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Everything posted by sparkylad

  1. Well i can only say that since becoming poz i have had nothing but problems,i was terribly ill from sero conversion for 5 weeks then after 5 months my viral load shot up and i ended up in hospital for 2 weeks with various internal organ inflammation and external joint inflammation,after going on meds and having an undetectable VL i now get terrible stomach pains,joint pains,sick itching and fatigue,i have recently started getting loss of sensation in my fingers and feet along with weight gain,i have been poz 3 years and prior to that was fit and active and never had any health issues and despite repeated complaining to my doctor he insists its neither the meds or hiv which is causing it although he cannot say what it is either so i remain convinced it is related as i know my own body and health history and there has only been one big health change.
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