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Posts posted by roguematrix

  1. OK so since this was done in smaller chapters of sorts here is the whole story to date as one long article so you don't have to lose your hard on scanning through the pages ;)

    Monday, Day 1

    I waved goodbye to my wife as she drove off to spend 2 weeks with her sister at some spa thing. She dose these often and I always end up enjoying myself when she does. First just because it is healthy for couples to spend some time apart but also because it lets me do some stuff I would rather she not know about. See even though I love my wife, and I consider myself straight, I have a secret. Every now and then I login in to one of the gay sites, get out some lube and my poppers, strip down to a jock and search for guys to have phone sex with. I would edge myself for hours until I couldn’t hold back anymore. I know a lot of build up for something pretty tame but hey we all have our quirks. Plus I figure it is the safest version of cheating on her I can do. I mean it isn’t like I am going to catch anything from my hand.

    After she left I went back inside the house and finished getting ready for work, just as I was about to leave a kinky thought popped in my head and I ran upstairs. Stripping of my suit pants and boxer briefs I grabbed my jock from the drawer and slide into it. I love the way the black Bike jock framed my ass. My Polish, Irish mix looks great in black, the pale skin and dark black dense body hair just looks great. My cock gave a slight twitch at my kinky thought but before I let it go too far I got dressed and head out. All day long I felt that jock hugging my ass and the tight pouch pressing my cock and ball tight against my body. Ended up having to take a quick bathroom break more than once since I could feel the precum dripping between my legs and over my ass, felt super slick while I was walking.

    Finally the end of the day came and I started home from work. The constant stimulation all day made me really horny and all I could think about. I just wanted to get home strip down and find some guys for some phone edging. I got home and as I was getting out of my car I saw my neighbor and waved hello, we are decent neighbors kind of friendly we do the usual invite each other to parties things. Him and his husband moved in about 3 year ago and they are a sweet couple.. As soon as I got inside I started ripping off my clothes off and throwing them everywhere, fuck it no one home but me to bitch about it so what do I care. Stripped to my jock I made my way to the  garage where we have a second fridge and where I hide my poppers. I love the feel of walking around like this, the garage just smells amazing. I feel a little self-conscious since there are windows but also kind of like the idea that I might be caught. I open the fridge and grab my Berlin XXX and that though occurs to me again. I hesitate only a moment before I twist the cap and take a sniff, then another, and another, and finally one last one.

    The flush comes over me and I breathe deep. The smell of the garage, gas, wood, a little musty and my own body overwhelm me. Plus the idea of being watch also makes my cock twitch. Before I can change my mind I lay down on the dirty floor and start working my nipples. The popper rush flooding my senses and making me moan. My hand wanders down and grabs my cock. I pull the pouch aside and it sticks straight up from my dense bush. 7 inches uncut with lots of foreskin and dripping precum. I moan as my hand begins to jack it . MY arm come up behind my head and the scent of my pits enters my nostrils. I grab the bottle and take 2 more hits. Working my cock and moaning. Fuck this si so hot. Mostly naked on the filthy garage floor, all the little smells, my ass on the cold concrete. Normally I  would edge but I just want to shoot my load so bad. 4 more hits and I can’t help it. The sweat in dripping off me as I fuck my hand, I run my hand through my chest hair and start to lick the salt mix. It tastes so good. I am getting closer. I can feel myself getting to the point of no return, I reach over to grab the popper bottle and just as I am about to take another hit I hear a knock at the front door. Startled I immediately stop stroking and cap the bottle. Shoving my dripping cock back in my jock strap I look around for what to do with the poppers. I settle on shoving them in the pouch next to my cock and make my way to the front of the house. I grab some running shorts from the laundry room on the way and a tank top throwing them on quickly. Still a little sweaty I open the door and see my neighbor standing there dressed in some running gear.


    “Hey I saw the wife leave and figured you might be lonely on your first day, figured I would invite you out for a run with me and Tom. Gotta make sure you don’t end up with a Dad bod. Although looks like you might have already been working out you look a bit flushed”

    I panic a bit and without thinking just say sure and ask what time he wanted to meet up. He says they usually run around 6 during the summer. We, head from our development through the nearby park, around the high school and then back. Takes about an hour and has a nice variation in terrain so you don’t get bored. I pause for a minute and without thinking shift my weight from one foot to the other, I feel the bottle move in my pouch and think fuck as it slips out of my shorts leg and hits the carpet. Thankfully if bounces behind the door and I don’t think he saw it. I again say I’ll come over at 6 and go for a run and close the door. I fall against it breathing heavy and feeling relived I managed not to let on what I was doing. Taking a couple deep breathes to clear my lungs I head upstairs to take a quick shower (I know showering before sweating but I had that dirt from the garage still on my back).  I get out of the shower grab a fresh jock and clean running shorts, check myself in the mirror and go down stares for a light snack before heading over to the neighbors

    Monday Evening

    Having got myself squared away I put on my best face and headed next door, I love wearing running shorts. I tend to favor the short nylon kind, in black of course, with the built in underwear (I cut that part out seems superfluous since I always wear a jock) and my black underarmour compression tank. Anyways I knocked on the door and there was Toms husband Mike. The two are like night and day if you ask me, Tom is big and more built with dark hair like mine and Mike is a ginger with a slightly smaller build. The only thing they both have in common is the amount of body hair. Both are like me in that regard, thick dense chest hair and furry legs with dense pit hair. Mike, was standing there with no shirt and his dress pants still on

    “Hey Tom said you were joining us come one in and sit a bit, just got home and need to change and ill be right down. Tom is out on the back deck if you want to get some water first and chat”


    I had never really been in their house before so just sort of walked in the general direction of the kitchen figuring their layout couldn’t be much different than mine. Tom was on the back deck drinking water and looking ready to go he was staring off into his yard , probably doing what I tend to do and imagine what little project to add next. I stepped out onto the patio and grabbed an offered water bottle from off the table. I did the usual look around thing and admired their backyard. A set of stairs led up to the second floor deck that must come off their bedroom. All in all it was a nice way to spend any evening. I unscrewed the water bottle and took a long drink and almost gagged, it had a weird taste to it and left a nasty after taste on my tongue. I sputtered a little and Tom turned around.

    “Whoops that one is for Mike not you, he like to add a special supplement to his to help him try and get bigger. Might as well finish it off Ill go make him another. The other water doesn’t have the supplements in it so feel free to take one of those after you finish that one. Who know maybe you will like the effects. He says it gives him lots of energy and that he can go for hours after just the one bottle.”

    Screwing up my face I figured what the hell and downed it quickly so as not to taste it that much. I then grabbed the other bottle and cracked it open take a big drink and getting the flavor out. Damn, no idea what he uses but I could definitely feel it kicking in. I suddenly had lots of energy and couldn’t wait to go for a run. Mike came down dressed in blue running gear to match mine and we were ready to go. Tom re-explained the course to me and we were off. I kept paces with them and after 10 minutes a good sweat was dripping off my body. I seem hyper aware of the way the compression tank was slightly rubbing my nipples. My cock started getting hard and I was glad I was wearing my jock. We had cleared the park and were circling around the high school heading back when they started picking up the pace. First Mike was taking off then Tom, I was working hard to keep up and was doing a god job until we got back into the wooded area near the park. Sweat was really dripping off me now as I followed them through the woods, branches brushing my skin that seemed hyper aware, a steady dripping of precum leaking out of my cock I could feel it join the sweat running down my legs. I was afraid I would lose them when we finally broke free and were back in the development heading back to their place.

    We reached the steps and I mostly collapsed panting like a dog, sweat plastering my body hair to me. Tom and Mike chuckled and went inside inviting me to come on in. I hesitated say I was all sweaty and they said so were they and to stop being stupid.

    “We are just gonna go grab a cool shower, there is another one in the guest room if you want to do the same and I am sure I can find some short for you to throw on. How about you stay for dinner, we are grilling tonight and well Mike makes the most amazing meat.” Throwing a wink at Mike, who blushed, and ran upstairs.

    With an offer like that how could I refuse. I made my way with them upstairs to the guest room and found the second bath. Stripping off my sweaty clothes I prepared to get in the shower. I started by rubbing the soap first all over my chest and pits,  fuck it felt good. My skin was still tingling from whatever was in that water. My cock was rock hard in the spray and I could resist tugging it. Fuck that felt amazing. I started to slow jack my cock, my other hand going down and rubbing my soapy balls, tickling the area behind them made me gasp. I began to wonder and let my finger slide further right against my hole. Making small circles I breathed heavy fuck that felt amazing. Grabbing some more soap I began playing with my hole in ernest. I was surprised out how easily my finger slide in, then another finally a third finger working my hole. My cock was forgotten as I went to town. Plunging my fingers in and out. I bit my hand not to make noise. Holy shit a fourth finger went in. It felt amazing , I lay down on the floor of the tub and threw my legs up really pounding my hole. A knock on the door woke me from my stupor

    “You OK in there neighbor” Toms muffled voice asked

    Startled and very embarrassed about my actions I stammered out that I was fine just had a cramp and would be out in a second. Quickly washing up I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist to go out into the main room. I looked around and my running gear was gone but nothing was there to replace it. I wander over to the master bedroom and looked around for one of my host but didn’t find them. I did see Mike’s , I assumed since it was blue, jock laying on the floor. Again on impulse I went over grabbed it and sniffed it.  Fuck that smelled great, I rubbed my face all over it breathing deep. Hearing footsteps coming from right outside the doo I panicked and tucked it under my towel.

    It was Mike “ oh hey yeah you need some clothes, just grab whatever you find out of the drawers on the right. Tom’s stuff should fit you” and with that he walked back down the hall. Not sure why I did it I slipped his used jock on. It was super tight on my but felt so good. I went to tomes draws and found some basketball shorts and a tank to throw on and head downstairs to hang out and wait for dinner.


    Monday Dinner

     Dinner was soon served and I dug in. Somehow that jog had made me extremely hungry. I tucked in like it was my last meal.

    “So Tom tell sme you drank my water by mistake before the run. How did you like the supplements?”


    I blushed slightly thinking about what had happened in the shower and nodded. “Seems like they work pretty well, definitely made me run a bit faster, and sweat a ton more than usual. “


    “Yeah Tom loves when I use em, says we get a much better workout. Only issue is they tend to make you fucking horny as all hell so we usual fuck like rabbit when we get home.”


    I nearly choked on the wine I was sipping, sputtering and trying to catch my breath I notice Tom give Mike a reprimanding look, but with a smile. “ It is true something about all that sweat on my man and of course how hungry those things make his hole just makes me want to fuck his brains out. Actually getting hard just thinking about it. Want some more wine?”


    Without waiting for my response Tom half stood to top me off and I couldn’t help but look and see his half hard cock outlined in the shorts he was wearing. My eye glued to his bulge I watched it give a noticeable twitch before he sat back down.


    Mike leaned in close to my ears asking me if I liked the view. So caught off guard was I that I dropped my fork and gave a startled yelp. Before thinking about it I reached down to pick it up and felt the borrow short slip down a bit. I heard a slight chuckle from Mike as I straightened up and returned to eating our meal. The conversation went back to a more normal topic after that. Lawn care and what not, which movies are out. The rest of dinner pasted with no more surprises and I was about to go home when Mike asked if I wanted to come running again tomorrow.


    “Ill even make you some of my supplements to use….actually here take these to bottle I prepped if you want. I usually take one at night again and then one in the morning and the third just before I go for a run. Since you are just starting it I would wait and just take one in the morning.”


    Thanks I said as I left saying my goodbyes to Tom and Mike , on the way home I thought about the two water bottle and my shower earlier…as I walked into the house I thought, about Mike’s instructions and said fuck it I can handle whatever he is doing. Before I could think twice I downed one of the bottles. The same bitter taste assaulted my tongue and I grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge to get rid of it. Fuck that tasted good. Then I remembered my earlier plans and my cock got hard. Remembering hot it was before I walked into the garage. It was night and the only light was from the security flood lights form Tom and Mike’s house. Stripping off the borrow clothes I stood there in Mike’s sweat blue jock. Suddenly a rush of sweat broke out over my body and my hands moved on their own. Twisting and pulling my nipples, rubbing the front of the jock.


    On instinct I stepped out of the jock and poured some poppers into the pouch, bringing it to my nose it smelled amazing, fresh sweat and poppers, fuck my cock was rock hard. I lay on the floor and started to work my hand up and down the shaft. Leaving the jock draped across my face the smell of seat and poppers making me moan. My left hand drifted and move towards my ass. Sweat started pouring from my body and I took another hit from the popper bottle, and another, and another 6 hits and I was moaning. The smells and sensations, the dirt and grit digging into my back my finger inched toward my hole and I surrendered to the feelings. Plunging 3 finger in I moaned and writhed. The jock slipped in my mouth and I taste the balls sweat. Sucking on it like a baby I drank his the salt mix. My finger moved furiously in my ass, again a fourth was added with little resists. Fuck I wanted more, looking around the garage I was in a haze, my eye fell on my wife’s tennis racket and a sick thought entered my mind. Not caring I grabbed it and slathering it with the precum leaking form my as and the worked it in. fuck it felt great. I ended up with my feet on the window sill to get the angle right and started fucking my ass with her racket, moaning and jerking my cock, sweat dripping down me I started to get closer and closer. Fuck this felt so good I never wanted to stop, my hand became a blur and all thought of edging left my mind as the orgasm came upon me. Volleys of cum shot from my cock, landing on my face and chest 8 shots in total and my body went slack. The jock covering my face was spotted with my cum and before I knew it I was shoving it in my mouth adding the taste my own jizz to the mélange of sweat and ass. Shuddering I remove the tennis racket from my ass and dragged myself out of the garage and upstairs.


    I got in the shower to rinse of and felt my sore ass, sticking a finger in it I hissed. Damn I hope I hadn’t done any damage. Exhausted I dragged myself to bed and fell dead asleep until the alarm clock went off.


    Tuesday Morning

    The alarm forced me to open my eyes and face the next day, I felt drained and still tired. Looking down I saw my cock was at its usually full mast in the morning. Without even thinking two finger went in my mouth and started to work their way into my hair hole. A sigh escaped my lips and a pearl of precum formed quickly on the head of me cock. My palm rubbed it around the head before enveloping the shaft and starting to jerk. Finally the finger were all the way in my sore ass and I started to fuck myself (felt weird to call it that but hey it is what it is). My moved up and my feet went flat to the mattress giving me more access. My hand was a blur as I approached orgasm, a thin sheen of sweat broke out on my body as I came my cum hitting the middle of my chest 3 times before slacking and coating my abs. Taking my finger from my hole I swirled them in the chest hair, mixing the cum and then quickly without thought shoved them in my mouth. The taste of my ass and cum and a bit of sweat as intoxicating, I moaned and wen back from more until I was a sticky mated mess. Contentedly sigh I got up and went to the shower to get prepped for work.


    Quick mirror check let me know I could skip shaving at least one more day if not two, my little morning jerk had cost me some time. As I was about to get dressed I looked at Mike blue jock laying on the floor. On a dirty impulse I put it back on, it felt rough against my cock an balls and I knew it was dirty but didn’t care. Just to make sure though I covered it up with my usual boxer briefs and finished dressing in my usual 3 piece suit for work. As I was making my way out the door I noticed the other water bottle. I felt taking it now might not be a good idea but surely if I only took half at lunch I wouldn’t have any issues. Dropping it in my bag I hopped in my car and headed off to work, a smile on my face and the tast of my ass and cum on my mouth.


    Tuesday Work

    I arrived and work and tucked in behind my desk and started going about all the mundane tasks of my day. Every now and then though thoughts of my actions over the last 2 hours would pop in my head and I could feel my cock twitch against the rough sweat and cum soaked fabric of the stolen jock. The tight pouch holding my furry balls and cock close to my body, the coarse fibers rubbing ever so slightly as I shifted in my chair. Needless to say my mind wander a bit and but I got through it all. That is until lunch time came.

    I had run down to the local deli and just grabbed a salad and what not to eat at my desk. Might slight distraction had put me not technically behind but I tend to be an over achiever so anything less than above average make me feel like a failure. So sitting at my desk and realize I didn’t grab a drink to go with my lunch. Meh fuck it I had the water bottle I figured it wouldn’t be anything I couldn’t handle, beside I knew I wasn’t at home so I was sure I could control any urges that came along.

    I grabbed the water bottle from my bag and took a long swallow, it tasted bitter but it was kind of growing on me. That was how my lunch went until I realized I had drunk the whole bottle instead of just the half bottle I had meant to drink. The warm feeling swept over me and I tried to ignore it and just get back to work. I felt a sweat break out over me and worried I might get my jacket dirty so got up and draped it over the back of my chair. The pouch rubbing my cock and balls caused me to pause and enjoy the feeling. I sat back down and went back to work, it was now worse than in the morning. My thoughts kept thinking of how good it had feel to play with my hole and the taste of the jock and cum in my mouth. My tongue licked my lips and tasted the sweat forming on my upper lip and I moaned. My eyes flitted to the door to my office and back to my work. A thought popped in my head…..it was still during the lunch hour…..most of the staff was still out….it isn’t like I’ve never jerked off in my office before but that was just a quick tug behind my desk after  a long day. Without knowing how I had done it I was already at my door turning the lock.

    In a daze I turned around and glanced around my office, my gaze hooded and hungry. My eyes fell on the water bottle, empty and sitting in the trash. I quickly unbuckled and pull down my pants and underwear leaving the jock on I grabbed the bottle and kneeled on the floor. I position my ass right over the bottle cap and rocked down on it. Fuck it felt amazing. Even though I couldn’t get it that far in just the cap popping in and out of my hole turn me on. I was bouncing on it and rubbing the rough crusted jock against me. I quickly pulled it aside and started jerking. Twisting my nipples while bouncing I felt the orgasm cumming on me quickly, and before I knew it cum erupted, I shot 5 times and sagged back on my heels, my full weight settled on the bottle and with a surprise yelp it slipped into me. I saw stars and my breathing quickened. I pants as I adjusted to the invasion. Looking down I could see the cum splattered all over my floor. Instantly I was on my hands, my tongue licking the dirty rough carpet sucking up all my jizz. The water bottle popped out and hit the floor just as I finished licking up the last drops of my cum. I quickly rearranged myself sorted my office out and went back to work all the happier. My thought still drifted but I was able to make it through the end of the work day and head home.

    As I was driving home a thought occurred to me and I made a detour. Parking in the stores lot I got out and walked in….

    Tuesday After Work

    Walking into the porn shop I thought of what it was I was looking for and why I had waited so long to get one. Now before you think I am a married prude I am not unfamiliar with porn shop, adult bookstores or ABS as you kids call em nowadays. I stop by on occasion to pop in some dollars and jerk off quick on the way home. Often with the viewing window down so me and some stranger can watch each other jerk off.  They are again a nice safe way to be kinky without risking more than you want.


    As I walked in took notice of the cashier and smiled. It was one of my favorites, not that I have ever done anything but this guy was hot as all held. An older guy full and nice trimmed white bear, shaved head and really muscular. Think if you spliced Anderson Cooper with Joe Manganiello, fuckin nice image right. Anyways I went up to the toy wall and started browsing. Fuck there is a lot of thing that you can stick up your ass. I kept walking back and forth trying to decide between a set of butt plugs that were marketed as trainers (3 separate boxes 3 in each starting small and going to Lincoln tunnel) or this dildo that looked like what I imagined Tom’s cock must be like.


    “Need some help there son?”


    Without hearing him the cashier had snuck up behind me, I gave a start and a stare cause holy fuck he was hotter closer up. My hole started to twitch again like at lunch and my cock started to thicken, Fuck bet I still had some of the supplement running through me.


    “Ummmm not really sure which one to get, kinda new to all this” I stammered


    “Well here I can help you there” with that he grabbed the beginner and intermediate butt plug trainers off the wall and started back to the counter. On impulse I grabbed the dildo, figure I might be able to get it in there some day. I walked up to the front of the counter and he chuckled and motioned for me to come behind. The counter was tall about waist high and had shelves for storage underneath. The cashier looked at me and told me to drop my pants…..I stared at him like he was crazy and he repeated the command this time in a much more forceful way. Adding if I need it there were some poppers for encouragement under the counter to my left. Looking over I saw a bottle of Amsterdam already opened.  Again my hole twitched and my mind raced. Was I really going to listen to this guy.


    Just then the front door opened and a guy came up to buy some tokens for the back. I sighed with relief. I am sure I look very out of place in my suit and tie just standing behind the counter.


    “Got a new one? “

    “Naw just gonna give him a fitting” said the cashier with a wink


    The new comer chuckled and wandered off to the back room . He looked at me stared into my eyes and then glanced down. As if of their own accord my hands trembling undid my belt and drop my pants to the floor, before I could hesitate I grabbed the poppers bottle and took 4 deep hits. The rush hitting me and kicking that water back into me. I grabbed my underwear and the jock and tore them down exposing my full bush and hairy ass. The cashier looked at me with lust and came over and turned me so I was facing out into the store. Grabbing lube form the shelf I felt him smear some on my ass.


    “Now the beginner butt plug feels like this” and with that 2fingers were shoved roughly into my hole. I instinctively stood on tip toe, trying to deny him further entrance. His meaty hand came down on my shoulder and forced me back down. A moan escape my lips as I started to move my hips in a circle. His finger worked in and out of my hole, hitting my prostate. My cock fully hard dripped a steady leak of precum into the pouch of the jock between my feet.


    “This is the smaller set so this is what you would be starting with. Though seems like you have already being working this out a bit on your own. So we will get your started right at the intermediate level OK”


    Wordlessly and I nodded my head. At that moment I heard the door open. Panic gripped me as I saw Tom walk in the store. Quickly I ducked down pulling the cashier finger from my ass and crammed myself onto the shelf.


    “Hey Tom, got your order in , look like you are going to have a fun weekend this time.”


    “Me and Mike have a fun weekend every time but this time is going to be special. You should stop by after you get off work. We would love to have you. Not really a group outing but always fun to add a fourth.”


    “I just might do that thanks, here ya go have great day “


    Once Tom left I scampered back out from under the shelf and the cashier was shaking his head and chuckling

    “Don’t know why you were so afraid Tom has seen me doing worse than that in here. Hell one time he came in while is husband was blowing me. That was a fun night. We ended up spit roast that hot little number right behind the counter. So back to your purchases, let get you’re the intermediate and that dildo I saw you drooling over and bring up. Here turned around for me and let me see that hole again……you might wanna hit those poppers too”


    Not needing encouragement when it came to poppers I took another 4 hits and present my ass. I heard him open the one box, smear some more lube on my hole and then felt the cool silicon of the butt plug pressing against my ass. Panicked I took 2 more hit of poppers and it snapped into me. I saw stars and my cock. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK it almost made me come.  My breath was coming in shallow gasps.


    “ There ya go now pull up those pants and be on your way sexy. Before I decide to take a taste of the hole with more than just my fingers”


    Sliding money onto the counter I grabbed my purchases and made my way out of the store, the whole time the butt plug was rubbing my prostate. I opened my car door and sat down, instantly my cock erupted and the pressure from the seat pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed in the jock constrained and holding all my cum . It took me about 5 min before I could put the keys in the ignition and pull away. And you can bet I hit every pit hole on the way home……

    Tuesday Evening

    I got out of my car and looked at my cellphone, 5pm, I had an hour before I had to be over at Tom and Mike’s for another run. As I walked up my front steps I noticed a 6 bottles of water on the front steps with a note, “ In case you wanted needed some more”. A smile crept over my face as I bent down and grabbed it, the butt plug shifting in my ass sending little waves of pleasure through my body. I walked in dropped my bag and I grabbed the water and carried it into the kitchen putting it into the fridge to chill….I debated half a second before I grabbed one and drank half of it. The bitter strange flavor seemed strong but I didn’t care. With only an hour to spare I got y purchases from the front hall and made my way upstairs.


    As soon as I was in the bedroom I stripped down to my stolen jock. My hand reached around and felt where the plug was locked firmly in my ass. I started to pull it out and gasp at the amount of pain that hit me. Fuck that isn’t good, I guess I was so hot at the porn shop I didn’t notice, or maybe it was the poppers. Thinking that might help I went to my bed stand and grabbed my bottle, taking 4 hits I felt the warmth and horniness sweep over me. I reached back again and started pulling on the butt plug. This time I got it to move and could feel it working out of my ass. Fuck it started to feel good, a moan escaped my lips as I felt my ass stretching. Slowly I pulled careful not to hurt myself, sweat broke out on my body. A little bit more and it would clear the fat part and I could go take a shower and get dressed. Just before I thought it was going to give I heard a shout from downstairs.


    It was Tom “ Hey neighbor! Your dor was open and I thought I would come by and make sure you got the water and ceck you were coming tonight”


    Startled by the voice my hand let go of the butt plug and it snapped back into my tight hole. Stars danced in front of my eyes and I groaned loudly.


    “Yup, I be there in a bit, just wanted to hop in the shower and rinse off the day.”

    “OK, I’ll just wait down here for ya then and we can head over together.”

    Fuck I thought with Tom waiting I didn’t have time for this. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…..well guess this will be interesting. I stripped off the jock and hopped in my shower, the whole time I was in there I was desperately trying to get the plug out of my ass. Finally worrying that Tom would think something was wrong I got out dried off and went to get dress. I stepped back into Mike’s jock and a pair of compression shorts under my usual running shorts. Figured I had seen people wear them like this and this way in case the damn fucking butt plug decided to pop out the compression shorts would help hold it in place.


    I made my way down the stairs and saw Tom sitting on my couch dressed all in green this time, his blonde fur sticking out of his tank top, his hand resting behind his head the flashing his furry pits. Fuck my nostrils dilated and I swear I could smell something, it made my cock twitch and my ass spasm around the plug. When he looked over and smiled at me I think I even blushed a little.

    “Here I also wanted to bring you this.” He held out a flash drive to me, I looked at it puzzled “ It is a relaxing programs. Mike used to have a hard time sleeping when he started taking the supplements of his so I whipped up this in order to help him relax. Worked like a charm. Just add it to you play list after the run tonight and you will be sleeping like a baby in no time.”


    I nodded my thanks and set it down on the coffee table and followed Tom, out the door and over to his place, My cock was hard and straining against the pouch of the stolen jock, kept firmly in place, each step shifting the plug in my hole mad me leak a little. Fuck how was I going to get through this run.


    Tuesday Run and Bedtime

    Making my way over to the house I rang the bell and was greeted by Tom who handed me a bottle of water.

    “Here I made another one for ya so you don’t have to use the ones we gave you right away”

    Not wanting to let on I had already drank some I quickly drained the bottle while Tom watched smiling to himself.

    “Hey I was kind of sore after last night wanna help me stretch out a bit before we run?” Tom asked as he go down on the floor and stretched his legs straight in front of him.

    Thinking nothing of it got down and mirrored his position and started to pull him forward. The water was already starting to warm me up and making my hole throb. The buttplug pushed harder in my ass as I was sitting on their tiled floor. A slight moan escaped my lips and I hoped that Tom didn’t hear me. I heard Mike coming down the stairs as Tom started to pull me toward him stretching my back out and making me bend almost in half. I felt my tank top rising up showing the top of my ass.

    “Well Tom I guess you win the bet” Mike chuckled

    Tom just smiled and informed him he would collect later tonight. We finished the stretch and got up off the floor and made our way to the door. The doctored water was definitely making a difference. I could feel all my muscles and just wanted to get out and start using them. The plug in my ass was making me leak and fuck it was amazing. We took off on the same route, I started panting and sweaty almost groaning with each step as my ass shifted and clenched. My body moving and sweating, dripping down my face I was having a a harder time keeping pace with my new friends. The plug was so distracting. My cock was so hard and I was thankful for the compression shorts to keep it in. Once again as we made our way back they both started to sprint as we re-entered the forest. Trying to keep up with them I ran faster, the plug shifting in my ass more and more, hitting my prostate, the shorts rubbing the rough material of the jock over my cock head. Oh fuck OH FUCK FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK before I could do anything an orgasm rippled through my body. I grabbed a tree to steady myself, my hole spasmed and twisted, I panicked feeling the plug force from my body. Fuck fuck fuck fuck luckily the shorts kept it lodge aimed at my ass. Walking a few feet I spotted a bench and before I could second guess the decision I sat down hard. The plug popped back in sending me into another orgasm. Gasping and grunting and blushing I felt dirty and wrong but so happy.


    I Jogged the rest of the way back to Mike and Toms, I entered their place and made my way upstairs to the guest bath. I heard noises from the their bedroom that let me know exactly what the bet was for. Blushing I made my way to the bathroom stripping my sweaty clothes off. The stolen jock now drenched in cum and sweat. I got in the shower and managed to get the plug out. My ass felt empty but also amazing. I had never had anything in that long. I set the plug on the soap dish and finished washing. Coming out of the shower I looked at the plug and wondered what to do with it. There was not lube left. Making a quick call I buried it in the back of the under the sink shelf. I figured since they used it for guests I could just pick it up on another visit.


    Exiting into the main room my blood ran cold, on the bed were my clothes form the other night cleaned and washed, but the dirty ones were missing. Maybe I could lie and say it was my jock and we just had the same taste……fuck fuck fuck.


    I got dressed and made my way downstairs to Tom and Mike sitting at the kitchen island. Mike passed me some water, I took a sip and tasted the now familiar bitterness and carefully only drank a bit of it . I wasn’t sure how much was safe. The once again invited me to dinner but I begged off saying I wanted to get back to my pace and use the hot tub my wife had insisted we install. I could definitely use the soak.


    Before leaving Tom reminded me to try using the relaxation tracks he had made for me to help me sleep. Mike looked up with a knowing smile as I shut the door behind me to a shout of “same time tomorrow”

    Making my way home I stripped as some as I got in , threw on some trunk swim briefs quickly loaded the tracks from the flash drive to my phone and made my way to the hot tub. Booting up the first of 9 tracks , each one was about 45 min, I put in my ear buds and listened. Seemed like some nice ASMR delta wave hippy stuff one of my friends had told me about once. I closed my eyes and started to just drift. After about 15 minutes I felt extremely relaxed and the hot tub had finished a cycle. Taking that as A hint I got out, went to the outside shower we had just for rinsing off and then went upstairs, stripped off my trunks and slid into bed. Putting the earbuds back in I fell quickly asleep. My dreams were really weird but I woke up feeling amazing and refreshed and made my way to the bathroom…..


    Wednesday Morning


    Making my way to the bathroom I checked myself in the mirror. Looking at my face it was definitely a shaving day. My usual neat goatee was looking a bit scruffy and needed a trim, looking over my body I ran my hair through my thick chest hair, scratching it, felt really good. Staring at my face in the mirror I wondered what I would look like without the goatee and stubble. Oh well need to get showered and cleaned up. Hopping in the shower I start running my hands all over. Soapy my pecs and abs, washing my cock and balls and my furry pits. My hands started to soap up my ass, kneading the cheeks they drifted closer to my hole. Right away I noticed a difference. Where once I was a air tight a soap finger easily slipped in. A moan escaped my lip and a second finger joined it, then a third. My hole seemed on fire need more. I began to truly finger fuck myself. Working deeper and deeper, I turn my head and my eyes saw the toys on the bathroom counter. The two plugs still left and the dildo, the next thing I knew I was dripping wet and walking to the night stand to grab the poppers from my drawer. Heading back into the running shower I grabbed the dildo and the jar of abolene my wife uses for removing her make up. Having used it once or twice for my own popper fueled edge sessions I knew it was a great lube.


    I uncapped the poppers and took 6 hits , 3 on each side. My breathing became deeper and my hole hungry. I needed to be filled. I slather up the dildo and gentle touched it to my hole. Just that touch sent desire coursing through my body. I began to push on it, it wasn’t moving, I pushed hard feeling my hole stretch and finally with a gasp of pain touched with pleasure the head popper in. I gasped, unable to to much else as my hole adjusted. I then slowly took it out, popping it back in and gyrating my hips. Again and again I was taking little thrusts of the cock. I took the bas and planted it on the floor of the tub. I angled the water so it was hitting me right in the chest. I got on my knees and pressed down again. Bouncing a little I rode the first 4 inches of the dildo. Sweat pouring from me and mixing with the water. Looking over I grabbed my poppers again. Daring myself I took 10 hits. 5 on each side. The need was pulsing. I could feel my hole throbbing around the dildo, I began riding it again fast and fast. I got up on the balls of my feet for a different angle and felt it hitting something deep in my hole. I changed my angle again to keep hitting that spot. 2 more hits of poppers.


    I was moaning constantly now, want the fucking to never end. I went to readjust myself again to get at my hole a different angle. While moving my foot out it slipped on the wet tub floor, I had half a second of panic before my weight dropped me down on the rest of the dildo. Something gave way in my and I felt my entire ass spasm, quaking around the dildo. Tremors ripped through my body and the biggest orgasm I had ever felt rocketed through my body. My ass pulsed and kept pulsing, I flopped on the tub floor like a fish unable to control myself, spread through me radiating from my hole I arched my back and the dildo shot form me hitting the other side of the bathtub. Spent I lay there as the water kept raining down on me. I gasped for breath as I came back into myself. Gingerly I touch my hole with my hand and felt the electric connection shoot in my making me moan. Knowing I was now running late I soaped up again and washed offer my body, no time for a shave again. I went out in the bedroom and grabbed my now standard jock strap, this time no other underwear and dress suit, went downstairs grabbed a protein bar 2 bottles of water from the fridge and head off to work…


    Wednesday Work

    I got to work and sat in my chair and loaded up the project for the day. My hand idle scratches my chest. Grabbing a bottle of water I began sipping it through the morning. The bitter taste was now welcome and delicious now. I loved swallowing it, before I knew it the first bottle was finished and empty. Gathering all my fortitude I buckled down and focused on the task at hand. Luckily everything was routine and while I was distracted I as able to get through all I needed to get through before lunch time came. My cock was hard and tenting my dress pants. Fuck I was horned up.


    Since I hadn’t brought any lunch I figured I would head out and grab a bite from one of the nearby cafes.  I grabbed by keys and hopped in my car heading out for food. My ass gave a twitch against  my suit pants and I moaned. As if of its own accord I was back at the porn shop. Before I knew what I was doing I was out of the car and walking through the door. The Cashier was back behind the counter and smiled at me.


    “Hey buddy how is everything working out for ya?”


    “Pretty good thanks, can I get some change for the back?” I asked as I handed him a 20


    Smiling with a wink he handed me back my change and I went to the back room. There seemed to be a lot of guys back there , apparently I wasn’t the only one going for a lunch time wank. I usually just go into the first booth I see open but none were open until I got about halfway back. Ducking in quick I fed 5$ into the machine and started up some porn. Opening my fly I reached in and pulled out my cock, moaning as a drop of precum leaked out the front. My other hand rubbed all over my chest rubbing my nipples through my dress shirt. Sweat started to break out on my forehead and I got worried. In order not to get my shirt all wet I took it  off and hung it on the hook. Fuck it was hot in here. My hand scratched my furry chest pinching my nipples. Lifting my arms I sniffed my pit and my tongue stretched out licking the sweat. Fuck it tasted so good, another moan left my lips my cock now slick with precum a I was jacking it. The porn on the screen showed a fuck hot guy in  a sling getting pounded by a big hairy fucker. My ass twitched and spasmed as I watch the huge cock pound into the guy in the slings hole. His body arched and glistened. Smooth and pale, covered in tattoos and pierced nipples. Just as I was getting close I heard the door to my booth open and turned around in a panic. Holy fuck how had I forgot to lock it. Standing there was the cashier smiling at me. Moving quickly he moved into the booth with me and closed the door locking it. Wondering what he was going to do I stood there stock still. Coming to me he grabbed my hands off my cock and bent my right arm behind my head. Burying his face in my sweaty pit I felt his tongue make a long flat hot swipe, licking the salty mix. Grabbing my chin roughly he turned my head and stared into my eyes. My mouth hung open, I had never done anything with a guy physically before. Taking advantage of my pose his spit at my, landing most of it in my mouth. I taste my sweat and his spit and swallowed. Nodding with a knowing smile he sank to a squat and took my cock in his mouth. HOLY FUCK my wife never gave head this was amazing. My back arched in began thrusting into him. In no time I had built back to where I was, sweat dripping from me I began to shudder and spasm. My body rocked by another amazing orgasm, 8 shots of cum erupted from my cock into the cashier’s mouth. Finally it stopped and I stood there feeling drained. The cashier stood up and stepped right next to me and pulled me close. His hands grabbed my hair and bent my head slightly back, his mouth hovered over mine, barely touching. My mouth breathing escaping form my open mouth. Still staring into my eyes he open his mouth and let my cum drip into me. My eyes were wide as saucers as e spit my load back into me. Once he has it all out his hand came up and closed my mouth.


    “Swallow”……….and I did


    Wednesday cont.


    Cashier reached into my jacket hanging on the wall and pull out my cellphone, and dialed a number. Still dazed he held it to my ear. I have no idea what I heard, my only response was to sign off with “Thank you” and “Yes”. Staring back at cashier I looked into his eyes and slowly nodded. His hand went to my pants belt and undid them. They dropped to the floor leaving me standing in just my black jock. Next his hands move to his own jeans and he opened them, pushing them just past his ass. I was shocked to see his cock in a steel cage, a small padlock attached. Above his cock was the word “Property” and under that “of” the rest of the tattoo disappearing onto his cock and under the metal. Reaching behind him he grunted and gasped, bring the item around to the front I knew what to do. He held it up and locked eyes with me again, the light from the porn playing showed the pug clean and glistening with his ass juices and….I tongue shot out and made a quick swipe, the taste of rubber and lube and cum, and ass filled my mouth. Cashier smiled and motioned with his fingers. I turned around and presented my ass. He handed me a bottle of poppers and I hit is hard, breathing deep 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 and held it. Holding that 8th hit in me as I felt the plug against my hole, pushing harder, harder, I exhaled. The rush was instant, my hole opened and the plug shot in and practically locked in place. Stars danced in front of my eyes. I felt like I was going to pass out. The Cashier’s arms held me tight as my ass spasmed and adjusted to this new fullness. After a few minutes the Cashier slapped my ass and let me know lunch was just about over. I got dressed like a zombie and right myself. Stopping in the bathroom on the way out to fix my hair. I headed back to my works my hole full and a smile on my face.

    Wednesday After Work

    Back at my desk I had a smile on my face and a rumbling in my guts. With nothing else at my desk to eat I drank the other bottle of water, it seemed to have some energy kick to it so I thought I would hold me over. The only problem was it started making me also bounce up and down in my office chair to work the plug in my ass. This would never work and I couldn’t take the time for a jerk session again with work to do. Then I remembered Tom’s relaxing files and popped in my ear buds an hit play. It was amazing again after like 5 min I calmed down and was able to get back to work. The weir ASMR like noises penetrated my head and soothed me. Before I knew it is was 5 o’clock and time to head out. Pretty happy I had gotten even ab it more than I meant to accomplished I packed up my briefcase and started out the door.


    Walking to my car was both great and difficult. The shifting plug in my ass kept send warm tingles to my cock which was leaking so much at this point I could feel it slip and sliding in the jock strap. I got in my car and another moan escaped from my lips and it pushed the plug nice and hard into me again. The drive home was uneventful, I had decided on the way home that instead of cardio tonight I needed to get some weight training in, so instead of going for a run with Tom and Mike I would head to my gym and do some muscle training. Waking up stairs I quickly stripped off my clothes and decided to rinse off the sweat from my earlier encounter before heading out. As I made my way through the bathroom I looked in the mirror and notice my scruffy face, hmm I need to fix that. Grabbing my clippers I started to trim my goatee, carefully working the edges before I would shave. I kept shaping it and fixing the edges, they never seemed to be straight. Then I thought back to earlier and what I would look like without it. I hadn’t shaved my face totally in around 6 years. Fuck it no time like the present and change is always good. The clippers move over my and so I was completely gone. I lathered up and began to shave, the boar bristle brush felt great on my skin and the sandalwood soap I use always smells great. Before I knew it I was all done, looking at the guy in the mirror I was impressed with how much younger I looked and how great my face was. But I looked off a bit. Here was this youthful face with the deep hairy chest and bush, that just looks weird, I thought. Picking the clippers back up I started working them over my body, striping of my once cherished chest hair, leg hair, bits crotch everything got clippered. Now that looked a lot better. Standing there I looked young and fit. It really helped show off all the hard work I was doing. My cock liked it too as a large amount of precum had dripped on the sink counter making a small pool. Not one to let anything go to waste I bent down a quickly licked I up. The taste was delicious and I savored it in my mouth before swallowing it.


    I ran my hand over my almost hairless body and love it. The feel of my skin so much closer now. It made me wonder…..Digging under the sink I found what I was looking for. My wife hated any body hair on her so she always had some of the hair stripping stuff. A quick look at the direction said it was perfect for my bikini area, since I don’t have one of those I’ll just assume that I can put it on my balls. I ran some down my arms, chest, balls, legs, ass, even my hands and feet. The stuff smelled weird and kind of burned but I stood there covered in with goo for a solid 20 min while I waited for it to work. When the time was up I went and turned on the shower and got in. The water felt amazing washing that stuff of and I was shocked and how much hair was circling the daring. The water felt different, no longer hitting the impasse of my body hair it glided over my skin feeling like sating running down my body. I got out and toweled off, the nakedness of being hairless was exhilarating . I looked at myself in the mirror and marvels. No hair , not a single one. I hadn’t looked like this since I was 10. My cock looked gigantic huge and pulsing, a pearl of precum leaked out and my finger quickly brought it to my mouth, before I could get to into what I was doing I reminded myself I needed to get my ass in gear and hit the gym. Throwing on a jock compression shorts and a tank I headed out to build some muscle…..


    Wednesday  Night


    I made it to the gym and head to the locker room, I needed to change into different shoes, mainly because I hate tracking dirt all over the gym from outside. Went to my locker open it up and staring at me were two water bottles. I know I hadn’t put them there and there was a not attached to one that said “Drink Me”. These ones looked slightly different from the usually ones, they had a tinge of almost dark brown yellow, I figured they must just be a stronger formula. I grabbed one and brought it to my lips. It was warm from being in the locker and tasted a bit acrid but I just chugged it right down and kept going until the bottle was empty. Feel a bit of a flush I head out to the gym floor and over to the free weights.


    While walking over I noticed Cashier from the porn shop doing cardio on the treadmill, I don’t remember him being part of my gym but I smiled and nodded hello on my way past. He gave a slight nod and a smirk and kept running. The sweat was pouring form his body into his black tank and shorts. Over in the free weight area I started with some light curls and then some flys to working my upper body hard. Seated arms raises and some triceps flex. Did some skull crushers and by that time almost an hour had past. I didn’t see cashier in the cardio area anymore and I was feeling a bit sore. Since the butt plug was still in my ass I know I was going to do any squats. As it was the motions I had been going through and the hard bench had worked the plug in my hole pretty well. A noticeable bulge was sneaking down my shorts. Back in the locker room I decided relaxing stint in the steam room would be a great idea. I went to my locker and took off my clothes and noticed a message on my phone. I checked into my voicemail and heard that voice again, my mind was fuzzy, sweat broke out all over my body, my cock pulsed and dripped precum before the end. “Thank you sir” escaped my lips and I grabbed the other bottle and drained it before wrapping a towel around my waist and making my way to the steam room.


    Once inside the steam was tick as fuck today, I could barely make out the other side of the room. My bare feet slapped against the wet tiles as I made my way to the back and pulled my towel off to slay it down on the bench. The door to the room opened and I saw a tall shape coming towards me. I smiled when I saw it was the Cashier, his body swollen form his workout. I stood up to greet him and he leaned in, whisper things in my ear I can’t recall, it all came out so fast. He pulled away and I nodded knowing what to do. I turned around and got on my knees and present my plug. His hand roved all over my hairless body, grasping the plug firmly in his hand he started to pull. A moan escaped m lips and I bit my hand trying not to make any noise. Finally the pug came out of my hole with an audible plop noise and a sigh escaped my lips.  My hand crept back feeling my hole, what once had been tight now stayed open, gaping as if waiting to be filled. A finger slide around the outside of the hole and a moan escaped my lips. The cashier leaned on my back; I could feel his sweat on me, his caged metal cock pressing against my hole. He whispered in my ear again and my world started to fade. The last clear image was of 6 guys coming out of the steam before everything went black…….


    Thursday Morning

    I woke up in my bed slightly disoriented not knowing how I got home last night. All I remember was going into the steam room and seeing the Cashier and then everything got very fuzzy. My hand glided down my smooth body, tweaking my nipples making a moan starting my my chest and emerge from my parted lips. I shifted my body and felt something move. Looking down my hand looked different and I couldn’t figure out why, but it looked very strange. I slowly got up from my bed and gasp and I felt the shift happen in my ass again. Making my way to the bathroom I turned around expecting to see the safety catch for my plug and instead found a loop of rope. Grabbing hold of it I begin to pull with my hand while pushing with my ass muscled. A giant read ball popped out making my cock drip and a sigh issue form my lips. I kept pulling and another popped out, the sensation was incredible. The benwa balls were rubbing across my prostate as each one slid from my stretched hole. I was starting to feel empty again. The 5th ball popped out and still rope was in my ass. I pull slowly and felt something squishy sliding out. And stared in amazement, tied at the end was a condom full of cum. I wasn’t sure how many guy contributed to it but I knew what I had to do. I grabbed the scissors for the bathroom sink, snipped the condom and poured the whole contents into my mouth. Savoring all the loads as then slid down my throat, tasting the different mingled flavors. Something was still weird there was a light string almost like dental floss still attached to the end of the benwa balls. I pulled the string carefully I didn’t even feel it in my gaping hole. Something popped out of my ass and swung from the end of the string. Looking down in horror I realized then why my hand looked odd and different. Attached to the string behind the condom full of who know whose loads, was my wedding ring…….


    Thursday daytime

    My cock sprang to life and I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed the balls and started pushing them one at a time back in my ass, after taking off my wedding ring of course. Each ball slipped in, a little resistance at first at the pop in slipped in slamming into my prostate. Watching myself in the mirror , moans and gasp escaping from me I watched myself in the mirror as sweat broke out . Once all the balls were back in place I grabbed my poppers and took 3 hits and started jacking my cock. Squeezing my ass muscles I felt the balls shift in my hole rubbing my prostate and sending the best feeling shoot through my body. 3 more hits and I was getting close, 4 hits and I knew what I was ready to do. So close and about to shoot my hand grabbed the looped rope and yanked hard, wrenching the balls from my ass just as my orgasm crested spraying he mirror and counter, my knees gave out and I fell to the ground shuddering and sweating. Waves of pleasure making my body quiver. In a haze I looked up and saw my glassy eyes in the mirror as I pulled myself up and began licking my cum from the counter, looking myself in the eyes as my tongue made wide swipes across the glass, some of the cum dripped onto my chin, my breath fogging the glass. Panting I made my way to the shower to get cleaned up and dressed for work.


    I grabbed another bottle of the energy water to drink on the way to work and headed in, every time I thought back to this morning my cock grew hard and leaked precum. I was glad I had on a jock strap and wore dark pants otherwise I knew there would be a noticeable spot. Once I got to work it was much better, I was so distracted and horny all day long that my mind kept drifting and my cock stayed hard. Due to this it took me forever to get my usual workload done and before I knew it the clock said 8 pm. Fuck well no working out for me tonight.


    Leaning back in my chair I heard the door open and glance up. The night cleaning crew must be here, I knew the guy that cleaned my office decently well as this was not my first time staying late, though it was the first time because I was horny. Looking at him made my cock twitch. He nodded hello and in his Slavic accent asked if it was ok for him to clean my office. Nodding I said yes as I was just going to pack up and head out. Reaching into my bag I grabbed the second bottle of water that day and downed it. My heart racing and cock throbbing. I heard a cellphone go off and looked at the cleaning guy as he answered it. He nodded twice and then walked over to me, my mind became fuzzy as he put the phone to my ear and I heard the no familiar voice and its litany. Nodding my head I mumbled a thank you.


    Standing up I moved around my desk and began stripping off my clothes while the cleaner watch. Once I was down to my black jockstrap I kneeled and looked up. The cleaner reached into the pocket of his work pants and pulled out a small brown bottle. Steeping close to me he pressed it to my right nostril holding my left closed. I inhaled deeply. He repeated on the left side, again inhaling deeply. Right. Left. Right. Left. My head was spinning as he looked down at me. Drool came out of my mouth and dripped down my smooth chest.

    The cleaner reached up and unzipped his cleaner crew suit, reveling a white jock strap and a 8 inch uncut cock, precum beading at the tip and getting ready to drip. He point to the floor and I knew to lay down and open my mouth. He slowly milked his cock while standing above me. Dripping precum into my mouth. A steady leaking stream that tasted sweet and made me want more. He slowly began to jack his cock harder, his breathing quickened, he aimed his cock to my chest and I felt the cum hit me, 8 strong blasts coated my chest and abs. The cleaner walked around and bent down, swiping his hand through the mess on me and gathering the cum up. He presented his hand and I dutifully lifted my head and lapped up all he had to offer, sucking the cum from his finger and palm. My own cock was straining against the jock strap and I desperately wanted release.


    And just like that he zipped up and walked away, leaving me a heaving mess on the floor of my office.


    Thursday cont…


    Panting there my eyes dazed, my cock straining and leaking precum I heard my office door again and panicked. Turning quickly I saw the janitor was back and had brought more of the night cleaning crew. I started to stutter an explanation but the first guy shook his head know and held a finger to his lips. He walked to my desk and grabbed my cellphone and dialed number. He knelt down and held the phone to my ear, staring me directly in my eyes. The Voice was back, soothing, telling me what to do and not to worry. A bottle off poppers was held to my nose and I inhaled while listening to the voice. 1 hit, 2, ,3, 4, 5, 6, the phone was turned off and I got to my feet and faced the 3 new men. Each now stood there naked, their cocks rampant and dripping. I walked to the first man and lifted his arm. I quickly buried my face in his sweaty pits. My tongue lapping the sweat and cleaning his dense furry trench, marking my face with his smell. Once cleaning I moved to the other side repeating the gesture. He then turned around and present his ass. My ace dove in licking and nibbling. Making his hole wet, tongue fucking that furry fucker.


    I heard a snapping of fingers and removed myself from his ass. Moving onto the next guy and repeating the process. Each time cleaning and licking and nibbling. My cock dripping and wetting the entire front of my jock strap. After the third guy I turned to the first and he smiled and nodded. All 4 men got dressed and left. I could still smell them on me. Once again I got dressed and before leaving chugged my last bottle of water. I needed to get home and ride my dildo I was so fucking horny I needed my ass filled and I wanted it badly. With my hand on the doorknob about to step out a thought occurred. I dropped my pants, reached in my bag and grabbed the bottle. I tried pushing it in but it just wasn’t working, all it did was make me groan and sweat. In a last ditch effort I pulled my pants back up and went out into the hall. I found the janitor that takes care of my office. Looking in his eyes I simply said “ Please” and gave him the bottle. He smiled and I turned around, he reached into his cart and pulled out lube and jammed the bottle home. Making me feel whole and happy. I pulled up and left. The ride home took forever. Antoher six pack of water waiting for me on the doorstep as I rushed in…..


     I woke up sore and foggy and wasn’t feeling well so I called into work to give myself a break. As soon as I hung up I passed back out and didn’t wake up until I heard a repeated knocking at my door. Getting out of bed I padded downstairs and cracked open the door to see Tom my neighbor standing there sweating and panting a little.


    “Hey saw your car was still in the driveway after my run and wanted to check in on ya , and see what was up”

    I opened the door and let him in, only after realizing I was naked. Tom walked in wearing just a tanka nd basketball shorts and sat down on the couch. I asked if he wanted anything to drink and he said sure. I grabbed one of the bottle from my fridge and brought it to him.


    “Nothing for you? Come on don’t let a guy drink alone” Tom joked


    Padding back to the fridge I grabbed a bottle and went back into the living room where some was casually sipping at his bottle. I looked at him and raised the bottle to my lips and took a swig. This batch tasted different , stronger somehow. My tongue came alive and I groaned and just tilted my head back draining the bottle quickly and panting and wiping the drips from my mouth.


    “Tastes good doesn’t it? Better if you get it fresh after it is made though.” Tom spoke as he pulled his tank off. The scent of his sweat filled the rooms. I walked over to him standing naked in front of him my cock came alive and began to throb and drip. Tom looked me in the eyes and nodded putting his hands behind his head. I dropped to my knees. My arms going about his waist as my face nuzzled his furry pits and made mewing noises. My tongue stuck out and licked digging deep and tasting him.


    “MMmmmmmm good boy, glad those tapes are working. You have come a long way so fast. That’s it lick those pits clean. Be good boy and clean me out.”

    I continued licking his pits until he pulled my face up and locked eyes with me. His blue eyes held me and I stared as he dribbled spit form his mouth. I leaned in, my tongue darting out to lick it off his chin and then thrusting into his mouth. We both moaned into the kiss as our tongues battled and hit scent and spit filled my mouth. I wanted more of him. This sexy fucker making out with me on my couch. Tome stood up and kicked off his shoes and sock and dropped hi short reveling a stunning 9 inch long uncut cock dripping. I made to walk back up to the bedroom and Tom shook is head and lead me to the garage. The smell of grass and dirty and car triggered a moan from my lips. Tom present a familiar brown bottle and I grabbed it. Looking into his eyes again he nodded slightly and I inhaled,4 times I breathed deep. On the fifth onto Tom told me to hold it and turn around and bend over the lawnmower. As he bent down and dove into my ass I exhaled, the combination was intoxicating. My ass ground into him his tongue fucking my hole and making me moan. Tome stood up and leaned over me, his sweat covered hairy body covering me, his mouth pressed to my ear, his hot breathe his rock hard cock touching my hole.


    “What do you want neighbor?”


    I was unable to form words. The bottle appeared at my nose and I took another hit, and another, on my third Tim instructed me again to hold and only to exhale when I could commit to what I wanted. Thoughts raced through my head and I knew what I wanted. Exhaling I shoved back hard impaling myself on his raw dick. Scream moaning in pain pleasure and the intrusion with little lube and began thrusting back hard jamming my ass on his cock . Sweat was dripping form him and me, I ran my hand over my smooth chest and licked it off. Tom pulled me of spun me around and growled. His thumb went into my mouth pulling it open and he spit directly into my mouth, then slapped me as I swallowed. I jumped and wrapped my legs around him my ass hanging off the back of the mower he began thrusting deep into my hole raping me and telling me what a good fucking whore I am and how he can’t wait to shoot a load deep in my ass.


    His thrust became faster and harder my mind was spinning and my cock was throbbing, he slammed my prostate and before I knew what was happening cum was erupting out of my cock, my first orgasm in 4 days coating my face and chest. Before I even stopped shooting my hand was there. Wiping it up and feeding it to myself cum in my mouth on my body and as Tom sped up fucking I begged for his load in my ass. He was fucking me so hard the mower was hitting the wall, a constant banging to match his thrust.


    “So close, you ready slut you ready for this load!!!!?” Tom growled at me I nodding and he thrust one more time and the world stopped making sense. My arm hurt and my head hurt and I was cover in cum and my bed sheets, I dragged myself up off the floor panting and hornier then ever as I continued to wake up. The pounding came again and I realized it was the front door….



    Friday cont..


    I padded down stairs in a pair of workout short and opened the front door and was shocked. There was my wife, and a man and woman who I did not recognize at all. The 3 of them marched into the house brushing by me and my dazed look. I followed the group into the living room feeling slightly awkward as I had no underwear on and still smelled a bit of sex and sweat. My wife approached me and kissed me gently on the lips and greeted me, then lent in close to me ear and began whispering. My mind went cloudy and I realized why the voice on the phone sounded familiar. As she leaned away I nodded, and removed my short, walked over and laid with my knees on the floor and my chest on the ottoman.


    “Wow they really did a number on you and got results. I am impressed. “ she stated “ So long story short I am divorcing you, this is Michelle my soon to be wife, and this is Andre….but we will get to his role.” While she was talking Andre was removing his clothing. He was amazing. Dark tan skin and hairy all over. Looked Turkish or somewhere there about. It was when he dropped his pants and revealed an 8 inch soft uncut thick cock that I began to get hard. While I was distracted by this my wife had pulled papers from her pocket book and set them on the floor in front of me. I could feel Andre move around behind me and start licking my hole, his tongue was wide and it felt so good. My cock that had already sot started to get hard and a moan escaped my lips.


    “hehehe good boy, I knew your were gay from the moment I said ‘I do’, I just didn’t realise I was too. So this is how this works. These are the divorce papers. Very simple, I just want out. 50/50 split of finances and you can keep the house. Michelle is a lawyer and has  a much nicer one anyways. So just sing here and here and we are al but done”


    While she was talking Andre moved his body up and had positioned his cock at my hole and started to push. All the training with buttplug and spit and what felt like a river of precum leaking off his cock allowed for an almost painless entry. I started to grunt as a pen was put in my hand and I looked down at the paper work. Andre was polite enough to slow down while I initialed and signed.


    “Good thanks, and I have one more gift of sorts for you, but we can do that after Andre finishes”


    With that Andre sped up his fucking ramming my ass and making me groan and squeal , I could feel his sweat running don and into my ass crack acting as a salty lube for his gigantic cock. Michele my wife….ex-wife’s soon to be wife was now taking a video form her phone of the event. Sweat was in my eyes and all I could do was to beg for Andre to fuck me harder and shoot that big load in my hole. He grabbed my hips and jack hammered away he finally grabbed my shoulder and slammed me so hard on his cock I felt him break past the second ring making me scream in pain as his cock grew ever bigger and pulsed in my ass. My first time having a cock in me and it was raw and breeding me, spilling a gallon of cum in my battered hole.


    “Perfect, let’s go”


    With that My ex and her girlfriend got up to leave, Andre pulled out with a slushing plop and wiped off on my short and joined them. I was left panting, my hand reached around to my battered hole and scooped up some of the cum leaking out, there was noticeable sign of blood, I brought it to my lips and cleaned my fingers, going back for more. I rubbed it all over my face and cock and jerked myself to a screaming orgasm shooting all over my body and face. And with that I passed out for a bit.


    I was awoken a bit later by my phone going off. The Ex had sent me the video Michelle sent. The first few seconds showed a pic of Andre from some escort magazine, then it faded to me. Panting and heaving in my living room. That camera panned around to Andre’s thrusting back starting at his shoulders and moving down and that is when I knew what my wife meant. On his back starting just below his shoulder blades was a giant bio hazard tattoo with a scorpion at each of the tree points. My mind whirl and I just passed out again not knowing what else to do….


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  2. Friday cont..


    I padded down stairs in a pair of workout short and opened the front door and was shocked. There was my wife, and a man and woman who I did not recognize at all. The 3 of them marched into the house brushing by me and my dazed look. I followed the group into the living room feeling slightly awkward as I had no underwear on and still smelled a bit of sex and sweat. My wife approached me and kissed me gently on the lips and greeted me, then lent in close to me ear and began whispering. My mind went cloudy and I realized why the voice on the phone sounded familiar. As she leaned away I nodded, and removed my short, walked over and laid with my knees on the floor and my chest on the ottoman.


    “Wow they really did a number on you and got results. I am impressed. “ she stated “ So long story short I am divorcing you, this is Michelle my soon to be wife, and this is Andre….but we will get to his role.” While she was talking Andre was removing his clothing. He was amazing. Dark tan skin and hairy all over. Looked Turkish or somewhere there about. It was when he dropped his pants and revealed an 8 inch soft uncut thick cock that I began to get hard. While I was distracted by this my wife had pulled papers from her pocket book and set them on the floor in front of me. I could feel Andre move around behind me and start licking my hole, his tongue was wide and it felt so good. My cock that had already sot started to get hard and a moan escaped my lips.


    “hehehe good boy, I knew your were gay from the moment I said ‘I do’, I just didn’t realise I was too. So this is how this works. These are the divorce papers. Very simple, I just want out. 50/50 split of finances and you can keep the house. Michelle is a lawyer and has  a much nicer one anyways. So just sing here and here and we are al but done”


    While she was talking Andre moved his body up and had positioned his cock at my hole and started to push. All the training with buttplug and spit and what felt like a river of precum leaking off his cock allowed for an almost painless entry. I started to grunt as a pen was put in my hand and I looked down at the paper work. Andre was polite enough to slow down while I initialed and signed.


    “Good thanks, and I have one more gift of sorts for you, but we can do that after Andre finishes”


    With that Andre sped up his fucking ramming my ass and making me groan and squeal , I could feel his sweat running don and into my ass crack acting as a salty lube for his gigantic cock. Michele my wife….ex-wife’s soon to be wife was now taking a video form her phone of the event. Sweat was in my eyes and all I could do was to beg for Andre to fuck me harder and shoot that big load in my hole. He grabbed my hips and jack hammered away he finally grabbed my shoulder and slammed me so hard on his cock I felt him break past the second ring making me scream in pain as his cock grew ever bigger and pulsed in my ass. My first time having a cock in me and it was raw and breeding me, spilling a gallon of cum in my battered hole.


    “Perfect, let’s go”


    With that My ex and her girlfriend got up to leave, Andre pulled out with a slushing plop and wiped off on my short and joined them. I was left panting, my hand reached around to my battered hole and scooped up some of the cum leaking out, there was noticeable sign of blood, I brought it to my lips and cleaned my fingers, going back for more. I rubbed it all over my face and cock and jerked myself to a screaming orgasm shooting all over my body and face. And with that I passed out for a bit.


    I was awoken a bit later by my phone going off. The Ex had sent me the video Michelle sent. The first few seconds showed a pic of Andre from some escort magazine, then it faded to me. Panting and heaving in my living room. That camera panned around to Andre’s thrusting back starting at his shoulders and moving down and that is when I knew what my wife meant. On his back starting just below his shoulder blades was a giant bio hazard tattoo with a scorpion at each of the tree points. My mind whirl and I just passed out again not knowing what else to do….

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  3. Friday

     I woke up sore and foggy and wasn’t feeling well so I called into work to give myself a break. As soon as I hung up I passed back out and didn’t wake up until I heard a repeated knocking at my door. Getting out of bed I padded downstairs and cracked open the door to see Tom my neighbor standing there sweating and panting a little.


    “Hey saw your car was still in the driveway after my run and wanted to check in on ya , and see what was up”

    I opened the door and let him in, only after realizing I was naked. Tom walked in wearing just a tanka nd basketball shorts and sat down on the couch. I asked if he wanted anything to drink and he said sure. I grabbed one of the bottle from my fridge and brought it to him.


    “Nothing for you? Come on don’t let a guy drink alone” Tom joked


    Padding back to the fridge I grabbed a bottle and went back into the living room where some was casually sipping at his bottle. I looked at him and raised the bottle to my lips and took a swig. This batch tasted different , stronger somehow. My tongue came alive and I groaned and just tilted my head back draining the bottle quickly and panting and wiping the drips from my mouth.


    “Tastes good doesn’t it? Better if you get it fresh after it is made though.” Tom spoke as he pulled his tank off. The scent of his sweat filled the rooms. I walked over to him standing naked in front of him my cock came alive and began to throb and drip. Tom looked me in the eyes and nodded putting his hands behind his head. I dropped to my knees. My arms going about his waist as my face nuzzled his furry pits and made mewing noises. My tongue stuck out and licked digging deep and tasting him.


    “MMmmmmmm good boy, glad those tapes are working. You have come a long way so fast. That’s it lick those pits clean. Be good boy and clean me out.”

    I continued licking his pits until he pulled my face up and locked eyes with me. His blue eyes held me and I stared as he dribbled spit form his mouth. I leaned in, my tongue darting out to lick it off his chin and then thrusting into his mouth. We both moaned into the kiss as our tongues battled and hit scent and spit filled my mouth. I wanted more of him. This sexy fucker making out with me on my couch. Tome stood up and kicked off his shoes and sock and dropped hi short reveling a stunning 9 inch long uncut cock dripping. I made to walk back up to the bedroom and Tom shook is head and lead me to the garage. The smell of grass and dirty and car triggered a moan from my lips. Tom present a familiar brown bottle and I grabbed it. Looking into his eyes again he nodded slightly and I inhaled,4 times I breathed deep. On the fifth onto Tom told me to hold it and turn around and bend over the lawnmower. As he bent down and dove into my ass I exhaled, the combination was intoxicating. My ass ground into him his tongue fucking my hole and making me moan. Tome stood up and leaned over me, his sweat covered hairy body covering me, his mouth pressed to my ear, his hot breathe his rock hard cock touching my hole.


    “What do you want neighbor?”


    I was unable to form words. The bottle appeared at my nose and I took another hit, and another, on my third Tim instructed me again to hold and only to exhale when I could commit to what I wanted. Thoughts raced through my head and I knew what I wanted. Exhaling I shoved back hard impaling myself on his raw dick. Scream moaning in pain pleasure and the intrusion with little lube and began thrusting back hard jamming my ass on his cock . Sweat was dripping form him and me, I ran my hand over my smooth chest and licked it off. Tom pulled me of spun me around and growled. His thumb went into my mouth pulling it open and he spit directly into my mouth, then slapped me as I swallowed. I jumped and wrapped my legs around him my ass hanging off the back of the mower he began thrusting deep into my hole raping me and telling me what a good fucking whore I am and how he can’t wait to shoot a load deep in my ass.


    His thrust became faster and harder my mind was spinning and my cock was throbbing, he slammed my prostate and before I knew what was happening cum was erupting out of my cock, my first orgasm in 4 days coating my face and chest. Before I even stopped shooting my hand was there. Wiping it up and feeding it to myself cum in my mouth on my body and as Tom sped up fucking I begged for his load in my ass. He was fucking me so hard the mower was hitting the wall, a constant banging to match his thrust.


    “So close, you ready slut you ready for this load!!!!?” Tom growled at me I nodding and he thrust one more time and the world stopped making sense. My arm hurt and my head hurt and I was cover in cum and my bed sheets, I dragged myself up off the floor panting and hornier then ever as I continued to wake up. The pounding came again and I realized it was the front door….

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  4. Thursday cont…


    Panting there my eyes dazed, my cock straining and leaking precum I heard my office door again and panicked. Turning quickly I saw the janitor was back and had brought more of the night cleaning crew. I started to stutter an explanation but the first guy shook his head know and held a finger to his lips. He walked to my desk and grabbed my cellphone and dialed number. He knelt down and held the phone to my ear, staring me directly in my eyes. The Voice was back, soothing, telling me what to do and not to worry. A bottle off poppers was held to my nose and I inhaled while listening to the voice. 1 hit, 2, ,3, 4, 5, 6, the phone was turned off and I got to my feet and faced the 3 new men. Each now stood there naked, their cocks rampant and dripping. I walked to the first man and lifted his arm. I quickly buried my face in his sweaty pits. My tongue lapping the sweat and cleaning his dense furry trench, marking my face with his smell. Once cleaning I moved to the other side repeating the gesture. He then turned around and present his ass. My ace dove in licking and nibbling. Making his hole wet, tongue fucking that furry fucker.


    I heard a snapping of fingers and removed myself from his ass. Moving onto the next guy and repeating the process. Each time cleaning and licking and nibbling. My cock dripping and wetting the entire front of my jock strap. After the third guy I turned to the first and he smiled and nodded. All 4 men got dressed and left. I could still smell them on me. Once again I got dressed and before leaving chugged my last bottle of water. I needed to get home and ride my dildo I was so fucking horny I needed my ass filled and I wanted it badly. With my hand on the doorknob about to step out a thought occurred. I dropped my pants, reached in my bag and grabbed the bottle. I tried pushing it in but it just wasn’t working, all it did was make me groan and sweat. In a last ditch effort I pulled my pants back up and went out into the hall. I found the janitor that takes care of my office. Looking in his eyes I simply said “ Please” and gave him the bottle. He smiled and I turned around, he reached into his cart and pulled out lube and jammed the bottle home. Making me feel whole and happy. I pulled up and left. The ride home took forever. Another six pack of water waiting for me on the doorstep as I rushed in…..

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  5. Thursday daytime

    My cock sprang to life and I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed the balls and started pushing them one at a time back in my ass, after taking off my wedding ring of course. Each ball slipped in, a little resistance at first at the pop in slipped in slamming into my prostate. Watching myself in the mirror , moans and gasp escaping from me I watched myself in the mirror as sweat broke out . Once all the balls were back in place I grabbed my poppers and took 3 hits and started jacking my cock. Squeezing my ass muscles I felt the balls shift in my hole rubbing my prostate and sending the best feeling shoot through my body. 3 more hits and I was getting close, 4 hits and I knew what I was ready to do. So close and about to shoot my hand grabbed the looped rope and yanked hard, wrenching the balls from my ass just as my orgasm crested spraying he mirror and counter, my knees gave out and I fell to the ground shuddering and sweating. Waves of pleasure making my body quiver. In a haze I looked up and saw my glassy eyes in the mirror as I pulled myself up and began licking my cum from the counter, looking myself in the eyes as my tongue made wide swipes across the glass, some of the cum dripped onto my chin, my breath fogging the glass. Panting I made my way to the shower to get cleaned up and dressed for work.


    I grabbed another bottle of the energy water to drink on the way to work and headed in, every time I thought back to this morning my cock grew hard and leaked precum. I was glad I had on a jock strap and wore dark pants otherwise I knew there would be a noticeable spot. Once I got to work it was much better, I was so distracted and horny all day long that my mind kept drifting and my cock stayed hard. Due to this it took me forever to get my usual workload done and before I knew it the clock said 8 pm. Fuck well no working out for me tonight.


    Leaning back in my chair I heard the door open and glance up. The night cleaning crew must be here, I knew the guy that cleaned my office decently well as this was not my first time staying late, though it was the first time because I was horny. Looking at him made my cock twitch. He nodded hello and in his Slavic accent asked if it was ok for him to clean my office. Nodding I said yes as I was just going to pack up and head out. Reaching into my bag I grabbed the second bottle of water that day and downed it. My heart racing and cock throbbing. I heard a cellphone go off and looked at the cleaning guy as he answered it. He nodded twice and then walked over to me, my mind became fuzzy as he put the phone to my ear and I heard the no familiar voice and its litany. Nodding my head I mumbled a thank you.


    Standing up I moved around my desk and began stripping off my clothes while the cleaner watch. Once I was down to my black jockstrap I kneeled and looked up. The cleaner reached into the pocket of his work pants and pulled out a small brown bottle. Steeping close to me he pressed it to my right nostril holding my left closed. I inhaled deeply. He repeated on the left side, again inhaling deeply. Right.Left.Right. Left. My head was spinning as he looked down at me. Drool came out of my mouth and dripped down my smooth chest.

    The cleaner reached up and unzipped his cleaner crew suit, reveling a white jock strap and a 8 inch uncut cock, precum beading at the tip and getting ready to drip. He point to the floor and I knew to lay down and open my mouth. He slowly milked his cock while standing above me. Dripping precum into my mouth. A steady leaking stream that tasted sweet and made me want more. He slowly began to jack his cock harder, his breathing quickened, he aimed his cock to my chest and I felt the cum hit me, 8 strong blasts coated my chest and abs. The cleaner walked around and bent down, swiping his hand through the mess on me and gathering the cum up. He presented his hand and I dutifully lifted my head and lapped up all he had to offer, sucking the cum from his finger and palm. My own cock was straining against the jock strap and I desperately wanted release.


    And just like that he zipped up and walked away, leaving me a heaving mess on the floor of my office.

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