was immediately relieved as one BBC slammed back up my ass, another slammed down my throat, and Garrett stood to the side so I could stroke his troll dick. As the three men spent the night training me to be a sub slut for dirty, raw, dick, and exploring my body, I took in every lesson they taught me on how to take dick, suck dick, and please a true top who just wanted to fuck. None of this lovey dovey gay shit. This was just balls-to-the-wall hardcore sex with no strings. The more they fucked me, the more they talked about what crazy shit they wanted me to do and the more they laughed when without hesitation I said, “I’M IN. WHEN CAN WE DO IT?”


    Tuesday morning arrived with a tangle of man flesh and an insistent hard dick pushing through the caked cum in my hole to open me back up. The fuck fest had moved from the main floor of Garrett’s townhouse downstairs to a basement apartment, which he said he had rented out when he first bought the place, but now used it for the occasional guest, party, or storage needs. As soon as the morning load was dropped in my hole I scampered to the bathroom and let out a stream of rank piss then some cum farts and a tire’s worth of air. I came out as the two BBC were stretching and looking for a smoke or coke and their sweaty bodies, man funk, masculine ‘fuck-it-if-it-moves’ approach made my dick stiff and my ass hungry for more. That’s how Garrett found us when he came down the stairs carrying a tray of cups and a pot of warm coffee. While the two homeless guys helped themselves, Garrett slid into my raw ass and asked, “Which one of you two has already been digging around up in here this morning? Jesus - it’s my house. You could have at least offered me dibs.” They all laughed. As much as I wanted to just hang out and fuck, I was supposed to help my friend with some stuff at his place. Garrett walked me upstairs, helped me find my clothes, then handed me a small pill, “Here. Take this and drink plenty of water and juice and stuff today. It’ll ease the come down.” I wanted to thank him and to ask when I could see him again, but he was way ahead of me. “I’m planning to cook something up on the grill for dinner tonight. Maybe if you are not doing anything, you are welcome to come back by. Who knows, maybe your other new friends downstairs will be here, or maybe somebody else if you want that too.” I smiled, reached out and stroked his monster troll dick and replied, “I enjoy just hanging with you and talking and, well of course letting you fuck me. But am cool with whatever. Yeah I had a great time with them too so like I said, anything you want. I want to make sure I am ready for the Speed Breeding on Friday.” Garrett nodded, smiled, gave my ass a slap, and let me out the front door.


    I didn’t realize what assholes my ‘friends’ were until I got back to their house and received a lecture that included the word ‘ungrateful’ just because I was trying to have a life that did not include them after my own had gone to total hell. I bit my tongue, did the cleaning and other shit I had said I would do, and then showered, changed, and left before I said something I would regret. On the walk back to Garrett’s I was mumbling to myself, pissed at my ‘friends’, pissed at the world. “Hey buddy, got some change? Any change?” someone pleaded. The voice brought me out of my stupor and I stopped. There sitting on the curb of the sidewalk was a guy, tall and lanky and sort of hunched over. He was dressed in layers that were far too warm for the time of year and had a dusty, dark colored backpack beside him bulging with stuff. “Any change?” he asked again. My ass quivered. I flashed back to the night before to the two homeless BBC that had fucked me and I needed more. This guy was sexy, masculine, and looked like a good, hard fuck, but what do I say? I just shrugged and said, “Sorry man, but maybe later when I come back by if you’re around.” The guy gave me a ‘yeah I’ve heard that before’ look, but smiled and said, “Any change at all. I appreciate it,” and hunched back over. “What’s wrong?” Garrett asked when he answered the door. I just shook my head while he dried his hands on a dishtowel. I just met the guy. Last thing he needed was to hear my problems. Garrett smiled, “Come on into the kitchen. You can help me cut up stuff and prep. You cook much? Oh and there’s some coke on the counter there if you want some. That’ll make you feel better.” He was right. The cocaine and the pleasant company made me feel better in nothing flat. A little more coke, some more, and my ass was raring to go. While Garrett did say he could not fuck me until he got the ribs and stuff cooking, he did let me kneel on the floor and suckle on his big troll dick while he finished the prep. As I did, I imagined I was sucking the guy I saw on the street so I paused and asked, “How do you pick up guys off the street or in a park?” Garrett stepped back, “Damn! You had me right on the fucking edge. Was going to blast your throat. Turn the fuck around so I can spit fuck that ass.”


    I grunted as Garrett worked his dry, raw dick into my hole and fumbled with the bottle to snort more coke as he did. The burn in my nose, the drip in my throat, was matched by the burn and drip happening on my backside as Garrett started to fuck me hard and school me in the ways of picking up street trade. “Street dick is all about the nutt and the hustle. No street dude is looking for a love connection. Like my friends last night. It’s all about fucking rough, quick, raw, and making a little something for the hustle if they can. These guys rarely know where the next meal is coming from, where they will crash that night, if the cops are going to hassle them, or if anyone is going to show a little kindness and mercy and help them out. Yeah, cash is necessary, but so to is a warm smile, a human touch. Most of these guys aren’t out there by choice really. Sure, some are fucked up on drugs and shit, but they would choose having a home and family and being high rather than not having a home. You understand? Some guys you can just come right out and ask because they will be upfront about it. Usually they are the gay ones. The ones who might have been street sex workers when they were younger but now that they’re older, that shit’s harder to do cause everyone wants young trade. The straight ones, most will fuck ass just as quick as pussy. They got needs and wants too so if there is a chance to blow some cum in a warm hole, they’ll take it. Just start a conversation and ask what they’re up to or what’s going on. But, you need to offer them a little something. A few bucks, a couple of smokes, a sandwich, whatever. Then they’ll push you against a wall like this or bend you over in the alley - UGH - stick their dick in you like this - UGH - then fucking breed that ass deep like this! UGH UGH!!” With his dick still pumping spurts of hot man juice in my ass I asked, “OK, makes sense, but what if they get pissed or want to fight or something?” Garrett pumped his hips a few more times and told me, “Push your ass back and bend forward - fuck yeah like that - scraping that upper gut wall good. Fuck boy that is good ass.” Garrett pulled out of my ass, I quickly knelt down and licked him clean, then looked up, “I saw this guy a few blocks over on my way here. I really wanted to see if he wanted to fuck. But….” Garrett asked where, I told him, “Yeah he’s got a big old dick and he hustles. I know him from back in the day. Have not done anything with him in ages, but he’s got a little spot around the corner from where he asks for change that he takes men and women. So my buddies last night turned you onto the freak shit huh? Can’t be taught man, you are or you aren’t and you definitely ARE. That’s what I was talking about living. If you want to fuck - fuck. What’s the worst that can happen really? The guy says no. Just be smart about it. Have a plan in mind if you need to run and also never ask a street dude if he wants to fuck when other folks are around. Even the old street trade guys keep their shit on the DL - you know Down Low.”


    The ribs were on the grill for a slow smoke that Garrett said would take a few hours. “I need to go to the Fire Place bar down on P Street to work out some final plans for Friday’s party with one of the guys who’s in charge of setting shit up. Want to come along?” I declined. My friends had mentioned that place for cheap happy hours so I knew they might be there and I really didn’t want to see them. Garret nodded in understanding, handed me a $10, a bottle of coke, and a few paper towels. “Here, go back up to the corner. He’ll still be there and when I get back, I expect to find your ass full of his cum. Just show him the bill and ask him if he’s got a few minutes. He’ll know what you mean. I’ll leave the back door unlocked so just come in that way when you get back and oh, I may bring some folks back with me too. There’s a couple of fresh, young guys there who just started working the streets. I know their pimp and he owes me and may bring him along too. I think he would like you.” OK, all that just fucking blew my mind I had to laugh wondering what my friends would say if they had just heard that conversation or knew what I was planning to do next. I held the bottle up to the light and eyed the shadow line of cocaine inside. I twisted the black cap, tapped a line out onto the edge of my hand and snorted - and repeated. Garrett was right. Walking up the sidewalk I was nervous as hell, but as I looked, I could see the guy on the corner was not just slumped over. He was scanning the folks on the street, both sides, coming and going, far more aware of what was going on than I suspect anyone else was. I palmed the brown bottle in my pocket and eased out the $10. I paused then paced my approach to try to ensure I timed it when I saw no one else coming the opposite way. I stopped to his right, asked if he remembered me, and before he could answer I flashed the $10 and asked if he had a minute. Well it was barely a minute later before I found myself pressed into a corner between an overgrown part of a yard and high, brick wall and the corners of an old carriage house and run down apartment building. The homeless guy had dropped his pants, grabbed my shoulders, and rape fucked my ass dry, rough, and exactly how I needed it. The only thing he said was, “Shhh,” when I grunted a little loud. His dick was nice and long and not as thick as Garrett’s. I could literally feel it when he shot in me and then he pulled out, stepped back, wiped his dribbling dick head on the inside of his pants, and walked back out of the alley. I pulled my shorts up and looked left and right as I came out. At the corner a now familiar voice asked, “Hey buddy, got some change? Any change?” I smiled and replied, “Not today Sir, but maybe tomorrow.”


    Back at Garrett’s house I could not help but jack my dick, thinking about the homeless dick that had just nutted in me. I was leaning back on the couch, jacking hard, my eyes closed when I heard the back door and voices. I quit what I was doing, yanked my shorts up, and went to the kitchen, all the while willing my still hard dick to soften. Garrett eyed me, smiled, nodded clearly knowing I had been successful, then introduced me to his guests. “Guys. This is my new friend I was telling you about. He just moved to DC and who will be one of the featured bottoms in the Speed Breeding area at Friday’s party.” The younger guy looked to be about 19 or 20, clean shaven, very preppy looking. The older guy was much taller, with twisted braids and a part in the middle, mustache, with an extra large white/tan plaid shirt on and looked totally like the tall dude from the group Bone Thugs N Harmony. “You two go into the living room and give us a minute. We’ve got a few things to discuss,” Garrett said. In the living room the younger guy pointed at one of the bottles of cocaine on the table, “May I?” he asked. A big snort later and he held out his hand, “Call me Kip. My mom was a fan of Rudyard Kipling - you know the author?” That was the extent of our conversation. We just didn’t click - at all. The tall man walked in, looked at Kip, “Ain’t you got someplace to be youngin?” he asked. Kip scrambled like Godzilla was on the loose. The tall man walked over, sat down on the couch beside me, his arms across the top, his legs splayed wide like he fucking owned the place. “Yo, set me up for some of the powder. My man’s always got the primo shit.” I opened the brown bottle and flinched as he set his hand between my shoulder blades then, “HMMMed,” as he ran his fingers down my spine to where my crack was peeking out the top of my shorts. He leaned forward, cleared 4 lines, then motioned for me to lay out more. I did, then he motioned for me to snort them. I did. “Suck my motha-fuckin dick!” the tall man ordered. I looked towards the kitchen to see where Garrett was. SMACK! The tall man cuffed my head. “Why you not doing what I say? Huh? I said suck it.” I got on the floor between his knees, unzipped his pants, he raised his hips off the couch and let me slide his pants down around his ankles, then I inhaled the sweat from his balls and started to spit up his shaft. He didn’t say a word. Didn’t moan. Nothing. I was afraid to stop. “Bend the fuck over!” he said. I stood up. There was really no place to bend over so I edged a bit further down the couch. He stood up, kicking the coffee table back, making room for his massive mandingo dick. He ran his fingers down my spine again, found my hole, jammed three in deep as he could, scratched it up, pulled them out, grabbed my hips and slammed his dick home. Even full of homeless cum it hurt. “I ONLY FUCK WHORES - YOU A WHORE? YEAH YOU MUST BE. I SMELL THAT SOME DIRTY NICCA’S BEEN UP ON YOU. SMELL THAT PUSSY FULL OF DIRTY NICCA NUTT. YEAH MY MAN WAS RIGHT. THAT PUSSY MADE FOR A DICK LIKE MINE. YOU JUST LET ANY NICCA THAT WANTS CLIMB UP IN THAT SHIT AND NUTT? EVEN WITH AIDS AND ALL THAT? YOU EXACTLY WHAT I NEED TOMORROW THEN. A TOTAL BUSSY WITH NO SELF RESPECT WHO WILL LET A WHOLE GROUP OF DIRTY NICCA USE THAT TWEAKER ASS. BUT DON’T WORRY. C.O.’S GOT YOU.”


    I was using some of the paper towels from my short’s pocket to wipe the chunks of spooge off the back my thigh when Garrett walked in smiling. “See - I knew you two would get along.” Turning to me he said, “Look. I know you didn’t say it, but clearly things are fucked up where you’re staying at. Look around. I got space. You’re welcome to stay here. Really. You’d even be doing me a favor as I would appreciate someone who could help run errands and clean and stuff. No. No. I’m not asking for rent. I know you don’t have a job yet. That’s what I’m saying. You can work for me. Hell you should see my office upstairs. Trust me I need the help. Even better, you can have the basement apartment. Come and go as you please, but of course I hope you know I do enjoy fucking that ass so while not required for this to work…” The tall man coughed, swallowed the cocaine drip, “Fuck he’ll take it. Can we get on now?” Garrett laughed, “You have not been formally introduced, but this is C.O. - he grew up in Cleveland, Ohio - so C.O.” Another snort and swallow from the tall man. “C.O. will drive you to your friends’ house right now. You can pick up your things and by the time you get back the ribs should be ready and then we can get you set up. How’s that sound?” I looked at Garret with total appreciation, thanks, and a silent promise to let him breed my ass all fucking night long. “How’s that bussy feel?” C.O. asked as we drove the dozen blocks or so to my friends’ house. I looked at C.O as he flicked the ash from his cigarette out the cracked window on the driver’s side. I eyed his tall, rugged form, leaning back in the driver’s seat and imagined him fucking me again as I stared at his crotch area. “Eyes up here whore - eyes up here! He chuckled. “Now which fucking place is it?” Cars behind us were honking as C.O. slowly made his way down the one-way street and double parked close to the townhouse I pointed too. He flipped off the car behind us when he got out, sauntered over to the sidewalk, tossed his still lit cigarette into the bushes, ambled down the steps and banged on the door to the basement unit. Yeah my friends lived in a fucking basement unit. It was nice, really nice, in a huge townhouse in one of the best neighborhoods, but it was still the God damn basement. Fucking uppity queens! They acted like they lived in Buckingham Palace for Christ’s sake!


    We could hear someone on the other side of the door and C.O. yelled, “OPEN THE FUCK UP! YO BOY’S HERE TO GET HIS SHIT!” He then turned to me with an utter look of confusion like he couldn’t understand why two uptight white dudes would not open their door for him. I stepped up, looked at the peephole and said, “It’s me. I just came to get some things.” The chain eased back, the deadbolt turned, the door opened just a crack so my friends could see it was me. C.O. pushed past me and in a few hectic, loud, chaotic minutes I explained I was moving out, that this was a friend, no I was not being robbed, no they were not being robbed, that yes I was OK, thanks for all they had done, OK see you later. Bye. The car was set into park as C.O. pulled up in front of Garrett’s house. He looked at me and said, “Yo. My man’s good people. He helps folks out. I don’t know you, but trust - if you fuck him over I will hunt you the fuck down. We clear?” I nodded. C.O. smiled, “Aiight, you’re on loan to me tomorrow. Be ready at 3:00. I’ll pick you up. I need a gangbang bitch for a group of brothas who’ll be watching the game tomorrow night. They get off on raping a faggot. They know you can’t call the cops cause they won’t give a shit and they know there’s no risk of baby mama drama. My man says you can handle it. That’s why he’s got you - and Kip - booked for Speed Breeding on Friday. You know you’re taking one of my boy’s slots right? It’s cool yo - business is business, but you got to prove to me - and Garrett - that bussy can handle ANYTHING we fucking throw at it and from what I hear, you still green and fresh to the scene.”


    I gave C.O. a dismissive grunt, pulled my suitcase out of the trunk and slammed it. I walked up the steps, turned, and saw the rough thug glaring at me from the driver’s side window. I forked my fingers on my right hand, pointed at my face and said, “EYES UP HERE FUCKER. AND DON’T BE LATE TOMORROW. IF YOU WANT THIS BUSSY, YOU BEST BE ON TIME.” C.O.’s chuckle echoed between the brick walls as I made my way inside my new home. Tomorrow would be another day of training, preparing me for the Speed Breeding that would happen Friday. I couldn’t fucking wait!

    Stay tuned for part 3.

    (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)



    Just reading this. FUCK, hot as fuck. Wish i was the one getting fucked and controlled by Garrett and his ROUGH big-dicked friends. I have to admit that i want this baaad, just like the hot-assed white dude. Want to be drugged up and gang fucked out of my mind. Need thick dick bad, need tons of cum in my ass even more!!!

  2. Hot as fuck posts! I'm going to drink beer again this afternoon - just started actually. I'm even more turned on to keep drinking my beer piss. When i piss into the beer bottle and drink it, it is SO warm, which turns me on even more. Doing 420 too. How many bottles of my beer piss you think I should drink today? Would love to find someone to get together with who would order me to drink my own piss AND piss into a glass and order me to drink his warm piss nectar. I don't care what it tastes like, just force me to drink your man piss!!!

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  3. I just finished drinking my 4th beer (Corona), and took one of the empty bottles and filled it with my warm piss. Over the last 20 minutes, i drank  the bottle of my own, strong piss. Anyone else like to drink their own piss, get ordered to drink their own piss, order others (me) to drink my own piss - and theirs as well?

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