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Posts posted by barecub85

  1. Regardless of how "hot" you think it is, anyone who deliberately violates the conditions under which their partner agreed to have sex is an asshole and is committing sexual assault. 


    And just because this this is a site for guys who like breeding, doesn't mean that everyone here is only having sex with guys who also like breeding. If a guy tells you he wants you to use a condom and you don't want to use one, be a fucking adult and find someone else to have sex with. 

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  2. I'm a registered nurse with almost ten years of ambulatory care (clinic) experience, with additional training in HIV/STD prevention and treatment and also a past stint working in HIV clinical research - which I don't actively do anymore but still keep up with the latest in the field. 

    At this point I am eligible for ACRN (AIDS/HIV Care Registered Nursing) certification, but have not yet sat for the exam. 

  3. It's really hard to say whether PEP works or not on a case by case basis. Remember, HIV is actually not "easy" to transmit, and in some cases where guys get bred by a top of unknown status, take PEP and don't get HIV, they might not have gotten pozzed  even without the PEP for various reasons (e.g. top was neg, top was on meds, virus just didn't take, etc). 

    That being said, PEP has been shown to be very effective at reducing the *risk* of transmission - which means that in studies fewer guys who took PEP turned poz than guys who didn't take PEP. But its effectiveness is directly tied to how closely you follow the directions - so by missing doses, etc, you are increasing your risk of becoming poz.

    You mentioned you're not sure yet whether or not you want to get pozzed in the future - have you thought about going on PrEP for the time being until you make up your mind? PrEP is a lot more forgiving than PEP as far as missed doses - it's still almost 99% effective even if you miss one dose a week - and there are many ways to get PrEP at a reduced cost, either through the manufacturer's assistance program, or through an HIV-related clinical study.

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  4. The other side of it is that women are often so sexually inhibited by societal norms. I'm pretty much 100% gay but even I get turned on by the idea of fucking a woman who is as into it as the guys I have sex with. I'd gladly give up my gold star to a horny slut with a wet throbbing pussy, a rock hard clit, and perky nipples who convinced me she was every bit as much of a cock and cum slut as I am. But that's like a needle in a haystack, sadly. The chicks in porn fake it but it's so obviously an act.

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  5. Read some articles on a website such as thebody.com about what a life with HIV would be like. As much as it could be a really hot sexual encounter, and the risk might make it even hotter, you can't take back getting pozzed. If you're not 100% sure that being poz is what you want, don't do it.

    And if you're not 100% sure, might be worth looking into PrEP to stay neg until you make up your mind for good.

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  6. My hole is still sore from a good fucking I got last night.

    I met a cute, tall, stocky Latino guy in his mid 30s online and we've been trying to get together for weeks. Finally made it happen last night after work. I took the subway over to his place and we had a few drinks - bourbon on ice for me, rum and Coke for him. Busted out the pot and we each took a hit or two. I hadn't had dinner so it all went to my head really fast.

    We drunkenly made our way to the bedroom and got naked. Made out for a little bit, but then he stopped and said "Man, I really just want to get my dick in your ass." Told him that was fine. 

    He has a fat, uncut tool with a huge head. He handed me a bottle of poppers and I took a really long draw off them while he lubed me up, roughly fingering my tight hairy hole with Gun Oil. Then next thing I knew he had thrust his whole hog into me in one go.

    I was pretty high so the rest of the night is a blur of pain and pleasure from his rough fucking. He manhandled me a bit too, taking swats at my ass and throwing me around the bed a bit. Eventually he flipped me onto my stomach and pulled my hips up, then held my head down with one hand while he plowed me faster. I was moaning incoherently into his pillow, biting down hard on it as his thick member wrecked my hole. Finally he let out a string of profanity and I felt a warm gush as his poz undetectable cum flooded my ass.

    He then rolled me over onto my back and fingered his load deeper into me while I stroked myself into a throbbing orgasm, flying high on booze, pot and poppers. 

    It was so worth the headache I woke up with this morning.

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  7. Truvada doesn't so much prevent HIV from *entering* cells so much as it prevents it from multiplying once it gets there. 

    In simple terms - in order for HIV to infect you, it has to get into your T cells, hijack the cell's DNA, and tell it to start making new copies of the virus. Eventually the cell dies and releases a whole bunch of new viruses out into your body to find other cells to infect, starting the cycle over again.

    Every drug we use to fight HIV works by interrupting this life cycle at some point. Some drugs prevent HIV from getting into the cell in the first place. Many prevent it from hijacking the cell's DNA. Others prevent it from being able to manufacture new copies of itself. 

    Truvada is a combination of two drugs that both prevent the DNA hijacking step. These drugs were considered the best choice for PrEP because of a combination of being relatively lower in side effects and only needing one dose a day. Also, there are fewer strains of HIV circulating that are resistant to these drugs.

    So when you're on PrEP, taking it daily as instructed, and you get bred with a viral load of cum, the virus tries to take over your cells but can't, because they are already saturated with drugs that prevent the DNA hijacking step from happening.

    This is different from using Truvada for NPEP (the post-exposure HIV prevention meds) because in that case, you don't have any HIV drugs onboard when you take the poz load. Because of that, you need a drug that will interrupt the life cycle of the virus in another place, to give your body a chance to contain the infection. Usually this is a drug that prevents the virus from entering new cells (Isentress or Tivicay are the most common choices). That is why you have to start NPEP within 72 hours of getting bred, because after that the infection has likely spread too far for the drugs to contain it.


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  8. Well the tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea were negative, but the discharge and burning went on for another week. I saw my primary care on Thursday and he repeated the tests, but also did a urine culture and started me on Cipro in case it was a UTI. Symptoms cleared up after the first couple days on Cipro, and again everything came back negative. The initial test at the STD clinic (a fairly shitty suburban one mind you) was a urethral swab which is not as sensitive as the urine test my PCP did, so I guess it is possible I got a false negative the first time around. The symptoms were pretty textbook for gono - pretty copious whitish discharge. Eh, at least it's gone now.

  9. It's tricky to get any large quantity of Vaseline up into your hole for the reasons you stated - it's too solid to use a syringe, and it's tough to poke up there with a dildo or fingers. The heat and friction of fucking help it liquefy a little bit.

    If I want to get my ass wet and sloppy I fill a syringe with Cum Lube...though someday I'd love to fill it with actual cum!

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  10. I'm on my second day of mild urethral irritation, dysuria and mild whitish, mucus-like penile discharge. I've had these symptoms a few times in the past (maybe once every couple years) and the same thing happens every time -  I go to the clinic, I get tested, get empiric treatment (azithromycin 1gram and ceftriaxone 250mg), then the tests come back negative for gono and chlamydia and the symptoms clear up within a couple days.

    I already went and got the test/treatment yesterday, but I'm really disinclined to think that I picked this up from sex (I haven't fucked a guy in almost three weeks). 

    Have any of you guys had recurrent urethritis that wasn't gono or chlamydia, and did you ever end up getting a diagnosis?

  11. There are a lot of factors that affect your libido. A few easy things you can do to help with your libido and sexual performance:

    - Exercise - working out regularly helps increase blood flow, improve mood and energy/stamina. Also, lifting weights increases lean muscle mass which can increase testosterone levels.

    - Sleep - get a good eight hours a night as often as you can for better energy.

    - Mental health - depression/anxiety can affect your libido. If you suffer from these, talk to a doctor or therapist.

    - Limit porn/masturbation - "death grip syndrome" is real. Watching porn and jerking off frequently can negatively affect your desire for actual sex and your performance. 

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  12. On 11/20/2016 at 5:52 AM, north.mpls.guy said:

    Great writing, very horny and arousing!

    In real life, was that the end, or did you enjoy multiple breedings?  If he really only lasted a few strokes, he should have been eager to go again....

    Plus, his winking hole clearly needed to be taught the pleasure of receiving cum. Did you breed him?

    Glad you liked it :)

    In real life that was the end of it...he didn't breed me again, and I never got the chance to breed him back. He transferred to an out of state school and we lost touch.

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