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Posts posted by Scorpion

  1. The Trainee  (Part 3)


    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **


    When Shane entered my office he looked frantic.  “Excuse me Sir. Do you have the time…? I need to address something to you” he started.

    I looked up and nodded bad-tempered. “What is it?” I asked.

    He turned around and closed the door, before approaching my desk, his whole body shivering as he started several times to speak, but couldn’t form a word.  I let him take his time and wondered what happened while he was on his break.

    “I… I can’t… I…. the guys…. I can’t…. I want to….” he mumbled incoherently.

    “Calm down boy and take a deep breath and then say what you want to say” I ordered him.

    He took some deep breaths and then said he wanted to quit.

     Wow! I hadn’t even started working on him and he wanted to escape already?  No way!  “May I ask you about your reasons? Was shelving too demanding for your skills?” I asked seriously.

    “No… it is not that. I am… I was…. those guys…. they sexually harassed me….” he spit it out.

    “Sexual harassment… that is a strong accusation!” I exclaimed.  "Tell me what happened."

    He opened by telling me everybody was whispering about him, and that when he was on his break no one wanted to sit with him at the table.

    This was a nice story, but there was nothing about sexual harassment in it.  Then he told me about the events in the restroom. 

    “Slowly… slowly… you are going ahead of yourself. Show me exactly what happened” I demanded and got up from my chair, walked around my desk and stood close in front of him.  I focused on his eyes and looked at him aggressively.  Of course he felt unpleasant by my strong appearance.  “Show me what happened… don’t summarize the events.  You make serious allegations boy.  I will decide whether you were harassed or not.  Now show me exactly what happened!” I thundered.

    “This one guy offended me, by calling me a faggot” he blathered.

    “Okay… faggot.  What happened next?  Make it real, so I can absorb the whole situation fag!” I ordered.

    The poor lad experienced the whole degrading situation all over again.

    “Then one of the two guys hit me” he said.

    I gave him a strong push with both of my hands and he stumbled backwards.

    “No… not a push.  He hit me in my face!” he exclaimed.

    “Why didn’t you says that… come back in front of me” and after he moved back to his old spot I slapped his face softly, more like a friendly slap on his cheek. 

    “NO… he really slapped me hard across my face.  I hit the wall behi…..”


    He didn’t know what hit him, but he almost sailed against the back of my office wall and slumbered down finally. He tried to catch his breath and looked at me stunned. 

    “Like that?” I asked with an indifferent look at him.

    The poor boy held his right cheek and almost cried when he begged me to stop, exclaiming “Do I really have to go through this again?”

    I explained to him, that if he wanted my opinion, I had to ‘know’ what happened back there.  Not just to be told about it.

    “They asked me then," his voice dropping to a near whisper "if I would suck – cock.”  By this point he was staring at the floor in abject humiliation.  

    “So faggot do you?  Do you suck cock?” I snickered.

    “I told them no, but they would not believe it.  Instead they forced me to admit it!”

    "How did the two guys force such a confession out of you?" I asked.

    "They slapped me, forcefully," he replied.  Whereupon received another blow from my hand.  

    “Then one of them, I think his name was Jon, said something about respecting his dick and then… then," now sobbing "I had to touch his junk through his jeans and try to find his glans and lick it.”  His eyes were closed as he wept, as if again reliving the horror.

    When he opened his eyes he saw my bulge straight next to his face. While he was sobbing and crying I had taken my place and demanded him to repeat each and every grip he made. 

    “Oh Gaaaaawd….” he continued wailing, but raised his hands and started to give me a nice massage and realized my cock was hard already.

    “Lick my cock faggot – let’s keep it real… show me some respect and lick my dick” I grinned while poor Shane started kissing and licking my dickhead through my slacks. 

    For at least a minute he was nursing my dickhead through my pants and kept on massaging it, so I asked if something else happened then.

    He stopped drooling over my penis and just answered, that both guys left the toilette after that incident, but pressured him again; then he resumed nibbling on my dick.  For another ten seconds he continued his act, before realizing he was still degrading himself.  He added the thing that happened to him while he ended his break also.

    With a shocked expression on his face his movements stopped abruptly.

    “I am sorry…. “ he stared at the wet spot he caused to my pants, because of his spit.  He didn’t know he had sucked already some of my precum through the fabric.

    “Never mind that… get up and let’s sit down on the couch and talk about the things, that happened really….” I suggested. 

    Without helping him up I walked slowly to the couch and turned to him, so he could see me adjusting my cock to a more comfortable position.


    Shane didn’t even get up yet.  His movements were slowly.  Obviously the whole situation had worn him totally out.  In fact a minute passed before he reached the couch, silently taking a set on the end opposite to my position.  From time to time he sobbed desperately. 

    “Let’s start it this way.  It was all your fault Shane.”

    The silence was absolute.  

    “My fault… my fault? I didn’t do anything. I was attacked by those two guys, without giving them any reasons to pick on me” he bawled.

    “There was no sexual harassment going on Shane.  Keep in mind, you are the newest player on the team.  The other guys don’t know where you stand.  You need to find your place in the pack and I admit, they probably over exceeded things a little bit," (which, I thought to myself, they actually did not), "but you simply could have showed a little bit more resistance.  Why didn’t you Shane?”  

    “I was afraid they would beat me up” he admitted.

    “And that’s why you are in so much trouble now” I told him.

    “Still I am sure, that nothing worse would have happened…” I continued.

    “But their cocks were hard.  They wanted to rape me….” he interfered.

    “Now it is already RAPE… interesting Shane.  No – their cocks were hard because they got power over you.  You are young but you will realize in years to come, that power is a great aphrodisiac.  And if you get stimulated, while being bossy it is not a gay thing and it is not rape.  It was simply a demonstration to illustrate your position in the pack.  But don’t despair.  This isn't irreversible.  You simply must stand your ground and react in a proper way.”  I smiled like a wolf at him, but he took it as a friendly gesture.   Continuing I suggested “The next time someone passes out at you, for example making a gesture or something – it is all about the right signal to answer this impudence.”

    He looked at me with big puppy eyes but didn’t have a clue.

    “I studied psychology for several semesters," (another of my lies), "and I know about those things.  For example – some guy passes you like the one in the stock, with the poking tongue against his cheek…. use a simple form of his gesture and reply with sticking out your tongue…. no not like that, you are not eight years old anymore… No, more like putting the tip against your upper lip… yeah – better… you could even move your tongue around a bit, following your upper lip…. no, just the upper lip,” I advised him.

    He was really not too bright after asking me if this would really help. 

    “This is all non verbal Shane, he gave you a signal and you expressed your position with your gesture” I replied, adding “Well it will certainly do the trick.  He won’t do anything bad” I said thinking to myself 'At least not then and there'.  In fact I thought it likely if the other guy found a cozy place behind some pallets or in a toilet stall Shane could prove his fast tongue while sucking on yet another dick.  

    "In any event, Shane, you need to know all the signals and the proper ways to react to them… for example the guy that grabbed his bulge in front of you - that was a pure sign of dominance… the proper way to react would have been to pass him and then simply grab one of your ass cheeks and pull them a bit apart.  If it bothers you a lot you could also pull both ass cheeks apart – this way you return a strong signal from your side.”

    He looked at me puzzled. 

    “Yeah – you would express that you are a fa… fantastic associate who doesn’t need to put up with this and that he should simply look for a place and shove it up the ass. "

    "I see," Shame commented, "that would be a strong signal indeed.  Maybe he would then leave me alone.”

    “Believe me – if you do this I am sure he won’t bother you again for a while” I snickered, again thinking to myself 'At least not as long until his balls have not recharged'.

    “There are plenty of other situations and we can analyze them when they happen” I added with a warm smile but cold eyes.   "Besides, there will be always occasions like this and it would happen in your life over and over again.  You simply need to adjust your responses properly for the occasion," I explained in a soothing voice, adding “Listen, I am really sorry, that the whole thing is pushing you to the edge, but I really think this way all a lack of misunderstanding”

    “It would be a terrible loss for us, if you would leave us now – if you feel uncomfortable in the employee rest room, there's another rest room we don't use right now, but which I can make available to you.  It's in an unused section of the warehouse.  There you would have the time to relax and you wouldn’t be bothered by some noises or so.  And no one would hear you too,“ I offered adding “I am sure we can work this out if you are just willing to take each and every dick… or Jon or Brian as a new challenge.  Let's work these things really deep into your system and I am sure you will grow in person, but you will also help other guys additionally to grow.”

    'In their pants' I thought to myself.

    “So… what’s it gonna be?” I asked, conveying a look that said 'Take it or leave it'.

    “Can I see the other restroom?” he asked in a subdued voice.  I rose, and instructed him to follow me.

    My bulge was still evident to anyone who looked, Shane and I left the office, encountering a couple of my employees.  I'm sure a they noticed the wet spot on my pants,  Shane followed me through the store, somehow looking utterly defeated.  Looking to give him some encouragement I advised “You've made the right decision, Shane.  I will help you grow into something totally new.  Just follow my orders…

     Shane looked back and saw Jon massaging his cock openly through his pants forming the word ‘FAG’.  Timidly he reached back and pulled one of his ass-cheeks apart only to see Jon nod in approval.

    What had he done?

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  2. Virgin POZ Night  (Part 3)


    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **


    The young lad did not understand what was happening.


    He remembered clearly, that he talked to some dudes in a bar. They invited him for a drink and flattered him. He told them though, that he was not into guys. No offense, but he had already a girlfriend and was happy in love with her. Still he accepted the invitation for free drinks.

    Then his memory became a little bit blurred.

    Soon he felt somehow weak and tired.

    The guys offered him to get him outside the club, so he could get some fresh air.

    On their way to the exit he felt already hands reaming over his buttocks.

    He tried to talk, but somehow he wasn’t able to form clear sentences. 

    Then he felt a sharp pinch at his left nipple. It was almost like someone tried to rip his nipple away from his body.


    Once the group left the club, he remembered the events only in fragments.

    I white van…. *flash*

    Slaps to his face, while he tried desperately to keep his pants on while several hands using force to rip his pants off from him… *flash*

    Pain… so much pain in his ass and voices who called him a ‘tease’ and a ‘faggot’… *flash*

    Moans… he knew this voice… it was his own voice moaning, while the pressure increased in his asshole… *flash*

    More slaps to his face and a bad taste in his mouth… *flash*

    Carried downstairs… words floating through is dazed mind.

    ‘Fresh meat’… ‘Fuck meat’… ‘Neg-Whore’… ‘POZ-slut’…

    Where did those words come from? *flash*

    Grinning faces leering above him *flash*


    And then he remembered coming back to senses, being tied up in this darkened small room, while guys fucked their stiff cocks hard into his body.


    He tried to plead with the two guys using his holes for their pleasure.

    But how can you plead with someone if your mouth is full with hard and throbbing man dick.


    If his hands would be free, he could defend himself. He would fight his way out of this place. He saw himself pushing his way out of this horrible situation and getting help in a hospital and while his mind played tricks on him, how things could still come to a good end, both of his holes were violated in a steady rhythm.


    Then he felt a hard blow against his head.

    “Watch your teeth you fucking faggot…. or I will punch them out of your fucking mouth.” He was sucked back into reality.

    The guy in front of him stuffed his huge cock back into the boy’s mouth.

    “Open up…Open up…. OPEN UP your mouth and take my cock. Take me deep-throat, you stupid fuck” he heard the guy growling.

    Salvia ran from his wide opened mouth.

    One hand had a tight grip on his hair. The other hand was going around the back of his head.

    The knot in his throat sunk deeper again as the man started to push his cock back into his mouth.

    Soon the twinks face was pulled into the mat of thick dark pubic hair while his throat muscles massaged the invading cock.


    Meanwhile the man behind him filled the boy’s ass completely. His hands pulled the victim’s ass cheeks apart so his thick dick could even fuck him deeper into his rectal tube.


    Again the young adolescent struggled against his bonds and tried to move away somehow.

    Alas – all his attempts were fruitless.


    The tops movements became more and more aggressive.

    “Do you like my cock, ripping up your hole? Come on bitch – squeeze me with your ass-cunt, you piece of shit….”

    “He is such a slut” his partner in front sneered savoring the tight throat.

    “His ass is also tight, but it is a good feeling to bust him open….” the other one growled.

    The leather daddy fucking the poor lad’s asshole caressed the twinks tensed torso and grinned devilishly at his partner.

    “Let’s do it….” he hissed and gave the signal.


    Both leaned towards each other and started kissing passionately. The moment their tongues met, while raping the boy beneath them, they started to slam-jam-fuck the tied up twink.

    They humped him in a rush to reach climax quickly and simultaneously.

    The boy gasped loudly and tried to suck in some air. He felt like this huge cock in his throat was choking him to death. His jaws were clearly working to adjust to the brutal mouth rape.


    While the lad was pummeled in his ass the pain coming from his stretched rectum almost drove him out of his mind.

    Suddenly sharp farts escaped around the guy’s cock. The top pushed hard with each stroke, just to seat his dick fully back into the boy’s intestine.


    First the guy in the front groaned loudly, when he shot his load into the throat of his rape toy. The moment his tormentor withdrew his cock and the boy sucked wetly in for air. Thick liquid sprayed from his mouth, while he coughed and retched in distress.


    After that his pal pressed his loin well up into the teens cleft and trembled while he shot his gush of sperm deeply into the young guy’s hole.

    “Holy fuck… take my poison up your cunt you stupid whore…. milk my balls you cheap and dirty bareback slut…. Damn… Fuck…. “

    “Please… no more… please don’t hurt me anymore….” the poor lad sobbed.


    “Damn – where do they find those kind of whores? I am amazed, that there are really fags who are into this pozzing shit” one of them sneered.

    “Yeah – but you see, when push comes to shaft they are all begging to be spared… this one plays his role quite good….” the other one answered and continued slowly to fuck the boy in his ass enjoying the slippery feeling.


    “You are a good hole, bitch. Your ass is nice and tight, it won’t stay forever this way. I am glad I was able to fuck you in your prime and give you, what you wanted….”


    Slowly the top removed his slowly deflating cock from the young lad’s asshole and moved towards the boys face.

    His partner already pulled his pants up and grabbed a shock of the victim’s hair and tilted the young ones head violently back.


    “Hmpf… Ough…. Noooo!” he cried out, but was silenced as another half hard cock entered his mouth.


    The leather daddy used both of his thumbs to pinch the boys nose shut.

    It was almost caring movement, the way he held the guys head in his hands with one thumb on each side, shutting the nose completely.

    The only sound that could be heard was the wet breathing sound past around the cock in the young guys mouth.

    It took a few moments before the kid made gurgling sounds and his eyes widened in terror. He tried to jerk his head free, but both guys held him in place steadily.

    He didn’t almost have the chance swallowing the dark yellow piss. The flood forced him to inhale the foul waste.


    A spray of the yellow liquid erupted up around the thick mouth filling cock.

    “Yeah… drown in my piss, filthy stinking whore….” the pissing fucker growled and continued relieving himself strongly.


    After agonizing moments for the teenager and those desperate choking sounds, that were drowned in heart wrenching gurgling screams, the Alpha male slowly came to an end of his piss.


    They let go of his head and it slumped back down leaving the sobbing lad, without another word, in his misery.

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  3. The Trainee  (Part 2)



    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **



    Shane went to work and gave 100 %.  No matter what was asked of him, he seemed to be highly motivated and since he wanted to impression he smiled to everyone, trying to be polite and helpful.  Certainly his speed slowed down, whenever he had to pull up his pants or to pull down the blouse.  Every time he bent down to pick up something from a pallet, the cleft between his ass-cheeks became clearly visible.  Of course he received some rude comments, mostly from older women or mothers with children. Every time a female hissed the word ‘Pervert’ at him, he wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.  One woman asked him, why he was so scantily dressed, commenting she didn’t want to see his behind exposed to her or her two kids and thought it was also not appropriate for him to wear a women’s blouse.


    Shane explained the store didn't have a uniform in his size, so the clothing he was wearing was the best that was available, but the ady didn’t accept his excuse and complained about Shane’s appearance at our service point.


    I was called to the information desk and had a conversation with this woman.  Of course I apologized for those circumstances, because that’s my job – to be professional. But truth was: I did not care what she was thinking. We went further away from the service point, so my other employees wouldn’t hear me.


    Shane was standing in quite a distance holding a cornflakes box in his hand, mashing it up involuntarily. He could see us, but was too far away to understand a word I was saying.


    “We offered him a uniform, fitting his body measures, but he declined. But we are an open minded store in a liberate town, we do not interfere with our staff member’s ways to express their own lifestyle. Shane chose a daring way to dress himself, but he wears the required uniform, even if it is one or two sizes too small.


    She didn’t look very happy about that answer, nagging about that her children would go blind, if they had to look one more time at this perverted guy.


    “Well… Shane is a good worker and as long as he wears the uniform, even if it is too tight, we don’t mix up with his personal opinions about his sexual orientation or his intentions about exploring new aspects in his life… as Shania for example.”


    She opened her eyes real wide and stormed right out of the store without saying another word.  Guess she thought her kids would turn deaf, if they’d have to listen to me for one more minute.


    Shane looked like he was going to get fired in any second, when I walked up to him with a grim look on my face.  He let his head hang down, but I only grabbed him tight on his nape and told him, that he shouldn’t worry too much about it. He did nothing wrong and made an excellent job. I pinched his left nipple playfully through the soft fabric of his blouse and told him to move his ass for our customers.


    There were those nagging housewives on one side, but on the other hand there were plenty of guys, who really enjoyed Shane’s effort.  Some observed him working hard from a safe distance. Others asked him for help because they couldn’t find certain things. Yeah – right! By the way, those things were somehow ALWAYS on the lowest shelves.  So he spent most of the time squatting down, searching for the stuff the customer’s requested.  Once he found an item he stayed in his crouched position and handed the stuff to the guy asking for it. He was looking up like a puppy in need for a treat, but strangely enough, most of the items were wrong and he had to keep looking for the right articles.  Sometimes he was held down by a resting hand on his head playing with his hair for example, while the guy would read the description on the back of the package, only to tell him he was looking for something else. This happened not forcefully. The males just wanted to prolong their horny games and get the chance to touch the twink for a couple of times.


    Then I observed something interesting. Two guys worked together – filming the lad obviously.


    While Shane crouched in front of a bulging guy, his friend was standing right behind Shane’s back and recorded the whole situation with his cell phone.  Shane’s exposed butt was clearly shown in the picture, and the guy in front of him, groped his cock through his pants very noticeable.


    The boy lowered his eyes in embarrassment. He played with his junk also from time to time in public, but not when someone was clearly watching him.  He didn’t even realize, the second mate was recording the whole scenery.  It looked like an intro to a cheap porn movie.  Besides that, I couldn’t count how many times Shane bumped into other guys crotches with his face.  He simply turned his head and wanted to ask the guys something or hand the article to them and found his face smashed to some male’s genitalia - even if, of course, the man was wearing pants.  The strange thing for him was, the men never seemed to bother. They didn’t move back or say anything about it. They just stood there, making it totally uncomfortable for the boy to escape.  Although it was not his fault, he apologized with a shy smile. This made most guys go crazy. I could see it in their eyes. They wanted to fuck this faggot badly.  


    After several hours of work, Shane was released to do his break.  In the break room he tried to do his best to socialize with other guys.

    But the females just whispered at the other table and, shen Shane asked to take a seat the guys abruptly went back to work.  So Shane sat there all alone, staring out of the window, killing time until his break to be over.  Before going back to his work the boy went to the bathroom to take a piss and wash his hands.  Entering the bathroom, he saw two of the guys who had split the break room when Shane tried to introduce himself.


    “Well, look who is here. Are you sure you chose the right toilet?” one of his associates said.


    “Come on guys, don’t be like that. This is my first day….”


    “Listen faggot. I don’t care about the store politics. I don’t care about political correctness… I just want to tell you – if you ever touch my ass, or look at me or make advances towards me… I will beat you to a pulp you fucking homo….” the other one growled.


    “I am not a fag man, I have a girlfriend….” Shane tried to defend himself.


    The guy with the nameplate ‘Jon’ gave him such a slap to his face, that he landed dazed between two urinals.


    “Are you calling me a liar, faggot?” he asked agitated.


    Both guys moved towards him and Shane tried to get up, but had no chance. Another slap hit his face.


    “What is it faggot… you calling me a liar?” he repeated himself.


    Both guys clenched their firsts and Shane was highly scared of being beaten up in this toilet.


    “No…. no…. you are not a liar” the boy mumbled.


    “So what…?” Jon growled.


    “I… I am… a faggot” he whispered.


    “You owe me 10 dollars Brian” Jon laughed loudly.


    “I told you – he is a fucking homo and I don’t care what you heard about him before. Look at him, how he focuses his gaze at us, how he stares at our bulges – do you like what you see?”


    Shane had no choice, since both guys towering above him, to notice the crotches in front of him.


    “Why don’t you pay some respect to me and my buddy and let’s say – give us a kiss on our superior cock lumps.” Jon suggested to Shane and winked at Brian.


    “It is okay… there is nothing wrong about it faggot. Just give each of us a quick kiss on our bulges and we are off to work. No harm done….” Jon grinned evilly.


    Shane felt like he had no other choice. He was scared to death, to get his face beaten and so he straightened up a bit and gave a quick smooch to Jon’s covered dick and then in light speed he did the same thing to Brian’s bulge.


    “Are you kidding me?” Jon snarled dangerously.


    “You didn’t even hit my cock you low life…do it the right way or else….”


    “I thought you queers are able to detect if a guy is carrying his cock to the left or to the right side – now… Go on… Continue…. check out my junk and if you got it right, give me a nice and friendly kiss on my cockhead…. HURRY UP NOW!” Jon slapped Shane lightly on his head.


    Brian was satisfied obviously, because he stepped back a little bit, which gave Jon had more room now to expand himself in front of poor Shane.  The lad raised his shaking hands up to Jon’s crotch and started massaging the guy’s cock area.


    “You know Brian, my dad once told me, faggots are quite good substitutes, if your girl is not around… they are quite good cock suckers.” Jon explained to his friend casually.


    “Are you a good cock sucker boy?” he wanted to know.


    “No… no” Shane looked up and shook his head.


    “My dad told me, they are also drinking your piss if you need to relieve yourself. Hell – they even lick your asshole!” he exclaimed.


    Shane sobbed softly while he made out Jon’s hardening cock.


    “Yeah… you got it – no kiss my cockhead through my jeans. Show me how much you respect me! Lick over my pants before sucking my cock through the fabric.”


    Shane tried to look for sympathy in Brian’s eyes but he could see no compassion.


    And so he stuck out his tongue out and licked this totally stranger his jeans in the front.  He heard some clicking and saw Brian and Jon were both taking pictures on their cell phones.


    “Do you want us to help you, do some practice on your cock sucking then…” Jon asked in a calm but threatening tone.


    Shane looked up to both guys with begging eyes and whispered ‘Pleaaaaase’ softly, in order to make them stop.


    “No need to beg faggot. I will spread the word around, that you are willing to give head for associates in need…..like the whore…. what was her fucking name again?” Jon looked at his pal.


    “Mindy….” he replied.


    “Yeah fuck… the whore was good in cock sucking, but she always refused to suck ass…. good that we have at least this opportunity now… right – faggot?” Jon asked more rhetorically.


    “But aren’t you a fag also, if you give your cock to a faggot?” Brian asked his mate.


    “Not if you are using him as a hole. If you don’t suck another guy or take cock up your ass, it is not a homo thing. This is just stress relief if a true cunt is not available.” Jon stated.


    “Let’s go back to work Jon… we are already late” Brian suggested to his friend.


    Jon stepped back a bit and gave Shane another hard slap to his face, to which Shane yelped out and held his hand against his cheek.


    “Don’t fuck with me faggot. If you tell anyone about our little agreement, I promise – you will be sorry. Got that freak?” he asked sternly.


    Shane couldn’t help but nod.  Once those bullies left the bathroom he started to cry.  He couldn’t continue working at this place. He was not safe here anymore.  In his mind the idea formed to find me and to tell me about him quitting the job. He didn’t want give any reasons. He would just quit and leave this place and he would be safe.


    Once Shane walked back into the store another associate he never saw before passed him and pointed at him. Then he poked his tongue against the inner side of his right cheek, mimicking the international sign for ‘sucking cock’ and grabbed his bulge obscenely.


    Rumors started to spread already. Shane was out of his mind because of his anxiety.

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  4. The Trainee



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    Working in a huge supermarket as a manager has some advantages.  Every time I’m bad tempered or feel some kind of pressure, I turn to one of my employees and take my bad mood out on that poor guy.  Building up the pressure by telling him to complete a job in a minimum amount of time; giving him work, which no one else wants to do; letting him do the late shifts all the time; fuck off his private life, by turning his down his wishes to get certain days off.  I always chose a guy, who is in dire need of the money and can’t afford to lose the job. They are taking this shit much longer, than an ordinary human being – they are simply the perfect victims.  The other guys at work don’t dare to interfere. They are so scared I could turn to them. Even if they think I am out of the line already, they turn their heads the other way and let that special co-worker suffer.

    I was in need of a new prey, since the last one got – well let’s put it this way: worn-out. So I had Betty put up the sign ‘Help Wanted’ at our entrance and we had quite a few applications.  For example the 79 year old granny who told me, she would give her very best to make our store a success. Her very best? Are you fucking kidding me? She can be happy, if she wears her underwear correctly.  Or the mom with 6 kids. Yeah right – can only work from 9 am to 1 pm; no check-out, because she is not good at math; no things pushing around, because of her sore back. Excuse me? Can I get you a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, while I pay your lazy ass for NOTHING?  The highlight was when she asked if the job would include health insurance for her and her kids immediately.  NEXT!


    Betty brought in another applicant.  Now this was someone I would totally prefer.  He was a slender guy. Maybe 18 or 19 at the most. He had dirty blonde hair, like those damn street dogs and looked at me with frightened blue eyes.  “Thanks Betty….” I said while she left my office and closed the door.


    I let the guy stand in front of my desk for several minutes and didn’t even offer him a seat.  First I finished my papers while he was standing there, feeling obviously insecure about this situation.  His smile froze into place while I was signing a few other documents.  Without looking at him I asked about his name.


    “Shane Myers” he answered with a croaking voice.


    I regarded him with a piercing look and the rest of his confidence shattered.  “Shane Myers… do you have another pair of Jeans? Or do you always apply for a new job, in such dirty and torn up jeans?” I asked him, noticing a tear in his pants.


    He looked down at his right knee and tried to apologize.  “My mom wasn’t able to sew it yet” he answered.


    “That doesn’t answer my question: Don’t you have another pair of jeans? I mean… come on… if you apply for a job, you want to make the best impression and I got to tell you: this is not a good impression to me” I said nodding at his torn pants.


    “I am sorry…. my other pair of jeans looked even worse” Shane replied meekly.


    Poor Shane, you could see he was humiliated by my words and his confession, to own just two pair of jeans.


    “Tell me about you. How old are you? What do you do? Are you still in school? Come on… time is money” I said harshly.


    “Well… my name is Shane Myers. I am 18 years old… what was the other question again?” he asked.


    I looked at him sternly.


    “Oh… yes. I am not in school anymore. I had to quit school, to help my mom paying the bills. She said I need to contribute, since times are bad and we struggle a bit.


    He was perfect! I wanted to squeeze him like a lemon.


    “We look for a full time employee. 40 hours the week. You need to be flexible. If I call you to come to work because someone called in sick, you jump into your torn up jeans and rush to my store.” I told him, adding “If you don’t finish a job in time, you do the overtime on your own free time. Got that?”  Continuing I told him “There are no bad jobs, just bad workers. Listen, I will give you the chance, but don’t disappoint me. I am a hard guy, but I am fair”


    Shane nodded at me. He smiles but I wasn’t a convincing smile.


    “You get paid by every two weeks and you get minimum wage. After a while, when you proved yourself, I might give you a bit more, but first I need to see, that you really want this job. I mean really… really want to be part of our family.”  and for the first time I smiled at him.


    “It would be great to work for you. I promise you won’t be disappointed. I learn fast and even without education I will give my very best not to fail. No matter what you need, I am your man!” he exclaimed.


    “That’s good to hear Shane. Now are you willing and read to start today?” I asked.


    “Today, like now?” he asked?


    “Is there a problem?”


    “No… not a problem at all. I just need to call my girlfriend and tell her that we can’t date later on, but I know she will understand.” he said.


    Girlfriend… Nice!  It would be so much fun to break this boy and turn him into a cock slurping, ass fucking faggot.  After he made his call I got up and my semi hard dick made a nice bulge in my slacks.  As any other dude Shane noticed my prominent bulge but didn’t stare or say something about it.  I went to a cupboard and opened it.


    “Here is your uniform. The pants might be too small, but we don’t have your size in stock right now.” that was a lie of course, but I wanted him to wear tight pants. I wanted look at his fuckable butt.  “Usually the male staff wears shirts, but since we only got over size shirts left at the moment, I would suggest you wear the stuff our female workers have to wear – which is a blouse” I fished out one in his size, with a nice collar and some ruffles on it.  He would look ridiculous.  I could see his shocked face and calmed him down saying “We will order the right things for you. Don’t worry. But we need to get you going for starters.” I said nicely.


    “So… what are you waiting for? Undress and get into your working clothes.”


    “Here?” he asked oblivious.


    “Yeah – I want you ready for the action. Don’t be shy.” I snickered.


    First Shane got rid of his shirt. His torso was simply beautiful, almost completely hairless. His wide chest with his little nipples invited me almost to torture him immediately.  I really had to control myself, not to jump up and twist his nipples forcefully.  Then he pulled down his jeans. He wore boxer shorts underneath. I told him with his tight uniform pants, he wouldn’t be able to wear those boxers.  He sighed that I was probably right.


    He made the conclusion and pulled his shorts down also, but before that he turned around, so I could admire those solid ass cheeks.  I didn’t care about the fags clit anyway. I was longing for his ass. I had to fuck him hard and brutal. Not only to put him into his place, but also to seed him with my venom.  Without turning to me he pulled up his working pants.  That was a sight. He really had to fight to get into these tight pants. Several times he had to bend his knees to get the pants up higher.  Every time he did that, he gave me a promise of his sweet ass.


    He cursed under his breath because he had so many difficulties to button up, but finally he managed to get into it.

     He turned around and tried to make a happy face.


    “Are you able to breathe?” I asked seriously.


    “Yes… but I don’t know if I can do a good job in those pants” he complained.


    In my mind I screamed: ‘YES, YES – you are doing a great job already.’


    “Well, let’s check it” I said and walked towards him.


    “Turn your back at me. Now bend your knees… Shut up… I need to hear if the stitches are ripping up”


    “Go deeper into your knees… okay…. now crouch before me and be quiet… I can’t hear anything ripping” I grinned.


    “Now get do some squats.”


    Since Shane was with his back to me I couldn’t help but to stroke my cock through my slacks.


    I had to push it further. I wanted to know how far I could go and so I ordered the twink to bend a bit and with my right thumb I followed the stitches down his ass crack. I laid my left hand occasionally on his left ass cheek and run my thumb again and again up and down between his ass cheeks.


    Shane yelped and tried to shy away.


    “Don’t worry – I just want to make sure this is really safe. Imagine you work outside and then all of a sudden your pants rip and you don’t even wear underwear.  We can’t risk that!” I explained to him as I continued asking in a professional tone “How does that feel?"


    “Good…?” Shane wasn’t sure what to answer.


    “It seems like your working pants are able to survive a nuclear war – now try the blouse.”


    What I didn’t tell him, of course we had shirts in his size. Hell - we even had blouses in his size, but I chose one that was also a bit smaller. He had the chance to turn down the job, if he had some dignity he would.


    Instead of that he grabbed the blouse and tried to wear it, and on the first try commented with a desperate if polite edge “I think it is a bit too small also."


    I couldn’t help but to agree.


    “This is only a compromise… don’t worry, we will change that in a couple of days” I assured him.


    Imagine – his top didn’t even match to reach his pants. If he would stack goods into an upper shelf you would see his bellybutton.


    Poor Shane hat a pants, that would reveal part of his ass cheeks while bending down. In the front some of his pubic hair could be seen.

    His blouse looked more like a belly top.


    “Can I be honest to you? I am a bit embarrassed.” Shane subdued.


    “Nah… you know, in these times you can’t ever wear something and be embarrassed. Today everything is possible” he calmed him down.


    I went to my desk and got a name tag out of my drawer. Of course it had not Shane’s name on it, but the word ‘Trainee’


    “This way, the customers will know that you are new to this” I smiled.


    “So? Are you ready for some action?


    “Yes Sir!” he tried to smile and thanked me again, for giving him this chance.


    When we made it to one of the department managers he looked a bit irritated to Shane, but tried to act professional.  I introduced Shane as the new trainee and co-worker and asked Mr. Brown to give him some work to do.  After he explained to Shane what he wanted, the boy started to arrange some stuff.  Mr. Brown walked a few feet with me and after he made sure that Shane couldn’t overhear our conversation he asked why the boy would be dressed like that. It was a bit revealing he remarked, adding  

    “He looks like a faggot!”


    I agreed.


    “You know – when I showed him our uniform he asked me, if he could have pants a bit tighter, because he thought he has a nice ass. After I handed him the shirt he mentioned the things our female workers wear would be so much nicer and so he got that one too. Maybe your suspicion is true – but who am I to judge” I lied.


    “You know how it is – only happy associates are productive associates” I added, giving Mr. Brown a wink.


    “Ooooh… I see. Well, since we are living in a gay friendly neighborhood, I guess this could actually help us attracting more customers.”


    “Exactly” I said.


    Once I would be finished with him, he would know every dick by name….

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  5. Virgin POZ Night  (Part 2)



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    I fondled my cock gently.

    The boys’ head was hanging down again and he begged me not to fuck him.

    I grabbed his hair and pulled his face up. He grimaced in torment.

    Then I snapped a picture and let go of his mop of hair unceremoniously.

    “Stop muttering faggot, I told you – you had five toxic cocks already in your asshole.

    Another won’t hurt you” I slapped him on his ass cheeks.

    His hole was leaking cum. I didn’t care. I like my fuck holes tight, but I am okay to be a sloppy second…. or sixth.


    I rubbed my cock head up and down the wet cleft and I could see the guys back muscles tensed. He tried to move away, but he was strapped so tightly. He wouldn’t have a chance to escape.

    Still he fought with all of his power.


    I was sure his cunt would be nice and tight. He would be a good fuck.


    My cock stood out proudly. I didn’t even care to take off my jeans. I like to fuck in full gear. It is kind of hot to keep your pants and shoes on and simply open the buttons to fuck right away.

    You can get naked with your lover, but you don’t have to have this intimacy with whores like this one.


    My cockhead touched the boys cleft. He yelped, when he felt it. I caressed his back and could still feel the power he summoned in order to break free and get away.


    “Do you want my cock? Do you want my toxic cock faggot?” I whispered.


    “NOOOO… I am not a faggot. Please untie me and let me…. gooooo!” the lad whined.


    “You are not a faggot hole?” I snickered.


    “No… no… Sir… I got a girlfriend… I am not a faggot. I am not… *shivers* a faggot”


    “And your girlfriend knows, that you take raw dicks?” I went on while probing against the young guy’s hole softly.


    I could feel the entrance prepared for the attack and tighten up. His back muscles strained. This was beautiful.


    “You know what I think?” I whispered.


    “I think you are just a whore, who just gets his kick from teasing POZ cocks like me – and now you changed your mind, but 5 loads already working in your system to pollute you, to drag you down… do you feel the virus cursing in your blood already?”


    Somehow in his dazed brain the words ‘Virus’, ‘toxic cock’ and ‘raw’ made a fatal combination and again he groaned pitifully and tried to free himself by trashing around.


    Supporting both of my hands on his back I could feel his muscles working to escape.

    My right hand went down to my cock, lining my pole up to his asshole and pushed it forcefully inside his body.

    There wasn’t a tearing sensation or such. He was well lubed by the cum shots he received earlier already.

    With one prominent push I sunk my whole infested dick into his defenseless hole.


    The feeling was incredible being balls deep into his cunt.


    My right hand went back to his backside and while it was not necessary to hold him down, I was still using this angle as a leverage to pull out my dick almost fully from his well stretched hole.

    With only my cockhead resting in his slit, I pushed back brutally into him.


    He didn’t say anything anymore. Only his sobbing could be heard while I rammed my cock in and out of his almost virgin asshole.


    His muscle tried to deny me the entrance. It was cramping so hard, that it gave my cock such a good feeling.


    I got into a nice fucking motion. My grunting echoed from the walls and mixed with his pitiful sobbing.


    My upper body lowered to his back and my face was now almost next to his.

    “Do you like my AIDS cock giving you another brutal fuck. Try to tighten your hole, give me the chance to rip your ass up, so my AIDS babies can find their way into your system, eh?”


    “Nooooo…. oh God please no…. don’t do this to me man…. PLEASE!” he whimpered.


    “Please…. God…. Jesus…. help me please…. is anyone out there… PLEASE HELP *shouts out loud* Stop hurting me… stop doing this to me…..”


    “This place is away from God. No one will help you boy. Accept the inevitable… *pants* No one can help you now….”


    I raised my upper body up and started speed fucking the little brat like a rabbit.

    This raised his voice also to a crescendo.


    “SHUT THE FUCK UP” I yelled and hit him three times with my right fist hard on his right shoulder blade. He yelped out in pain and his sphincter narrowed itself once again.


    “Good bitch… nice tight whore…. giving you my GIFT… you stupid… FUCK” and with that I shot my hot cum into his absorbing cunt.

    I was balls deep while one gush after another left my dick only to pollute this beautiful twink.


    I repeated resting my upper body against his back and relaxed there.

    His whole body was shaking because he cried so hard. My dick was slowly expelled from his tight hole, followed by a stream of slime running down his inner thighs, which wasn’t all mine necessarily.


    Once my dick wasn’t in his body anymore I walked slowly in front of him and crouched before him. He was too weak to raise his head completely, but it was enough for him to see my semi-hard cock, covered in his ass slime.


    “Listen pal…. I said listen to me…”


    His sobbing ebbed down.


    “Do you know, that there is still hope for you? Hum?” I asked in a soothing voice.


    “If you get into a hospital soon, they can still prevent you from turning into a poz cum-dump for the rest of your life.”


    “Is this true?” he sniffed.


    “Yeah – If you get there in time, they will give you something, which might save you from becoming positive. There is no need to go into details, I just thought you might want to know.” I grinned and got up stroking my dick slowly, watching down at the lad who tried to raise his head more and more.


    “Would you please help me to get there then? I promise I won’t tell anything. I just want to get the chance to get saved.” he begged me.


    “Well boy, I would – but it would give me the feeling you didn’t like the ride with me. It is almost like you didn’t want my cock and didn’t enjoy the hard fuck I gave you… I don’t know…. that doesn’t sound good to me.”


    The twink wailed but I couldn’t understand what he was babbling.


    “No…. nooooo… I li-li-liked your co-cock very mu-mu-much!” he exclaimed.


    “You enjoyed banging the shit out of you – really?


    “Yes… I-I-I never did this be-before, but… but I liked that very… very much” he promised.


    “That’s so sweet of you . I liked ripping your asshole up also very much.” I chuckled.


    “Listen…. time is ticking and there were 5 other guys before me, fucking their toxic slime into your body. So - how about you, cleaning my cock from all the slime covering it. If you do that – I promise I will call an ambulance, so you can get into a hospital as soon as possible.” I suggested wickedly.


    I had a raging hard-on again.


    “I never sucked a guy clean” he answered broken.


    “Never you mind, I will help you…” and I raised his head up by grabbing him by a shock of his hair again.


    “Just open your mouth and use your tongue a little bit, I will do the rest and fuck your face – how about that?” I instructed him.


    Without waiting for an answer I fed the young boy my cock. I didn’t want him to puke so I was not deep throat him, but he surely gave me a nice feeling, fucking his mouth quite fast.


    Of course I didn’t care about slime on my cock. Hell, if you cruise in bath houses you can be happy if that is all you get on your cock.

    I wanted to shoot another load into him and I was confident I would accomplish this task.


    His eyebrows furrowed, because of the unpleasant way I held his head up, but I didn’t care. For a first timer his tongue gave my cock head a great stimulation, although he was probably only trying to push me out of his mouth.


    I closed my eyes and concentrated on my balls boiling.


    Then with a long, low grunt I shot my second load into him.

    He swallowed some of it, but coughed the other half up, seriously trying not to choke on my cock and the respectable amount of cum, flooding his throat.


    I let go of his hair another time and propped up on his shoulder blades trying to catch my breath.

    Patting him on his head I started to button my pants up.


    “You did a good job whore” I hissed at him.

    “Please…. call for help… you promised!” the words were almost inaudible.


    “If you are not busy, I will call for help as soon as possible.” I lied and snort back my own snot and spit it on his head. The phlegm pasted his blonde hair.


    Once I unlocked the door I could see two fully bearded leather daddies standing nearby turning to me. “About time!” one of them mentioned to me.


    There was a long queue of other guys waiting also for their time to bang the kid.


    I turned around and went back to the sniffing lad.


    “Listen… a slight change of plans. There are at least 6 guys outside waiting to fuck their slime into you. I guess you will be busy serving them for a while. You got no choice anyway”, tapping at his tied up body.


    “I will be here for another couple of hours, cruising and probably having some drinks at the bar. If you are not busy anymore, before I Ieave, I will get you some help. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, that it is not too late then, okay?”


    “But you PROMISED” he screamed.


    The two leather guys entered the booth.


    “You guys are doing him simultaneously?” I grinned.


    They nodded grimly and I felt it was time to give them their privacy.


    The blonde one tried to raise his head as high as possible and followed me with his eyes shouting again that I promised to help him.


    When I left the corner of his eye he focused on the guy in front of him, who was revealing his huge phallus and felt another cock inspected already at his cunt.


    I can’t even explain the noise the lad was making. I guess this was the moment he realized, there was no God protecting him from his terrible fate.

    This was a holy place indeed. But not in the way he assumed it.


    I closed the door behind me and heard the locking noise. Outside I grabbed the chalk and drew another line on the little blackboard.


    We all listened to a high pitched muffled scream and then two other low voices grunted loudly.


    My balls needed a recharge, but after one drink or two, I would go down and check on this blonde faggot again.

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  6. Should I Stay Or Should I Go (Scorpion’s View Of Things)



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    Do you know how painful it is for an alpha male like me, if your balls are full of hot and steaming POZ seed and there is not a faggot around, willing to accept my gift?


    Don’t get me wrong. I don’t give a shit if my victim is volunteering cheerfully.

    I just want a hot faggot cunt massaging my cock and accepting my charged cum.


    And if my prey is taking my POZ load, without knowing about me - being so contagious - hey that’s not my fault!


    It is YOUR responsibility to protect yourself – you stupid fags!


    So I guess it was one of those painful days when I met Keith at a local fast food restaurant.


    Just one glance at him and I knew this guy was a Prima-A fag. Not so much because of his behavior. He was acting quite straight.

    He was still in his teens and looking seriously naïve.

    The only thing that was weird – this guy was looking around, like he was scanning the place for somebody.

    But his gaze was always focused on the crotch area of some strange dudes, passing his table.

    He was looking for cocks – no doubt.


    Sweet Jesus! His shy and stolen looks talked about, how inexperienced this lad was.


    So I knew I had to get into his pants, but I also knew it would be a challenge.

    This was not a naïve bath-house newbie, falling into the trap ‘Let’s play it safe – Oooops, shit! The condom’s broken!’


    No, no – I had to invest more time into him, but it would be worth it. No doubt!


    He was sitting all alone at a table and sipped at a soft drink, while I was ordering a burger and some fries.

    I avoided looking into his direction, but I grabbed my crotch from time to time, like I was squeezing my cock through my pants.

    Every time I surveyed the area, waiting for my order, I saw him staring at my jeans and the huge bulge within.

    And every time our eyes met, he turned to his mobile phone and checked some things busily, and a minute later he was again staring at my actions.


    It was too cute, they way he tried to lurk at me from the corner of his eyes and every time he felt safe he focused his gaze at my crotch again and again.


    After picking up some napkins and a bit salt I took my plate and went straight to his table.


    “Is this seat taken?” I asked him with a low voice?


    The boy blushed and didn’t reply at once. Then he answered with a meek voice “No”


    I guess he was surprised, because there were plenty of other tables available.


    Instead of moving to his opposite side, I sat down directly next to him. He shifted a bit back, but since he was sitting close to a window, he wasn’t able to move far away from me.

    I was manspreading, totally invading the guy’s space but I didn’t care.

    Without a word I started eating, feeling his right thigh pressed next to mine and the useless attempts to become even smaller, than he actually already was.


    “You want some fries” I asked him, as if we would be friends already.


    “No thanks” he replied, feeling totally mixed up.


    “Not the best food around here. Well? Since you are not eating, what are you doing here?” I inquired.


    There was a long pause.


    “Killing some time?” he answered.


    “Are you asking me?” I turned to him and grinned.


    “No… No…. I’m killing some time…” he stuttered.

    I leaned closer to him and whispered: “Yeah… I saw that”


    I put my left arm around his shoulder and pressed him against me and with the right hand I took a good grip at my crotch.


    “I saw that….” I repeated myself and made sure he saw my prominent bulge before I continued swallowing my food.


    The lad’s face turned white.


    “I think, I better go now” he sounded stressed.


    “Don’t be scared. Are you new to this… concept?” I asked and smiled at him softly.


    He nodded without answering.


    “That’s sweet. I remember when I first looked furtively at other guy’s privates. That’s okay you know?” I talked to him in my seducing low voice.


    “What’s your name?” I continued invading his privacy.


    Again he didn’t react. I could smell his fear.

    He was ashamed of being caught, staring at cocks in this restaurant. I was the only person in the world who knew his secret: about being gay.

    And I knew, his mind was rapidly thinking of a way to escape. I almost could hear his prayers, if God would grant him just one wish, it would be – that he could flee from this awkward situation.


    “My name is Scorpion” I continued my attempts to find a connection between the two of us. A connection that would be strong enough, to let him off the hook in a couple of minutes, but to ensure he would return to me.


    “Look – maybe I come too hard on you… but I saw you the moment I entered this place and I felt like ‘wow’ – you are such a handsome guy. Don’t be mad at me, for taking my chance – okay?” I tried to calm him down.


    “Really? - I am sorry, but I am a bit scared right now” he mumbled.


    “I know” I simply replied.


    For a while there was no other word spoken until the lad broke the silence:


    “Keith…. my name is Keith.”


    “Thank you Keith….”


    “You really think I am handsome?” he asked softly.


    “Are you serious? You are like the cutest guy I have ever seen, in my whole life… and I am a bit older than you, so I saw some good looking guys, but no… NO ONE can compare with you” I said and tried to make my most honest face about it.


    “Listen…. I don’t want to torment you any longer.” I waited a bit before I continued.

    “Can I give you my cell number – and you can decide if you would want to meet me again”


    After a short while of thinking he nodded gingerly.


    I grabbed a pen from my jacket and wrote my cell phone number on a napkin.


    “Don’t lose it….” I smiled and handed him the note.


    He accepted my offer and I moved away from him and got up.

    Slowly he got up also and tried to pass me at the front of the table.


    My raging hard-on strained against the inside of my pants. Keith couldn’t help but stare at it.


    “I am sorry, but I am just happy I met you” I grinned and looked at my bulge also.


    Keith smiled at me for the first time.


    He was a virgin. A fucking virgin and I planned to fuck him for all he was worth.

    But I had to be careful. He was not stable yet. The wrong move and he would be gone and hide and I wanted him. I needed to stick my cock deep into him and rip him apart, only to shoot my load into his bleeding hole.


    My boys would like to meet him too. We used to look for fresh meet all the time to pollute those guys.


    Keith…. sweet little Keith…


    I was sure I would hear from him… and I was right.

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  7. Sold Health   (Part 02)



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    “Think about it while you suck my dick faggot – Don’t forget, I paid for your service – you little cocksucker...”


    The boy took my cock back in his mouth like he was in a trance.

    His tongue focused on my glans and lapped my toxic precum up already.

    He moved his head up and down my shaft. I told him to look into my eyes, while sucking me.

    Once, he might have been a sensitive and intelligent guy, but now his eyes seemed dull and his spirit was broken.


    I was pretty sure, that he wouldn’t make a turn with the money. The drug had already fried his brain. His body and mind ached for another shot.


    “The choice is yours… pay your debts and live like a decent human being. You could try to save yourself and your girlfriend… or buy some of the ‘good stuff’ and make a nice trip. You could get so high – in a way you never have experienced it… you filthy Bitch.” I whispered seductively.


    “Think faster you stupid fuck. Once my cock spits at your face, the deal is over!


    He interrupted his sucking.


    “And you can check my status right now?”

    I nodded as I pulled his head back onto my penis.


    “A little bit of your blood will do – and I guess you are not afraid of syringes, huh?” I grinned.


    “And your friend will give me the money right away…” he interrupted his blowjob again.


    “We will pile up the money in front of your eyes. You can even count it while we fuck your brains out.” I replied to him.


    The lad was obviously overwhelmed by this decision. His eyes moved rapidly.

    And still, while his peanut brain was craving for some good stuff he dutifully lapped his tongue against my glans and sucked more and more of my poisonous scum.


    “Okay fuck face, you can’t make a decision, then I will shoot my load into your mouth now. You may spit it out afterwards faggot, since you don’t like to take the risk…” I frowned.


    I grabbed him by his ears and started pummeling into his gullet.


    “Hrrrmpf….. naaaaaaaw….. *chokes*” his hands moved against my stomach and tried to push me away.


    He pulled his head away from my cock and begged me to stop.


    “DEAL….” he screamed and looked at me frantically.

    “DEEEAAAAALLLLL…” he screamed again and seemed terrified that I would shoot my sperm any second now.


    I jerked my cock slowly, looking down at this piece of shit and smiled cruelly.


    “Please don’t shoot your load…. Deal…. please…. Deal…. *sobs*”


    I stopped jacking off and just sneered at the broken lad.


    Totally out of breath he stared at my throbbing cock.


    He looked up to me and asked with a timid voice “Deal?”


    Get the fuck up and let’s take a blood sample then and you better pray to God, that it is negative then.

    After a few attempts I found a vein to draw some blood from the boy. I’ve put the sample into the ‘rapid antibody’ test kit. Now we had to wait a couple of minutes for the results.


    “What happens if I am positive?” he asked uncertainly.

    “I will leave you, where I found you… what do you think would happen? You are going to die – that’s what’s going to happen to you - shithead” I replied.


    In the meantime I told the whore, I still had to piss urgently.


    Initially he went down to his knees and opened his mouth, but I told him to get up again and take my cock up his ass instead.

    The twink seemed to be scared about that and begged me not to fuck him yet. He really thought I would hump him and he wouldn’t get any more cash.


    “I am not fucking your asshole you fool. I just want to take a leak faggot.”


    My cock was still extremely hard and it took me a while to persuade the bitch to get up again and to turn around.

    In the end I simply grabbed the boy by his nape and held him in place, while I pressed my erected cock against his fuckhole.


    “You promise not to cum now… okay?” he asked again.

    He looked extremely worried.


    “I promise it. Just pissing… nothing else!” and I flashed a genuine smile.


    Of course I had to make some fucking motions. The boy was so tensed and it took me a while to settle my whole cock into his snatch. I could have rammed myself home, but I wanted to safe the hardcore action for later.


    I closed my eyes and tried to release my bladder. I felt the little filly was nervous.

    He almost pranced a little bit.


    “Stay still….” I moaned and released my waste into him.


    As soon as he felt his intestines fill up with the hot yellow liquid he mumbled over and over again ‘thank you… thank you’.

    I guess he wasn’t really thankful for the steaming piss, but he was relieved that I kept my promise.


    After I finished with my ‘business’ I told him I would withdraw my cock slowly and that he should try to keep my urine in for a while.

    Of course it didn’t work out completely. A few trickles went down his legs onto the floor. It was not my flat, so I didn’t care.


    I maneuvered him around a bit and told him he should let go of my piss out with full force. I hit him on his belly several times to encourage him to release my pee.

    His eyes were closed and sweat was on his forehead. He pressed hard and a yellow stream of piss shot against his cupboard and walls.

    He knocked some of his pictures over and I had to laugh out loudly.


    That was the moment when he turned his head around and saw what I had ordered him to do.


    “Well done boy. Two out of three… not bad!” I praised him and clapped him on his back.


    I went back to the table and gazed at my watch. We still had to wait a few minutes.


    “Come here – worthless slut and lick my ass for a couple of minutes” I commanded.


    Without a word of protest the lad crouched behind my body and pulled my jeans downwards.


    “I really hope my test results come out negative” he mumbled.


    “Yeah – me too. Now start tonguing my hole. Lick that shithole clean” I grunted.


    He started lapping his tongue over my hole.


    “Good boy…..” I moaned.


    “Don’t forget to push your tongue into my hole also. Tongue fuck me… you hear me? Clean my dirty hole the proper way.”


    When the time had come to check the test results I announced, I would open the kit now.

    He stopped his tongue action and mumbled some nonsense. It almost sounded like a prayer.

    Yeah – I heard him pray to God, that his results would turn out negative.


    I slapped him on his head and told him to keep on sucking my ass.


    When I saw his result was negative I farted into his open mouth and made the boy moan repulsively.


    “You are negative slut.” I farted again into his face.


    “Good job!” I turned around slowly.


    “We got a Deal!” I announced proudly and ruffled the boys hair playfully, like he was the big winner here.


    “Man – I am so happy I am negative. That is so cool. Now I can get some cash from you. Thank you… man. Thank you for choosing me” he repeated himself         constantly.


    I used my cell phone to contact my partner in crime.


    “Hey there… it’s me… I found a whore to gamble with us.”


    “19 years old and wasted. Drugs… he is negative and sort of good looking”


    “Nah – just an ordinary whore. Yeah – wait….”


    “Talk to him nicely and give him your address. We want to continue with the show.” I grinned and handed the boy my mobile phone.


    “Yes. Hello sir. Yes… I am the slut who wants to take poz cum. Thank you. I can’t wait to feel your poz cock tearing up my asshole either *he looked a bit scared now* Yes…. please don’t forget the money, okay?”


    Then he gave my pal his residential address and then my mate hung up.


    I took back my phone and smiled down at the crouching boy.


    He started stroking my cock slowly and smiled back happily.


    “We will fuck you hard. You know that… Hm?” I asked him.


    “Yeah” he stopped smiling and looked a bit concerned now.


    “Will it hurt a lot?” he asked.


    “We won’t use spit or lube” I told him.

    “We spend a lot of money on you… it is only fair, that you should tear inside”


    All of a sudden the twink looked like a small kid again. A bit lost – and still he was a grown up boy who knew, more or less, what he was doing.


    “I will fuck you at first, because I found you… that might hurt a bit, because I fuck you dry. But believe me, it will hurt my cock too. But you won’t hear me complaining about it – so I expect you to be a champ also and just take what’s coming into you…”


    “Then my mate will fuck you immediately after I shot my load. So with my sperm as lube you will probably enjoy his fucking.”


    “After that we will double dick you” I grinned.

    “And then you are almost done…”


    I spoke those words and he took it like the ordeal would be over then.


    But I meant it in a total different way….

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  8. Thanks guys. I wrote once, this story had an alternative end. Michael would have been actually snuffed in the story final. Then I changed it and he was rescued somehow by this leather daddy. The picture of him, driving into the sunrise marked the end of many chapters. Now he experiences more adventures and it is nice to see, that some of you enjoy this developement. It is nice to read your comments.... I enjoy that very much.

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  9. Sold Health   (Part 01)



    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **



    “Hey… need a hole to fuck – only 50 Dollars and you can fuck mine” the twink whispered to me.


    I knew, there would be young hustlers in this part of the park at night.


    Most of them were addicts. They were shadows of human beings.

    This one was not finished yet. He was still good looking, but his youth was vanishing. His eyes seemed clouded and he slurred the words.


    “You got a place to go?” I asked.


    “There are many deserted areas here. We can find a place easily…” he answered.


    “Nah… I am looking for a guy to fuck him in his bed” I said shortly and turned around to leave.


    “Wait… wait… let’s say 30 Dollars and you can fuck me here… what do you say?” he begged.


    “What do you say, if I give you 100 Dollars for your mouth and a bit of your time?” I replied.


    “Okay. But my flat is not so… tidy.” he said.


    “I didn’t expect it to be. It will be enough if you are on your knees and suck my dick there… and maybe some other stuff.” I answered.


    We left the park and walked through deserted streets. It was way after midnight and the good people were all asleep.

    We walked without talking. The guy was always two steps ahead and I followed him.

    I watched his ass move and this made me quite horny. His body was shaking from time to time.

    Obviously he needed money for his next fix.


    It was such a shame. He had been a good looking lad once. Don’t get me wrong. He was still doing ok. I have seen worse looking boys. It would be a pleasure to use this one.


    We stopped at a run down house in some part of the city.


    The lad tried to open the first door to the hall with his key, but he was shaking so much, that it took him a while to open the entrance.


    I didn’t touch him… Not yet.

    I just watched his petite frame.


    He would have been a cute guy, with his blonde hair and his cute little ass, but he chose the wrong path one day in his life and now he was rushing downhill, with no one able to stop him.


    “Sorry… I am a bit shaky” he apologized.


    “Take your time…” I answered with my low voice.


    I followed him to the second floor and again he had to complete the impossible task, to open the door with his key in a calm fashion.


    When he finally managed to unlock the door to his flat, he opened the door and he stumbled into his own one room apartment.


    I stood outside and waited.


    After a second he came back and looked at me questioningly.


    “Don’t you want to welcome me?” I asked.


    “Yeah sure… come in” he said.


    “No I mean… welcome me, with your mouth - outside of your flat.” I insisted.


    “Dude… I live here. The people around here know my girlfriend.” he whispered desperately.


    I stood there calmly and simply looked into his eyes.


    “Oh damnit…” he cursed.


    He walked outside into the hall and crouched before me. With trembling hands he tried to open my jeans. It was hilarious how much time he needed to set my cock free.

    And still it was cute, how bad he needed the money, that he even serviced a John out here in the open, just to get cash for his drugs.

    My cock hardened already, because of the massage his fingers gave to me, simply by opening my pants.


    Finally he grabbed inside of my cage and freed my hardening cock.


    I pressed the button for the floor light.


    The twink flinched.


    “Man… please… don’t…” he whined.


    “Open your mouth and suck!” I ordered him loudly.


    For the first time I saw his face in a bright light.


    The lad seemed to be broken already.

    His face showed the story of his decline. He was working for one thing only and that was his drug. It didn’t matter what kind of substance he abused.


    The drug ruled his life.


    His blue eyes looked up to me, while he sucked my cock deep into his throat.

    He had this pleading look. He wanted me to give him the sign, that we could move into his apartment to finish this job.


    I nodded at him.


    Thankfully he smiled at me and crawled backwards into his one room flat.


    I followed him inside his home. Home sweet home…


    The whore wanted to get up and close the apartment door.


    “Stay on your knees dog.” I simply ordered and closed the door myself.


    “What…?” he asked.


    “You understood me. Stay where you belong… on your knees.”


    I pushed the light switch but the room stayed dark.


    “No light?” I asked.


    “I didn’t have the money to pay it. I guess they shut down the electricity.” the boy mumbled.


    On his knees he scurried through the room and lit some candles.


    “How romantic…” I said ironically.


    “Can I have my money first? Then I will finish sucking you.” he asked with a broken voice.


    I interrupted stroking my dick and gave him the 100 Dollars.


    “Who are these people on those pictures?” I asked and pointed to some photographs on a cupboard.”


    “That’s none of your business I guess. I will suck your dick…” he argumented.


    “I paid for that AND your time faggot” I rebuked.


    The teen moved closer and watched at those pictures.

    “My parents… and that’s me one year ago. When I turned 18.” he sighed.


    “That was you? One year ago? May I say it, you look shit today” I replied coldly.


    “I know. I have changed a bit, but I am still handsome… at least my girlfriend tells me so” the boy mumbled.


    “You changed a bit?” I laughed.

    “You’re girlfriend… *chuckles”


    “Is she a whore too?” I asked him.




    “Is your girlfriend also a whore like you?!” I repeated the question.


    “She does what she has to do” he answered.


    I turned to him and fed him some cock. I like my boys to keep their heads still.

    It is my job to move and so I held him by his ears and shoved my cock deep into his throat.


    “Open up” I ordered.


    “Would it be okay if I would piss into you?”


    “Ho… mu….” he inarticulated.


    “What?” I pulled my cock out of his mouth.


    “How much… can I get for it?” he asked.


    “So you would drink it. You would be my urinal, for my stinking piss. It just has a tag on it” I chuckled.


    I will give you another 100 Dollars just to piss. But I won’t use your mouth bitch.

    What about your bed? Or could I simply piss into your closet… onto your clothes.


    He could see another 100 Dollar bill waving in front of his face.
    It took him a while, but then he grabbed for the money.


    “Easy cash… easy cash…” I repeated.


    After he accepted the other bill I turned around to the little cupboard and showered all the pictures with my yellow liquid.


    I laughed out loudly.


    “Saw that? I pissed on your family. I pissed on your girlfriend and I pissed on you… 18 years old handsome guy…” I grinned evilly.


    Then I stopped pissing and wandered around.

    I opened the closet and started another stream of my dark yellow colored piss.


    “This is okay… for you. Right? I'm allowed to piss on your clothes. Since your flat is a pigsty anyways…” I reassured myself.


    The guy held his money in his fist and nodded defeatedly.


    I walked to the fading beauty and crouched next to him.


    “Listen – you have already lost everything. Do you think you can make it – any time soon?” I asked him seriously.


    “Maybe… if I get some help. Maybe then I can start a new life” he whispered.


    I stood up and pushed my cock deeply into his mouth again and rocked softly in and out of his throat.


    “What would you say, if I tell you tonight… I will give you a great amount of money, if you are willing to gamble with your health…” I asked him softly.


    “*Hrmpf* I don’t understand…” he interrupted his sucking motions.


    “You know HIV and AIDS? Sure you know…” I grinned knowingly.


    “Are you clean…?” I asked him


    “I am carefully – sharing my needle and I don’t let guys fuck me without a condom” he said.


    “I got an HIV rapid antibody test with me. We could know within 20 Minutes, if you are infected or not” I told him.


    “And then…?” he didn’t know my intentions, but he accepted my cock again and suckled on it.


    “If you are negative… a friend of mine and I will pay you 10.000 Dollars to fuck you bareback. The only risk is, we are both not medicated AIDS Tops and highly contagious. Are you willing to take the risk?” I asked him.


    The lad was stunned. His eyes seemed to be empty, but I knew his thoughts were rotating around the money. He probably didn’t realize, but he was still sucking my infiltrating cock.


    “Think of all the things you can do with it. Pay your next fix. Move out to a better apartment with your girlfriend. Start a new life!” I reasoned with him.


    “You can keep the 200 Dollars and I will leave, if you decide that’s a risk, you don’t want to take” I withdrew my cock from him.


    “But if you are willing to get POZ fucked, we will pay you the money tonight. My buddy will have the cash on him. And there is still a chance, you won’t get infected. In that case you can keep the money of course…” I explained.


    “So? Do we have a Deal or No Deal?” I wanted to know.

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  10. Blonde And Stupid – Two Christian Boys Dragged Down   (Part 02)



    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **



    Ryan was so excited. He thought of all the handsome and masculine jocks and his ass was tingling.

    Ben saw things differently. He was also horny, but he was more carefully and a bit scared too.


    What if their parents would find out, that they were gay. How would they react?

    What if they would change their behavior. He didn’t want to act like a sissy.


    Right now they lived a peaceful life. A little bit undercover. Maybe they were not happy all the time, but… it was a good and easy life.


    They had average grades at school.

    It wasn’t too hard to get good results at school, maybe because of their looks. Of course they got also teased from the members of the different sports teams, because they weren’t so much into the boy stuff.


    Girls, on the other hand, would adore the teens.


    Everything would change, if they decided to open up and come out of the closet.


    Ryan tried to calm his pal down.


    “No one said, we need to come out to our parents or our friends. Just let us experience some fun and meet some guys who are willing to help us and feed us some cock”


    “Nothing happens without a price. If we do one thing, it will trigger another. That’s what I’m afraid of” Ben answered.


    “You are thinking too much with your brain. Start thinking with your ass…” Ryan said and farted loudly.


    Ben threw his pillow towards Ryan and both guys laughed merrily.


    The next day was an ordinary Saturday.


    They went downtown and did some shopping. They met some of Ryan’s female friends at Starbucks.

    Then they returned home and had lunch with Ryan’s parents.

    In the afternoon they watched some stuff on TV to kill some time.


    Both guys had to admit, that they kept thinking of the big cocks they had seen last night on Skype.


    Ryan’s parents were invited that evening and told his son and Ben, they would be home way after midnight.


    So the lads were all alone, when they started their computer and opened Skype.


    Soon they received a request and accepted the call.


    This time they had their cam turned to them and they smiled, when they saw the jocks from last night.

    These guys seemed to be in their mid-twenties. Ryan liked that. He felt more open to them, because the age gap wasn’t too big.


    “Oh… Only three guys tonight?” Ryan looked disappointed.


    “We thought it would be better to talk to you in a moderated number. You guys are too hot. We are a bunch of horny fuckers. If eight hard cocks are on this side, we won’t be able to talk to you in a decent way” the guy on the other side said.


    Both boys wore only shirts and tight underwear.


    “So what are your names?” he asked.


    “I am Ryan and this is Ben. We are both friends. We met on the internet and know each other only for a short while. But we became very close” Ryan answered.


    “Understandable. Two fags giving each other support and rubbing their dicks together. You surely sniff at each other’s asses.” Biohazard1 replied.


    Ben was a bit intimidated by those rude words, but Ryan was turned on by that and already massaged the cock in his briefs.


    “You said you live in Marcon?” one guy asked.


    “Well… I do. I live with my parents… Ben lives in Rome… also with his parents.” Ryan chatted.


    “And you two are virgins? How come? You are two nice looking faggots” one guy expressed.


    “It is not so easy. Our parents wouldn’t approve. They are heavily engaged in our churches and we don’t want to hurt them….” Ben answered.

    They described the situation at their schools also and mentioned the names of the schools nonchalantly.


    “Your parents won’t have to know, that you let your faggot asses get fucked by some horny jocks….” another guy mentioned.


    “How come you haven’t fucked each other yet? Can’t you get a hard on, if you are supposed to be an active fucker?” someone wanted to know.


    “Well… we both want to be… pure bottoms and we talked about it a lot. We tried some things, but that was limited to kissing each other and jerking off a lot.” Ryan sighs.


    “So you fags want to be used as cheap fuck holes. You need your cunts stretched beyond repair. We can do this for you, you know?” Biohazard1 explained.


    “But you know, we must be sure, that you are not just fakes. You got to prove to us, that you are really fags and that you really want our cocks”


    The three jocks muted their microphone and discussed the situation obviously.

    While both lads stared at the screen, two guys got up and opened their jeans slowly.

    They hauled their dicks out of their pants and started stroking their cocks, while being heavily engaged into a disputation.


    Ben and Ryan were hypnotized, just viewing the big hunks stroking their tools slowly.


    “We’re back. So do you dare to prove your seriousness?” Biohhazard1 asked.


    “Yeah…. yeah…. we will do anything, to prove we are sincerely.”


    “Okay…. Ryan. Go to the room, where your mom keeps all the dirty laundry and get the box to your room. Go and get it NOW” the guys ordered.


    Ryan couldn’t imagine why he should pick up this box and get it into his room, but he followed the order.


    Then they guys told him to pick up every dirty laundry out of the box and show it to them. There appeared socks, trousers, shirts… every time he pulled something up, he had to show it in front of the camera and drop it to the floor.


    Then Ryan picked up a white brief out of the box with only two fingers.


    “What’s that? Biohazard wanted to know.


    “My dad’s underpants” said Ryan and wanted to drop the dirty thing also, but the guys told them to stop.


    They wanted to get ea closer look and so Ryan held the briefs in front of the cam.


    “Are there piss stains on that underwear or is it dried cum?” Biohazard1 wanted to know.


    “It looks like piss…” he added.


    Ryan shrugged his shoulders.

    “I don’t know… “ he simply answered.


    “Then find it out. Sniff at it…” Biohazard1 ordered.


    “I can’t sniff at it. That’s disgusting… it’s from my dad!” he whined.


    “Pull the underpants over your head. The front of it should be over your nose and mouth. If you don’t do it now, we will our conversation with you guys.” Biohazard1 threatened.


    Ryan looked in panic to Ben.

    Ben seemed to be happy, it wasn’t him who had to smell at the underwear.


    “I am counting to 3…. if you are not wearing the fucking thing over your face and inhale your fathers scent, we will log off.




    aaaand….” the guy counted.


    Ryan’s eyes spoke volumes of despair but he pulled the white briefs over his head and wore it as requested.


    Ben was disgusted but the guys on the other side of the cam cheered loudly.


    “Well done bitch. How does it smell? Do you enjoy your daddies smell?”


    Ryan had a tight feeling in his chest, but tried to inhale deeply.


    “I… I don’t know. It smells sweaty”


    “Why don’t you lick the pants from the inside. This way you can tell us more about the consistency. We would still like to know, if it is piss or dried semen. Maybe both?” they laughed hysterically.


    The boy retched. The idea of touching the underwear with his tongue, where his dad usually had his dick in, made him sick to the stomach.


    “You better start licking now. Make it all wet and tell us about how it tastes….” the three guys ordered.


    All of the sudden they saw how something poked against the fabric from the inside. Ryan truly started licking the undies.


    “Damn… make it really wet. Use your spit to soak the encrusted stuff. Get the whole flavor you dirty bitch.” the leader of the pack growled.


    Ben was petrified when he heard his name suddenly.


    “Hey Ben. Why don’t you help your boyfriend a little bit. Go and use your faggot tongue and start making out with him.”


    “I don’t understand…” Ben cried.


    “Lick the pants from the outside. Help him with your spit and do some french-kissing.

    Your tongues won’t ever meet, since the textile will always separate you. Give him nice and wet kisses – NOW”


    Ben shivered and moved closer to Ryan. He closed his eyes in fear and started to flinch his tongue against Ryan’s tongue.


    ‘Are you recording all this shit?’ one of the jocks whispered to the other.

    ‘Of course I am – this is just too hot man’ he replied.


    This went on for quite a while, until the hunks had enough fun.


    Both boys seemed out of breath and had glowing cheeks.


    “Well… what was it now?” the three guys still wanted to know.


    “I think it was piss” said Ben.

    “Yeah, but it was really encrusted from the inside. I guess it was cum also” said Ryan and looked totally unhappy.


    “Don’t be so shy. What do you think? As faggots you will do other stuff, which will humiliate you even more, just because it is your job. This was nothing!” Biohazard1 stated to them.


    “Maybe both of you will mouthwash your dad’s underwear continuously. Wouldn’t that be nice? Is it clean now?” he asked.


    Ryan looked at it silently.


    “There are no stains anymore” he replied softly.


    “Get up whores….”


    Both boys got up and revealed, they had built small tents in their shorts.


    “That’s what I guessed. You are little perverts. I knew it all along… 100 % FAGGOTS!”


    With that the connection was interrupted.


    Ben and Ryan looked at each other desperately.


    A message came through.

    ‘Be here tomorrow night at the same time’


    Ben looked at Ryan and asked him, if there was another dirty underwear from his dad in the laundry box.

    Ryan nodded slowly.

    This time Ben pulled it over his head and both boys repeated the procedure, but this time they jacked off violently.

    It was for both boys the strongest orgasm they had ever experienced.

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  11. Blonde And Stupid – Two Christian Boys Dragged Down    (Part 01)


    Blonde And Stupid – Two Christian Boys Dragged Down    (Part 01)


    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **


    Ryan and Ben met each other on the internet.

    They were both 18 years old and looked for companionship, since they were both still in the closet.


    They talked about their dreams, their school, about their sexual fantasies and about their families.


    It is not easy to come out, if you were raised under Christian guides.

    Both families were heavily engaged in their churches.


    There was no way to just come out and tell them ‘Hey Mom and Dad…. I have to die…. I’m just kidding…. I won’t die. I am only gay.’

    Both parents would have probably said, it would be better that their sons were dead instead.


    Ryan lived in Macon (Georgia), while Ben was from Rome (Georgia).

    After chatting for a few days, they planned to meet in ‘real life’ in Atlanta. It wasn’t that easy, because Ben had no car. He had to borrow it from his mother.

    Ryan’s parents bought their son a car, when he turned 18.


    The two guys could have been brothers.

    They laughed about it, when they first met. Both teens had blue eyes. Both were blonde. While Ben had curly long hair, Ryan had a nice sidecut.

    Both twinks were around 5,6 feet tall and were quite slim.


    And even sexually they were both totally bottom guys. They couldn’t even think about sticking the own cock into someone else’s orifice.

    They would rather fantasize about jocks, passing them by on the streets of Atlanta.

    Or classmates they had, who were captain of the football team.


    They even managed to connect their families, by telling them, they both met on an interschool scientific project.


    And since both boys were totally alike, and were both from Christian families, the parents would allow overnight stays.


    On one of those ‘week-end’ occasions, the two friends surfed together on the internet.
    They were logged into a gay dating portal and browsed through the pictures and ads.


    “Here…. look at this. Gang-Bang Atlanta Bottoms Wanted….” Ryan pointed at the screen.


    They opened the profile and saw some pictures of different sized cocks.

    So far so good, they thought.

    Both admired the different shapes and sizes and expressed both, that they would love to get fucked by these guys.


    The profile stated 8 tops and 1 bottom were looking for other participants.


    Ryan had a raging hard on and Ben also massaged his cock underneath his jeans.


    They just left the profile, when a message popped up on their screen.


    BioHazard1 asked if the guys would like to get their asses fucked by eight BioHazard Tops.


    Ryan replied ‘That would be great. We both would love to be hammered by your big cocks’ *he wrote the message, without Ben’s approval and hit the ‘sent’ button*


    Ben laughed out loud, when he saw, what his pal was offering.


    BioHazard1 sent another message and demanded some pictures, since the their profile had none.


    Both boys discussed, if they should send their pictures to the guys.

    They agreed to send a fake picture from the internet, to keep the horny game going, but in the meanwhile another message appeared on the screen.


    Biohazard1 said ‘We could use Skype and sent the address needed.’


    “Oh oh… and now?” Ben said and slapped his friend playfully over the head.


    “We could open the cam and turn it around for a while. I would love to see those cocks” Ryan pouted.


    Ben was the scared and shook his head. He wouldn’t hold his face into the cam. He got up instead and left the range.


    Ryan was a little bit more cocky and sent a request, with his cam turned to the wall.


    On the screen another room went alight.

    Four jocks were sitting in front of the cam. They were cheering and yelling at them, smiling into the camera.

    Then one guy asked, why the cam stayed dark.


    “That’s such a bullshit. If you want to fake stuff, then look for other guys. We are serious about meeting, you little fuck. You are probably….” he couldn’t finish the sentence, because Ryan turned the cam into his direction now.

    Why did he do that? Maybe he just wanted to show, that he was for real. Maybe he wanted prolong the chat, while watching the guys on the other side.


    Now that they saw Ryan they hollered again.


    “Fuck – you are hot. Where is your friend?”


    “He is shy and standing further away. Ben, come back here. It is only fair, that they see you, since we can see them” Ryan begged his friend.


    Ben rolled with his eyes and walked back to his seat.


    Another four guys came into view. You couldn’t see all the handsome faces, now that almost all guys were in front of the cam.

    When they saw Ben they freaked out even more.


    “When can you be here? We want to rip your asses apart” the same guy said.

    He stood up and held his dick into the cam, which was such a fat cock. It reminded Ryan of a huge coke can.


    “How big is it?” Ryan asked.


    “Nine inches! Come and try it out. I will make it fit…” the guy growled.


    “We’re in Macon right now and it is quite late” Ben mentioned.


    “Fuck that – come here at once. We need guys like you offering their pussies. Come and be happy with our dicks… that’s what you need you FAGGOTS.”


    “Are you two brothers?” another jock asked.


    “No – just friends, but we are both totally submissive. We love to bottom. Do we have to fuck also?” Ben wanted to know.


    “If you want to get hammered only, it is fine with us. Just bring your bodies to us and we will do the rest” the others cheered.


    “So we would be three bottoms?” Ryan played on with the game.


    “Fuck that old slag here. We will kick him out if you two dolls are coming. We really want to fuck you bad….”


    Both twinks were already massaging their bumps in their jeans.


    “Show us your assholes faggots. Turn around and show us your hole…. BITCHES” several guys yelled and showed their bare penises.


    “CUNT CUNT CUNT….” they shouted out loud.


    Ryan stood up and turned around, while opening his jeans.


    “Are you serious?” Ben was totally shocked.

    “You can’t really show your….” he continued but was too late.


    Ryan moved the chair away and lowered his pants and briefs. He pulled his cheeks apart and showed his virgin asshole. Because of his fair and blonde appearance he almost didn’t have any hair around his pucker.


    You could hear loud cheering form the speakers, before the sound and the picture stopped.


    Ben had disconnected the streaming.


    “Are you totally nuts? Your parents are sleeping downstairs. Do you want us to be killed?” you could see he was really agitated.


    Ryan was still standing there bare assed.

    His face was totally red and all of a sudden he felt also ashamed of his actions. He pulled his pants back on and sat down in silence.


    “I am sorry… but I felt so horny and these guys are so cool. Did you see the sizes of their cocks? We should be in Atlanta and not here. Oh man – this sucks!” Ryan answered.


    Suddenly the guys heard another signal. A new message came in from Biohazard1.


    ‘Hey – what happened? Where have you gone?’


    Both guys just stared at the screen.


    Biohazard1: ‘Are you scared?’


    “Are we going to answer them?” Ryan asked.


    Ben didn’t react.


    “Look – if we just run away, then this might happen over and over again. And I don’t want to run. I want to get fucked…” Ryan sighed.


    “Ok…. answer then” Ben nodded.


    ‘Yes we are scared’ Ryan replied.


    ‘What is your status then? Do you know?’ Biohazard1 wanted to know.


    Ryan and Ben didn’t understand the real meaning of the question.


    ‘We are both still in the closet. That is our status. Our parents do not know that we are gay and we never met other guys for sex. We didn’t even fuck each other, because we are both strictly bottom.’ Ryan wrote honestly.


    ‘So you are both virgins?’




    ‘Never had a cock in your ass or mouth?’ Biohazard1 replied.


    ‘We are totally new to this… I mean I know where it should go in and what it does there, but I am not so sure about Ben though’ Ryan hit the ‘send’ button and laughed.


    Ben gave his thigh a knock and both friends laughed.


    ‘We respect your virginity and understand your fear. But it would be cool for us, if you could decide to keep the contact to us.’ Biohazard1 answered.


    Both lads couldn’t see the guys on the other side anymore. If they would have seen them, they would have doubted the honesty of those words.


    “Fuck…. fuck…. they are virgins. We need to get our toxic junk into them… come on, write something nice. Don’t fucking lose them” some guys whispered to the one, who called himself Biohazard1.


    ‘I am not talking about the sexual aspect here. Although we would answer you those questions too. But it seems to us, that you need some assistance. Some sort of guidance – maybe from guys who are a bit older than you and have some experience already.’


    “What do you think” Ryan asked Ben.


    “They sure looked like horny jocks, but I think we could really need some help to get out of this hole” Ben sighed.


    ‘We would love to keep the contact. We got you on Skype. Maybe you would like to talk to us tomorrow?’ Ryan suggested.


    ‘We would love that too. Have a good night then’


    ‘Good night and May God Bless you all.’


    That was the second, when Biohazard1 shot a load all over his keyboard.


    They would drag those Christian boys down. All the way…

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    Predators and prey (Part 10)


    Predators and prey (Part 10)


    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **



    Michael recovered slowly from the traumatic rape, which happened to him a few nights ago.


    Steven was busy working as a doctor in a hospital, and because of his long working shifts, he didn’t see him that often.


    Matt was the one, who took care of Michael, but he felt that he was not welcome.


    One morning Matt was preparing the breakfast for the boy. He pissed into the teapot, before mixing it with the hot water. Of course he didn’t forget to add some teabags.

    Then he prepared some scrambled eggs and blew his nose into the pan.

    It was so wicked, but it was Matt’s morning routine for the new ‘guest. He loved the idea, that Michael would drink and eat some of his waste.


    Michael’s room was quite dreary with only a bed, a small table and one chair.
    There was no window. Michael never knew, if it was day or night. Matt insisted there would be no television, radio or newspaper.


    The door had to be locked at any time and the boy got sedated heavily for his own goods.


    That was helpful, because this way Matt could abuse the guy regularly and throw some fucks into his body.


    Matt had convinced his boyfriend, that it would be dangerous, if the Michael would escape and inform the cops about this residence.

    They didn’t know, what was going on in Michael’s mind.


    Steven decided, they would to get him back to his feet and then set him free.


    Matt unlocked the door and brought the breakfast in.

    He served it on a small tablet.


    “Hey… you… wake up! Breakfast time….” he put the tablet down at the table.


    Then he pinched the boy’s sensitive nipples.


    Michael moaned in his drugged state. The effect of the drugs subsided and he could smell the food. He was hungry and so he stuffed some pillows beneath his back and received the tablet.


    Matt sat there with his leg spread widely. You could clearly see his nice package.


    “Thank you for the food. It tastes great.” Mike smiled cutely.


    “Yeah… drink your tea also….” Matt answered.

    He watched the boy picking up the cup and sipping the tea. It was still hot.

    Matt fondled his penis through the fabric of his pants openly and smiled.


    “I really appreciate, that you are taking care of me. I hope I will be on my feet soon. I am still aching you know? My butthole never seems to heal. Is that normal? I thought after a while it wouldn’t hurt so bad. But it is still hurting me a lot!” Michael blabbered.


    Matt thought about last night, when he visited the youngster to fuck him roughly. No wonder his ass would not heal up so fast. He was molesting him almost every night and every day. As soon as the pills would knock him out, he would bang the boy’s asshole without mercy.


    It was fun. Although the lad was almost comatose, he still felt the pain obviously.


    “It is so boring in here. Can I spend some time with you in the kitchen or so? Maybe I could socialize with some of your friends” the young boy asked.


    “Nah…. well maybe I could call some guys for you… if you insist!”


    After getting the twink back into his bed he actually called one of his friends.

    His name was Dean and he was a nasty POZ top.

    He was in his 40’s already, but had a trained body and a 9 incher in his pants.


    “Yeah… he is Steven’s patient. But 18 years old only and he was quite abused on a bareback party. Maybe you want to charge him up a little bit?”

    He mixed the truth with some lies, to make sure, that Dean would want to fuck the teen.


    30 Minutes later the doorbell rang.


    Dean looked hot in his tight black jeans. His bulge was already bigger than usual, so Matt guessed Dean was already hot to share his toxic semen.


    “Don’t tell him, you are here to fuck him. I will sedate him with some pills first. Then you can use him, as hard as you wish.” Matt whispered.


    He unlocked the door and both guys entered the room, which was more like a cell.


    Dean just took one look at Michael and he started already massaging his dick through his jeans.


    Matt leaned against the wall, while Dean moved away the blanket and realized the twink was absolutely naked underneath.


    Michael felt a bit intimidated.


    “Michael… this is one of my friends. His name is Dean and he wanted to know you better.”


    “Hello Dean…” Michael whispered.


    “Hello faggot. You are a faggot, right? I can smell it, that you are….” Dean snarled dangerously.


    Michael looked very scared now. This aggressive behavior pushed him back into this fatal night, when he was raped and hurt seriously.

    Dean recognized this was not a good start and so he switched his appearance immediately.


    “Listen… I didn’t want to scare you. I turn that way sometimes. No need to be afraid of me.” Dean grinned, but he still looked dangerous.


    The boy looked at the huge guy suspiciously.


    “Will he rape me?” Michael addressed his question to Matt.


    “No… No, of course not, you are safe here. You wanted someone to talk to… that’s why he is here. But this has to be our secret” Matt explained.


    Subsequently he smacked Dean over his head to reinstate some composure.


    The new ‘friend’ took a seat. He edged the chair away from the bed, screeching the chair legs and parted his legs far apart. This way Michael could see the huge bulge in full view.


    “You must be very ill, Matt told me. You got to stay all day in bed?” Dean asked casually.


    “Well… I feel much better now. I don’t have to be in bed all day long, but mostly I am, because I am tired very often” Michael replied.


    “Okay… so if you are not tired now, why don’t you take a seat with me?”


    “There is only one chair…. and you are sitting in that chair” the twink responded.


    “Oh…. you are right…. but look how much space there is in front of me. You could kneel here, between my legs… then we would be a bit closer. You and I” Dane smiled.


    “Come on… don’t be afraid. I promise to you, I won’t attack you.”


    “O… ok.” Michael wrapped the blanket around him like a robe and got out of the bed.
    He kept some distance and knelt in front of Dean who smiled down at him with a pearl white shark grin.


    “Move a bit closer boy. Let us get acquainted. Use your hands and place them on my knees. That’s harmless, but we will get a connection.” Dean suggested.


    Michael slid closer to Dean, but in order to place his hands at the requested spot, he had to let go of the blanket. It fell down to the floor and finally showed his nudity.


    “Do you feel better now” Dean asked in a monotonous voice.


    The twink nodded uncertainly.


    “So what happened to you?” Dean asked.


    Immediately the boy got totally stiff and looked extremely frightened.

    He summarized that he was raped and beaten and that Steven had rescued him.


    “How did you get into that situation” Dean wanted to know.


    “I went to this place by myself” Michael sniffed.


    “So it was your fault that you got raped. You went there all by yourself. No one forced you to… hum?”


    The pup lowered his head.


    “I wanted sex… but I didn’t know they would hurt me so bad.” was the boy’s defense.


    “True… but in the end, it was you who chose to look for trouble” Dean retorted.


    “Believe me, talking about this stuff will help you to accept, that it is not always the fault of the other one. You got to accept the facts and ask yourself why you did it in the first place.”


    Dean felt like his pants would rip any second now. His cock was so hard, it was almost unreal.


    Michael was not so responsive at the moment.


    “I will tell you a secret, how you can relax your body and soul within a minute. But you must be open for new things – ok?” Dean asked calmly.


    “Do you know, when do Babies have their happiest hour?”


    Michael shrugged his shoulders.


    “They are carefree, when they suckle on their mother’s tits. Did you know that?”


    “As an adult you can get the same experience, all you need is something you can suckle on. Come closer between my legs” Dean ordered.


    Michael’s hands were almost placed now next to Dean’s enormous bulge.


    “Believe me – this is not sexual, and you don’t have to suck my dick. I am here to help you on your way and give you a good feeling” Dean used nice word, but his eyes were totally emotionless. He just wanted to free his cock.


    “Open my jeans…. open my belt slowly and then every button – take your time…” he almost whispered those words in a soothing way.


    “Don’t force me to suck you please” the lad begged, while working on the buttons.


    “I won’t – I promised you. You see my briefs? Do you see where my cock ends? Start to suckle on my briefs. I know you think this is probably sucking, but it is not. My cock is still covered. This will help you calm you down. You are not in danger, but you will almost feel like a little baby again…” Dean continued whispering.


    Very slowly Michael raised himself up a little bit and lowered his head to Dean’s white briefs.

    He could see the huge cock glans underneath the fabric and licked across it with his tongue.

    Then he half engulfed it with his mouth and started to suckle as he was told.


    Matt observed the whole scene and saw Dean was crossing his arms behind his head and seemed to be very pleased.


    “Do you feel it, how this is calming you down already? Concentrate on sucking my dick”




    We heard the smacking sounds, and even Matt was jerking his cock through his pants right now.


    “Did you wear tight jeans that night?”


    “U-huuu” Michael confirmed that.


    “So you wanted the guys to get horny for your ass. And you were looking for some dicks. It was not the tops fault, that it got all out of hand… in the end you were responsible for the outcome. You and your faggot ass”


    The lad continued to suckle on Dean’s cock, while listening to his logic. He had already Dean’s cock taste in his mouth.


    Dean was leaking precum like a faucet and Michael sucked that all up. He sucked and swallowed his tormentor’s toxic precum.


    “You simply have to accept the fact, that you are a faggot and that you deserve such brutal treating”


    Matt talked softly to Michael, that it would be time for his pills.


    As soon, as he heard that he turned to Matt and looked at him sadly.

    Slowly he got up and went back to his bed. Matt handed him the glass of water and a few different pills.


    “You feel better now?” Dean asked the boy.


    He nodded gingerly.


    “I need to sleep…. now….” Michael stammered.


    He closed his eyes, as if he wouldn’t be able to keep them open any longer.


    “He will be out in two minutes” Matt explained.


    Dean nodded and got up. He started pulling his shirt over his head.


    Michael opened his eyes again slowly and looked very tired. Although he saw, that Dean wore no shirt anymore, he couldn’t connect these things anymore.


    “Thanks…. for your visit… and your… help *sighs*”


    Dean kicked his shoes off and started to get out of his pants while grinning evilly at the lad.


    “Maybe I can… suckle on your… cockhead again… soon *closes his eyes again*”


    “Don’t worry. You will do that and so much more….” Dean answered coldheartedly.


    “You can get between his legs now… he won’t remember a thing from now on” Matt stated without any empathy.


    Dean grunted as he got on the bed. He raised Michael’s legs and rested them on his shoulder.

    He wanted to give the boy and long and brutal ride.


    He forced his rigid stiff cock down into Michael’s tight and narrow asshole in a fast and ramming motion.


    This was too good to be true…



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  13. Safe Sex Only Advertisement   (Part 4)



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    One guy after another slid into Brian’s asscunt.


    Some of the guys enjoyed it using the twink in a very aggressive way.

    The poor boy didn’t complain about the rough fucks. He just grunted from time to time and you could see his toes would cramp, every time a big dick widened his cunt.


    He endured it silently, that none of the guys pulled out before cuming.

    They simply emptied their balls, although he had asked begged them before, not to breed him.


    Still he hoped, the guys told him the truth about being tested negative.

    And of course he still anticipated being paid after the video shoot.


    He had no idea, that all fuckers were highly contaminated guys. None of them were medical treated and they had all high viral loads.


    We discussed if the boy should take a shower, before the filming would start.


    He nodded strongly, but we decided his looks right now were perfect for the setting.


    “You look quite tired right now. Like a hooker who just had a couple of Johns. I think we can use this trashy look more, to show the people, what kind of slut you are” I decided the matter.


    Then we told Brian the text, he should recite, while the shooting would start.


    “We will edit the whole thing later on” I reminded him.


    The first scene would be quite simple. Brian had to do some blowjobs, then he had to swallow some cum and the rest would hit his eyeballs.


    I slapped him twice to his face. He really seemed worn out. Damn… we just fucked him for only a short time. Alright - our dicks went from 8 to 10 inches. But he had no right to act so weary.


    “Okay – you know the score. We will stand around you and you will grab our dicks and jerk 2 guys off at least. You are allowed to change your grips of course… make sure we stay all hard and focused. At least one guy will always be in your mouth. We will try from time to time to fuck you with two dicks in your mouth cunt at the same time. This is not just sucky sucky… we want to deepthroat you. And be aware, that only one guy will shoot into your gullet. The others will aim at your eyes. Keep them open. Use your fingers to pry them open! If you close those damn fucking eyes, I will be very agitated. You got that?” I asked with a mean voice.


    Brian kneeled in front of the bed and gulped audibly.


    “You know your speech! Action!” I barked.


    Brian tried to smile at the cam and remembered the words, I demanded him to say.


    “Hey there, do you remember me? My name is Brian. I am 18 years old.

    Now my POZ mates agreed to show you how dangerous the following sex acts can be.

    I am negative, but to be honest about it. Tasting a bare cock is the best thing in life.

    Swallowing POZ cum is the hottest stuff and really tasty.


    Don’t do it if you want to stay healthy”


    With this Oliver positioned himself in front of Brian and used the lad’s ears as handles to face fuck him.

    “Fucking cock whore – Better be careful. If I feel your teeth, I will punch them out. Understood?” he grunted.

    In a swift motion he pushed his cock past the back of Brian’s throat and then even sunk deeper.


    Brian started choking. It took him a while before he got into the rhythm. Every time, the top withdrew the dick, he breathed through his nose. Then he tried to relax his throat muscles, to make it easier for Oliver to push his cock, as deep as possible.


    I filmed the nice scenery. You could clearly see the dick moving in Brian’s throat.

    While the lad sucked his first dick, he tried to concentrate on jerking the other guys off also.


    His jaws very painfully forced open almost to the limit.


    The slobbering noises made the guys horny. It was nice to feel the touch of the young man hands on their dicks. Brian had a soft touch and although he was under such a distress, he didn’t tug and drag at the cock. He shook them slowly. It was really sexy, the way he treated his tormentors.


    I switched place with Oliver and handed him my mobile phone.

    While he continued recording the sexual act, I grabbed also Brian’s ears and pulled his face towards my crotch. His ears were flaming red, because of the harsh abuse.


    “Worthless… Filthy… Cockslut! Choke on my POZ cock. I want you to choke on my big dick” I snarled.


    Although Brian tried to play with his tongue around my cock glans, I knew he only wanted to buy time, to get some air.

    But I made sure, he knew who was in charge and continued the hardcore face rape.


    We switched our positions several times.

    It was clear, I would shoot my load directly into his tummy later on, but it was only fair, that all my mates should enjoy the narrow throat of the poor boy.


    I bet Brian thought, the scenes would be filmed in short intervals.

    Probably he guessed, we would make a starting scene. Then we would stop and jerk off, and shortly before shooting, we would aim at him, and paste the cum over his face.

    Now he learnt, that we actually filmed the whole sexual abuse. And you could see, that he suffered badly.

    He told us before, that he wasn’t that experienced in sexual activities at all and that his ex-boyfriend had a much smaller cock.


    But it was not our fault, that we were real men with real big cocks. It was his duty to satisfy our needs, even if he obviously didn’t enjoy it.


    Every time a new cock was introduced to Brian’s mouth, he coughed and wailed a little bit, but he had no choice. His drool was spluttering out of the corners of his bulging cheeks.


    We insulted Brian constantly. We told him how fucking trashy he looked, and that he was addicted to cock.

    We said, we would POZ his negative fuckholes with our large tubes.


    He only moaned and grunted, when we used those kinds of words.


    I realized  was close to shoot my dirty load and so I tapped on my mates shoulder, who enjoyed Brian’s mouth at the very moment.


    Morten told me to join him for a while and so we kept our promise and fucked the boy into his mouth with even two big cocks.


    We weren’t able to deepthroat him anymore, but it must have been quite painful for Brian, because Morten and I, had both fat 9 inches hoses – and we gave him more than a mouthful for his oral cavern. More than he could stand.


    I signaled to the other guys, that we should splatter the puppy with our toxic cum soon.


    My mate kept his cock in Brian’s mouth, like I did and we both felt our balls were ready to explode.


    I ejaculated with a loud growl and shot four heavy spurts into the young guy’s throat.

    Almost at the same time, Morten unloaded his heavy sperm gushes.

    Brian had no chance to escape. We could see the panic raise in his eyes, while he felt like drowning in a pool of cum.


    His movements became frantic, but we stood there like two oaks and towered over him. He used his fists to hit us against our bellies. We only laughed and enjoyed the feeling to unload our filth.


    He had tears in his eyes. We were so good fuckers. We simply felt great…


    After that, we removed out cocks from his muzzle and I took my mobile phone back.


    Morten stood behind the twink and took a tight grip at his shock of hair. He raised Brian’s head up, staring at the cam anxiously. One guy settled on each side of his face and started masturbating violently in front of the terrified boy.


    “Use your fucking fingers to keep your eyes open. I warn you… If you don’t hold them open, you will close them. You are not the first…. damnit… If you don’t use your fingers, I will break them… twice! You are a useless piece of shit. I warn you, better behave and do what you’ve been told!” I almost shouted.


    Brian raised his hands and used his thumbs and index finger to force his eyes wide open.

    He stared right into the slits of the cocks and expected them to splash their loads any second now.


    The guys were panting and almost simultaneously they squirted against the young ones eyeballs. The pressure was unpleasant, but he managed to keep his eyes open.


    The eyes turned red immediately. Although the sperm was burning in his eyes, he was not allowed to close them or rub them.

    Another guy had still to shoot his load and when it was his turn, he pushed his cock slit under Brian’s nose opening. He shot the slime right up to his nose and it splashed at the back of boy’s throat.


    He knew he had no choice but to swallow it all.


    Morten held the boy’s face still up to the cam.


    His red eyes tried to focus the mobile phone.


    He coughed badly, but he had still some text to say.



    You see… *coughs up some cum*


    Swallowing toxic cum, might endanger your health.

    But getting POZ cum through the sensitive membrane of your eyes, surely will do its task.



    Don’t do it… but it was so hot. I got to try it again later on.


    Thanks guys.


    *grimaces which actually should have been a smile*

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  14. Good Friends Are Hard To Find



    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **




    “Believe me… he is totally into you” Jason made a serious face.

    He sat with some of his friends in a gay club.

    His friends were Tom, Mike and Seth. They didn’t know Seth all too well though.


    Beautiful Seth…

    The guy just turned 18 and had his coming out the day before.

     Of course it was all exciting and new for him.


    It was fun for Jason and his two best mates to lead Seth into disenchantment.


    They met him just yesterday and of course they tried to get into Seth’s pants, but the boy had the imagination, a prince on a white horse would come around and they would love each other forever and live happily ever after….


    The three brats were disappointed, that Seth denied all approach.

    And what was even worse, he did all that without being nasty or belligerent.

    He was simply sweet and innocent – through and through.


    “Let us do the thinking for you. We know what’s best for you…” Tom mentioned.

    “There are many dysfunctional people out there, but with our help you will find your first steps on this path safely.” Tom added.


    “Look at you… with your short blonde hair and your cute blue eyes, all the guys will try to rip you apart and steal your innocence. And it is so inspiring, to meet a young guy on the verge of his first leaps into his sexuality….” Mike proclaimed.


    “… and love…. don’t forget to find your true love….” Jason continued.


    “Yes… I was in love before, but always with heterosexual guys of course” Seth sighed.


    “See – and with our help you will obtain your true and eternal love” Jason almost sang.

    Seth didn’t see the nasty look in Jason’s eyes.


    He didn’t know, that the three guys made a deal the other night.  They would try to drag the virgin down in the most vicious way – to get him as many dates as possible with POZ tops.


    Seth looked down shyly and glanced at his glass of coke

    “You guys totally rock. I am so clumsy when it comes to boys….” Seth mumbled.


    “You shouldn’t be. Look at you, you are gorgeous.” they flattered him.


    “So… are there any good guys here?” Seth giggled cutely.


    “The first thing you got to do is to look…”


    “At his eyes!” Seth completed Jason’s sentence.


    The three guys laughed loudly. They almost couldn’t calm down.


    “His eyes” Jason repeated and giggled merrily.


    “No… No - serious now… You need to look at his bulge.”


    “I am supposed to look at his bulge?” Seth was irritated.

    “I always looked at the eyes” he mumbled.


    “Maybe that’s the reason, why you are still alone… Look: Of course you scan the area first. But your brain decides in some seconds, if the guy is ok for you or not.

    If your heart agrees, that you could imagine more than just a meaningless romance, you have to direct your gaze at the guys bulge immediately.” Tom smiled.


    “If the guy notices your gaze, his detection starts and he decides if you two are a match made in heaven, or probably not. If the guy winks and smiles, you are almost there. If he even parts his legs, then it is probably, because his cock gets hard. Try to compare then, if his bulge grows.” Mike partly completed the advices.


    They could see the confusion in Seth’s eyes and it was so much fun for them.


    “I forgot, it is absolutely necessary, that you lick your lips while focusing your gaze on the bulge” Jason added seriously.


    “This looks so trashy, don’t you think?” Seth asked.


    “I don’t know… I never thought about it that way. I just read once in a scientific essay, that this kind of gesturing would start chemical processes in our bodies” Jason lied.


    “Wow… and all this happens in just a couple of seconds? Cool….” Seth looked astonished.


    “If you are brave enough, you could walk up to him and check on his dick. If it is hard, he is truly interested in you as a person. You just need to touch his cock. And if you are massaging it softly, you signal to him, you are open for a serious relationship” Tom sighed.


    “Sounds great….” Seth smiled excitedly.


    Seth started an unauthorized first test. He looked at a guy at the bar.

    His name was Rob, but Seth didn’t know that of course.

    Rob had seen the newbie last night, and truly thought he could make a difference in this superficial scene.


    So now he was amazed, that the cute twink looked him straight in the eyes.


    Rob smiled at first, but then the boys eyes wandered downwards to his crotch. And if that wasn’t enough, the cute guy from last night licked his lips like a cheap whore. It was truly disgusting.


    He was extremely disappointed and turned around.

    ‘Only degenerated people’ Rob said to himself.


    “See… the guy was not interested in a relationship with you and his reaction made it clear” Jason seemed to be relieved.


    “Too bad… he had nice and caring eyes…” Seth sighed sadly.

    He didn’t know, he just wasted a chance to meet an honest and loveable guy.


    “Don’t start another test yet. What will you do, if you and Mr. Right found each other?” Jason wanted to know.


    “We will sit and talk. Maybe go out for a walk and get to know each other better” Seth beamed brightly.


    “Wrong!” Seth exclaimed.


    “Who gave you those crazy ideas? This is not working in a place like this. You can be romantic later, but before that you need to examine, if you bodies go together.”


    Seth thought about his parents. They seemed to be happy.

    Maybe this was simply a gay thing. No wonder he didn’t know about it. He lived in the closet all his life. He even had girlfriends, but he never had sex with them.


    Seth knew all along, that he was different.


    “So… what do I have to do then?” the boy wanted to know eagerly.


    “Usually the top guy will lead you to a place to consummate your union” Mike explained.


    “And since the chemical reaction won’t last too long, it has to be a place nearby. Mostly you will pull back to the darkroom or the stalls. But it is also okay, if all those places are taken, to solemnize the relationship on the backseat of a car. It is okay even, to do that outside, or behind the trashcans” he lied to Seth.


    “So this would be my first time also?” Seth seemed to be shocked.


    “I won’t lie to you, but no one said it would be easy. The men, who are shooting their love seed into you, are also looking for someone to love” Mike couldn’t almost keep his face straight.


    “They are vulnerable, just like you! And yes - maybe you will need another try, and one more try after that, to find you true love. Isn’t that an acceptable price to pay?” he asked almost solemnly.


    “I guess so. It would be so great to find someone I could rely on and who cares for me” Seth mumbled.


    He was a bit worried though.

    Mike mentioned something about ‘shooting the love seed into his body’.

    Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered to protect himself, but he didn’t remember why?


    Suddenly he knew it. His mom always told him about condoms, to make sure his girlfriends wouldn’t get pregnant.


    Seth chuckled to himself.


    He wouldn’t be in danger to get pregnant, he guessed.


    “What about this guy? He ordered just a drink. I mean the one, with the black jeans and the white wife beater. He is not too old and seems to have money, as far as I have heard” Jason whispered.


    “I don’t care for money. There are more important things.” Seth said truthfully.


    “Exactly! Big dicks for example! Now shut up and check him out now!” he ordered.


    Simon (with the black jeans) was waiting for his drink when he turned around and saw the four guys sitting at one table, observing him.

    Seth immediately gazed at the man’s crotch.

    The dominant male had spotted Seth’s gaze immediately.

    His cock made a notch and Simon started massaging his junk through his jeans.


    Slowly he walked towards the twinks, never losing his grip.


    He was definitely well amplified in the cock department, but since his dick grew hard now, his bulge grew vividly.

    You could clearly follow the outline of his cock through his fabric.


    “Ladies….” Simon greeted them in a deep voice.


    “Do you like what you see?” he asked and nodded into Seth's direction.


    ‘What you see is what you get’ thought Seth instead and was scared…

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  15. Safe Sex Only Advertisement   (Part 3)



    ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. **



    “What do you think? Can we start right away with our big dicks banging into your hole? Or should we widen your hole for a couple of minutes?


    “Could you do that?” Brian asked me seriously.


    “Sure. This way our cocks can introduce themselves to your tight hole.”


    “Start sucking some dick and I will push some lube into your ass” I said.


    While I was fishing the tube out of my back pockets, I also retrieved a sharpened instrument, almost like a foxglove. I could pull it over my pointing finger and it would be quite helpful to start the boy bleeding, before even one cock tore at his guts.


    My friends really knew how to keep him busy, while I was doing my work stealthily.


    Sometimes he attempted to raise his head up and look at me. I guess the tearing and scratching did actually hurt him quite a bit, but my co-conspirators drew his attention back, by holding his head in place. Three dicks tried to gain entrance at the same moment. That was quite a challenge for our little victim.


    After a while I smacked my hand on the lad’s ass cheek and told the guys I’ve finished preparing the slit.


    “Okay guys. Everyone gets three minutes with our star. Try not to cum immediately into his slit.” I announced and saw the sluts frightened face.


    “But… But this is not really necessary. Isn’t it?” Brian begged.


    “You guys wanted just to indicate the sex scenes, remember?”


    “Don’t worry puppy. We have to add some drama and excitement to the advertisement anyway”


    “Please… don’t….” Brian whispered.


    “Listen you little brat. Just because you are the star of the whole thing, doesn’t mean you can do whatever you like. If you want to quit – be prepared to pay the full fine.. Half a million dollars… wow – I bet this will make your life misery” I grinned evilly.


    Brian’s face turned pale. He started to sob softly.


    “Thought so…. Now get on your back and simply open your body to our cocks. Take off your pants now and Oliver you will go first. Make him wet. We need something to slide in.


    The boy seemed to respond. With shivering hands he took off his briefs and got on his back finally. His whole body was shivering. Both legs were grabbed by two guys and they pulled Brian’s legs apart and raised them a little bit.


    Oliver was like a bull, with rather a short fuse on his first time. He can’t hold it back for more than two minutes. It is always the same.

    But in the next round he would ram the kid into the filthy mattress without mercy.

    Somehow he is so overwhelmed, when he ejaculates for the first time into a teen boy.

    That was the reason, why he would go first. His cum would provide us with enough lube to get this bitch pregnant with the virus.


    “But…. please… don’t cum in me. Ok? You can fuck me without condoms, but please do not shoot your junk into me, ok…. OK?” the boy begged us.


    Oliver smiled wickedly at Brian, while he got onto the bed between the twink’s spread legs.


    “Hey Buddy – just relax. This won’t take too long” he winked at Brian.


    Brian crossed his arm over his chest and started to cry silently.


    Oliver penetrated Brian’s hole without extra lube and without spit. He wanted to give the kid a tearing inspiration, while pushing his 9.5 inches big cock into the clueless boy.

    “Oh baby…. you are tight. No shit…. you are really tight. You’re almost like a virgin you… BITCH!” Oliver had a strange way to give the lad a compliment.


    “OOOOH… Ouch…. AIIIYYEEE…. *grunts*” Brian hollered.


    “Guys, you will enjoy him. He is superb. Yeah Bitch, massage my cock with your fucking cunt…. man, I will… *ough* fucking….. *oooooh*  destroy your ass cunt”




    Our mate started jack-hammering his fat cock into the defenseless twink.


    “Look at me cunt… Look into my eyes…” he grunts.


    The lad looked up with fear in his eyes and saw the stud leering down at him.


    Our first contestant was about to ejaculate into our victim and I guess Brian was getting suspicious. He focused his gaze on Oliver’s face and getting a bit frantic.


    “Fucking whore…. *gasps* Now you are getting…. you are getting IT good….” our idiotic fucker mumbled.


    “Are you cumming in me? ARE YOU… CUMMING…IN ME???”

    The lad almost screamed hysterically.

    We had to force Brian down, to give Oliver the time to get all his toxic junk into the little lad.


    “IS HE CUMMING?” he turned to us.

    “Please stop him… I beg you, please. PLEASE…”


    “Don’t get hysterical. He didn’t even use your body for two minutes. No one ever came that fast – calm down now. Stop struggling” I soothed the boy.


    Somehow my words relaxed the twink again. I bet he never heard of guys, who would really cum within 2 minutes.


    Oliver slipped out of Brian and turned to one of the couches. We heard him apologize to the guys; he claimed that it was only the bitches fault. They calmed him down and whispered to him he did a perfect job, giving Brian his first poisonous load.


    Brian could see me stroking my cock slowly. With my 9 inches I was a bit smaller than Oliver, but my dick was much thicker.

    The damned shook his head and tried to talk me into a break.


    “You need a break after one cock?” I chuckled.

    “Sorry – but we don’t have the time. If we continue with this speed, we won’t be finished with the Advertisement until Christmas next year.”


    “Relax… you need another cock to loosen your cunt up a bit… don’t worry. I will be careful, not hurting you… too much.”


    I lined up my cock to Brian’s twitching hole and while I pushed my cockhead into the boy, I turned my head and yelled:


    “How big is your cock again Oliver?”


    “9,5 inches” he yelled back.


    My head turned back to our victim and without remorse I whispered:


    “I got only 9 inches, you should be able to take that in one stroke, don’t you think - whore?”


    With that I slammed my cock into the lad and he howled like I stabbed him in the ass with a knife.


    Weak fists tried to hurt me, by hitting me on my chest desperately.

    This didn’t stop me to bang the little fuck hard and brutal.


    “STOP… STOOOOOP” he screamed at top of his lungs, but no one seemed to care.


    My mates encouraged me to fuck the boy harder.


    “No code word…. remember?” I moaned.


    Brian wailed in pain, but there was nothing he could do. He had to stand the pain of my cock stabbing over and over into his guts.


    Somehow it was not possible for me to cum within 3 minutes and so I exceeded my fuck time a little bit and no one complained about it. Not even our little darling. He just stared to the wall on his left side while I ripped him up quite good.


    “Oh god damn… you filthy bitch… look what you have done…..” I panted while ejaculating deep into his bowels.


    “What did you do? Did you…. did you shoot your cum into me?” he asked me softly.


    “Yeah – you bitch. But it was all your fault *gasp*. You massaged my dick so good with your cunt it just happened…. man that was great. You are the perfect slut for this multi media act” I growled.


    “I am sorry… sorry…” he apologized cutely.


    “Never mind you horny slut, it is okay. After all, you are getting more and more into your role…”


    “I am just so scared….” you almost couldn’t understand his word.


    “And that is exactly the look we need for the shoot later on. Be afraid… be very afraid.”


    We all looked down at the innocent guy and grinned evilly.


    “Come on guys – who is next?” I yelled.

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