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Posts posted by MaxC

  1. If you don't want to get POZ what the hell are you doing on breeding zone is my question. This site is all about bug chasing getting & giving toxic seed, if you were not into baresex you would not really be here in the first place.

    Just because I want to fuck and breed bareback (man or woman)  does not mean I want HIV too. 


    I guess it is your choice if you want to catch HIV, but It is also my choice to NOT catch it, nor anyone I am close with.

  2. My future does hold a woman and children.  I just desire to fuck bare and seed a man regularly in the same situation.  This might just be a once in a life time thing, and if it works out well very long term.


    But safety is my primary concern, and I seek to mitigate it through OTC testing.  So OTC aids test is negative right there in the bedroom, and we fuck, what are the chances of HIV being present in my partner?  Sorry if I appear obtuse; I appreciate your input on the subject.

  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that I think I need to read it again to fully understand it!  A lot to review-


    So only certain tests reveal pos/neg only during certain time periods?  So to be sure, one would need a battery of tests and a six week waiting period to properly determine status?


    So is it possible that sometime in someone's life, they could unknowingly contract HIV, never know it, and never pass it as well?  And years later still not be detected?

  4. I guess I qualify as a bisexual "top" who has only one experience topping with a condom. 


    I want to meet a FWB and get into a barebacking scenario, but still want to be as safe as possible.  I do not want to get HIV.  I know as a cut top the risk is low, but I still need some advice.


    1. Say I meet a partner(who admits to barebacking before but tests negative), we take an HIV OTC 20 minute tests prior (which I think are readily available?), and we are both neg.  Is it possible that my bottom is still HIV pos, and not showing on the test (assuming it is accurate) ? 


    2. So he shows neg, and we enter into a fully monogamous FWB barebacking arrangement, and assuming he is not cheating with a pos, should we still test routinely due to the possiblity of HIV becoming more active at some point (if he was pos and undetectable prior?)


    I am more than willing to pay for the home tests prior to an episode, as I am that concerned and fearful of becoming a pos.


    Thank you for your time and concern regarding this.  :)


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