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Posts posted by preacherskid

  1. Confessions are good for the soul. As an ordained minister, and yes, even a preacher’s kid, I have often been in conflict with my true self. I haven’t fed by sexual hungers like they should have been fed. Now at 44, I’m feeling an overwhelming need to just say fuck it, and spread my legs and become a cum dump.

    Even those times when I would let myself go, I was a condom nazi. No way would I let anyone deliberately bareback me, it just wasn’t a risk I wanted to take. There was the one guy who bred me, but I will never know if it was intentional or accidental, i.e., I do not know if he intentionally caused the rubber to fail or if it broke by accident and he kept on fucking until his sperm was deep inside me. Still negative, though.

    Things began changing about a month and a half ago when I encountered a story on nifty.org: Black Man in the Grey Morning. If left me with a hunger to read about riskier sexual behaviors and made me even wonder about chem sex. Googling the author’s email address, lead me to this site. I haven’t even bothered to read the stories on nifty since finding this site, although I have not given into or fed this new hunger, yet. I know it will only be a matter of time at this point.

    It’s easy to imagine some unscrupulous “stealther” finding me on A4A (profile: xfanguy) and him encouraging me to hang out with him and his friends, who I do not realize is POZ. They’re encouraging me take more and more sexual risks until I come down with the fuck flu.

    While I have no interesting tales of bareback or chem-fueled fucking, I thought I might share a rather tame blog entry I wrote a few years ago, in case anyone wanted to use it for the basis of a story about what they would do to a Preacher or Preacher’s Kid if they lured him into this scene, and once they had him helpless, took incredible advantage of converting him into a cum dump.

    Feel free to tell a story based on this blog entry, and fed that growing hunger within me.


    Finally scratched another item off the bucket list yesterday!

    So, I've always had this fantasy about being tied down, blindfolded, and force edged. Yesterday, I finally got to experience that dream.

    I met a guy online that goes by the handle of Edge Controller (will be referred to as EC from now on) several weeks ago. He read my profile on a site whose name I will not mention. He contacted me and told me he could make my dream a reality as he planned to be traveling through my area in a matter of weeks. In discussing with EC over the next few weeks, I learned that he had been restraining men and edging them for the past 10 years. It's a hobby he's very passionate about and you can hear the love he has for it in talking to him.

    Prior to our encounter, EC instructed me not to cum for 4 days. By day 3, this had become total torture. My cock was always hard and oozing pre-cum like a mofo! As will discuss later, I am a heavy pre-cumer.

    So anyway, I cleared yesterday afternoon for play with EC. He was late getting off from Sarasota, so our ETA of 2 pm became 3 pm. He had me meet him at some sleazy, rundown, no-tell motel. It was kind of scary actually. Looked like a place where drug deals happened 24/7 and looked like lots of prostitution. Probably full of meth heads! Anyway, by the time I was restrained, video cameras set-up (don't even think of asking), and I was blindfolded, it was about 3:30 pm. The games began. First, once I was blindfolded, EC started by taking pix of my oozing hard cock. He hadn't touched my cock and I was oozing precum in streams. I saw the pix at the end of the night, and it was pretty damn impressive. I wish I could describe what happened stroke for stroke, but let's be real, we did this for hours. EC would take me up to the edge of orgasm and back down over and over again. Occasionally, he would give me popper hits that totally sent me into a sexual frenzy. IT was absolutely amazing being tied down and helpless as another person did to my cock what he desired. As EC remarked, it didn't take him long to get me to the edge since my cock was so starved for attention after being denied relief for 4 days. Sometime after 6 pm, EC asked if I could do him a favor. He wanted us to go grab a bite to eat since he had not eaten all day. I really don't know the exact time, but he was using a 2-hr video tape in one of his cam's and the first session had already consumed that tape. EC selected BK as a quick place to grab a bite. We headed there and were back somewhere around 7. We immediately resumed our "play" after he inserted another 2-hr tape into that one cam.

    He changed up the play this time by having me call up a bate conference line. He wanted other people to hear me gooning as he was edging me. It was totally fucking hot talking to strangers, when I could, about being restrained and edged. My droid was beside me and bluetooth headpiece was in my ear during this half of the session. This session was more intense as he wanted me closer to the edge for longer periods of time than the previous half. Again, it was totally fucking amazing. After edging me for a while, EC discovered one of my "differences" from other guys. When edging, if I get too close to passing the point of no return without crossing it, I squirt out a clear wad of pre-cum just like it was an orgasm. He was surprised by the size of the wad and the distance it shot. He thought I had actually cum until he noted that the wad was totally clear. In discussing with him in mid-bate, I discovered in his 10 years of edging men, he has only encountered one other individual that shots wads of pre-cum. Before our session was through, he had one more of my pre-cum wads shoot.

    At one point, EC decided to give me a hit of the Amsterdam poppers (I had two bottles, Blue Boy and Amsterdam). Amsterdam feels like an immediate explosion in me while Blue Boy is more subtle but creeps up on me. After the hit, EC went crazy on my cock. It was unbelievable. It was past ecstasy. I warned that I was close, but he had taken his hand off my cock sensing my closeness, this is when EC got another surprise, seconds after he removed his hand, my cock started oozing loads of cum in a ruined orgasm. Neither of us expected that since his hand was removed before crossing the point of no return. For those unfamiliar with a ruined orgasm, in it's simplest sense, it is an unsatisfactory orgasm, i.e., I felt what seemed like several weak shots but I did not have the accompanying feeling of an orgasm. Later I learned from EC that this first load of cum was huge. Not surprising considering I hadn't shot a load in 4 days. This RO did not deter EC in the least, he kept working my cock. Before you know it, I was gooned out on total bliss. EC would occasionally feed me more popper hits, but he decided to switch to Blue Boy given the RO that resulted after the hit of Amsterdam. I lost track of time, somewhere along the way, I had yet another ruined orgasm. I felt the squirts but not the accompanying pleasure or satisfaction from an orgasm. EC kept pumping. At times, during the sessions, EC had me totally crazed, i.e, I was thrashing against my bonds, making god knows how much noise. Finally, EC gave me another Blue Boy popper hit. As he was letting the poppers build up, he kept repeating, this is it, this is it. I totally let myself go and rode the edge as long as possible, thrashing, groaning like some animal, heaving breathes, until I finally crossed over into a fucking amazing orgasm. This was my third load of cum since we resumed our play. I felt a shot hit my upper left shoulder blade, a shot landed on my right cheek near my nose, and EC later told me shots went above my head onto the pillows behind me - and this was my smallest cum of the night.

    I don't know exactly how long our session was. EC kept lightly massaging my cock, stroking parts of my body, etc. for a long time after I shot. By the time I was released from the restraints, we had exhausted yet another 2-hr tape. EC told me that I was a fucking cum factory the way I kept popping load after load. He couldn't decide to count the pre-cum shots which were 2 or just the cum shots which were 3. Depending on how you want to count it, I shot either 5 or 3 times while my cock was under his control. It was sometime after 9 pm when I left.

    I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed my first forced edging experience and look forward to doing it again!

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