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Being a T.I or military training instructor has its advantages. Just look at them, all green recruits, they have no idea of what lies before them. I can’t wait to get them up to the Barracks, see them in the showers ahh fuck yea. All those tight asses and swinging cocks; all for my enjoyment, thank you Uncle Sam, thank you indeed! Just a little about me to start, I have been a military training instructor at Lackland AFB for the last six months and let me tell you I didn’t start out using my boys, not at first anyways. It slowly happened; it could have been the showers, or their musky smell from morning and afternoon PT that wore me down. In any case it started out innocently enough; it could have been the lingering stares during their showers or maybe even the late night walk through the barracks that gave me away but it was bound to happen and it did. I broke down and used my position to my advantage, well more correctly to my and my Airmen’s advantage. Some of them wanted to get off and I obliged. I guess it started with Amn Johnson; the flight you see was out on field training for the day and Johnson was left behind to guard the barracks. I needed to finish up some reports in my office so I returned to the barracks. Being the TI I had a key to the barracks so I just walked in. I was kinda surprised to find Johnson not at his post but then again when you’re left alone for a few hours, you take advantage of the latrine. Walking down the hall I heard Johnson in the latrine and I guessed right, he was trying to work one out while the flight was gone. I could hear him moaning. Now normally I would have busted his balls and interrupted him before he busted his nut, but I was fucking horned up. I could tell he was getting close so I walked in; the look on his face was priceless, pants down dick raging hard. Now Johnson was a 19 year old from Ohio, farm fed boy if I ever saw one and damn he had a sweet piece of meat and I was hungry. All I said was "Johnson, what the fuck are you doing?" The kid just turned all colors and mumbled he tried to play it off but I walked over to him and just grabbed his sweet 7.5 inch cock, thinking he probably had three weeks’ worth of cum built up and that I wanted it. I simply told him that I had him now for abandoning his post. I laid it on thick too. I told him I was going to see him at his court martial trial. He begged me not to bust him. He said he would do anything I told him to do and just begged me not to turn him in. I took full advantage of the shock his system was going through. I pushed him down on his knees and rubbed his face on my crotch he looked up and was like Sarge? I just smacked his face and told him he had to choose right now, jail or be my bitch. He was too scared to resist and so I whipped out my meat and shoved it down his throat, I just went to town on this hot little Amn, I fucked his mouth till my cock was rock hard. I then lifted this bitch up and spun him around. All I could hear was him whimpering and begging me to stop. I said "Fine, jail it is and won't Mommy and Daddy have fun visiting you in federal prison." I told him that what an embarrassment he would be to his family if they found out the reason he abandoned his post was so he could jerk his cock and get a nut off. That’s all it took his will was broken and now he was mine. I pulled him out of the stall and turned him so he would see himself in the mirror with me behind him. I told him I was going to fuck him, but I wanted to hear him asking me for it. I said what is it going to be boy what do you want, He simply said in a quiet voice that he wanted me to fuck him, so I bent him over the sink and with no lube just his spit on my cock I ravaged and ripped his virgin ass open. Fuck he was tight, but I told him if he made one noise or made one cry, our arrangement would be over. Sure as shit - there was not a cry, just the sound of my cock smacking his cunt. I lasted about ten minutes and damn, I busted a two day load deep in his torn ass. The kid didn’t know what to do. Somewhat still in a sense of shock I ripped off his tee shirt and covered his eyes. I told him I wanted him to jerk off; I said he deserved that much now that he was my bitch. I told him that I covered his eyes so he would feel a bit more comfortable jerking off. He obeyed me and started to jerk off, what a piece of meat; I took my cell phone out and recorded him jerking off. I figured I might need the leverage against him if he ever wised up. Sure as shit when he busted his nut three weeks of cum went everywhere. I ripped his torn shirt off his head and I forced his face to the ground I told him he made a mess with all that cum and I wanted it cleaned up. He attempted to use shirt but I was like fuck no! I told him to lick it up and not to miss a drop. Fuck I get hard every time I watch that video. After he licked the last bit of cum up I watched as he looked to the sink. I could tell me wanted to spit but I simply said "Don't even think of it, swallow it, now!" He looked at me as if I were nuts. I covered his face and noise and said "Swallow" and he obeyed. I then told him to get dressed I could sense he wanted to clean out my cum that was seeping inside him and again I was like, "Oh no my cum stays in. Dress now." Again like a beaten slave, he obeyed. "Good boy Johnon, good boy." No sooner then he put on a new tee shirt the fight arrived back, I told the dorm chief that Johnson was relieved form guard duty and that he was going to be in my office for a while. I then told Johnson to follow me in to my office. As he entered I told him to shut the door. I then told him that I was going to make sure my cum stayed in him. He looked at me a bit puzzled, I told him to drop his pants and underwear. When he did I could see the blood stains in his shorts. I told him to bend over, I then reached into my overnight bag and pulled out a special butt plug I had hidden in the bag. When Johnson saw the plug his eyes went wide open and I told him not to make a sound as I shoved the plug deep inside him. I told him I would pull it out in an hour and then instrucred the boy to sit in the corner of my office. An hour later the flight was asleep. I removed Johnsons plug and told him to get some sleep. Johnson left my office and made a bee line striaght for the latrine to try and clean up with out atracting to much attention. I followed him to the latrine a few moments later and opened the stall door he was behind. He looked up to me and I was pleased to hear him beating off another load.
To this day I still don't know why I did it. Part of it, I guess, was because he just pissed me off ( I hate being scorned) and I let my temper get the best of me. The other part would have to be, I guess, would be that I just wanted to see him get his due. I never intended to see the out come that had happend but in thinking back, it was bound to happen. I carefully set the stage for my young friend. Wow calling him my friend. I must be sadistic. Neither he nor I will ever be the same again. It started on - what else? A gay web hook-up site. I would say the name but I dont want to do any more time. I tried for weeks to hook-up with this young kid. At first I would just say hello and he would ignore the howdy-do's and and the like. I started to get pissed, after all I was 40, and he was in his early 20's so I guess I could see it from his point of view. But what ever happened to common courtesy? So the last time I saw him on line I said my normal hello and I got a reply. Now this was new so I opend it, to my suprise the kid let in on me telling me I am a freak and I don't know when to leave someone alone. What really got me was the last line of his text telling me to go fuck off and die. Now, normally I am a very nice easy going guy, but this fucking pissed me off and so I devised my plan should I ever see the young punk out. I never thought I would ever see him, but somehow justice will be done. After reading his text one last time I just blocked the kid on the web site so I would know not to tag him anymore. I would say two months past when I was out on a Saturday night. I was at my normaly hole-in-the-wall pub. Some might call it sleazy, but I like it. It has a sling and a whippiing post and a bench on which to tie the submissives. The clientel of the pub mostly are men araound my age or older with a few sub, pup, and even better dom young men (well they play the part) So this one night I went out early and stayed a few hours, things were slow and I was getting ready to leave, when what do you think I heard from the other side of the pub. "Go fuck off and die." At first I thought to myself 'it can't be' but I looked up and OMG who do you think I saw? He looked even better than his screen photograph. To this day I don't know why I did it, but I went to the end of the bar and talked to Sam. Every bar has a Sam: the guy who looks like he just fits in, yet looks like he doesn't. I asked Sam for something that would knock out the kid for a while. Sam handed me a packet of powder. Now all I had to do was get it into the kid's drink withiout him knowing. I will say this for the kid, for the short time he was there he already pissed just about everyone off with his higher-then-mighty attitude. The kid had his small group of friends who just fed into the kid's ego, but as said justice would be done, one by one the kid's friends were drifting away, leaving him with only one buddy. It took a while but the drinks kept arriving at their table, each kid thought that the other way ordering them and paying, but when you're older you have one thing young kids don't, a bigger money bag and more credit Well it finally happened: the punk took a sip from his new beer and took off to piss, telling his buddy to watch his beer, wallet and cell phone. I told the bartender, an old friend of mine, to go to the kid and tell them that it was time to pay, while the bartender distracted the other kid, I poured the powder into the punks beer and mixed it in, and pulled out the punks credit card and yep no money in the wallet, I was like Yes! The kid told the bartender that he didn't have any money and when the punk came back the bartender told him he had to pay for his beer, th epunk was pissed and said they were leaving he went for his wallet to get his credit card and what do you think, no card. Both kids got scared becasue the bartender was not about to let them leave. The punk being himself, started to leave without paying. Well as you know that does not go well with the bartender. The punk took another drink of his beer and it did not take long for the effects to start. As the two were sitting down thinking what to do, I told the bartender I would cover the tab and handed him the punks card I said while he was at it, order the a round for the leather guys, tell them its from the twinks. The bartender did the order. When he told the kids that the tab was paid, they both headed for the door well the kid did, the punk stumbled all the way to the door and ran right into the leather boys, again I was like YES. Well I need to get to the point of the story as the guards are about ready to pull the plug. The Leather boys did not take to kindly to the punk and his friend and were about to teach them leason in mannors, leather manors. I interviend and told the leather boys that these kids are not worth the time, but the punk to me to go fuck off and die, and I was like so be it and the leather boys closed in on the kids, the punk was taken to the bench, while the kid who by the way was white blond prepy kid I would say he was 22, swimmers build. The leather boys dragged him to the pisser, and all you heard were his screams as he was dragged, his cloths were tossed to the on lookers who only edged them on as they took their trophys. The punk as said was stripped and tied to the bench, I asked the leather daddy if I could have first crack at the punk and told him the whole story and he said sure go ahead, but this kid will never be the same again. I went to the boy who was 23 white brown hair green eys and a greek god build. i told him he was about to get the fuck fucked out of him, his head was still spinning and all he could do was just mumble. I smiled and went behind him and saw the sweetest ass. I just rammed my cock into his untouched hole and fucked the hell out of him. the punk cried. I don't know who had the cam-corder but the whole event was being filmed and I am in the front row fucking the hell out of the kid. they took the recorder and moved it so they could see my dick ripping up the kids whole, blood was all over my cock and I busted my tainted load deep in the boy, after that the leather daddy and the rest took their turns. At one point on th ebench a leather boy had his arm up the kids ass and he was plowing away. After a while the kid was moved to the sling and again everyone took turns. I don't know who brought the stims, but the kids arm was banded off so his vains were showing, I tried to stop it but the junkies were having thier fun and the leather boys pushed me away and said that the punk was thiers and I should leave. I looked around for the other kid and found my way in to a stall. The kid was tied up gaged and beaten. He was defently beaten and abused the look in his eyes were void. A leather boy told me that I was the only one who did not dump in this kid and if I wanted to walk out of this bar tonight I had to add my load. So I wipped out my cock pulled the boy to me. There was nothing left to his hole, when he stood up all the cum in his ass dropped out and on to the floor, I just turned the kid around and refilled this ass with my cum. When I was done, one of the leather boys pulled the kid to the floor and made him lick up the cum on the floor. As I was leaving the kid asked me to help him. I went to the Leather daddy and asked to let the kid go with me, he asked me what about the punk, and it sliped out, fuck it, you can have him, just don't kill him. I dragged the kid out of the bar and took him home. He stayed with me for three weeks, and didn not leave my side. he turned out to be a very obedient house boy. I went back to the bar a few weeks later it must have been around 2 AM, the leather boys pulled out their prize the punk boy and tied him to the post. I asked the bartender what the hell. He told me the leather boys pull out the kid every night and whore him out. I was like damn, so I walked up to the punk and whiped out my cock and fucked the hell out of him. And my luck being what it is, the bar gets raided. I and everyone gets taken to the judge. Seems the punk was so fucked up that they could not use anything agaist me for rape, until they found the tape. So here I am, three months into a two year term. I must say I never thought I would look good in an orange jumpsuite but I pull it off, well thats that my new BF keeps telling me:) as he plows my hole.....
Several weeks ago I set up a party via A4A, yep a raw, bareback party. However this party was for negs only. So as the replies came back I told everyone that when you arrive I would administer an HIV test to make sure that no POZ guys tried to sneak in and ruin the fun. When all was said and done a total of nine guys showed up and as promised I gave each a swab and if they came up neg they were in. Well of course two of the guys who showed up tested poz and I told them that I was sorry but they could not take part. One took it in stride the other was kinda pissed but in the end he too left. It was a shame though, he was fucking hot: a 35 white guy, built like a tank, with an impressive tool to boot. In any event, this brought the party down to eight participants, including myself. Now mind you I just moved to the town a few months ago so I thought the party would be a great way of meeting some hot boys, and hot they were! Of the seven who were allowed to stay one was a 30 year old Latino top, Pedro, a white couple, Mike and Steven, 32, and 34 respectively, both of whom liked to play around. One was a sweet young black twink boy, Jordan. When I swabbed him I actually had to ask for an ID. Turned out he was 22. My remaining guests were an 27 year old Asian top Mark, with a monster 9.5. I never knew an Asian could pack a cock that size. The next in the line up was Jack, a white 35 year old married guy, who loved to play around when his wife and son were out of town. Finally my last guest was a 25 year old named Bobby. This kid must have been born into the royal family he was such a queen. Once all the intros were done and the tests completed proving all participants were negative, I put-out the beer, poppers and lube, turned on the music and the night started. Thanks the maker for three day weekends. Pedro went straight for the couple, Mike and Steven, while Mark unleashed his monster tool on Jordan. Mark didn't play around with any four play at all, he simply pushed Jordan down on the couch and ripped off his shorts. The kid's legs were so far bent over his head I was going to check to make sure his neck didn't break. I guess Mark knew what he was doing because Jordan seemed to be happy with Mark's attention. When Mark started I didn't see him use any lube, he just smiled at me and plowed Jordan's hole. I tried to comfort Jordan by holding a bottle of poppers under his nose. I am not sure if it helped or not. When I stood up I looked at Mark go and I was pissed I wasn't getting plowed like that. While this was going on I spied that Jack and Boby were holding up in a courner of the house, lip locked and rolling on the floor like a newlywed couple. Jack must have been from Ohio or something because he was corn fed. When he started to finger Bobby's hole, the queen was purring like a cat in heat. Jack lifted Bobby's legs up in the air and used loads of lube. (I can't imagine why Jack bothered with the lube, 'cause Bobby's back side looked like a truck could drive out.) As all were having a awesome time, except for me, I walked up behind Mark who was still plowing the hell out of Jordan. I slipped my finger into Mark's sweet ass. The kid jumped in surprise, and quickly turned saying he was a top only. I told him that my rules were everyone had to get fucked at least once and I said if I fucked him, he didn't have to worry about getting tagged. so while he was pounding Jordan I was able to move in. Using my finger I slowly entered his hole. I could tell Mark was not happy as he kept telling me I was ripping him up. Little did he know, that was exactly what I was doing. Before he could put up any resistance I shoved my cock in him with the same force he used on Jordan. Mark let out a yell as his ass was spread apart. This kid never got topped so I made the most of it. Fuck it hurt, but I bent him over Jordan and next thing I knew Jordan was getting bred by the biggest load of cum he had ever taken. The force of Mark's thrust into Jordan made my cock explode at the same time. After which I pulled out. Mark asked why I pulled out, I simply told him, once you bust your nut it hurts like hell getting fucked so I did not want to cause him anymore pain. He said thanks, and thanked me for not shooting in his ass. I said no problem as I let my index finger probe in his hole. As he walked away to start his next conquest I looked at my finger and sure enough, it was red. As the night passed I managed to dump my load in a total of four guys that night. Not bad as I managed to tag Mark, Pedro and the couple. Now they were fun. They each wanted to get double-dicked so I told them that while each fucked the other I would fuck them too. It was a real turn-on with my cock sharing each guy's butt, knowing that my seed not only covered their lover's cock but that each guy's lover's cock was ramming my seed further down his partner's ass. Eventually the party ended and everyone left the house, except Jack. I approached him to see if he was ok. He said party was one of the best times he had ever had, that he had been plowed by Mark twice and that his ass was all beat up. I told him that if he wanted he could stay the night. After a moment he agreed and gathered up his clothing. As we walked up the stairs his eye keept looking at the packets of swabs I had on the table by the door. When we walked into the bedroom he dropped his clothing on the floor near the bed, and his wallet, watch and cell phone on the night table. Then he climbed into bed and lay on his stomach. He turned his head to me and just looked up. Sensing an oncoming question, I quickly rolled on to his back and started to make out with him. At first he said "Stop my ass really hurts" but I shushed him, saying told him I would go easy, as I began to rim his ass, all the time thinking to myself 'Damn Mark really fucked his cunt up'. Not surprisingly, as I started to rim Jack, he turned into a big old pussy, his ass rising in the air. I asked him if he wanted to get fucked one last time before the night was done. He just moaned and that was all I needed for my cock to get hard. As I entered his hot, torn-up hole, Jack said, "I been thinking. When we all showed-up you made us all take an HIV test." "Yeah," I said "to make sure you were all neg." Jack replied "Yeah, I got that. You showed us each of our swabs, but I don't remember seeing your results." As he said that his cell phone rang. Handing him his cell phone, I asked him who it was: "My wife" he replied. Better answer it, I commented, adding that I wouldn't make a sound, although I slowly continued to fuck his hole. While she was talking to him I could over hear her say that she came home early, I whispered into his ear "No you didn't see my results because mine would have turned up POZ." His face turned pale white as I had him pinned under me, he couldn't scream and he didn't' move. I told him that his ass was really fucked-up and that if I bust in him he most likely be pozzed. As his wife chatted away, I quietly gave him a choice: "Tell your wife that you missed her and you will see her soon I would pull out without busting, but if you tell here you love her and you'll be home in an hour or two, I will bust my nut in your wrecked hole." He signed off the conversation with his wife saying "Love you, honey, I'll be home in an hour or two." With that I whispered "Welcome to the brotherhood" blowing the biggest nut in my life into his hole. Afterwards I told him "Go home and fuck your wife before your cum turns to poison" but after looking at the sheets I concluded he had already had blown his last negative load. Still shell shocked he dressed and went home.
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- 37
So how many do you think you have converted so far? Film any? Whats your count?
Ok this goes back a few years, when we first started setting up bases in Afghanistan. I had received my deployment orders and was kinda bumed out. I was young, gay, and I knew once I was over there I wouldn't be getting any. So a day before I was to fly out with my unit, I took a drive down to San Fran. I found the sluttist bathouse I could find and walked in. Initially, having walked around for for a while I and having had no luck, I was really discouraged. Then I saw a muscle-guy with an a twink sucking on his pole. The muscle-guy was not particularly friendly. He took one look at me and asked what the fuck was my problem. I told him I was heading out in less then 24 hours and wanted to get plowed enough to last me through my deployment. He looked me over and told me that he has been hearing that alot, but that I fit the bill with my short military hair cut and cute boyish face. He asked my age, to which I replied I was 24. He asked if I have ever been fucked raw before? I told him I only fucked wrapped. He said "Don't worry about it" that he "...would take care of me." He also asked me if I liked his cock? I said "Fuck yeah." It was sweet: eight and a half inches long, and about nine inches in circumference. He reached over and disengaged my towel. Apparently he liked what he saw because he quickly pulled away from the twink boy, turned to me and repeated "I'll take care of you" pushing me to my knees to taste his slick shaft. The twink muttered "What the fuck" whereupon the muscle guy smirked, saying simply "For God and Country." With that the muscle guy pulled me to my feet, spun me around, and told me to steady myself against the wall. Then, without any warning or lube he rammed his meat into my hole. I cried out in pain but he told me to relax and enjoy the time his gift to me. His cock ripped and tore my hole like never before. I told him again I only fuck wrapped. He simply laughed and continued to fuck me. As I started to cry out he simply told the twink boy to silence me. The twink responded by shoving the corner of his towel in my mouth. The guy also told the twink to shove a bottle of poppers under my nose. All I could do was inhale. My heart aready pounding beat faster but I was more relaxed and soon enough I was grinding may ass back on to his monster pole. I felt like my ass was on fire. Soon enough I loved his pounding. I reached under myself and started to jerk off as I was getting close. The guy grabed my hand and told me, in no uncertain terms, "No!" He then told the twink boy something and he left for what seemed just a few moments and when he returned I could'nt see what he had in his hand but soon enough my hands were cuffed be hind my back. I could not move and all the time my fear was rising but my lust was rising faster and all I wanted to do was fuck and by the light of day I was in heaven. The guy fucked me non-stop for about twenty minutes. Although I came twice without touching myself, I was largely focused on the feeling that my ass was on fire. The top apparently hadn't shot a load - in fact I couldn't tell if he was getting close, but I did notice that his pace had picked up. Then, through the haze of pleasure and pain I heard him ask me if I enjoyed the night. I replied "Yes" only to receive a hard wack on the back of my head. "Is that how I spoke in the service?" I corrected myself: "Yes, Sir." "That's better, soldier." He then asked "Do you want your deployment present?" suggesting I should share it with some of the sand people as he called them, that was "if you can get it up for them." I replied "Yes, Sir, please, Sir. I'm ready." At the time I had no idea of what he meant by present. In the heat of the moment I didn't have time to really think about his remark. The next thing I felt was a massive load being pumped in my wrecked hole. The guy only said is that "I needed this" as his cum shot deep into my hole. When he finished he withdrew from my ass. I was just catching my breath when he spun me around and to my knees, shoving his cock in my mouth and told me to "Clean it off." As my ass was out open for all to see the twink boy started to rub his cock against my cunt. The guy loudly told the kid "Fuck off, this is a warrior" and that the kid was "...not worthy of the privilege of fucking me." I was made to stay for several hours in the bath house. The muscle guy would brush off all sorts of guys who wanted to fuck me, allowing only those he thought were worthy, although generally he only let me give them blow jobs or be used to be pissed on. During the night the muscle guy fucked me about three times. He finaly asked me when my flight was and I told him I had to be in the airport in about six hours and I had to leave. Fortunately for me I had a rental car and my tickets and deployment bags were already in the car. The guy kept me in the bath house till the last possible moment. Before he would let me go he fucked me one more time and shoved a butt plug into my hole, instructing me not to pull the plug out till I arrived in Afganistan. He watched me get dressed in my battle dress uniform. I was the center of attention as I walked down the hallway and checked-out. I would like to think the muscle guy watched me drive away. It was a challenge but I made it to the airport with about two hours to spare. After getting through check-in I went to the bathroom to try and pull out the plug but then realized there was no place to put it or to hide it as the mens' room was very busy. With time running out I had two choices: one pull it out and leave it in the stall or keep it in my butt until I made it to Afghanistan. It was the longest plan ride of my life but I made it and while flying in the military cargo plane. I felt each and every dip and dive the plane made. It was like getting fucked all over again, but this time it was a constant twenty hours. A few weeks weeks after my arrival I had come down with a bad case of the flu. I didn't think much of it as a bunch of guys had been coming down sick. The medics advised us our bodies were adjusting to the unique flora and fauna of Afghanistan. Whatever. In any event, as I lay in my bunk I pulled out the plug the guy had shoved up my ass. As I relived the experience I recalled what he his question "are you ready for your deployment gift?" I wondered what he meant. Sometime after my flu broke, I was walking around the base late at night. I was so fucking horned up, but I could find any gay guys in my unit to let loose. This night, however, I walked around to one of the bunkers on the far side of the compound and encountered a hot 19 year old was standing behind a storeroom. We exchanged glances that said all. He motioned for me to come in the storeroom. I did so, and before I knew it his clothing was off and my cock was rock hard. He told me to fuck him. I told him I didn't have any rubbers he was like "It's ok man, you got an HIV test before coming here, right?" I replied "Yeah" to which he then said "Then you're clean. Otherwise you wouldn't be here, so go and fuck me." For a second I thought I did get the test but that the test was weeks before I went to the bath house, and I thought for one more second, I would know if I was poz. There would have been some sign. Well, I was sick a few days ago but alot of us were. I must be ok. So without lube or rubber and just a touch of spit I shoved my cock in to this 19 year old and bust the first of many loads in his hole. After our deployment was over and we were state-side, I received a phone call from the base doctor asking me to come in for some blood work. I did as told. The doctor asked me if while I was deployed if I had any relations with any of the other deployed members of my unit I answered "No way I ain't gay. doc." He said "of course not but out of the 60 members who went out 27 had come up with HIV. It seems one of the female service members of the unit had been infected a few days before she deployed. He continued saying "As you know most of the girls who deploy end up being very attractive after a while to the guys." I chucked saying "Yeah, after about three weeks even the ugly ones look pretty." We both laughed. After that he did an oral swab and told me to have a seat outside as my results would be back within half an hour. On my way out I sneaked a peek at one of the folders on the doctor's desk. It was the name of the 19 year old. As the doctor walked out of the exam room with my oral swab, I quickly opened the folder in the hope of getting a glimpse of his results. He was POZ. Now sitting outside I started to think of how many loads I had busted in his ass. Maybe a 100 or so. He was such a slut, but then so was I. While waiting the 19 year old actually came in saying the doctor had called him to tell him his results of the test. I could see in his eyes he was worried. He had heard a lot of guys who went out came back with HIV. As the doctor called him in, I told him it would be ok. He turned a quick look and said with a grin "I think I got my deployment present." I could faintly hear the doctor's conversation with him and the whole speal about HIV and how he could live with it. I must say this kid was an awsome actor to boot. He put on such a show for the doctor. When he walked out his tears seem to have dried up and a smile came on his face. He told me that my results came back and the doctor wanted to see me. As he left he leaned over to me and asked if I wanted to meet up after. I said "Sure. We'll see what the doc says." Then he left. As I walked in the doctor asked me to close the door and have a seat that my results had come back.
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