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Posts posted by baggerr

  1. Web Crawlers(the programs that do nothing but search websites) can find all kinds of shit. OR and most likely facebook has spyware and it can read your cookies which has random info in them, but sometimes may have user settings, user name, email address,especially if you do things like "save passwords" Or if you have Autofill turned on so the computer remembers common texts for certain input fields like your name, email and home address so when you come to a page you need to fill in that stuff it fills it in with autofill. or it can read the page source of a page you're on and sometimes depending on how the page is coded and whats on the page like your user account page it can find your email address.To show you your user account information that info gets coded into the page when you choose that page, it fills in your info in the corresponding fields. Its only there for the time you are viewing the page as it goes in when you pick that page (The page is a template for every user and it just inserts the pertinent info on the fly. and is gone when you click off of it. EXCEPT! In your temporary Internet files.Browsers save a copy of every page you load and keeps the ones you visit often and that folder can be scanned. In Internet Explorer in the advanced settings there is a box to check that will empty that folder every time you close Internet Explorer and then delete your history. Chrome and Firefox dont have that option and the only way to do it is to clear your browsing history and cache. And you would have to do that every time you used it.  BUT it still could have just been a total coincidence. But the crawlers/phisers/malware/virus might have associated you with A4A and associated him with A4A and then just made a random suggestion. 

    In my people you may know its usually people that are in my friends friends lists or they are in the same group I'm in. It does sometimes show me people that I dont know. But Facebook has a policy that you cannot send friend requests to total strangers.You need to have some sort of connection to the person. Thats why when you GET a friend request it asks you if you know the person. If you say NO and several others say no to that person they will lock your account from adding friends and send you a bitch note. I had it happen to me, but the thing is, if I dont know the person I'm not sending a friend request, so everyone that I have ever sent a friend request to is someone I know or knew from my life at some point and enough of them said no they didnt know me to get flagged, I thought WTF LOL. They do that so you cant go and just randomly start friending a bunch of random people you dont know. Thats why I think somehow someway FB either did a 1 in a billion coincidence or it connected you somehow somewhere something connected you. One way would be if you use Yahoo for email and chatted on messenger, or used something like KIK because you have to give an email address for stuff like that.... 

    I'm going to pay more attention to the people I may know that I dont LOL. I hate that feature anyway, especially because it keeps showing the same people OVER AND OVER no matter what you do....ugh

    So dont freak out and think you're info is just every where (it is) the important stuff like credit card numbers are only used when on a secure page which is "SHTTP" normal pages are just HTTP. S is for secure and encrypted.

    OH and dont forget any info that gets sent across the net can be intercepted, read and sent on its way in less than 1/4 of a second. Your ISP Scans everything looking for illegal stuff among other things. It also reads your emails as it looks for SPAM :)

  2. Especially in a situation where its majority rule, its not always the job of anyone to go out of their way to take a person back.  That's what alternative transportation is for.  Demanding to be taken home isn't taking yourself out of a situation, its demanding to be accommodated, regardless if its your BF or not.  My parents have been married for over 40 years and if they are in a social situation where one isn't feeling it, they split up sometimes, and find other ways home, its not the end of the world.   


    For me anytime I go out, even when I was in my LTR, I always had an alternative way out that involved no one else.  Its the easiest way to make everyone have a good time. I'm miserable? I just go home.  Additionally with apps like Uber and lyft, transportation in even more suburban settings isnt as difficult anymore.  


    No offense, but it sounds like you have a quite a temper, and that doesn't usually work out well in light hearted social situations.  

    Thanks for the free diagnosis, but wrong. I dont have anger issues, I have 0 tolerance for disrespect, and its not an issue for me, just other people that are lame :)

    If it was way out of the way to take him back then I agree he can grab a cab. But since they were in a motel I'm going to assume they got one fairly close to where they planned on going, why wouldnt they, they didnt have a rental car so they planned on other means. So they could have respected the guys wishes and taken him back. Anyway why would you want to take debbie downer with you when you have the chance to take debbie downer to his motel room? If it were me I'd be more than glad to get rid of the debbie downer. He didnt put it up for a vote and neither would I, what I want isnt up for a vote. But any of the other 3 guys could have offered and or suggested a cab to solve the problem, instead they all said fuck you, you going with, like it or not. Something that might make a difference was this discussed before they got in the car or after.. If it was before I would not have gotten in in the first place and then its on him, he made that choice, if it was after and they were already driving they gave him no choice but to go.

    Going with the flow sometimes means taking care of the one for the good of the many :) It isnt always a majority vote.

     I'll remember to check with you next time I think I need a diagnosis, what areas are you an expert in again? I missed that....

  3. I still have to agree with the post above.  I see why you felt the way you did, but NYE being on a Wednesday pretty much meant it was going to be an entire party weekend for many people.  IMO in that situation I would have done a couple things differently. One, if you were that tired, you could have just said you dont feel well, and am going to take a taxi back to the hotel, no harm no foul.  Or two, if you really didnt feel like doing that, just go back to his place and fall asleep on the couch, its not that big of a deal, especially if you had been partying.  Or three, have a couple redbulls, and try to enjoy the situation.  


    If everyone is having a good time no one likes a debbie downer.  In the future I would take yourself out of the situation in a more polite way.  I have a good friend who will become a downer going out sometimes, and it really kills the mood for the others involved.    


    As far as the social media thing is concerned, thats a non-issue, people friend or defriend others on social media all the time, you are overthinking that.    


    Why do you say the guy doesnt like you? 

    He did try to take himself out in a polite way, he asked to be taken back to his room. And you know once its in your head that you dont want to and arent into it and they try to make you do it anyway it just makes it worse. If they had done what he requested they wouldnt have had to deal with debbie downer. Thats what they get for not honoring a persons wishes. If it were me I would have skipped debbie downer mode and been Andy asshole. When a guy is done, he's done. Personally I think he was doing them a favor by wanting to to the motel so he wouldnt be killing the fun.

  4. I can go with the flow but when You dont want to you dont want to, they should have dropped you off and went on. Since they didnt I would have gotten a cab as soon as the car stopped. I would have been fucking pissed off. and my partner/friend would be paying for it.


    Dont ever speak for me either, I have NO problem saying what I want or need to say and I dont sugar coat it either. That would also piss me off, telling someone something I dont feel and making me look like the bad guy when he is throwing you under the bus. My partner would be having a bad day after something like that lol. Partners arent supposed to throw you under the bus.  if I want or need to apologize, I will do it. If I dont I'm not going to for a reason. You dont owe them shit, they owe you for forcing you into something you didnt want to do.

    As for FaceBook, they're  new friends right? Thats no big deal, although to be fair he should include you if you 2 are an item. Its when someone UN-friends you that a sign. People use that as a tool/weapon/signal that they have issue with you, otherwise why would you un-friend someone? Personally, facebook does not dictate who my friends are, but for so many, it does. I remind people all the time, we were friends before facebook you know,  we can be friends after it too, dont let facebook decide who your friends are. BTW I hate facebook.

  5.    There is a reference in the Bible as to man to man sex being a sin, but scholars now are finding that the wording is different from most of the rest of the chapters.  This is leading them to believe it was added much later and most likely added as some individuals own beliefs only.  I am an ordained minister and just do not believe that God really cares what kind of sex we have as long as it is consensual.   I think things that feel good would be something he would like or he would not have given us pleasures.

    Everything was added much later. They've been putting shit in and taking out shit to make it suit their needs and agenda at the moment for the last 1800 years,  thats how long the bible has been around. The first one was made in 325 AD they just added a whole nother book into it a few years ago. ALL of the old testament is word of mouth over thousands of years and the closest book to when jesus in the new testament was alive was written at least 80 years after he died. NON of it is even first hand. Some of them are named after his apostles as if they wrote them, but they were all long dead by the time any of those were written. So when a "Christian" says the apostles wrote it and were "inspired" by god they are full of shit and have no idea who actually wrote them. Thats how brain washed they are. As far as wording? The whole thing is fucked up wording and leaves room for more than one interpretation. The fact that its been translated from its original language to several others, several times leaves room for a sentence meaning something completely different by getting one word wrong because certain words have a different meaning in different languages. So they could have gotten the translating right word for word, but that might not always be the "proper" translation. And the fact that English wasnt even  language then.

    Experiment with the "grapevine theory". Take 4 people put 3 outside where they cant hear. Have a simple story with just facts in it, like 2 guys walked down the street, 2 guys went into a bar, 1 guy, played pool while the other guy drank beer.....The guy playing pool won some money, the guy at the bar lost some money, they met a couple of people. They left the bar after a few more beers. They walked down the street to the store, bought a 12 pack and walked home.(add a few more facts to this) Have it written down.

    Tell that to ONE person of the 4, that person can ask anything he wants, take as much time as he needs to get the story straight and when he thinks he has it, you bring in another person and he has to tell that story to the next person BY MEMORY. You do that through to the last person all  4 of them. in 30 minutes with all of them making a major effort to get the story right, the story was so fucked up by the last person it, it was amazing. The first guy got a few things wrong the first guy! and it just snowballed to a ridiculous point. Stuff got left out and more importantly shit got added that wasnt in the original story and you could see the certain facts grow as it went from person to person. The end of the story, they walked down the street, the 2nd guy added someone walking the other way and said hi. the 3rd guy made that guy chinese and they got into an argument, the last guy had a full on bar brawl with Ninja man in the middle of the street. So to think that whats in the bible is even remotely accurate is ridiculous. 

    You should try it sometime, its amazing to watch and makes you think about things when you're hearing a story from someone. Because when was the last time someone quizzed to on a story you told them so they can get it right when they repeat it? UM that would be NEVER! lol

    • Upvote 2
  6. Did god say in the bible that we need to wear condoms? Is safe sex from disease or pregnancy mentioned in the bible? Um nope...

    But it does say, that 2 men that lay together is a no no.

    Thankfully I believe in Aliens, not god :) Besides the bible is the biggest fish story every told. Back in the day the story was probably like a 5 lb trout and has turned into I caught a fish so big you cant even see it! LOL People cant get a story straight 30 minutes later, let alone 3-6 thousand years....please :)

  7. You have to do something like get fucked by a horse like the guy in Enumclaw, WA several years ago to get a perforated colon.  Chances of that happening when getting fucked by a top wearing a PA are extremely remote.  Look at any fisting porn and it will show you how accommodating the anus can be.

    Oh I know how accommodating it can be, first hand :) my concern wasnt from being stretched like a condom to the max by a horse cock lol, like I mentioned it was more about it just getting caught and tearing. Thats what a "perforated" colon is, and it can be caused by something as simple as long sharp fingernails. Dont take me wrong, I'm not all weirded out by anal shit, I've had my share of giving/taking some above avg things, just commenting for the discussion. If you googled "perforated colon sex" you'll get several links here is one about a guy that it happened to just from fisting. http://jscr.oxfordjournals.org/content/2012/2/3


    Speaking of enumclaw, A friend I knew at the time took me to meet and went to Ken Pinyons (Enumclaw horse guy that died) place and saw things in action 1st hand about 6 months before his fatal encounter. Fucking crazy shit I tell you :-o

  8. I don't think that's true, baggerr.

    My PA is a completely smooth round ring made a surgical stainless steel. Trust me, if it had any rough edges I'D KNOW because it naturally rotates thru my dick head in the course of ordinary wear. I also rotate it all around when I'm washing it -- no problems. And PAs are condom-friendly too. When I've worn one (and that's not often) the PA jewelry just kind of folds over onto my cock head or hangs in the reservoir tip. Never a problem when wearing a condom either during sex or a prolonged jack off session when I'm collecting cum loads for later use.

    But if you're nervous, most guys who have PAs can easily remove them for sex by popping out the retaining ball or unscrewing one end of it. Of course, this assumes they're wiling to take it off. I am, and I even say so in my profile lest it scare a few guys off. Rarely someone will ask me to take it off, e.g. to blow me, and I'd much rather remove the ring than pass on a hot guy I'm interested in.

    Others may have different experiences or opinions.

    Im not saying its some big huge risk, like get out the danger cones and call red alert or anything lol :) Depending on the style, if it isnt closed ended or if someone has jacobs ladders bars the ends end could get catch or a fold of the flesh could get caught. Not like a sharp edge, not what I meant :) Its just on that off chance that it might happen the result is pretty severe.

  9. regardless of age, if they are willing participants and/or even the pursuer it shouldnt be a crime. It should only be a crime if the adult has unwanted contact with a minor. Also we arent professional ID checkers, if they have a fake ID how the fuck are we supposed to know its fake? Girls and boys when they are teenagers can be 13 and look 18 or be 22 and look 15. The only shitty thing is the minor can say they wanted it, or say they didnt and the burden of proof is on you. If they are on a site that requires 18 and/or has ID that states over 18 they are breaking the laws/rules and should be busted and that should get the adult off the hook.

  10. they pull out for the "cumshot" Almost all porn straight or gay is done this way. They go for the visual of blowing the load. When you cum inside you dont see anything which defeats the purpose of "porn" :)

    I realize that some of us want to see the guy blow his load inside :) But its anticlimactic visually and porn is all about the visual. All straight porn is this way, except for the nich of creampies, which is cuming just inside instead of balls deep :) Again, done for the visual.

  11. I was 13, was cruisin the downtown redlight scene late one night back in the 70s when it was all old school xxx theaters, this black guy working the ticket booth of one of the theaters waved me over, asked if I wanted to come in, said he'd let me come in the back, of course I said sure! As he lets me in and guides me to the back I can see his cock bulging in his pants. Got me back to the projector room where there were some chairs, I sit down and he whips out his cock, which was a good 9-10", puts it in my face and says suck my cock :) Which I didnt waste any time doing :) After about 5 minutes of that he says turn around on your knees on the chair and he pulls off my shorts, lubes my ass and fingers my ass for a few minutes then proceeds to fuck my ass, pounding balls deep for a good 10 minutes then blows his load in my ass :)

    When I was leaving he says can you come back tomorrow night? I have some friends that will be here? I said sure and came back the next night and he had 3 black dudes there that got me high then fucked me for a couple hours :)

    • Upvote 1
  12. Smallest was about 4". We (me and a fuck bud GF) did a swingers hookup with another couple, She was fucking hot as hell and he was a really good looking dude with a hot bod, but a 4" My chick friend gave me the I'm taking one for the team look when he undressed lol.

    I'm 6'5 7" on a good day decent thinkness nothing to brag about but we soon learned why they were swingers, he was also a lame fuck. Lucky for me I got the hot chick all night as she was in it for the other guy in the loop.


    Biggest was a younger black guy about 22 in the military he had 13" x 7" :-o Awesome cock and he loved fucking older white guys :) It was always balls deep pounding until he came, always BB. Another was about 10" But was thicker that shit, he had my ass stretched to its limit :)  

    • Like 1
  13. Societies stereotypical impression of a gay man is a feminine type or the "flamer". Which is actually rare. In the man circles being a man and maning up is threatened by the feminine stereotype. So straight men see gay men as feminine and use term like "pussies, fags, queers". They also associate it with being the female, they almost always see a gay guy as the person getting fucked, rarely to they see it as the gay guy toppng.

    Religion, they just have sex issues period lol

  14. In general when they hit puberty, thats when nature says go. Every other animal goes on their first in heat. 

    But any age as long as they are willing interested and enjoy it.

    Not all kids of a certain age are ready for it, but when they are why not let them explore without having to hide from the parents like they do now.

    I was banging my 13 yr old GF at 13, we both turned out just fine :)

    • Upvote 1
  15. While you can have them removed HPV/genital warts has no cure. You can have more outbreaks at any time. What usually ends up happening is you're have periodic outbreaks but after a while it will run its course and the outbreaks stop. I got genital warts (not on my ass) And have several outbreaks for about 5 years or so, couple times a year. Would just have them froze off, hurts like an SOB but its the fastest way to get rid of the warts.

    Another point to consider, condoms DO NOT protect you from getting Herpes OR HPV/warts. They can be trasmitted from skin/area around your dick and not necessarily just the shaft so a condom doesnt necessarily help you.If you're fucking a chick and she has them they can be inside her pussy and the condom will help but the virus covers that whole area.

    And HIV risk is not increased because you have another STD. "Unless" You have open sores from the STD, but just having another STD like herpes or HPV does not increase HIV risk

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