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Posts posted by breederboy

  1. I prefer sliding in a hole with no lube, sometimes I like to eat a cunt first and wet it before I fuck it, sometimes I cannot resist  ;). Sex should be a mutually enjoyable time, I strive to make each bottom feel as good as I can, just how I am. In turn, I hope that the bottom can be relaxed and his hole nice wet and ready  :)

    • Upvote 3
  2. I've always been a top, but when I found out I was poz, didn't impact my sex drive too much it was always very high, but the last few years after I turned 30 I am thinking about sex a lot more. I run and hit the gym a lot more often now that I am in grad school, maybe that has something to do with increased sex drive. I don't attribute it to being poz, but I just can't get enough of fucking hungry holes. A hole should never go hungry  :)

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  3. Married guy hit me up on Grindr needing his hole used. He also said he wanted cum in him. Hot looking muscular guy, really hot ass that was practically begging to be fucked. I came over on my lunchbreak & he was in a jockstrap ready for me. He had a sweet pale furry hole. I liked eating his cunt getting it wet for my dick. Spread him and pumped his tight hole and gave him 2 loads. He must have not been fucked in a long time or at all because his hole was so tight it was amazing. Bred him twice. Noticed that when I was putting my jockstrap back on when I was getting dressed that he had bled a little, probably because he was so tight, but he said had wanted his hole wrecked, so mission accomplished!  :)  I am always up for breeding a closeted or married guy. 

    • Upvote 12
  4. Finished work early today & ran some errands had been a busy week and a hot otter cheerleader guy on Grindr hit me up needing cum. Sexy guy, muscular, tight. Very handsome. He said he had a friend who wanted to watch but decided to just do 1 on 1 for now. I went over & he was as hot as his pics, in a tight tee, sweatpants, sitting on couch watching porn.  Had hot furry chest and hard nipples. Played around a bit went to bed and I fucked him long and hard and dumped two loads in him. Had a really hot tight hole. He said he loved my dick in him. Was very tight but I wrecked his hole. This guy was totally cum hungry he wanted it all. His cheer outfits were all over the room hopefully I made him cheer ;) It was a hot fuck. I hope to breed him again. Glad I got one last hole seeded before the snowstorm hits ;)

    • Upvote 9
  5. Last night. An old regular buddy hit me up needing his hole wrecked & seeded. I was happy to oblige, hot guy, grad student, very cum hungry. Arrived to find him waiting for me in a jockstrap. Plowed him deep. Gave him several loads and wrecked his hole. Something about this dude's hole always makes me have a complete and total orgasm. Left him dripping. Hope to repeat soon.

    • Upvote 1
  6. That makes absolutely no sense to me. Hunt can be fun I suppose, but why fuck with a person and tell them all these lies and then not even have the courtesy to respond when THEY asked to text you? I'm so sick of this shit and game playing. Either people are looking or they aren't maybe I'm old school but I mean what I say and expect the same. Ah well, I am starting to remember why I went celibate for a year now.

    Over it.

  7. I feel if a bottom does not ask then I don't need to tell them, however if they do ask point blank, I will tell them. Occasionally I tell them before anyway.


    Kind of feeling down tonight. Why would that hot guy chat me up and even give me his number and never reply at all to my texts when he asked me to text him. Maybe it's me. Maybe I am ugly. Guys tell me I am cute but yet they won't meet. Guess I am missing something I feel out of the loop.


    Haven't cum for two weeks and was hoping for a hot time but guess it's their loss. Probably just end up going to a bookstore, surely there will be someone there who will actually play.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I'm still having major problems just meeting a guy to fuck. Why is it this difficult? Tonight some hot guy said he was total bottom and seemed cool, said he hadn't been fucked in ages, gave me his number, told me to text him. He seemed very nice. I texted him 2 times and he never even responded. Again, typical. This shit happens to me every day. Where are the bottoms that want fucked for real?

  9. It used to not be like this. I think some are scared off by being poz/undetectable. who knows. I think maybe guys use these sites to just jerk off to or something lol. Who knows, ah well.  :)


    probably best to not try and figure guys out. I notice they seem to often hit me up in the middle of the night, and I can usually only meet during the day because I work 4-midnight usually. 


    I just kind of think its rude to hit someone up and then just not reply back at all. 

  10. Why do guys hit you up on adam4adam, bbrts, and grindr, and chat, and pay you compliments, and we discuss what we're into, exhance face pics, say they love what they see, that they like my cock, say they want fucked, but then stop chatting and never reply again? Are they just all game players? Is this common place? What is a top to do to improve my luck? All my pics are current, clear, and reasonably attractive I'd venture to say. I can hold a conversation and am usually upfront about what I am looking for. So why do these guys just seem flighty as hell or unwilling to meet up?

  11. What gets me on these sites is how many people seem like they're interested but then just fade away and stop chatting I just don't get that. Either you're interested or not but why waste my time chatting if you really don't intend on meeting up or just stop chatting? What's the point?


    Last week some guy invited me to a group sex session but stood me up and the door to the hotel room he gave me was locked. And then this guy who said he wanted to arrange a 3way with me did not show up and so I never got to meet the other guy.


    Seems like excuse after excuse. I could have met a couple other guys but they weren't my type.


    I met this guy on Grindr and he seemed really weird like he just wanted friends and then I went down and hungout with him and spent 4 boring hours watching tv he did not make a move or anything.


    I really just want one or two buds I could meet and fuck on a regular basis but that seems to be impossible to find. :(


    I'd just like to meet one or two guys I could play with that are actually into me.

  12. Its annoying when guys ask "d/d free" or "clean"? What does that even mean? I am poz and undetectable I'm not "dirty". Why do people think it's ok to have stds but if you're healthy and poz and undetectable thats somehow a deal breaker. Don't really get that. Thankfully there are quite a few good bottom pigs who don't care or who are educated.  ;)

    • Upvote 1
  13. Usually guys who hit me up will ask to trade more pics, and then ask what I get into, & then some of them will ask d/d free, others don't. If they ask, I feel I have to tell them. If they don't ask, then I don't feel obligated to tell. Personally I feel that being undetectable and poz is better than not knowing one's status or having an std, but maybe that's just me.


    It's kind of a fine line and hard to know. Since I'm mainly into fucking instead of just oral, and I only fuck bareback, period, then I'm fine with telling if a guy asks me directly if I'm "clean" or "d/d free". If he doesn't ask, then I don't tell.


    Bbrts is much better as far as knowing statuses but just so few seem to use it. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. True, I have to tell, they do have a right to know I think. Especially guys who may not know what undetectable means. Grindr is a bit indiscrete to say the least so not really comfortable with putting my status in my profile there so usually I wait and see if they ask and if they do I tell them. Its kind of a buzzkill thought having to explain it when you just want to hookup. So far, I have only told them if they ask me point blank, and if they're ok with it, fine, if not, oh well. If they don't ask, then I don't bring it up.

    • Upvote 2
  15. This has come up before but how do you handle it as a top on Grindr when a lot of hot bottoms hit me up wanting to fuck but don't know my status do you tell them before and risk half of them not being interested or tell them and hope some still are? I only fuck bareback and condoms are a huge turn off. Even if a guy is hot I still won't fuck if he insists on a condom. So do you tell guys that I'm poz and undetectable if they ask? And just let the chips fall where they may? ON bbrts it's a lot easier because most there assume it, but problem with bbrts is that it's so dead usually nobody is on much. Just today a hot guy hit me up and we chatted and he was a bottom but he asked "ddf"? So of course when asked I can't lie, so I say, "I'm poz and undetectable and std and drug free". He said he'd get fucked but only with condom. Which is a dealbreaker for me I hate condoms. So how to approach this when chatting with a hot guy? Just tell if they ask point blank? Or tell them from the get go?


    • Upvote 2
  16. I suppose. I tend to go with my gut and so far haven't met anyone cool who wants to play off Grindr. I'm all about friends but this was just beyond awkward sitting there watching tv. I guess I should have been more upfront with him about what I'm looking for. I did find it a bit weird how he got kind of pissy when I would tell him why I couldn't meet at certain times. Not like I'm dating him or anything. Then when I got there all he did was basically stare at me and look like he was examining something under a microscope. Just felt a weird vibe. He was nice enough but I just felt cornered and uncomfortable.


    This always seems to happen to me, I'm only looking for hot fun, no drama, and I end up with weird guys who don't seem to know what they want from day to day which confuses me further. I just want a fun guy to chill with and fuck.

    • Upvote 1
  17. Just wanted to give some advice to anyone who needs it or has been there. Never meet a guy from grindr or any of the sites unless you're both crystal clear about what you're looking for/what's going to happen! I was chatting with a guy and he seemed cool, and was cute, and at first seemed sexually interested but then began talking about wanting "friends". I'm cool with friends but for the most part I prefer real friends outside of hookup sites. I don't think one can really mix hookups and friends lol.


    But anyway, he kept asking me to come hangout with him, and since he was so persistent, I finally agreed, since he started getting pissy. Not sure why though because it's not like we're dating. He seemed more interested in cuddling than fucking.


    But I went and visited him, and he was a nice enough guy, and good looking, but it was weird, and awkward. I basically just wanted to fuck without much chit chat. But he seemed to just want to sit onthe couch and watch tv while we made EXTREMELY awkward conversation. I wasn't even sure why I was there.


    I spent 2 hours there just feeling horribly awkward and with him basically letting me do the talking which really was weird. I finally left, it was all very friendly, he said "let's hangout again" but honestly due to how awkward it felt to me I may not again.


    So word to the wise. Don't meet someone unless both of you know what's going to happen otherwise it will be extremely awkward! Grindr isn't for friends lol, it's for sex. Not sure why guys pretend otherwise.

  18. Lol who knows. Dry spell I guess. The guy who wants me to come visit him seems to be more about friends/cuddling. Last week we had made plans to meet at a certain time but he wasn't around when the time came but then he got pissy afterwards claiming he was online when he wasn't lol. Weird. Now he's wanting me to come visit him and "cuddle" and be "friends" but I really just want to fuck, I'm not really into cuddling. But if I don't go, he'll probably get pissy so what do I do. 

  19. I don't get guys. Some guys seem cool and hit me up but seem to want to be friends instead of fucking. I mean I'm cool with that, but sometimes I just need a hot fuck. One guy has been asking me over and over but he's only free at night when I am not free due to work and so we haven't been able to do it yet. Why is hooking up this hard lol. Maybe it's where I am, I don't know. Just know that I am logged on adam4adam and bbrts for ages and don't get single responses or anyone seeming interested. I have a decent dick and can fuck for ages too and cum a ton. But guys are missing out because they won't give me a chance.


    I've been on grindr all day and nobody chats on there either. I hit some up asking if they needed fucked, but no response.

    Seems like it's all talk.


    The guy who wants me to come visit him tomorrow seemed more interested in friends, not sure what his agenda is. I really just want to fuck. He says he's a cuddler, I'm not that into cuddling to be honest. But he thinks it's a good idea apparently.

  20. I think so too attitude is everything. And sometimes, if a guy does want to meet me, our schedules don't always match up at any given time, but sometimes if you suggest planning for another day, a guy gets weird and thinks your playing games. But I try to make good faith effort for any guy I'm interested in if he doesnt live too far away. Going to meet a guy tomorrow I've chatted with for a week or so. Seems like a cool guy, wants to cuddle and netflix & maybe some fun thrown in. I think he thought I was playing games because my schedule was too busy to meet this week but I'm planning on going to meet him at his place tomorrow. Hopefully it will be fun & he will be a cool guy. He wanted me to come today but I'm at family's for the new years thing. So wish me luck he looks like a hot guy hopefully he'll be cool and sane lol

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