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Everything posted by ssbbpp

  1. [Funny, I also discovered **this** site by googling for help about bnskin.com. After I post this I'll probably just look around here. At least this site let's me register....] I'm not as advanced as any of you on this thread seem to be: I can't seem to actually register with bnskin.com. Maybe one of you can tell me please what/if I'm doing wrong: 1. I get as far as the screen that requires me to upload a "validation photo". I use the webcam built into my laptop to take a snapshot, and I'm **quite** certain that I fulfill all the requirements. I choose the photo to upload, and I note the sentence which tells me: "After clicking "Save" once, please wait for the next screen to appear to ensure that your validation photo is saved. " and I say to myself "what the hell is the "next screen"?? But I press "Save" -- and almost instantly I am returned to the top of the same web page (the one that says "Validation Photo Required." ) I can not get out of that cycle, no matter how cleverly I try. For example, the log in page tells me to press the "help desk" button if I have a problem -- but when I figure out how to bring up a page with the "help desk" button and press it, it brings me back to the login page, and tells me to log in to see the "chosen page." Unfortunately, when I log in, I don't see the chosen page (the help desk), I see the bloody page that requires me to upload a Validation photo. I feel like the losers in Animal House who keep on being brought back to the same corner of the house. There's even something somewhere which says something like "if you don't have validation photo, you might as well stop now, because you'll continue to be locked out of your account until you email it to us." If only there were some way to email the site-master, I'd just send him my #($*ing valdation photo. But I see no email address. So can anyone tell me what the "next screen" after you upload a validation photo is? And why do I never get it? As final clues, I'll just mention that I really do get sent back to the validation form almost instantly, so its hard for me to imagine that the site even has time to check that the pic is large enough (it has to be at least 300x300 pixels). Also, in IE at least, this validation page seems to be http://bnskin.com/index.php?reason=1 and that's also where I get redirected to. Thanks for any clues. If one of you can log in, perhaps you can just cut-and-paste this into a help-desk ticket? Maybe he'll be nice and answer me at the email address of my registered user name. (Yes, he does have a "login problems" page, and it gives me a place to click to report problems -- but that link takes me back to the login screen too. So I can never get to a help page, as far as I can tell).
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