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About nacholoko

  • Birthday 05/08/1992

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  1. Thank you guys. I'm gonna call and hopefully I can find a way to get PEP.
  2. I live near Salt Lake City and I couldn't find any place that could help me with PEP. But if I'm still negative, I'll definitely look into the Gilead program. Thanks for the info.
  3. I looked into PEP, but I can't afford it. I also looked into PrEP, but I don't have insurance so there's no way I can afford that either. I just want to stop barebacking, at least until I'm in the military and/or older. Hopefully I don't sound like I'm condemning barebacking, i love bb. It's just not what I want right now. Anyways, thanks for replying.
  4. Ive taken poz loads before, but they were undetectable and all my tests came back negative. But yesterday I took two poz loads from a guy who isn't on meds. He's been poz for four years and his doctor said he doesn't have to take meds right now. I don't know his viral load, I just know his CD4 is over 700. I know i most likely got infected, but is there still even a slight chance that i didn't get infected? I know it's my fault, but I really don't want to convert. I try to play safe but I can't. I enjoy bareback but I don't want to play raw anymore, i just can't stop and it sucks. And I want to enlist in the military but i won't be able to if I'm poz. Please tell me there is still a chance I'm negative
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