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Posts posted by bobbie

  1. I'm not sure why bb and poz porn is such a turn on to neg guys...maybe it's the danger of it! In some cases it's the pure evil of some

    Tops who get off on pozzing a neg hole. I also think it in a way could be as close to getting pregnant...and some bottoms get off on THAT!!!

  2. Huh???????

    Yes there are many other superior black men on this site and I welcome you to join with us. My personal feeling is that all black men are superior to white and if I cannot become one then I can best serve them any way they want, including giving them ownership pf both me and my wife
  3. I was in NYC and was hiring a "rentb-y" for the evening. I contacted this hot number and during our discussion I asked if he barebacked. You would have thought that I asked him something totally inappropriate!

    He wrote back that it was people like me that made his "profession" less acceptable to society. I should be ashamed of myself... that people like me are putting the gay community in jeporty. He proceeded to call me

    every name in the book...how irresponsible and immoral I was! Remember...this guys a prostitute...and he is lecturing ME on morals.

    Well, luckily I found someone else who had no problem with my request and fucked me raw...two loads!

  4. Personally I don't relate to real swishy men! Well, not that I don't like them...but I like men who are masculine.

    I never could figure out what guys see in drag queens...I don't like women for sex, so why would I be

    attracted to men who look and act like women.

    So I guess there ARE less manly and more manly men!!!

  5. I only fuck with the PA ring in. That is why I have it.

    I agree...why have one if you don't fuck with it in?

    There is something about seeing a guy with a 0 gauge PA that is

    sooooo sexy...well even better if it's a 00 gauge

  6. I hear what you're saying. But many Canadians come to the USA for all types of elective surguries because they can't get them in a timely manner in Canada.

    Also I never hear of many people going to Canada for any speacial surgeries...but, many people from other contries come to the USA for critical medical help...so we must

    be doing SOMETHING right

    I always hear this "nothing is for free" argument, but it really doesn't hold water. The reality is that the American system is so royally fucked up that Americans would actually end up paying around HALF of what they do now for health care (all told, including taxes, premiums, and out-of-pocket costs) if they switched to single-payer. This is based on the fact that Canadians, who have a single-payer system (unlike the Brits who have a system where all of the doctors and such are employees of the government, in Canada they are private and simply bill the government). I do think that single-payer, as it is implemented in Canada, is actually better than a completely government-run system such as the NHS in Britain. The Canadian system does need some improvement, for example it needs to cover drugs for everyone, not just seniors and welfare recipients. However, since we already pay half of what the Americans do, we have lots of room to pump more money into the system to get better results, if we so choose.

    Also, I'm not positive (forgive the pun haha), but I don't think HIV meds are covered here either, unless you can demonstrate that you absolutely cannot afford them. Though, at $2500+ a month, that should apply to most people out there. But if you end up admitted to hospital and they give you drugs there, those are always covered.

  7. I agree with einathens and seaguy! Sandusky is a sicko who preyed on little 10 year olds who for no fault of their own where from a fatherless home. They looked up to this jerk and trusted him...he used their trust to take advantage!

    Shame on him...I hope he gets what he deserves in prison...where I don't think they take to pedophiles!!!!

  8. I loved that story! I have been there and Tina is an amazing drug...especially with poppers too!

    I have experienced the most fantastic sex and I have done some amazing things while flying on T.

    Thanks for writing it and reminding me of some of the best sex I have ever had.

  9. Well, I disagree too! I luv to get fucked up and high as a kite...letting myself indulge in any and all debauchary! I like the feeling of total submission...letting a guy do whatever he feels like doing to and with me!

    I like feeling needed and sexual and have the inhibitions to follow through with whatever the Top wants me to do! But, HEY...that's just me!

  10. Well all I can say is that I love Derek Anthony! He is soooo handsome, with an amazing dick and his ass is to die for! He has just the right amount of hair on his behind that gets my tongue hard...LOL!

    Seriously, he is perfect in all his looks...I watch his films with anticipation and have jacked off watching him for several years...I have to admit that I fantasized that he was poz and that he was knocking me up!!!

    But, hey...he could fuck me whether he is poz OR neg anytime!!!

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