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Everything posted by socalboi88

  1. Thanks for being our man on the inside:)
  2. I tried to get character development in there, and plot twists, and secret identities, and foreshadowing, and conflict, and humor (don't know if anyone picked up on it!); plus I tried to put myself in the characters' shoes to get their motivations and their feelings right; AND to make the sex scenes hot and interesting! Lots of late nights/early mornings writing this story, but it was fun. So glad you liked it!! Thanks for the feedback, can't stop smiling:)
  3. Thanks guys for the awesome feedback!! I always love hearing that:) It's kind of surreal seeing the characters from my story every day, it makes me think about it all the time. So hot to hear how much you guys liked it:)
  4. The previous administration tried doing the same thing in 2014 but backed down after public pushback. The only thing different about this FCC and the Republicans is that when it comes to making their corporate donors money, they're a little more determined and a lot more shameless than the Democrats. When Tom Wheeler tried taking a bite out of net neutrality protections in 2014, he used the same sort of Orwellian language Ajit Pai is using now, talking about "innovation" and "increased competition", and saying it wouldn't be harmful to consumers. As long as the corporations own both parties, our choices are between "bad" and "horrible". The Republicrats do not work for us. (I made a similar post back in June but it didn't get much traction, and yours is the only other post talking about it. I guess people aren't too bothered about net neutrality, probably because the corporate media BARELY cover it, and when they do, they make it sound so dry and confusing people just stop paying attention and go back to their tweeting and their Facebook. Sigh.) http://beta.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-fcc-net-neutrality-wheeler-20140430-story.html http://beta.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fcc-net-neutrality-20140425-story.html#ixzz30OcevUiX http://www.businessinsider.com/major-study-finds-that-the-us-is-an-oligarchy-2014-4
  5. Fuck that is so nice of you! I love to hear that:)
  6. I've read your story and it's really hot! I'm reading it again now:)
  7. I'd be interested to read some of your fiction. I've already cum a few times reading about your real-life exploits:)
  8. Fuck that's hot!! Glad to hear it:)
  9. Those are on page 2 of this thread. I posted chapters 1–4 on August 23, and 5–6 on August 26. I wanted to post cumulative PDFs, but there's a data limit on this site (which I've just about maxed out).
  10. You guys are so awesome, it's so hot knowing you guys like my story! It was so much work but a lot of fun, and totally worth it now. I just meant to write the one chapter, then I was going to give up after chapter 4, but you guys told me to keep going and I'm glad I did:) (And NLbear, I didn't even think about revealing the married stranger or the roommate until you asked:) )
  11. And in case you can't open PDFs, or you just prefer the moderator's writing style, here's the text version of the story (I'm sure the moderator will do his usual thorough editing job within a few days). Chapter 5 comes right after the five-way at Simon's place, and right after Simon says, "...you have more to learn, and I'm gonna teach you." ---- Five: The next few weeks were really great. Simon seemed to be having me over more and more, and having girls from the club over less and less. He always seemed happy to see me, and I was definitely happy whenever I saw him. I loved how he always dominated me, and how he made me feel like I was the only person in the world when we were together. I was also starting to get used to him inviting Jaime or the married stranger over to fuck me, too, although Simon was the one I really wanted. I knew it was wrong to do this to my boyfriend, and of course I knew there was a huge risk taking Simon's loads (and his roommate's) all the time, and that it might all catch up to me later. But later was later, and all I knew was, Simon was what I needed right now, and I think he needed me to, and I was happy when I was with him. Things with my boyfriend Todd were also better than ever, which made me feel guilty for cheating on him, but I was getting better and better at not thinking about it. Things were always so easy when I was with Todd, and I couldn't imagine not being with him. He was probably the one really decent person in my life, and even though he didn't always understand me, I knew he would do anything for me, and I felt like a better person when I was with him. The sex was never quite as passionate as that one night he'd fucked Jaime's cum into me (without knowing it), but it was still great, and I was always happy when I was with him, too. Anyway, Todd and I were on our way to an office party my company was throwing. Todd always came with me to these things when he wasn't working, so it was nothing special. Some of the partners at my company were openly gay, and everyone at work was pretty easygoing, so I was looking forward to a few drinks, a few laughs, a drama-free evening, and then a quiet night back at Todd's place. We got to my office building and walked inside, with Todd telling me all the latest updates on his family ranch back home, and about the torque (or something) on the new pickup truck his family had just bought. He seemed really excited about the whole thing, and he was fun to listen to when he got excited about something. We got up to the office party and saw some of my work friends, and we walked over and started talking to them for a minute. Then I left to get us some drinks, and I said hi to some of the partners, my boss Jackie, and her nephew Greg, who I hadn't met before. I got back to where Todd was talking to my friends, and I noticed that Joel, the office slut, had come out of nowhere and was laughing at something Todd had said, resting his hand "casually" on Todd's muscular arm. Joel had a reputation around the office for spreading his legs for just about anything that moved, including one or two of the delivery men, and possibly some of the partners, too. Joel was Asian, on the short side, had a great body and a cute face, and could be very…persuasive when he wanted something, which is why I didn't want him anywhere near Todd. I usually didn't follow office gossip, but I could tell, just by looking, what Joel wanted; and with my boyfriend's recent…history, I didn't trust the two of them together at all. I handed Todd his drink, and then politely but firmly steered him away from that group, and away from Joel. After that, I started to relax. We had a few more drinks, we talked to some more of my office friends, and I showed Todd off to some of the new people there. The mood was good, there was booze and music, and all was well. And then at the other side of the room, I saw Simon walk in. Everyone was listening to Todd telling another one of his farm stories, as my heart stopped beating and I had a quiet panic attack. Was I imagining this? I'd only had a few drinks. Why was he here? Was he going to tell my boyfriend everything? In front of all my co-workers?? Had my life of lies and deceit finally caught up with me? Or could this just be a weird coincidence, and he was here with someone else? I held my breath and stayed perfectly still, praying for this moment to just go away, wishing for Simon to just turn around and walk out, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't see me…. Simon spotted me almost instantly and started walking directly toward me, with a maniacal grin on his face. What the hell was I going to do? I snapped out of my panicked paralysis and started looking for an escape route, but there was a table of food behind me, Todd next to me, and co-workers totally surrounding us, listening to Todd as he finished his story. The co-workers were starting to disperse, but not fast enough. In sheer desperation, I considered ducking under the table and running out the other side, but that would leave Simon alone with my boyfriend, to tell him who-knows-what? I finally decided to just stay put and try to think of a convincing story to tell my boyfriend, and hopefully get out of this thing alive. Simon finally got to where we were standing, walked right up to me, and slapped me hard on the shoulder. "There he is!" he said to me, like we were old friends. "Sorry I'm late!" "I—I didn't think you were coming," I said, completely honestly. I could see Todd had turned toward us and was probably waiting for an introduction. And Simon wasn't helping, he was just staring at me with that mischievous grin, obviously enjoying watching me squirm and suffer. I couldn't say he was a co-worker, because Todd knew everyone at work. "Todd, this is my…friend…from…growing up." From growing up? Was that seriously the best I could come up with?? "Nice to meet you, I'm Todd," my lover said. "How's it goin'? I'm Simon," my other lover said. God, was this really happening? These two people were never supposed to meet each other! "So you two went to school together?" Todd asked, totally normally. Maybe my lie had actually worked. "Sure did," Simon said, going along with my story with clear amusement, "and now I'm back in town. I can't believe you didn't find out about me before now!" I'm sure all the blood drained from my face at that point, but Todd was already on his third drink, which might have been the only thing that saved me. The rest of that conversation was incredibly…normal, with Todd and Simon making small talk, and only me seeming to realize how insane this whole situation was. Simon, always full of surprises, really hit it off with Todd, saying he had family in the Midwest, too (I had no idea if that was true or not), and talking about cars and power tools and things, which Todd loved. I realized I'd never seen Simon sociable like this before. He was like five different people in one. After a few minutes of Simon and my boyfriend bonding over "guy talk", Simon looked over at where my boss Jackie and her nephew Greg were standing, and asked me, "Hey, who is that fine Nubian queen over there?" Oh no, what was he doing? "That—that's my boss, but don't—" "I will talk to you two gentlemen later," he interrupted me, and started walking toward her. "No, you can't—" I said quickly, but he was already gone. Was this night really happening? First he introduces himself to my boyfriend, and now he's going to hit on my boss? This is not how tonight was supposed to go. I watched as Simon strutted up to Jackie and started talking to her, and I just hoped he wouldn't tell her he was with me. Then I saw both of them look directly over at me, and it was obvious he'd just told her. Why was he doing this to me?? I went back to talking to my boyfriend, who amazingly didn't seem to suspect anything. He actually seemed to really like Simon, which was just too much for me. I quickly waved some work friends over to talk to us and take my boyfriend's mind off Simon, and to hopefully make him forget about Simon altogether. After a few minutes of talking to my friends, I looked back over at Simon, and now he was leaning into my boss's ear and saying something funny, making her laugh. I turned back to my boyfriend, and Joel had once again shown up out of nowhere and was rubbing up on my boyfriend, so I had to separate the two of them again. Then I turned back to Simon, and now my boss was gone, and Simon was talking to my boss's nephew Greg, and making him laugh. This night could not be happening. I went back to talking to my work friends for a few minutes, and then when I turned back to Simon, he and Greg were looking right at me, and Simon was saying something into Greg's ear, and smiling devilishly. This could not be good. Then Greg started smiling, too, and then Simon was waving me over to them. I looked back at my boyfriend, and Joel had found his way back, and now he was putting a drink into Todd's hands, and Todd wasn't saying no. Well I could either keep Joel away from my boyfriend, or go over and see what Simon wanted. After some agonizing, I decided to walk over to Simon and Greg, knowing I'd regret it. "You know Greg," Simon said to me. I nodded at Greg. We'd met earlier. Greg was a little younger than me, in shape, and good looking. He had perfect white teeth, a neat haircut, and smooth mocha skin. "Greg's new in town," Simon explained, "and he doesn't know anybody yet. I told him I could help him out with that." Then Simon looked me up and down with a very suggestive look, and I knew exactly what he meant, but I couldn't believe it! He was pimping me out to my boss's nephew?? Then I saw the lusty smile on Greg's face, and I knew that's exactly what was happening. How had Simon found someone else to fuck me, literally 15 minutes after getting here? And how in the world had he singled out my boss's nephew, of all the people here? Simon took my arm and said, "Let's go for a walk." "What, now?" I asked, eyes wide. Simon nodded. "We can't, not here!" I protested. "My boss is here, and my boyfriend is right over there!" "I won't tell if you won't," Simon said with a smirk. "Will you tell?" he asked Greg. Greg shook his head, also smirking. "Then it's settled. Let's go, baby doll." Simon had never called me that in front of someone else before, and no one in my "regular" life knew I was sleeping around, until right now. This whole thing was totally wrong! But Greg already knew now, and if I put up a fight, Simon might tell Greg even more about what we'd been up to. So I took one last, mournful look back at my boyfriend, who I could see was now hopelessly under Joel's spell, and let Simon pull me away. The three of us walked to the end of one of the hallways, and into a corner office. I'd been so busy thinking about my boyfriend and Joel that I hadn't been paying attention to where we were going. "Wait, this is one of the partners' offices, we can't do it in here!" I said, but neither of them seemed to care. Simon closed the door (but didn't lock it), pulled me over to the window, and started grinding into my ass. "Wait, not by the window, someone could see us!" We were only a few floors up, and the parking lot was right outside. If someone left the party early and looked up…. Simon wasn't listening, though, and I could feel his hard-on pressing into me now. Greg walked up to me, lifted my chin up, and kissed me deeply, right then and there. I realized then that I hadn't kissed anyone except my boyfriend in three years, even with all this sleeping around I was doing. I'd just crossed yet another line, and with an almost complete stranger. While I was making out with Greg, Simon dropped my pants, then his, and then I felt his hard, bare cock pressing up against my skin. Then Greg bent me down, undid his own pants, and pushed his fat black cock into my mouth. Greg got hard fast, and soon I was choking on Greg's cock, with Simon right behind me, pushing my head further down and grinding his own cock against my ass. After a few minutes, Simon asked, "You ready to fuck him?" "Oh, yeah," Greg said. And with that, Simon stood me up, turned me around, and bent me forward again. I heard Greg spitting a few times, and then he started to push in. And there I was, bent over like a whore in one of the partners' offices, right in front of the window, with my neighbor's cock in my mouth, and my boss's nephew's cock shoving into my ass, at the company office party, with my boyfriend right outside. Was this really happening?? Greg slowly pushed all the way into me, and he was really stretching me out. He'd never asked about condoms, so I just hoped he was clean—although at this point I didn't even know if I was. When Greg was all the way inside me, he started slowly thrusting in and out and sighing, obviously enjoying the feeling. Meanwhile, Simon was deep in my throat, egging him on: "Yeah, man, open him up wide, make him your bitch, take that ass, fuck him real deep." "Oh, man, he feels good," Greg was saying as he fucked me harder, "fuck, this is just what I needed." He started really pounding me, and I struggled to take it. He didn't care, though, he just grabbed my hips and kept pounding me hard. And Simon obviously loved it. He kept encouraging Greg to fuck me harder, and telling me to "take that black dick in your slutty fuckin' hole, you fuckin' whore, your boyfriend's gonna know you just got fucked, for sure." After just a few minutes of Simon's nasty talk, Greg pounded me even harder, slammed all the way inside me, and held it there as he shot his load of unknown status deep inside me. As soon as he pulled out, Simon stood me up, shoved me right up against the same window I'd complained about before, and pushed in on Greg's cum. He fucked me hard as I looked down on the parking lot, hoping no one would walk out right then. "Oh, you dirty slut," he whispered into my ear, breathing hard, "taking all this dick with your boyfriend right outside. He's probably wondering where you are right now. Maybe Greg should go find him, and tell him to come join us? I think he'd like that." "No, don't!" I said, instinctively trying to push Simon off me, but he was way stronger than me, and after a brief struggle, he pinned my arms behind my back, pressed my face up against the window, and slammed back into me as hard as he could. "Or maybe I should tell all your friends out there you just took a load off your boss's nephew, right here in the partner's office!" he said with a maniacal laugh. "What does your HR handbook say about that, bitch boy?" I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. My friends had no idea what Simon and I got up to, they thought Todd and I were the perfect faithful couple. If people at work found out what a slut I was, I'd have to quit in shame—if I didn't get fired first. "Well what's it gonna be, boy?" he asked, with some really hard thrusts. I hoped he wasn't seriously making me choose. "Who do you want me to tell?" he asked, fucking me faster. "Your little work friends, or your boyfriend? And you better hurry, boy, 'cuz I'm about to bust my fuckin' nut." I still couldn't believe it. Is this why he'd come here tonight? "Ah, maybe I should just tell everyone. Then you'll have no one but me." Oh god, he really was making me choose, between losing my boyfriend and losing my job. Fuck, what had I done? I knew my lies would catch up to me eventually, but not yet, and I never thought Simon would turn on me like this! I'd known he was into some twisted games, and I'd known I was playing with fire, but fuck! "Oh, you feel so good, boy, I'm gettin' so close," Simon said. "I guess you want me to tell everyone, huh?" "My friends!" I blurted out. "Tell my friends." "Unh, just in time!" Simon said, slamming his cock into me. And as he pumped his hot load into me to mix with Greg's, I could tell from his voice and his moans that he was genuinely happy. Meanwhile, I felt like crying. My time at that company was probably over now, and all because I couldn't say no to Simon, just this one time. How had things gotten so out of control, so fast? Well at least if everyone was going to hear about me, they were going to hear about what a slut Greg was, too. That made me feel a little better. And I'd get to keep my boyfriend. Simon slowly slipped out of me and let go of my wrists, which were sore by now. We washed up in the private bathroom and straightened our clothes out, trying not to look like we'd just had a three-way at an office party. When we'd finished getting dressed, Simon walked right up to me. He took me by the chin and put his other hand around my waist, and dammit, when I saw the way he looked at me, like there was no one but the two of us, I couldn't stay mad at him, even though he was ruining my life, little by little. "That was so much fun, baby doll," he said to me, quietly, "I really liked that. I've fucked a lot of bitches," and now he was massaging my ear so gently, and I was closing my eyes and enjoying it, "but no one quite like you." And in that moment, I felt totally safe, and totally at peace with losing my job. I didn't need it, I could find a new one. All I needed was right here in front of me. "Well, my work here is done," Simon said, sounding satisfied, and letting go of my ear. "Oh, and uh, Greg here starts on Monday, so looks like you just met your new co-worker." "My…what??" I asked, suddenly panicked. I'd never slept with a co-worker before, and if I'd known Greg would be working here, there's no way in hell I would have cheated on my boyfriend with him! Oh no, it was all crashing down around me. My normal life and my cheating life were mixing together, and soon everyone would know what I cheater I was, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Then I thought of something. "Wait, I thought you were…telling my friends about…." "Oh, that?" Simon said, laughing, like he was remembering a joke. "I said I wouldn't tell if you wouldn't, didn't I?" And then he was walking to the door. "Oh hey," he said from the doorway, "and tell your partners, great party." And just like that he left, with a big, stupid grin on his face. Greg gave me a wink and a pearly-white smile, then he was gone, too, leaving me alone in this office that wasn't mine, feeling relieved, angry, worried, guilty, and a thousand other things. I took a second to pull myself together, then looked out the window to make sure no one had seen us. I straightened up the office, double-checked myself in the mirror, and walked out. God, I might actually get away with this. Six: I walked back out into the party to look for my boyfriend, hoping no one had noticed me being gone for so long. My friends said he'd gone outside for some air about 15 minutes ago, and when I walked out there, I saw him with his hand on the wall, leaning up on, of course, Joel. This guy got points for perseverance, I'd give him that, but I wasn't letting this skeevy whore sink his hooks into my man, so long as there was life in me. "Come on, honey, it's time to go," I said to Todd, pulling him toward the car, and completely ignoring Joel. He'd clearly had a few more since I'd last seen him (thanks to Joel, no doubt), and he was stumbling a little. He fought me weakly. "No, let's stay," he said, eyes half-shut, "we've only been here for—" "Yeah I know," I said, cutting him off. "But that was more than enough time, apparently." For both of us, I thought. I got him into the passenger seat of the Mustang and drove us back to his place, stalling the engine a few times as I tried to process everything that had just happened. We got inside, and he insisted on having another drink before he'd let me put him to bed. When we were finally lying down, he cuddled up next to me and held me in his strong arms, and at last I started to relax, and forget about that office party and everything that had happened. Then he said, "I like your friend Simon, why didn't you tell me about him before?" Fuck. "He…just got back into town," I said, trying to remember what story Simon had made up. "Oh really?" Todd said. "He seems pretty cool. We should all hang out sometime." No, no, no, I thought, if I could just get Todd to go to sleep, maybe he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, he'd forget he'd ever even met Simon, and everything could go back to the way it was. "I'm in the mood," I said, hoping to change the subject, "I wanna suck you off, baby." It wasn't really true, but if it meant distracting him till he passed out, I would take one for the team. I started rubbing his cock through his boxers, and that seemed to do the trick. He stopped grilling me about Simon, started getting hard, and breathed onto the side of my face. Oh, the booze was strong with this one. I got him on his back, slid down his boxers, and started working on his cock. He got totally hard and started moaning. My plan was working. I hated playing my boyfriend like this, but if he found out about Simon, it was all over, and I was not letting that happen. After a few minutes, my mind started drifting back to the office, and the unexpected pounding I'd taken there. That was way too risky. I couldn't do anything like that, ever again. But Greg was really fine, and I'd liked feeling him stretch me open. And I loved how much Simon had enjoyed the whole thing, even if he had tormented me evilly. Then I noticed I was completely hard, and realized I still hadn't cum yet today. So I took my briefs off and started stroking, as I kept working on my boyfriend's cock. My boyfriend had stopped making noises, and I was pretty sure he was out cold, when suddenly he said, "Oh yeah, that feels so good, unh, suck me, baby, suck me." I guess I had more work to do. He kept going, "Oh, you're so sexy, I want your body, I want to be inside you, we won't tell anyone." Hm, that was weird. Everyone knew about us already, didn't they? "I want to be inside you, I want to fuck you, Joel." What??? Did he just say he wanted to fuck Joel?? Joel, that slimy, slutty, backstabbing skank from the office who couldn't wait five minutes before loading my boyfriend up with liquor and luring him outside for some "alone time"? Something about hearing my boyfriend say Joel's name while I was sucking his cock, made something snap in my head, and before I knew what I was doing, I was climbing up and sitting on Todd's cock, and riding him for all I was worth. You want to sleep around behind my back, you son of a bitch? I thought, as I bounced up and down on his cock angrily. You like Joel better than me? Well, two can play at that game. You feel all that cum in there? That's Simon's, your friend Simon's, your favorite pal Simon's. Plus a guy's who I just met today. That's right, you stupid fool, while you thought you were being so clever, chatting up the village bicycle when I wasn't looking, I was two feet away, getting loaded up by two strangers. Feel all their cum inside me! You wanted to fuck a skeevy whore? Well, you're fucking one!! And with that, I shot a hot, angry load all over Todd's chest and face, as I ground my ass onto his bare cock, making sure it was completely covered in Simon's and Greg's cum. After I came down, my first thought was, Oh god, what have I done?? My cum was all over Todd's sleeping face, and I had just exposed him to who-knows-what from Simon and Greg. All Todd had done was talk to someone he probably thought was just being friendly, and here I was, shoving his cock into strangers' cum without him knowing, for the second time! And I was the one sneaking around, not him or Joel! I had to get ahold of myself. Simon was turning me into some kind of deviant, and now I was dragging poor Todd into it, too. As I cleaned up the evidence of my shameful acts (for the second time that night), I promised I would never do anything like this ever again. Todd was totally innocent, he'd only had that one slip-up a few months ago, and I didn't really blame him for that. I had to start treating him better, and trusting him more, and stop tricking him into fucking other guys' loads into me. What happened with me and Simon had to stay totally separate. I had to get my life back under control! I finished cleaning up Todd, then I curled up next to him, and he put his strong arm around me again, making me feel safe. "That was great, baby," he said, and started snoring. How much of that had he been awake for?? No, that was silly, he was totally hammered and wouldn't remember any of this in the morning. I would keep my promise to be better to him, and to trust him more, and to keep my other life separate. I started to feel better about myself then, as my boyfriend held me in his arms, just like old times, and I knew everything was going to be alright. Then a text message came in on my phone. I knew I should just ignore it and go to sleep, but it could be important, and there was nothing wrong with…just looking, was there? I instantly regretted it. It was a text from Simon: "Ur bf and Joel make a cute couple, but Joel was being kinda shy, so I helped move things along a little, hope u don't mind ;-)" Joel, shy?? What had Simon done? What did "moving things along" even mean? Joel was moving things along just fine without anyone's help. And when had Simon even been alone with my boyfriend or Joel? Then I remembered Todd and Joel had gone to stand outside right around when Simon was leaving the party; had Simon run into them? I'd walked out just a few minutes after Simon, but then again, Simon only needed a few minutes to work his evil magic on people. I could feel my brief happiness evaporating, and my jealousy and worry coming back. What was Simon doing to me, and my carefully ordered life? Why did he always like to mess with my head? What was he planning for my boyfriend and Joel? And when would he stop springing surprises on me all the time? I had the feeling things were about to get a lot more complicated before they got simpler…. Seven: For the next week or so, I kept thinking about Simon's text, saying he'd "helped move things along a little" between my boyfriend and Joel. Was he trying to get my boyfriend to cheat on me (again), with Joel? I was starting to think Simon liked corrupting people just for fun, and my boyfriend was next on his list. I saw my boyfriend Todd a few times that week, and everything seemed the same as usual. He didn't bring up Simon, or Joel (or what I'd done to him after the office party). Maybe Simon wasn't going to mess with my boyfriend after all, and I had nothing to worry about? I went out of town for a couple weeks to see family, and with all the usual family drama and exhaustion, I completely forgot about Simon's text, and everything else. I was glad to get back, and glad to see Todd again. We went to dinner and a movie, then back to his place for some drinks and some reunion sex. After that, we cuddled, and I listened to him tell me about work. Then he said, "Oh, and I saw your friend Simon." I immediately tensed up, disguising it (badly) as a cough. "Really?" I said, trying to sound casual. "Um, how?" "Oh, I bumped into him at that office party, when I was standing outside, and he was leaving. We swapped phone numbers." Standing outside, with Joel. So Simon had talked to them both. Anything was possible now…. "Oh great," I said, "So what did you guys do?" "Well the first time, we went rock-climbing, and then we went to the shooting range…oh, and then on Thursday I helped him pick up a couch he got for his place." Oh no, I thought, they'd seen each other three times already. And of course Simon had waited till I was out of town, and out of the way. "Oh that's great, honey," I lied. "Yeah," Todd said, "he's a real cool guy. And a mean shot." My boyfriend was as good as gone, I thought. For the next few days, I went back to obsessing over Simon, his text, and what he was doing to my boyfriend behind my back. Simon, meanwhile, seemed happier than ever, and a few times, I heard him singing as he walked past my window. I hadn't seen him since the party, and I texted him to see if he was free (and to get some answers), but he always said he was "busy". Anyway, I was getting home from work, which had gotten pretty stressful since that office party, too—I kept bumping into my boss's nephew Greg, who had tag-teamed me in an empty office with Simon that night, and who had just started working there (in HR, of all places); and of course Joel, who was after my boyfriend. I got out of my car and walked to the lobby to check my mail. One of my neighbors was standing in front of his mailbox, reading his mail, and we smiled and nodded at each other. I opened my box, looked at my mail, threw the junk mail away, and…I noticed that my neighbor was staring at me. I looked up at him, and he had a dirty, lusty, mischievous smirk on his face—the same kind of smirk I'd seen on Simon and Greg at the party, right before they'd fucked me…. Did I know this guy? He was Hispanic, a little older than me, about my height, sort of nondescript-looking….After a second, I recognized him as my neighbor from across the hall. He'd moved in a few months ago. But that didn't explain why he was looking at me like that. "Hi," I said tentatively, not really sure how to break the ice. My neighbor didn't say anything at first, he just kept looking at my body like he owned it, and then he started chuckling in a strange way, like I was reminding him of a dirty joke or something. "Hi," he finally said, and it sounded a little sarcastic. Seriously, did I know this guy from somewhere else? He was starting to make me uncomfortable. He chuckled some more, then in his Spanish accent, he said, "I guess you don't recognize me, do you?" He kept smiling, and took a step toward me. In a quieter voice, he said, "Maybe you'd recognize my cock, hm? Maybe you'd recognize me if I were inside you, and you were…cómo se dice?…blindfolded?" And then it all made sense, and my heart stopped for a second, and I breathed in sharply. This was the married stranger who'd been fucking me at Simon's place all those times. This is what Simon had meant, when he'd said the married guy "might not be a total stranger" to me. He lived right across the hall! Oh no, I'd gotten fucked by someone in my building without even knowing it. And, I'd seen this guy's family. This was so fucked up. "That's right," my married neighbor continued, "it's me who's been fucking you. And your ass is amazing." Then, in his seductive Spanish accent, he whispered, "I've given you so much of my cum….But it's been a while since you let me fuck you?" "I was…out of town," I said, weakly. "Are you going to let me fuck that ass again?" he asked. I nodded obediently. What was I doing? "Good," he said quietly, with a big smile. "Come over tonight at eleven. You remember where I live?" I nodded again. "I'll leave the door cracked open. Don't knock. And don't wear cologne." I nodded a third time. He took another step toward me, leaned into my ear, and grabbed my ass. "I can't wait," he whispered, and then he walked off. I was in a daze for a few seconds. I'd finally seen the man who'd been fucking me all those times. And someone in my own building knew what I slut I was, and the kind of risky sex I had! I couldn't tell if I was more nervous, or turned on. Anyway, that night at 11 o'clock, I snuck out of my apartment, took two steps, and quietly pushed open my neighbor's door. He was standing in his kitchen with his shirt off, and he smiled at me, then reminded me to be quiet. I leaned the door closed again, then quietly walked over to the kitchen. As I got around the counter, I saw that my neighbor's cock was out, and hard already. He smiled as I walked toward him, then he pulled me in and kissed me, which surprised me. But he was a good kisser, and after a few seconds, I started to kiss back. He reached behind me and grabbed my ass with both hands, and his hard cock pressed against my stomach. Then he gently but firmly pushed me down to my knees, and guided his cock into my willing mouth. He was careful not to make me gag at first, but he eventually got his cock head all the way down my throat, until my nose was buried in his pubes. He sighed appreciatively. I had never done anything like this before—sucking off one of my neighbors, in his kitchen, with his family asleep in the next room…it felt so dangerous, and so slutty. I loved it. My neighbor pulled me to my feet, dropped my pants, turned me around, and bent me all the way over till I was grabbing my ankles. He could still see over the high counter, but I was completely out of sight. He slicked up my ass and his cock, then he slowly started to press in until his pubes were brushing up against my ass. I felt so full, but I held my breath so I didn't make any sound. Once he was in, he started to slowly fuck me, pushing his raw cock all the way in, then pulling almost completely out. He kept this up for a long time, and I could tell how much he liked it, and how focused on me he was. I wondered if he did this with other guys, or if I was the only one. I found myself getting turned on, thinking about him fucking other guys like this. Then he pulled me up and whispered in my ear, "You feel so good. I'm going to give you my leche soon, okay?" I nodded eagerly, begging him for it. I wanted his virile cum in me. I wanted him to own me. He pulled me in for another deep kiss, then pushed me back down till I was grabbing my ankles again. Then he started fucking me a little faster, careful not to slam into my ass or make any noise. It was hot knowing how much he was enjoying the fuck, and how much he wanted to just pound me, but hearing him stay perfectly quiet. After a few minutes of him fucking me fast, I felt him push all the way inside me and hold it there, and I felt his body jerk as he was racked with a powerful orgasm, as he held me there in place. I could tell he was holding his breath as he gave me yet another load of his married cum, and silently marking my ass as his again. After what seemed like a whole minute of him shooting inside me, he finally exhaled, and quietly caught his breath. He slipped out of my cummy hole, pulled up his pants, and gave me a big smile when I stood up and looked at him. He had obviously enjoyed our secret fuck as much as I had, and he looked totally satisfied now. I smiled back at him as I pulled up my own pants, then I let him walk me to the door. He gave me another deep, passionate kiss, and another squeeze on the ass, then he opened the door and let me out into the hallway. As I walked back into my own apartment, I thought how funny it was that this married stranger looked so basic and average in public, like your typical, ho-hum family guy. But after dark, when everyone was asleep, he was either over at Simon's place, slamming his raw cock into my cummy hole, or he was silently fucking me bareback in his kitchen, giving me load number who-knows-how-many, never once asking about condoms or status. And no one would have guessed, just by looking at him. It was so wrong…and so hot. As I drifted off to sleep that night, thinking about my neighbor's cum still inside me, I wondered if I was starting to like being a slut, instead of just going along with it because it was what Simon wanted. I had definitely enjoyed my neighbor fucking me in his kitchen just now; and if Greg hadn't been my co-worker, I wouldn't have minded having his fat cock inside me again. I didn't totally understand what was happening to me, but maybe I was finally turning into the slut Simon wanted me to be…. Eight: A few days after my kitchen fuck with my married neighbor, Simon finally let me come over. I hadn't seen him since the office party, and I wasn't sure if I was more upset at him for what he was doing with my boyfriend, or just glad to see him. Either way, I wanted some answers about what exactly he was up to. I walked into his bedroom that night and found him naked on his bed, totally hard, his pale skin glowing in the light coming in through the blinds. For a moment I couldn't remember what I wanted to say to him, I just knew I wanted him. "Hey, baby doll," he said with a smile that said he was just as happy to see me. "Hey," I said with a sheepish grin. "Why don't you come over here and take care of this dick?" he said. "I've missed that hot mouth of yours." I obediently climbed onto the bed and hungrily swallowed his cock all the way to the base. This felt right, me on my knees, worshipping Simon and his cock, making him feel good, letting him dominate me. After fucking my throat for just a little bit, Simon told me to take my clothes off and get on my back, then he spat on his cock and slid inside me. Now there was nothing between us—no clothes, and no rubber. I didn't want any protection from Simon anymore, I just wanted him inside me. I wanted to be his. "Oh baby, your ass feels so good," he said, "it's been so long, I've missed this ass." He fucked me slow and deep, and leaned in so close to me, with a look of ecstasy and pleading on his face. Then he leaned in next to my ear and held me tight as he fucked my hole harder. "Oh, I've missed you, baby doll," he whispered to me, and I was in heaven. Then all of a sudden, he pulled away from me and started slam-fucking my hole with a wicked grin on his face. He wasn't being tender or passionate anymore. More like sadistic. "Ah, did your boyfriend tell you we hung out while you were gone?" he asked me. I nodded. I wasn't in heaven anymore. "He's a great guy, your boyfriend," Simon continued, still slamming into me whenever he felt like it, and moving his cock around in me from side to side. "A little simple, but he's an engineer, so he must have somethin' goin' on upstairs, somewhere," he said with a cruel laugh. I didn't like where this conversation was going, and I didn't like him making fun of my boyfriend. "He's an open book, too," Simon went on, clearly enjoying this. "He loves you, of course, but he wants a little more…excitement, you know? A little sum'n on the side." That's what I was afraid of, that after three years, my boyfriend wanted more than just me. That's why he'd cheated on me a few months ago, and that's why it had been so easy for Joel to tempt him, back at the office party. But wait…had Simon said Todd loved me? This was huge. And I didn't know if I felt the same way. I hated that I was hearing it from Simon like this, with that mean smile on his face. "And that's where Joel comes in," Simon continued, pounding me really fast then, making loud slapping noises on my ass. When he slowed down a little, he saw the bitter look on my face, but it clearly didn't bother him. "See, your boyfriend likes Joel, thinks he's 'exotic', or whatever the fuck, and Joel likes your boyfriend—well, who doesn't Joel like, nahmean?" he said, laughing. I could feel my face getting hot. "So it was really good luck I bumped into them at that party." He went back to fucking me slowly, but not tenderly. "Your boyfriend needs to, uh…broaden his horizons a little, you know, spread his seed around." He laughed at his own little joke. I didn't. "But your boyfriend was too chickenshit to talk to Joel on his own, and Joel didn't want you to be mad at him"—I doubted Joel gave a crap what I thought—"so I had to, uh…help 'em along a little bit." There was that word again, "help". Maybe now he'd finally tell me how much damage he'd done while I was away. "So me and your boyfriend are gonna tag team that chinky ass tomorrow, can't fuckin' wait!" "No, you can't!" I said, and tried to push him off me. But he slammed his cock all the way in me, grabbed onto my wrists, and easily held my arms up above my head as he continued to fuck me, and all with a big smile on his face like this was all a big game for him. "Don't fight me, baby doll," he said, "you know I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want, and this is what I want, baby, and this is what your boyfriend wants, and this is what you want, to." This wasn't what I wanted, I didn't want my boyfriend cheating on me again, and I hated that skank Joel and didn't want to catch anything from him. I was still angry, but Simon was holding my wrists tight, and I stopped fighting him and just listened as he went on. "You're gonna thank me later, boy. This is what your boyfriend wants, and if you give him what he wants, he won't leave you, will he?" I wanted to argue that this was totally fucked up, and that Simon shouldn't be butting into our relationship. But what he was saying did…kind of make sense, in a perverted way. "That's right, baby doll, I'm helpin' you out, I'm keepin' you and your boyfriend together." Then he just looked down on me for a while, until I finally stopped looking angry. He and Todd had already made the decision, and if I stopped my boyfriend from cheating, I might just lose him. It was so messed up, but I started to accept it, and I think Simon saw that on my face. "I knew you'd understand, baby," he said, leaning in next to my ear again, "you're such a good fuckin' boy, you know that? Always takin' my dick, always makin' me feel good, always doin' whatever the fuck I tell you." He started moaning, and he let go of my wrists and held me tight. And I felt my arms wrap around him, pulling him into me. This whole thing was so wrong, and Simon should not be trying to turn my boyfriend into a cheater, just like he'd done to me. But Simon smelled so good right now, and I loved feeling his skin pressed up against mine, and feeling his cock inside me with nothing between us, and knowing I was making him feel good, and knowing he'd missed me while I was gone. I could never stay mad at him. "You're such a good bitch boy," Simon went on, whispering lustily in my ear, and I could tell he was close, "lettin' your boyfriend cheat on you. You're boyfriend's lucky to have you, so lucky. We're gonna have such a good time tomorrow, tag teamin' that yellow boy, that fuckin' slut." Then he started pounding me for all he was worth, and grabbing me tight, and I knew he was about to cum. "I'm gonna turn your boyfriend into a cheater, just like I did to you! He's gonna be mine, just like you are! You're both gonna be mine!!" He slammed his cock all the way inside me and gave me another huge load, moaning and whimpering into my ear. I pulled him into me, wanting his cum as deep inside me as possible, and not caring about anything else. The next day, though, I wasn't feeling as open-minded about Todd cheating on me as I had when I was with Simon. I didn't want to lose him, like Simon had said; but I was afraid if Joel got his hands on him, I'd lose him anyway. Well maybe Simon had just been making stuff up just to get under my skin, like he had at the office party. I decided to text my boyfriend. Maybe he wasn't really seeing Joel? "Hey hun, do you want to hang out later?" But he wrote back: "Hey babe, not feeling so great today, prob gonna lie down, maybe tomorrow?" Hmm. It looked like he really was seeing Joel today, and now he was lying to me about it…. I told him we'd hang out tomorrow and to "feel better soon", then I did stuff around the apartment, trying not to think about it too much. But my mind kept going back to what the three of them would be doing later, and Simon's and Todd's pale skin sandwiching Joel's darker skin as they gave it to him from both ends. Would Todd kiss Joel like he kissed me? Would he cum inside him? I couldn't stop thinking about it. But I knew something that would take my mind off Todd and Joel—Jaime, and him pounding me into the mattress again. He really was turning into a hot little fucker, and he lived right across the street. I texted him, not wasting any time: "Fuck me?" His reply was fast, as always: "Cousin's coming over" Well that wasn't what I'd wanted to hear, but family comes first, I guess. Then he sent me a second text: "I'll bring him over" Well I wasn't expecting that! But if one cock was good, two cocks were even better. So a little while later, I was letting Jaime and his cousin into my apartment. Jaime was on the beefy side, but his cousin—Paco—was pretty lean and almost skinny. He was about Jaime's age, definitely cute, and had sort of a "'hood" vibe to him. "Nice place," Paco said, avoiding eye contact with me. I wondered if he'd ever been with a guy before? "Thanks," I said, and led the two boys back to the bedroom. Paco definitely did not take the lead, again making me wonder if this was his first time with a guy. But Jaime did (they grow up so fast), and soon all three of us were naked, and Jaime and I were taking turns on Paco's young dick, making him moan. I was surprised to see Jaime swallow Paco's dick without hesitation, considering they were cousins and all….Maybe they'd done this before? After just a few minutes of that, Paco was rock hard and short of breath, and Jaime was hard, too. Jaime told me to get on my back, and I did what he said. He really was getting confident. Then he put Paco between my legs, and told him to fuck me. Paco hesitated. "You got a rubber?" he asked. "You don't gotta worry about that," Jaime said, "he's clean, you can fuck him." (Even I didn't know if that was true, with all the cum Simon was giving me, but I didn't say anything.) Paco seemed to think for a minute, probably weighing years of sex-ed videos against trusting his own cousin. Finally, he decided to trust Jaime and just go for it, which was so hot to see. But he was trying to stick his cock in me dry. Jaime stopped him, spat in his hand, and rubbed it on Paco's hard cock, showing him how to lube up before fucking, just like Simon had done for him just a few months ago. With his cock slicked up, Paco started pushing in, a little too fast. If I hadn't just been fucked by Simon (and his roommate) the night before, I might have had to tell Paco to pull out and start over. But I let him shove inside me, eager to take his hard teenage cock, and possibly be the first guy he'd ever fucked. Once Paco had gotten into a nice rhythm and it was starting to feel good for me, Jaime moved around behind Paco and watched what he was doing over his shoulder. As Paco thrust in and out of me, Jaime's hard cock was probably rubbing up on his cousin's ass, and Paco wasn't stopping him. So after a little while, Jaime pushed his cousin forward onto my chest, spat on his own cock, and started pushing into him. Paco still didn't stop Jaime, but he did stop fucking me, and I could tell it hurt. Jaime didn't seem to mind, though, and kept pushing into Paco until he was all the way in. Then he got a big smile on his face, like he'd finally gotten something he'd been waiting ages for. Paco did eventually get used to having Jaime's dick inside him, and he started fucking me again, and fucking back onto Jaime's dick. I wasn't sure if he was enjoying it at first, but before long, he said, "I'm 'bout to cum," so I guess he was. A few seconds later, Paco pulled out of my ass and started jerking his cock really fast, like he was going to cum on my chest. But Jaime was like lightning—he reached around, pushed Paco's hand out of the way, lined his cock back up to my ass, and shoved Paco forward till he was back inside me. Paco was obviously confused by what Jaime had done, but he was too close to the edge. He instinctively started thrusting into me again for a few seconds, then he threw his head back and started convulsing, as he shot his teenage load deep into my ass. Before Paco had even come down from his powerful orgasm, Jaime was slamming into his cousin, grabbing onto his shoulders, his neck, his hips, my thighs…he was pounding him mercilessly, and I almost felt bad for Paco. Then Jaime grabbed Paco by the neck, pushed his own face up against Paco's, and started shooting his load into Paco's ass. It was one of the hottest things I'd ever seen. After Jaime came down, he pulled out of Paco, and Paco pulled out of me, then we all lay down and caught our breaths. Jaime was obviously really pleased with himself, but Paco wasn't saying anything, and I didn't know what was on his mind. "That was good, huh?" Jaime prompted him. "It was aight," Paco responded, noncommittally. Well that was better than a no, I guess. "You're still hard," Jaime said to me. I looked down, and he was right. "You can fuck Paco if you want." I hadn't expected that at all—Jaime always treated me like his bitch, just like Simon did. And I hadn't topped in years. But Paco wasn't saying anything, just sort of staring at the ceiling, and I wasn't going to miss this chance to get my seed inside this straight-ish teenage thug. So I got between Paco's legs, put them over my shoulders, and spat on my cock. "Wait, you gotta get a rubber," Paco said. Dammit. Well I still wanted to be inside this kid, so I started to pull away so I could get one out of the nightstand, but Jaime stopped me. "I told you he's clean, remember?" Jaime said to Paco. "I wanna see him fuck you. You don't gotta worry 'bout nothing. Trust me, bro." Paco looked at Jaime, then he looked away, then he looked at me, then he looked back at Jaime. And I guess Jaime must have had even more influence over his macho, thuggish cousin than I'd thought, because finally Paco said, "Fine, man," and I started pushing my bare cock into him. Once I was inside him, I couldn't believe how good he felt—he was so hot, and so wet, and he was gripping me so tight. I meant to go slow and give him time to adjust to this new cock inside him, but I couldn't control myself, and soon I was slamming into him and making him squirm. I could tell he was in discomfort, but I didn't care, I was never going to see this kid again, and he felt so good, and I wanted him to remember this fuck. Before long, I was close to the edge, and Paco could probably tell, because he said, "Pull out, man, don't cum inside me." I slowed down then, not sure what to do. Pulling out of him seemed like such a waste, when I hadn't topped in years, and when he felt so good, and when he'd already taken a load of cum from Jaime. I was never going to see him again, so why should I pull out? I knew it was wrong, but it felt so good, and it's what I wanted. Fortunately, Jaime stepped in again: "Bro, I told you, he's safe, you don't gotta worry 'bout nothing, he's clean, man." "No way," Paco said, "I'm not letting no homo cum inside me, no fuckin' way, man." "You just gotta get used to it," Jaime was saying, "you'll like it, I promise, you gotta do it." "No fuckin' way, man," Paco said, and he was getting more agitated. "I'm not a fuckin' homo, I'm not taking his fuckin' cum in me, get off me!" And then Paco started pushing me off, but damn his ass felt good, and Jaime was starting to hold him down, and I kept fucking him. Then Jaime said, "Do you want me to tell your dad you get fucked up the ass?" And I saw a mix of terror, anger, and pleading cross Paco's face all at once, and then he stopped struggling. Jaime let go of his arms and messed his hair up a little. "You'll like it, I promise," Jaime said. God, Jaime was turning into a sick fucker. Had Simon made him this way, or had he always been like this? Paco just sort of looked away, and Jaime said to me, "Fuck him. Cum inside him." I wasn't sure what to do—I wanted to cum inside this boy, and so did Jaime, but Paco didn't want it. Jaime saw my hesitation and said, "Do it, or I'm gonna tell Simon." Fuck, Jaime was blackmailing both of us! I know I should have been angry or worried or something, but all I felt was incredibly turned on, that this 18-year-old was dominating me like this, and giving me orders, and telling me to cum inside his unwilling cousin. I didn't sit around and think about it too much, I just started thrusting into Paco's hole as hard as I could, not caring how much discomfort Paco was in, or what he wanted. I slammed into his teenage ass for a full minute before I felt that familiar tingling in my balls, and I knew I was cumming. Then Paco seemed to have second thoughts, and said, "No, don't!" But it was too late—I was shoving my cock all the way inside his young, slutty hole and giving him an enormous load of cum, whether he wanted it or not. The feeling of shooting my load inside his hot, cummy ass was incredible, and I thought I was going to black out, it was so intense. I knew I had made the right choice. When I'd caught my breath a little and opened my eyes, I had a huge smile on my face. That really had been fantastic. Then I noticed Jaime was still holding Paco's arms, and Paco did not look happy. "I said not to cum in me," Paco said to me. "Well, Jaime told me to," I said. I knew it was a lousy excuse, but it was true, anyway. I slowly pulled out of Paco's cummy and well-fucked hole, then lay down next to him, totally satisfied. My load was in him, and his load was in me. "You'll be fine," Jaime said, letting go of Paco's arms and lying down next to him. "Why're you so worried for?" "'Cuz I'm not a homo," Paco answered, "and I don't wanna fuckin' catch nothing." "You're not gonna fuckin' catch nothing, Paco," Jaime went on. I couldn't tell if he was lying to his cousin, or if he honestly believed what he was saying. "Nothing bad's gonna happen to you, I promise. You just gotta enjoy it." Jaime's words seemed to be working, because Paco loosened up, little by little, and didn't seem quite so angry anymore. "Didn't you like fucking him?" he asked Paco. "I know you did, that's why you're fucking hard again right now." I looked down, and it was true, I couldn't believe it. Paco had just cum, and now he was rock hard again. "Come on," Jaime said, "we can both fuck him now." Paco thought for a minute, then he quietly got between my legs, and shoved into me again. He immediately started fucking at full speed, and with his eyes closed, I guess he was enjoying himself, after all. After a couple minutes, I took a risk, grabbed this straight boy by the back of the neck, and pulled him down for a deep kiss. He pulled back at first, but I kept my hand on his neck, and eventually he started kissing me back, confused at first, then with more enthusiasm. He went back to fucking me while we were making out, and pretty soon I heard him moaning into my mouth, and then he was shooting his second load deep into my ass. He had taken two loads, and given two loads. Paco pulled out and flopped down next to me, and I could just about see a tiny smile on his young, thuggish face. Then Jaime got lined up and pushed in, and started fucking me with his cousin's two loads all around his bare cock now. After he got into a rhythm, he leaned down and started making out with me, too, and I put my arms around him and pulled him into me. This was one hot, twisted fucker, and he was becoming more and more like Simon every day. Jaime kept pounding me, then finally he leaned in next to my ear and shot his slutty teenage load into my ass, to mix with Paco's. When he had finished, he looked down at me, then looked down at his cousin Paco, and got a huge, kind of scary, smile on his face. He was obviously pleased with his work. And so was I, to be honest. Paco wanted to take a shower right away, and when he was getting dressed afterwards, he didn't say anything, and he didn't look at either one of us. Jaime took him back to his place, giving me a deep kiss and a wink before leaving. I wondered if Paco would ever hook up with a guy again? It didn't look like it, but with Jaime working his charms on Paco and seeming more and more like Simon all the time, who knew? Whatever happened with Paco though, I sure as hell had enjoyed fucking him, and taking his cum. With Jaime's and Paco's three loads in me, I didn't care so much what happened between Simon, my boyfriend, and Joel. Having the two boys over had definitely been the right thing to do. But I got to thinking, how many of us were under Simon's spell now, doing the twisted things he wanted us to do, having the sleazy sex he wanted us to have? There was me and my boyfriend, Jaime and Paco, Simon's roommate, my married neighbor, and Greg and Joel from work—eight of us, all doing what Simon wanted, whether we knew it or not. And it had all started that first night I'd met him, outside my apartment building, six months ago. So much had happened since then. My life had been totally different, before I'd met Simon. I wondered what my life would be like in another six months…? Nine: The day after my three-way with Jaime and his cousin Paco, I was back at work, trying to focus, but my mind kept drifting back to my boyfriend. Had he and Simon fucked Joel yesterday, like Simon had said? Had Simon turned my boyfriend into a cheater now, just like me? I stayed at my desk pretty much the whole morning, not wanting to run into Joel. It was too weird working with the guy my boyfriend was probably cheating on me with! When everyone had left for lunch, I figured the coast was clear, so I snuck into the break room for some food. But right as I was turning around to leave, my boss's nephew Greg walked in. "Well, look who it is," Greg said to me with a smirk. He was obviously thinking about the time he and Simon had double-teamed me at the office party. "You staying in for lunch?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm just gonna…eat at my desk," I answered. "Oh, okay," Greg said, looking me up and down slowly, and adjusting his cock in his pants. I started to walk out of the break room and back to my desk, but he was still standing in the doorway, and he wasn't moving out of the way. When I tried to go around him, he leaned in toward me and said quietly, "Everyone's gone for lunch," giving me a suggestive look. I didn't want to sleep with someone I worked with, and I was still upset at Simon for tricking me into doing it the first time. But…fucking around with Jaime and Paco yesterday had made me feel better about Todd probably cheating on me. And Greg was standing really close, and he smelled really great. After a couple seconds, I looked down at Greg's cock—which he adjusted again—bit my lip, and just nodded. Greg took me by the arm then and led me to the back stairwell, which no one ever used. Once we were in, he leaned in and kissed me deeply, feeling up my body. Then he undid his pants, pushed me down, and shoved his cock down my throat. After only a couple minutes of that, he was pulling me up, making out with me again, and taking off my pants. Then he turned me around, bent me in half, and started pushing into my ass, and I didn't stop him. I wasn't thinking about my boyfriend anymore, and I wasn't thinking about how wrong it was to be getting fucked bare by my boss's nephew. I was just thinking about taking Greg's thick cock, and feeling him open me up. Pretty soon, Greg's uncovered cock was all the way inside me, and he held on to my hips and started sliding in and out, and sighing. And it felt so right, being here bent over in a stairwell, letting another guy use my ass to get off. Then I remembered I'd never asked Greg about his status, I'd just let him fuck my ass bareback. Should I stop him? Or at least tell him not to cum in me? But then I realized Simon wouldn't want me to ask about stuff like that, he'd just want me to bend over and let this guy use my ass however the fuck he wanted. And I knew Simon would be happy to hear what a good slut I was, and how I'd taken care of his buddy Greg, and let him fuck me raw. So when Greg grabbed my hips harder and started fucking me faster, I whispered to him to keep fucking me, and to pound my ass, and how much I needed his fat cock inside me, and to cum inside me again, just like last time. And after a couple minutes of that, Greg slammed into me hard, and I knew he was shooting another load into me. After fucking his cum into me for a little bit, Greg pulled out of me, zipped up, gave me another deep kiss, and left. I slowly got dressed again, basking in the afterglow. I actually felt pretty accomplished, and I knew Simon would be proud of me the next time I saw him. Then I heard some footsteps on the stairs, and I practically jumped out of my skin. Before I could think of what to do, Joel came around the corner! And he had a huge grin on his face. Had he heard everything?? "Hot show," Joel said smugly. I didn't know what to say—was he going to turn us in?? Joel kept walking toward me, and I was afraid to move, until I knew what he was going to do. "It sounds like that wasn't the first time you and Greg have messed around?" I didn't say anything. Finally, he asked, "Does Todd know?" The blood drained from my face then. I hoped he wasn't going to tell Todd, or anyone else. I would be so screwed if he did. Joel took a few more steps toward me, then he started playing with my shirt. I didn't like Joel and I wanted him to back up, but I was too afraid to tell him to stop. "We're a lot alike, aren't we?" Joel asked, still smiling at me. Well obviously he was wrong, we were nothing alike! Joel was a whore and a slut who liked sleeping with other people's boyfriends, and I…well I was only doing it because Simon wanted me to. It was completely different! "We have a lot in common," Joel went on, still playing with my shirt. Yeah, like my boyfriend, I wanted to say. "I think we should be friends," he said. Well that was never going to happen, and now that I knew he wasn't going to blackmail me (or at least, I hoped he wasn't), I pulled away from him and walked out of the stairwell. For the entire rest of the day, I kept thinking about what I had done with Greg, and who Joel might tell. I had let Greg fuck me to take my mind off things, but it had only made things worse! I told my boyfriend I wasn't feeling well that night, and I tried to keep a low profile for the rest of the week. A few times, Simon texted me about the hot three-ways he and my boyfriend were having with Joel, which he knew would piss me off. But I couldn't confront Joel and tell him to back the fuck off my boyfriend, because then he might tell someone about me and Greg. It was a rough week. Anyway, that weekend, Todd said he missed me, and he really wanted to see me. I kept thinking about him giving Joel his dick all week, and I didn't really want to see him. But he was being so sweet about it, I finally caved in. Todd let me in through the kitchen, and before I could even say anything to him, he pulled me in for a deep kiss and started grabbing my ass. "I missed you, baby," he said to me, then he started making out with me again. Then he turned me to face the kitchen sink, ripped my pants down, and dove right into my ass, eating me out. He'd never done anything like that before—he was being so confident, and so aggressive. He slapped my ass a few times and moaned into my hole as he ate me out. Was this really my Todd? He was doing a really great job and making me feel incredible, and I was moaning as I bent over the sink. Then he stood up, pulled his pants down, and spat on his cock. Before I knew what was happening, he was pushing his raw cock up into my hole, and he wasn't going slow. I struggled to take him inside me, but then he was all the way in, and he was pulling me up to make out with him as he started fucking me. "You feel so great, baby," he whispered to me with glazed eyes, "I'm so glad you came over." Then he started fucking me hard, not giving me much chance to get used to him. "Oh fuck, you're making me feel so good, baby," he said to me with his eyes closed, and I could swear that was something Simon always said to me. My boyfriend almost never talked during sex. He really was acting different tonight—and I liked it. "You wouldn't believe the week I've had," Todd went on, "I've wanted to get my cock inside you all week, oh god you feel good, so glad you came over, can't wait to cum in you again." Then I remembered that Todd had been fucking around with Joel all week, probably without a rubber. And here he was, sticking it in me bareback, too, and saying he was gonna cum in me. He knew he was fucking around with other guys, but he hadn't even offered to pull out or anything, he'd just stuck his bare cock in me like he always did. But instead of being mad at him or worried, I thought it was hot that he was being so aggressive with me. All I knew was that I wanted to make him feel good, and I wanted his cum in me again. I didn't care who he was fucking around with, he was my Todd, and I wanted his cum inside me, just like always. I started encouraging him then, "Yeah, baby, fuck me hard, use my ass, give me your cock, cum inside me, I need it baby, give it to me!" Todd pulled me in for a deep kiss, and I could see the lust and the need in his eyes. Then he pushed me back down to the sink and started pounding my ass probably harder than he ever had, and really moaning loud. After just a few seconds of that, my hot, cheating boyfriend shoved his bare cock all the way inside me and shot his load deep in my ass, just like he'd said he would. After he came down, he slipped out of me and turned me around to face him. "That was incredible, baby," he said to me, looking totally content. Then he held me and made out with me for a few minutes, and I wrapped my arms around him. His week with Simon had turned him into a completely different person—a really hot fucker, just like Simon was. And I realized then that I wasn't bothered about my boyfriend fucking around anymore, I just wanted him to keep fucking me like that, just like Simon did. That night, Todd pumped two more loads into me, and I begged him for each one. The next day, Simon told me to come over, and I did. It had been over a week since I'd seen him, and I was happy to swallow his cock all the way down my throat, and feel his strong hands on my head, using me. After moaning and sighing for a few minutes, Simon said, "You're probably wonderin' how it went with your boyfriend and Joel, huh?" I stopped sucking for a second, then slowly went back to it. "I know you are," he went on. "Well, your boy was shy at first, but Joel's pussy was too good to pass up, and I got him fuckin' that little slut in no time. Your boy's a beast, you know that? He just needed the right…encouragement, and I gave it to him." Simon laughed. "He painted that boy's walls white! Then I fucked his load in and came inside that boy, too. And he took all of it. Joel's a good fuckin' slut." I didn't really want to hear about Joel, or how much they'd liked fucking him. But I kept sucking Simon, hoping he'd stop talking about him. Then I heard a bang on the other side of the wall, and what sounded like, "Uh, fuck me! Cum in me!" Simon laughed. "My roommate's havin' some fun with that fuckin' whore. Man, that bitch'll take just about any cock, hot fuckin' slut." Well, it sounded like Simon and his roommate both liked fucking sluts—Simon liked fucking Joel, and his roommate liked fucking whoever it was making all that noise. I kept sucking, and Simon continued, "Anyway, me and your boy fucked that slut Joel over and over, gave him like four or five loads or some shit like that. Then a few days later your boy wanted some more! Man, we had that chinky slut over like three or four times, it was fuckin' great. Your boyfriend loved fuckin' that dirty whore, tag-teamin' him, givin' him his fuckin' nut. He pumped so much cum into that pussy. He couldn't fuckin' get enough!" I could tell Simon was trying to get under my skin…and it was working. "Oh and I talked to your boy today," Simon went on, even though I wanted him to just stop, "and he says he fucked your skanky ass last night, came inside you three times. And you begged him for every fuckin' load, just like Joel did. You're turnin' into a hot fuckin' slut, you know that? A hot fuckin' slut. Maybe I should tell him I've been fuckin' your slutty ass for months, I think he'd like that!" And before I could pull off his cock and tell him not to tell my boyfriend a fucking thing, and that I didn't want him talking to Todd about our fucking sex life, Simon slipped his cock head all the way down my throat, and started fucking it, not letting me come up for air. I tried to push him off me so I could breathe, but he just moaned, saying, "I know you can take it, bitch boy, I know you can fuckin' take it." Finally he let me up, and I gasped for air and wiped the slobber off my face. As I was recovering, I heard Simon's roommate moan, probably shooting his load into the slut he was fucking. Then Simon looked at me with a cocky smile and said, "I got a surprise for you, baby doll, one we're both gonna like." Then he knocked on the wall a few times, and a few seconds later…Joel walked in! So that's the slut his roommate had been fucking! God, this whore was everywhere—at work, in the stairwells, with my boyfriend, with Simon, and now with Simon's roommate! And here he was seeing me cheat on my boyfriend again, with my slobber and Simon's precum all over my face. Fuck! I looked over at Simon for an explanation. "Get on your back," was all he said. I stared at him in disbelief for a second, then looked over at Joel, whose cock was sticking straight out, then looked back at Simon, begging him not to make me do this—not with Joel. But Simon gave me a stern look, and looked down at the bed and back at me. Finally, I gave up fighting, and lay down on my back like Simon wanted. Joel got on the bed right away, fingered some of the roommate's cum out of his ass, and lubed up his cock. God, he really was a slut. I couldn't believe I was letting him do this. But with some encouragement from Simon, Joel was pushing his uncovered cock into me, and I was letting him. Then he was all the way in, and Simon was smiling down on me, and rubbing my chest. After I got over my initial feelings of disgust and jealousy, Joel's cock started to feel good inside me. I realized Joel was actually a pretty good top, and really focused on me and making me feel good. After I started to moan, Simon whispered something into Joel's ear, then Joel smiled, and leaned down to kiss me. Well, I still hadn't forgiven him for seducing my boyfriend behind my back over and over, and for being such a skank in general, and I turned away. But Simon grabbed me and slowly turned my head until Joel's mouth was on mine, and his tongue was slipping inside me. And after a few seconds, I started to kiss back, and Simon took his hand off my neck and started rubbing me again. After that, Joel really started fucking me, on my back, on my side, on my stomach…really enjoying getting to fuck the "other" boyfriend, and I was enjoying how good Joel's cock felt in me. Then Joel put me on my back again and really hammered me, leaning down to kiss me a few times. It was really weird not to be mad at Joel anymore, and to be so turned on by his muscular little body slamming into me, and seeing his cute face so close to orgasm. Finally, Joel gave me a few last thrusts, shoved his hard cock all the way inside me, and shot his slutty load deep in me. My boyfriend had pumped his cum into Joel, and now Joel was pumping his into me. Joel slipped out of me and crashed on the bed, and Simon got between my legs and shoved right in on Joel's load. "Oh fuck, boy, that was incredible," Simon said to me, with his cock buried deep in me. "You did so great, baby, you took care of Joel, just like I wanted you to. And he fucked you right, didn't he?" He and Joel smiled at each other. After a few minutes of Simon enjoying himself inside my cummy ass, I saw the bedroom door open, and my married neighbor walked in. I'd seen Simon looking at his phone while Joel was fucking me; I guess this is who he was texting. My neighbor looked at Simon fucking me on my back, and looked at Joel lying naked next to us, and smiled. Then he took off his clothes, got up on the bed with us, and fed Joel his hardening cock. As far as I knew, he'd never met Joel before, but that wasn't stopping him from grabbing Joel's hair and face-fucking Joel like the slut he was. After a few minutes of that, and of Simon fucking Joel's cum into my ass, my neighbor put Joel on his back next to me, and pushed his hard cock right into Joel's cummy ass. They hadn't said a word to each other, but here was my neighbor deep inside Joel, with the roommate's cum all around his bare cock, and he looked like he was loving it. Then Simon wanted to fuck Joel, so he swapped with my neighbor, and pushed some of Joel's own cum from my ass back into Joel, while my neighbor pushed more of the roommate's cum from Joel's ass into me. My neighbor really slammed into me, loving all the slutty cum-swapping, and not knowing whose cum he was fucking into. He leaned down and kissed me deeply while he fucked me, and for a second I thought Simon might be jealous. But when I looked up at him, he was smiling at me, happy to see me taking another raw dick. After a couple minutes, Simon wanted to switch back, and he shoved his bare cock into me, while my neighbor shoved back into Joel and started making out with him. Then Joel started begging my neighbor for his cum, telling him to add it to the load already inside him, saying things like, "Knock me up!" and "Make me pregnant with your babies!" And his begging worked, because my neighbor started really slamming into Joel's little body, and then he moaned, and shot his married load deep inside Joel. After my neighbor came down, Simon looked down on me with a big smile—probably thinking about all the guys he'd introduced to each other, and all the total strangers he'd gotten to fuck each other, no questions asked, and swap cum with each other—and he started hammering me, too. Before long, he was leaning down next to me, holding me close, and shooting his own load inside me to mix with Joel's. Simon stayed in me for a while and slowly fucked all the cum into my ass, kissing my neck. Then he sat up, looked down at me, and said, "I want you to fuck Joel now." I wasn't expecting that, and I looked over at Joel—who was obviously down for anything—and back up at Simon. I didn't usually top, and I still had mixed feelings about Joel and him fucking around with my boyfriend. Simon saw my hesitation and said, "I know you fuck, Jaime told me about you and Paco"—god, I couldn't do anything without the whole fucking world finding out!—"and I don't want you to be mad at Joel anymore, you hear me? I wanna see you fuck that sweet ass, just like your boyfriend does." Being reminded about my boyfriend fucking Joel, I looked over at Joel and gave him a mean look, but he wasn't bothered at all. Instead, he reached over and started stroking my cock. Confused, I pushed his hand away, but he fought me off with one hand and kept stroking me with the other, and after a look from Simon, I finally gave in. I focused on getting hard and tried not to think about Simon and my married neighbor watching the show, and after a couple minutes of Joel's hand on my cock, I was rock hard. Without thinking too much about it, I roughly pushed Joel onto his back, spat on my cock, put his legs up on my shoulders, and slammed my cock into him as hard as I fucking could. Before Joel could adjust, I started slamming him for all I was worth, enjoying his sounds of discomfort. After a couple seconds, I put my hand on his face and pushed the side of his face down into the bed, really fucking him like the cheap whore he was, not caring how he felt. After a few minutes of really destroying Joel's slutty, cummy hole and him struggling to take it, I looked up and saw a light-skinned black guy standing in the doorway, watching us and stroking his cock. Well who the fuck was this? How many people had Simon invited over tonight?? I looked over at Simon, and he looked over at the guy in the doorway, then looked back at me with a smirk. Then he leaned in and said into my ear, "Looks like my roommate wants seconds." My eyes got really wide then. This was the roommate who'd been fucking me for the last six months?? I don't know what I thought he'd look like, but somehow I didn't think I'd ever see him. Now that I was, though, he was really cute, and had some nice muscles, a few tattoos, and obviously a big dick I knew very well by now. It was clear he was only interested in one thing, though. He got up on the bed without even really looking at me, pushed me down onto Joel's chest, and slowly worked his hard, bare cock all the way inside me, pushing in on Joel's and Simon's loads. I couldn't even guess how many times he and Simon had fucked in each other's cum. Once he was in, the roommate started pounding me like I'd been pounding Joel. Now it was my turn to moan and struggle to take it. I felt Joel's arms wrap around me as the roommate pummeled me, and then, after just a few minutes, the roommate was shoving his cock all the way inside me and giving me another big load. After he came down, the roommate slapped my ass hard, said, "Fuckin' sluts," and went back to his room. Then Joel started whispering in my ear, "Fuck me, I need it, give me your cum, fuck me hard, make it hurt…fuck me like your boyfriend fucks me." And with that, I gave this little bitch what he wanted, and started slamming my raw cock into his sloppy hole again, making sure he knew what I thought about him. After just a couple minutes of me slamming into Joel and him begging me for my cum, I could feel the tingling in my balls, and I knew I was about to cum inside this little whore my boyfriend loved to fuck so much. I put my hands around this slut's throat and squeezed, as I shot one of the angriest, most powerful loads I can remember into this whore's willing hole, and it felt incredible. When I came down, I collapsed onto Joel to catch my breath, and he put his arms around me again. Then I pulled up a little and looked at him. He wasn't so bad, really—he just liked getting fucked, like I did. He was a good top, and a great bottom, and he was pretty cute. He was definitely making my boyfriend happy, and making him more aggressive in bed, which I loved. And I knew he wasn't trying to take Todd away from me, he just wanted to have a little fun, like we all did. I realized then that I wasn't mad at Joel anymore—I was actually starting to like him, and his hot little body. I leaned down and kissed him, and he kissed me back and moaned. After I pulled away from Joel and lay down on the bed, my married neighbor took my place and slipped into his ass again, apparently eager to give him load number who-knows-how-many. As I watched them, Simon lay down next to me, and started playing with my ear and rubbing my chest. He whispered to me, "You were incredible, baby doll, I didn't think you'd do it, but you did, you let Joel fuck you, and you fucked him, too. And you're not mad at him anymore, are you?" I shook my head slowly. "Good boy, you're such a good fuckin' boy, and you always do what I tell you." Then he leaned in closer and said, "Now I know why your boyfriend loves you." My eyes shot open. Was he saying…what I thought he was saying? I looked at him, and he had a lusty, intense look on his face. Then he surprised the heck out of me by leaning in and kissing me!! After I got over the shock, I started kissing him back, and running my fingers through his hair. God, I'd waited so long for this! This was the side of Simon that made me want to do anything for him. After a while, he pulled away, and I thought he'd change his mind and say something mean like always did. But he had such a contented look on his face like I'd never seen before. He got between my legs, pushed them back, and slowly slid his hard, bare cock into me. And as my married neighbor hammered Joel's little ass right next to us, Simon fucked me slow and deep, kissing me, telling me how glad he was that I'd come over and how good I was making him feel, and looking like he was in heaven. "Fuck me, Simon," I begged him, "give it to me, I wanna make you feel good, I wanna be yours, fuck me baby…make me yours forever!" Simon started slamming into me then, just like my neighbor was slamming into Joel next to us. And it wasn't long before my married neighbor was cumming inside Joel, and Simon was cumming inside me, and I was pulling Simon in to get all of his hot cum inside me. Simon had a big smile on his face afterward, and he leaned down and made out with me some more. Then after a few minutes, Joel looked at me and said he was ready for round two, and I let him fuck another load into me, as the guys egged him on. Then I flipped him over and pounded him (a little more gently this time), and shot another one of my loads into his slutty hole. Afterwards, I cuddled up next to Simon, a cummy mess, and totally happy. As I drifted off to sleep in Simon's arms, the only thing I wanted was for Simon to keep pumping me full of his cum, and to keep pimping me out, and to make my boyfriend just like him. And I had a feeling that this time, I was going to get exactly what I wanted. Ten: Well, I really did get what I'd wanted. The next six months were a frenzy of fucking, cum-swapping, and orgies. I honestly lost track of all the guys I'd slept with, and all the cum I'd taken. And Simon was always there, encouraging me, pushing my limits, making me into a bigger slut, getting me used to taking cock and cum without any questions. And I loved it—I loved pleasing him, I loved satisfying so many guys, and I loved feeling like a huge fucking slut. Meanwhile, things with my boyfriend were better than ever. After months of both of us cheating on each other basically nonstop, we finally came clean with each other and decided to have an open relationship—a very open relationship. Todd loved the idea, and I was already there, obviously. After that, we had more slutty three-ways, four-ways, and five-ways than I can even count, all bareback, no questions asked. And it was probably the best decision we'd ever made—no more sneaking around, no more lying, no more worrying, and no more guilt. If we wanted to fuck somebody, we fucked him, and if the other one got jealous, we had a three-way and got over it (we ended up having lots of three-ways with Joel). I can't believe how much time we wasted pretending to be monogamous! This was so much simpler—and a lot more fun! Anyway, it was a Saturday night, and Todd and I were over at Simon's again. Todd was bottoming more these days, and right now Simon was fucking Jaime's teenage cum deeper into Todd (Jaime loved fucking my boyfriend), while Todd was fucking the roommate's cum deeper into me. Jaime and the roommate had dropped their loads in us and left, so it was just the three of us now, my boyfriend on top of me, and Simon behind him. Simon had gotten everything he'd wanted—he'd corrupted both me and my boyfriend, turned us into huge cheaters, and finally made us into massive sluts, just like him. He'd turned me, an uptight prude, and Todd, a Midwest farm boy, into the cock-hungry cum-whores we were today. My boyfriend, obviously, had never been happier—he got to fuck around with all the guys he wanted, and I never told him not to. And I was happy, too, to never feel worried or guilty anymore, and to have these two fucking studs in my life, who I'd do anything for. Todd leaned down and said, "I love you, baby." He'd gotten so passionate and so sexy since he'd met Simon. "I love you, too," I said to him, and I meant it. We made out while he fucked into me, then he leaned back toward Simon and made out with him. I loved watching that—the two guys in my life fucking and making out. Then Simon whispered something in Todd's ear, and Todd stopped fucking me for a second, and said, "Now?" Simon nodded, with one of his devilish grins, and I wondered what he was planning this time. Todd looked back down at me, and started saying, "Um, baby, we've been together three and a half years, and I—" Simon grabbed onto Todd's hips and started moving them backwards and forwards, making him keep fucking me. Todd went on, still sliding in and out of me, and fucking himself back onto Simon's cock: "—and I don't wanna be with nobody else but you. Well, I mean, I do, but I don't wanna date nobody else but you. Well, not date, see what I mean is—" "Fuck, man, just fuckin' ask him," Simon interrupted. Todd seemed like he was getting flustered, but finally he got out, "You make me really happy, and I love you, baby, and…will you marry me?" He was asking me now?? In the middle of a sleazy three-way with Simon, with two guys' loads already in us? This definitely wasn't the way I'd seen this happening, but I guess with Simon involved, I should have expected it. I looked at Simon, who was grinning and nodding at me, and then I looked back at Todd, who had stopped fucking me again, and was waiting for my answer. Well, I'd been with Todd longer than with anyone else, and I really did love him and feel happy when I was with him. I knew he'd do anything for me, and I felt the same way—and with Simon on board (actually, it was probably his idea in the first place), it was a no-brainer for me. "Of course I will, baby," I said to Todd, and he leaned down and kissed me again. "Now fuck me hard baby, give me your load, and take Simon's load too, I wanna see you both cum, I wanna see you take Simon's cum again." Then Todd pulled up off me and started fucking me hard, just like Simon had taught him, slamming into me brutally, and fucking himself hard on Simon's bare cock, making sloshing noises from the cum in his ass and mine. "That's right, keep it up, boy," Simon said, his hands on Todd's shoulders, "you're 'bout to make me fuckin' cum." Todd kept hammering into me, and before long, my twisted neighbor was leaning his head back and shooting his load inside my new fiance. Todd kept going at full speed, then he put his hand around my throat and looked me right in the eye with an aggressive look on his face as he shot his load inside me, claiming me, marking me as his. Then they both crashed on the bed next to me, Todd on one side, and Simon on the other. Todd leaned in, and we made out for a while as Simon started jerking me off. Then I turned the other way, and made out with Simon for a bit, and then I lay back and just enjoyed Simon's hand on my cock. I couldn't believe I got to keep both guys, after all the lying and cheating and whoring around that I'd done—and I was about to be happily married, too. It was almost too good to be true. But then I wondered if things would change after Todd and I got married….Would Simon still be around? As if he knew what I was thinking, Simon said to me quietly, "Don't think this changes anything, baby doll. I'm not goin' anywhere, even after you're married. You're still gonna be my bitch boy, no matter what. I own you, ya hear? You're mine!" And with that, I shot a hot, thick load all over my chest, feeling like the luckiest slut in the world. THE END
  12. Okay guys thanks for waiting, here's chapters 7 and 8 (which I posted before, but were deleted), and 9 and 10 (the final chapters). It's been fun guys, thanks again for reading, hope you enjoy:) My Twisted Neighbor 7, 8, 9, 10.pdf
  13. Here are chapters 7 and 8, hope you like them:) I'll try to finish the final chapter this weekend. Seven. For the next week or so I kept thinking about Simon's text in which he said he had "helped move things along a little" between my boyfriend and Joel. Was he trying to get my boyfriend to cheat on me (again), with Joel? I was starting to think Simon liked corrupting people just for fun, and my boyfriend was next on his list. I saw my boyfriend Todd a few times that week, and everything seemed the same as usual. He didn't bring up Simon, or Joel (or what I'd done to him after the office party). Maybe Simon wasn't going to mess with my boyfriend after all, and I had nothing to worry about? I went out of town for a couple weeks to see family, and with all the usual family drama and exhaustion, I completely forgot about Simon's text, and everything else. I was glad to get back, and glad to see Todd again. We went to dinner and a movie, then back to his place for some drinks and some reunion sex. After that, we cuddled, and I listened to him tell me about work. Then he said, "Oh, and I saw your friend Simon." I immediately tensed up, disguising it (badly) as a cough. "Really?" I said, trying to sound casual. "Um, how?" "Oh, I bumped into him at that office party, when I was standing outside, and he was leaving. We swapped phone numbers." Standing outside, with Joel. So Simon had talked to them both. Anything was possible. "Oh great," I said, "So what did you guys do?" "Well the first time, we went rock-climbing, and then we went to the shooting range…oh, and then on Thursday I helped him pick up a couch he got for his place." Oh no, I thought, they'd seen each other three times already. And of course Simon had waited until I was out of town, and out of the way. "Oh that's great, honey," I lied. "Yeah," Todd said, "he's a real cool guy. And a mean shot." My boyfriend was as good as gone, I thought. For the next few days, I went back to obsessing over Simon, his text, and what he was doing to my boyfriend behind my back. Simon, meanwhile, seemed happier than ever, and a few times, I heard him singing as he walked past my window. I hadn't seen him since the party, and I texted him to see if he was free (and to get some answers), but he always said he was 'busy'. Anyway, I was getting home from work, which had gotten pretty stressful since that office party. Several times I ran into my boss's nephew Greg, who had tag-teamed me in an empty office with Simon that night, and who had just started working there (in HR, of all places); and of course Joel, who was after my boyfriend. Anyhow, that night when I arrived home, I stepped out of my car and walked to the lobby to check my mail. One of my neighbors was standing in front of his mailbox, reading his mail, and we smiled and nodded at each other. I opened my box, looked at my mail, threw the junk mail away, and…I noticed that my neighbor was staring at me. I looked up at him, and he had a dirty, lusty, mischievous smirk on his face—the same kind of smirk I'd seen on Simon and Greg at the party, right before they'd fucked me. Did I know this guy? He was Hispanic, a little older than me, about my height, sort of nondescript-looking. After a second, I recognized him as my neighbor from across the hall. He'd moved in a few months ago. But that didn't explain why he was looking at me like that. "Hi," I said tentatively, not really sure how to break the ice. My neighbor didn't say anything at first, he just kept looking at my body like he owned it, and then he started chuckling in a strange way, like I was reminding him of a dirty joke or something. "Hi," he finally said. Somehow he sounded a little sarcastic. Seriously, did I know this guy from somewhere else? He was starting to make me uncomfortable. He chuckled some more, then in his Spanish accent, he said, "I guess you don't recognize me, do you?" He kept smiling, and took a step toward me. In a quieter voice, he said, "Maybe you'd recognize my cock, hm? Maybe you'd recognize me if I were inside you, and you were…cómo se dice?…blindfolded?" And then it all made sense. My heart stopped for a second, and I breathed in sharply. This was the married stranger who'd been fucking me at Simon's place all those times. This is what Simon had meant, when he'd said the married guy "might not be a total stranger" to me. He lived right across the hall! Oh no, I'd gotten fucked by someone in my building without even knowing it. And, I'd seen this guy's family. This was so fucked up. "That's right," my married neighbor continued, "it's me who's been fucking you. And your ass is amazing." Then, in his seductive Spanish accent, he whispered, "I've given you so much of my cum. But it's been a while. Will you let me fuck you?" "I was…out of town," I said, weakly. "Are you going to let me fuck that ass again?" he again asked. I nodded obediently. What was I doing? "Good," he said quietly, with a big smile. "Come over tonight at eleven. You remember where I live?" I nodded again. "I'll leave the door cracked open. Don't knock. And don't wear cologne." I nodded a third time. He took another step toward me, leaned into my ear, and grabbed my ass. "I can't wait," he whispered, and then he walked off. I was in a daze for a few seconds. I'd finally seen the man who'd been fucking me all those times. And someone in my own building knew what I slut I was, and the kind of risky sex I had! I couldn't tell if I was more nervous, or turned on. Anyway, that night at 11 o'clock, I slipped out of my apartment, took two steps, and quietly pushed open my neighbor's door. He was standing in his kitchen with his shirt off, and he smiled at me, then reminded me to be quiet. I leaned the door closed again, then quietly walked over to the kitchen. As I got around the counter, I saw that my neighbor's cock was out, and hard already. He smiled as I walked toward him, then he pulled me in and kissed me, which surprised me. But he was a good kisser, and after a few seconds, I started to kiss back. He reached behind me and grabbed my ass with both hands, and his hard cock pressed against my stomach. Then he gently but firmly pushed me down to my knees, and guided his cock into my willing mouth. Initially he was careful not to make me gag, but eventually his cock head was all the way down my throat, until my nose was buried in his pubes. He sighed appreciatively. I had never done anything like this before—sucking off one of my neighbors, in his kitchen, with his family asleep in the next room. It felt so dangerous, and so slutty. I loved it. My neighbor pulled me to my feet, dropped my pants, turned me around, and bent me all the way over till I was grabbing my ankles. He could still see over the high counter, but I was completely out of sight. He slicked up my ass and his cock, then he slowly started to press in until his pubes were brushing up against my ass. I felt so full, but I held my breath so I didn't make any sound. Once he was in, he started to slowly fuck me, pushing his raw cock all the way in, then withdrawing almost completely out. He kept this up for a long time, and I could tell how much he liked it, and how focused on me he was. I wondered if he did this with other guys, or if I was the only one. I found myself getting turned on, thinking about him fucking other guys like this. Then he pulled me up and whispered in my ear, "You feel so good. I'm going to give you my leche soon, okay?" I nodded eagerly, begging him for it. I wanted his virile cum in me. I wanted him to own me. He pulled me in for another deep kiss, then pushed me back down till I was grabbing my ankles again. Then he started fucking me a little faster, careful not to slam into my ass or make any noise. It was hot knowing how much he was enjoying the fuck, and how much he wanted to just pound me, but hearing him stay perfectly quiet. After a few minutes of him fucking me fast, I felt him push all the way inside me and hold it there, and I felt his body jerk as he was racked with a powerful orgasm, as he held me there in place. I could tell he was holding his breath as he gave me yet another load of his married cum, and silently marking my ass as his again. After what seemed like a whole minute of him shooting inside me, he finally exhaled, and quietly caught his breath, slipped out of my cummy hole, pulled up his pants, and gave me a big smile when I stood up and looked at him. He had obviously enjoyed our secret fuck as much as I had, and he looked totally satisfied now. I smiled back at him as I pulled up my own pants, then I let him walk me to the door. He gave me another deep, passionate kiss, and another squeeze on the ass, then he opened the door and let me out into the hallway. As I walked back into my own apartment, I thought how funny it was that this married stranger looked so basic and average in public, like your typical, ho-hum family guy. But after dark, when everyone was asleep, he was either over at Simon's place, slamming his raw cock into my cummy hole, or he was silently fucking me bareback in his kitchen, giving me load number who-knows-how-many, never once asking about condoms or status. And no one would have guessed, just by looking at him. It was so wrong…and so hot. As I drifted off to sleep that night, thinking about my neighbor's cum still inside me, I wondered if I was starting to like being a slut, instead of just going along with it because it was what Simon wanted. I had definitely enjoyed my neighbor fucking me in his kitchen just now; and if Greg hadn't been my co-worker, I wouldn't have minded having his fat cock inside me again. I didn't totally understand what was happening to me, but maybe I was finally turning into the slut Simon wanted me to be.
  14. Okay here are chapters 5 and 6, enjoy:) My Twisted Neighbor 5.pdf My Twisted Neighbor 6.pdf
  15. Wow I am totally flattered and blushing right now:) Okay hopefully you're cool with PDFs because I have many more stories I want to write. I'll try to get the next chapter up in the next day or two. It involves Simon pushing the main character's limits even further into the taboo, making him do things he never thought he'd do, with people he never thought he'd do them with...and Simon possibly starting to have his twisted influence on the not-so-innocent boyfriend Todd, too. I'm looking forward to writing it, haha. Oh and I will eventually write about who the married stranger is, that'll be a fun one. And maybe the mysterious roommate, too. Anyway, here are the first four chapters as I originally wrote them, and I'll get started on chapter five:) My Twisted Neighbor Lets Me Crash at His Place.pdf
  16. Wow I can't believe so many people like my stories! And that you care about the plot and the characters and stuff. That's really incredible:) They're fun to write. I wonder what my neighbors would think if they knew I was putting them in my stories and people were jacking off to them, haha. The real-life "Simon" walks past my window every day, maybe I'll run into him someday:) I don't think I'll keep writing, though. Someone keeps changing around everything I write without asking me first, which is frustrating. And a lot of times they're making mistakes, which is completely ridiculous. Who edits the editors? Sigh. On the plus side, if I leave it here, everyone gets a happy ending (unless my editor decided to change that, too), even though of course every one of these bastards is guilty as sin:)
  17. I think here might be a good place to leave the story, with everyone getting a happy ending:)
  18. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long. A couple days after my anniversary with my boyfriend (when I'd let him bathe his uncovered cock in Jaime's cum without telling him), Simon said he was free and wanted to "fuck that cheatin' ass" again. I told my friends I wasn't feeling well, and practically ran over to Simon's place that night. I walked into his apartment like he said, and I found him naked on his bed, playing with his hard cock. I wanted to jump on him right then and there. He looked over at me with a mischievous smirk, asking "Been a while, hasn't it?" I nodded, happy to see him again. The last time he'd fucked me had been three weeks ago, the night he'd told me about his plan to get Jaime to come over and give up his cherry, which is just what happened a week later. Jaime and my boyfriend had both fucked me since then, but it wasn't the same as getting fucked by Simon. I wanted him inside me immediately. But as usual, he wasn't going to let me have it that easily. As I was choking on his cock, he told me, "I know you want this dick in you, boy…." He fucked my throat really hard then, making a point, "….but first you gotta take care of my friends." Friends? Fuck, how many dicks did I have to take before he would just fuck me again? I didn't want anyone else, I wanted him. But he always liked to push my boundaries and see what he could get me to do, so I guess I wasn't really surprised. Pushing me off his cock, he handed me a blindfold, ordering "Put this on." I didn't even argue. The faster I got his 'friends' out of the way, the sooner he'd be inside me again. I put the blindfold on. "Good boy," he said, rubbing the side of my face with tenderness that surprised me. "I trained you good, didn't I? You'll do anything for this fuckin' dick, won't you, bitch boy? So fuckin' hot." Then he took his hand away from my face, got up, and left. A couple seconds later, I heard several men enter the room, but I had no idea who they were, or how many. One of them rubbed my ass, and another one put his cock in my mouth, and I started sucking him. As I worked on his cock, the guy behind me buried his face in my ass and started eating me out, very tentatively at first, then with more confidence. Pretty soon he was slapping my ass, then he was lining his cock up and pushing into me. When he was all the way inside me and lying down on top of me, I finally recognized him as Jaime, the kid from across the street. This was the third time in two weeks he was sticking his cock in me, bareback again. I wondered if he was hooking up with anyone else, besides me and Simon. Jaime got into a nice rhythm and started breathing into my ear as I swallowed the cock in front of me. After a while, someone pushed my head to the side, and then Jaime was sucking on the cock, while he was fucking me. Jaime was really turning into a little slut, it looked like. I'm sure Simon was proud of his work. After a few minutes of the two of us sucking the stranger's cock, Jaime started to moan really loud and fuck me harder, and I knew he was close. Then, as Jaime started cumming inside me, I heard Simon's voice, "That's right, boy, give him your fuckin' load again, make him get used to takin' cum, don't even ask, just shoot your fuckin' load inside of him, make him take it." Jaime pulled out, and the guy in front of me moved around behind me and pushed inside my cummy hole. Then after a few seconds, I finally recognized the mystery fucker as Simon's roommate, who'd fucked me plenty of times before. And even though he'd pumped his cum into me every time, I still didn't know what he looked like. Once the roommate had gotten started, I let my head rest on the bed, thinking that these were the 'friends' about whom Simon had been speaking, and that there were no more (which both relieved and disappointed me), but then I felt someone lift my head up, and another cock was being shoved down my throat. It wasn't Simon's, Jaime's, or the roommate's, and it definitely wasn't my boyfriend's. That meant whoever this guy was, he really was a stranger, making him the third random guy Simon was pimping me out to. These are the thoughts I was having, as the roommate gave me his load, and the stranger moved around and forced his cock inside me. This was the third guy in about 15 minutes to stick his raw cock inside me, and somehow it felt totally…natural, like this is what I was supposed to be doing. My hole was totally sloppy with cum now, and there was a complete stranger inside me who only Simon knew, but I wasn't scared or nervous anymore, I was actually starting to like it. God, what was Simon doing to me? The stranger fucking me was being really passionate and kissing my neck and my back, like he'd never fucked an ass before. He was whispering things in my ear, like, "Oh, this is better than I thought," and, "Oh, you're so wet," and, "I've never done this with my wife before." He kept gasping and moaning, and it was actually a big turn-on to be appreciated like that, and to make someone feel so good. Before long, the stranger was gasping and panting in my ear, and then I felt him shove into me really hard and hold it there, and I knew I was getting my third load of the night. The three guys left, I took the blindfold off, and then finally Simon let me sit on his fucking cock. I bounced up and down with a big smile on my face, and Simon put his hands behind his head and let me do all the work. He looked up at me with a big grin as he felt all the cum inside me. After just a few minutes of that, Simon grabbed me and roughly flipped me onto my back to fuck me. But this time, instead of just pounding me into the mattress like he usually did, he was very slow and gentle. He moved in so close to my face that our noses touched, and I thought he was going to kiss me. He moaned softly and his eyes glazed over as he slowly fucked in and out of my wet, sloppy hole. "You have no fuckin' idea how good you feel, baby," he said to me. "You have so much fuckin' cum inside you right now. It was so hot seein' you give it up for my friends like that. You were such a good lil' boy." And I realized then that I would do anything to hear Simon talk to me the way he was talking to me right now. This is what I wanted -- to make Simon happy, to have him inside of me. Before long Simon asked "You ready for my load now?" I nodded emphatically, urging "Yes, please, Simon, I need it, I've been waiting so long, please, I can't wait any longer, give it to me!" "You want me to pull out?" he asked, teasing me. "No!" I practically shouted at him. "Don't pull out, I need you inside me, I wanna make you feel good, make me yours, Simon, please, cum inside me, give it to me!" "Good fuckin' boy," he said with a big smile, and he started pounding me harder, fucking all the cum into me, making loud sloshing noises. He started grunting and groaning, then he leaned in next to my ear, grabbed me tight, and started shooting his load inside me. Finally, I thought, this is what I'd wanted so bad, this is what I needed. I didn't care about anything else. Now I was complete. "Fuck, boy, that was incredible," he said, as he lay down next to me and sighed. "You're learnin' real fast. Takin' a total stranger's dick like that, very nice, boy, very nice." Then he thought for a second, and said, "Well, he might not be a total stranger to you," he said with a chuckle, "but he was to me!" "What??" I asked. I wasn't sure which part was more horrifying -- that Simon had no idea who I'd just let fuck me, or that it might have been someone I knew! "Don't worry, baby doll," he said, pulling me in to cuddle with him, like always. He knew I loved when he did that. "I met him last week, he's a real nice guy, a family guy, you know? He just wants to have a little fun on the side, and I knew you would take care of him. You made him feel so good. Wish you coulda seen the look on his face. You did so great, baby doll, you always do." And then he started to kiss my neck, and I started to forget that Simon had just tricked me into having sex with someone even he didn't know. "You've learned so much," he said, kissing my shoulder now, and sliding his hand down to my cock, "but you have more to learn, and I'm gonna teach you." I didn't know what Simon meant by that. But if it meant I got to keep seeing him, and keep feeling his skin pressed against mine, and keep making him happy, then I was all in.
  19. A couple weeks went by, and I hadn't gone over to Simon's or seen Jaime since that night we took Jaime's virginity. My boyfriend had been pretty busy at work, too, so I hadn't gotten any dick in two weeks and I was definitely in the mood again. Today was my and my boyfriend's three-year anniversary, and I was hoping he was in the mood, too. We'd made plans for dinner and a rom-com at his place, and I was looking forward to it. He'd been extra sweet and thoughtful since we'd gotten back together, and extra passionate in bed. As I was getting ready, I got a text from a number I didn't recognize: "R u at home rn? Want sum" What the hell was this unintelligible nonsense? I ignored the message and went back to getting ready for dinner. A few minutes later, I received another text: " This is Jaime" Fuck, I'd forgotten Simon was going to give him my number. Well I didn't want to see Jaime, especially not on my and my boyfriend's special night that I'd been looking forward to for weeks. I texted Jaime back that I was busy, but he quickly reminded me that Simon had said he could fuck me whenever he wanted. Then he said he'd just been at Simon's place, and that Simon had just fucked him. I guess the thought of Simon rubbing up on this kid and being inside him, instead of inside me, made me both jealous, and horny. I hadn't seen Simon in weeks, and I guess I missed him, so after some thinking, I told Jaime he could come over, as long as he was fast. Jaime was outside my building a few minutes later, and then I was letting him into my apartment. "Nice place," he said, as he started taking off his clothes by the front door. "Thanks," I said, dropping to my knees, and glad he wasn't wasting any time. I got his cock hard while he got undressed, and then I led him back to my bedroom and took my own clothes off. Jaime pushed me onto the bed and put me on my back. Then he put my legs over his shoulders, spat on his cock, and started pushing into me, commenting as he did so "I'm so horny from Simon fucking me," as his bare cock started sliding into me. It occurred to me that this kid had never once fucked or gotten fucked with a rubber; all he knew was barebacking. "He fucked me so hard this time," Jaime continued, "and he wouldn't let me jack off. He told me to come over here and fuck you." "Where did he cum?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear him say it. "In my ass," Jaime said, as he got all the way inside me, explaining "It's still there right now." I was still nervous about all this cum-swapping that was going on, and I knew it was the riskiest thing I'd ever done, especially considering how much Simon got around. But the thought of Simon's seed being planted deep inside this young cub while he was fucking me, made me want to take his cum, too. I knew it didn't make sense, but in a way it made me feel more connected to Simon, like he was fucking me, too. And that made something switch inside me, and before I knew it, I was pulling this kid into me, and whispering into his ear to fuck me hard and give me his seed, telling him I needed it, and I wanted it so bad. I couldn't believe what I was saying to this boy, who was a complete stranger except for the one time two weeks ago that we'd met and he'd rape-fucked me and cum inside me without asking permission. But I was horny, and his dick was hitting the spot, and feeling him heave and pant on top of me was just what I needed. Plus I could just smell Simon's cologne still on him, and knowing Simon's cum was buried in his ass right now made me feel like Simon was there, too. My nasty whispering apparently did the trick, as, after a few sweaty minutes, Jaime started panting and moaning in my ear, and I knew he was about to cum. Then all of a sudden, I remembered I was supposed to meet my boyfriend that night, and that we'd probably be fucking. How could I explain some stranger's cum inside my ass when my boyfriend stuck his cock in me? "Wait, don't cum inside me," I told Jaime, "cum on my chest." I figured Jaime would do what I told him, because I was older than him. Well, apparently I was wrong, because he just kept moaning into my ear and fucking me. What the hell? Had Simon created a Mini-Me clone or something? Jaime was completely ignoring me! "I have to see my boyfriend tonight, don't cum inside me," I said, with a little more urgency. But Jaime kept going. I tried pushing him off me, but he was stronger than he looked, and he easily threw my hands off him. "Simon said I had to cum inside you," Jaime whispered hoarsely into my ear, "he said you had to get used to taking cum." What kind of monster had Simon created in two weeks?? And he was listening to Simon over me?? I didn't know what to do, because I really didn't want my boyfriend to find out I was being pimped out by my next-door neighbor and sleeping around behind his back (and especially not on our anniversary), but I also wanted to please Simon, and I liked that Simon was thinking about me even when I wasn't with him…even if it was for something perverted like this. While I was trying to decide what I should do, Jaime suddenly grabbed me tight, pushed all the way inside me, and started moaning really loud, and I knew he was cumming inside me for the second time. And instead of fighting him off again, I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me, accepting that he and Simon had made this decision for me, and that there was nothing I could do about it now. When he'd caught his breath a bit, he pushed up off me, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said with a smile, "Fuck, that was even better than last time." And I had to admit, he was getting better. How often had Simon been fucking him? As he pulled his softening cock out of me, he said, "Keep my cum inside you." I started to say again that I was going to see my boyfriend tonight, but he interrupted me with, "Simon says you have to." He stared at me until I closed my mouth and just nodded. Simon says, so what could I do? Jaime left my apartment with a satisfied look on his face. Simon had given his cum to Jaime, and Jaime had given his cum to me. Jaime's work was done. But mine was just beginning -- I still had to go over to my boyfriend's for our anniversary. I let him know that I was running late, and he said that was fine, dinner wasn't ready yet. I quickly took another shower, trying to think how I could keep my boyfriend from discovering the load inside me. Maybe I could say I'd lubed up before coming over? But I'd never done that before, so he might be suspicious. Ugh, my life had gotten so complicated since I'd met Simon. Why couldn't I just stop seeing him? I finished getting ready and drove over to my boyfriend's place. He let me inside with a hug and a long kiss. The place smelled amazing (he told me he'd gone to the farmer's market, and he'd been working on dinner since last night), re-runs of our favorite show were on TV, and he had a glass of wine waiting for me. As I watched him cook, and listened to him talk about work, food-shopping, and the latest tricks his vintage Mustang had taught itself, I started to forget about my complicated life, and Jaime, and Simon, and Simon's mysterious roommate, and just enjoy how easy things were when I was with my boyfriend. My boyfriend Todd was a chemical engineer, a little older than me, a little taller, and definitely more built. He was a Midwesterner, genuine, and easy to be around (even if I did get sick of trying to explain to him what sashimi was, or getting him to understand that no, cottage cheese is not a kind of pudding). Todd had only been with a few other guys when we'd met three years ago, which I think was part of the reason he'd decided to go "exploring" with other guys, to see what was out there. When I'd caught him cheating, I'd stopped talking to him, but Simon insisted I get back together with him, which is what I eventually did. Since then, Todd had been super affectionate, and more aggressive in bed, even. Things were actually better between us now, and I was almost glad he had cheated. And I know we should have gone back to using condoms until he could get tested again, but when we got back together, he went right back to fucking me bareback and cumming inside me, and I guess I never told him not to. Anyway, as Todd was trying to explain to me the difference between bituminous coal and anthracite (somehow this related to his Mustang story, although I couldn't remember how), I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. When Todd's back was turned, I looked down and saw it was a text from Simon. My heart skipped a beat, since I hadn't heard from him in two weeks, but then I felt the weight of all the lies and the guilt that I'd almost forgotten. When Todd had finished his car story (which I really had tried to follow, unsuccessfully), I excused myself to the bathroom, and when the door was closed, I looked at Simon's text: "Jaime says u took care of him good. Is his nutt still in u like he told u?" Ugh, I'd forgotten about that problem. I still didn't know how I was going to explain that to Todd. I wrote back "Yes. I can't really talk now though, I'm with bf. D on't know what to tell him when he finds Jaime's load" Simon's reply was fast: "Hot. U'll think of something. Oh and tell him I said happy anniversary" How did he know it was our anniversary? I didn't remember telling him, although who knows what I'd said when his tongue was up my hole all those times. Well of course I wasn't going to tell my boyfriend that the guy I was cheating on him with (well, one of the guys, anyway) wished him a happy anniversary. Simon was just teasing me, like he always did. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, and when I came back out, Todd didn't suspect anything. I hated sneaking around on him. But I couldn't quit Simon, either. I tried not to think about it. The dinner was incredible, the rom-com was perfect, and we both had plenty of wine. Todd started getting handsy as soon as the credits started rolling, and he was taking off my shirt and sliding his hands down my pants pretty quick. I felt his hard-on pressing into me, and I immediately undid his pants and swallowed his cock down to the base. It felt so good to choke on him, and he grabbed my ears softly and sighed. Before long, we were in his bed, and he was throwing my legs over his shoulders and spitting on his bare cock, just like Jaime had earlier today. He gave me a big smile, obviously really happy I'd come over, then he started to push in. I squeezed my hole shut a little, hoping he wouldn't notice I'd just gotten fucked already, and I think it worked. But eventually he got his cock all the way inside me, and when he did, he made a moaning sound I hadn't heard him make before. Then he started sliding in and out, and he seemed to be in ecstasy. "Oh baby, you feel so good," he whispered, with his eyes closed. He fucked me like he was in a trance. "Oh god, you're so wet." He really seemed to like it, and started fucking me harder, and more urgently. Then he leaned down and kissed me passionately. He'd never fucked me like this before. "Oh baby, you feel so good," he repeated, "I'm not gonna last long." He picked up the pace, and really pounded Jaime's load into me, moaning loudly. I wondered what he would say, if he knew he was bathing his raw cock in Jaime's cum? If he knew he was actually having sex with two people tonight, instead of just one? Would he be freaked out? Or would he be turned on by the risk and the sleaziness? After just a couple minutes of piledriving me, Todd started hammering into me, moaning loudly, and throwing his head back, and I knew he was cumming inside me, adding his hot load to Jaime's. He came so intensely, I thought he might black out, and his orgasm seemed to go on forever. I couldn't imagine how much cum I had inside me now. After he finished, he leaned forward and started kissing me all over. "That was amazing," he panted. Then without another word, he lay down next to me, sighed, and fell sleep. Phew. It looked like the big dinner, the wine, and that epic orgasm had done the trick, and he was out before he could ask me why my hole had been so wet inside. Hopefully he wouldn't remember in the morning, and I wouldn't have to answer any questions. But as much as I loved being with my boyfriend, I couldn't help but think about Simon, too. Things definitely weren't easy when I was with him, but at least I didn't have to sneak around and lie when I was with him. Actually, I didn't have to think at all -- Simon always did the thinking for both of us. I knew it didn't make any sense, but even as I lay there next to my amazing boyfriend who would do just about anything for me and who was so easy to please, I wondered when I could see Simon again….
  20. Thanks guys for all the upvotes and the comments, I can't believe how much you like the story so far:) I was just going to write the one post, but after I saw all your feedback, I wrote the second post, and I have some ideas for a third. But does anyone know the paragraph policy? In other stories, I've seen people put dialogue in one paragraph instead of starting a new one for each speaker. And I like that because then you don't have to scroll as much to read the story. But now I'm looking at my first post, and it looks like someone broke up the paragraphs so each speaker gets a new one (but they left my second post the way I wrote it). I guess the issue is, they left off a period, and they didn't break up all the paragraphs (maybe they missed those). And since there's no way for me to edit my post, it looks like I don't know how to punctuate. I know it's a small thing, but other people changing what I've written but leaving my name on it is a pet peeve of mine, what can I say? This story has definitely been fun to write, but it really takes a lot of time, and if someone is going to go back and edit my deep, dark fantasies after I've gotten them just the way I want....I don't know, maybe I shouldn't write them up here? I'm new to posting, so I don't know whether other websites edit posts after they're written, maybe they do. I guess it just feels strange. Anyway, thanks for reading, you guys are awesome, as always:)
  21. A lot happened over the next few months. Simon texted me a few times, but I didn't want to see him, I just wanted to put the whole thing behind me and forget it had ever happened. I went back to my boyfriend, and everything pretty much returned to normal. Then I started noticing that when Simon would get home, he wouldn't always be alone. I'd hear his hip-hop music pumping as he drove onto our street, then I'd hear him walk past my window, but with the click-click-click of some girl he'd picked up at the clubs walking next to him. Sometimes they'd be talking, and it seemed like I never heard the same girl twice, it was always someone different. Then they'd go back to his place and do who-knows-what. At first it didn't bother me, he had his life and I had mine. But then I started thinking back to the way he had nibbled my ear and kissed my neck when we were cuddling, and how his chest felt pressed up against my back…. And the thought of someone else getting to feel that instead of me -- a lot of 'someone else's -- made me feel cheap, like it hadn't meant anything to him. And then it made me feel angry, that they all got to feel that and I didn't. And then I realized I wanted to see him again. So I went crawling back to him, just like he'd said I would, and I think he liked that even more than if I'd given in right away. For the next few months, he had me over whenever he couldn't find any 'bitches' to fuck. And he loved to humiliate me: one time he made me wear panties while we were cuddling, the next time he fucked me late at night outside on the balcony. Another time he made me talk to my boyfriend while he was deep inside me, and the next time he wrote "SLUT" on my forehead in marker before he'd let me go home. He always let his roommate fuck me afterwards, just like the first time, and he never let me see the roommate, so I still didn't know what he looked like. He was always thinking of some way to make me feel like worthless trash, but he could be so sweet and tender when he felt like it, that I just kept going back. Meanwhile, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me, and I stopped talking to him for a while. Well, Simon didn't like that at all, and after he gave me a piece of his mind a few times, I got back together with my boyfriend. I don't know if he liked the thought of my boyfriend sleeping around behind my back, or if he just liked fucking a cheater (me), but whatever the reason, Simon fucked me extra hard when I told him I'd gotten back together with my boyfriend. And lastly, this high school boy and his family had moved in across the street, and I sometimes saw him and his brothers playing on the sidewalk with their bikes and their skateboards or whatever. The boy was beefy and Latin, and good-looking I guess, but I never really paid him much attention…until I noticed Simon chatting with him every once in a while. They would goof around and laugh, and pretty soon I started hating that boy. Why didn't Simon ever goof around with me? Why was he always trying to humiliate me? I tried to ignore them. Anyway, it was a Friday night, and Simon was hungrily eating my hole, making me tell him about my latest date with my boyfriend. I hated talking about private time with my boyfriend when I was with Simon, I always felt like Simon was laughing at him for being such a blind fool. But every time I stopped talking, I got a hard slap on the ass, so I kept going. When I got to the part where my boyfriend had fucked me and had cum inside my ass, Simon moaned approvingly as he ate me out. Then he moved up and started lining his hard cock up with my hole, like he'd done so many times before. Having prepared for this, I said, "Hold on one sec, I have some --" and I reached down into my jeans and pulled out a couple condoms I'd brought with me. Simon had fucked me about six or seven times now, and he'd never used a rubber, and he'd never pulled out. I'd been too afraid to say anything before, but now I thought maybe he cared enough about me and my health (and my boyfriend's) to wrap it up. He knew I wanted his cock, but he really did hook up with a lot of other people, and I didn't want to catch anything or give anything to my boyfriend. "Can you -- can you wear one of these this time?" I asked him. "The fuck is that?" Simon asked. He was not happy. "They're…condoms. We've hooked up a few times, and I just thought…we should be safe, you know?" The room was dark, but from the pale light coming in through the blinds, I could tell he was staring at me, unamused. I saw something dark and a little scary flash behind his eyes, then he said, "Open it." So I opened one of the wrappers and took out a condom, not sure why he was looking at me like that. "Unroll it." "But, it has to go on your --" I started to say, but he raised his hand and lifted it back, so I stopped talking and quickly unrolled the rubber like he said. "Now throw that shit on the floor," he said, and I realized he wasn't going to put it on. I threw it down, then he made me do the same with the other one, then the wrappers. "We're not gonna have this conversation again, are we?" he said, looking into my eyes menacingly. I shook my head, and after a second, his expression softened, just a little. "Now turn around," he ordered, "face down, ass up." I did what he said, and he gave me a brutal fucking that night, pulling all the way out and slamming all the way back in, making it hurt more than usual. I realized he was probably looking at his bare white cock every time he pulled out, and plunging it all the way back into my submissive hole just to prove a point. Finally, after what felt like forever, he said, "I'm gonna bust my fuckin' nut inside your cheatin' ass, just like your boyfriend does." And he did, just like all the other times he'd fucked me. After he came down, he pulled me up against him and cuddled tenderly with me, as if our conversation and that brutal hate-fuck had never happened. As he was gently kissing my neck, he quietly remarked "I need your help, baby doll." My heart fluttered. He needed me for something?? Well that feeling got crushed immediately when he continued, "There's this kid across the street I wanna get my dick inside, and you're gonna help me." "Me?" I asked, "What do you need me for?" I could feel my blood start to boil, as I thought of Simon laughing and talking to that new kid like they were buddies. I hoped that wasn't who he was talking about. "This Mexican boy Jaime just moved in across the street," he started explaining, and I felt something in between heartbreak, anger, and jealousy, as I knew it was the same kid. Why wasn't I enough for him? Then I realized how stupid that thought was, when I was the one stepping out on my boyfriend. "He turns 18 in a few days, and I wanna be the first one in there, cuz that shit ain't goin' stay cherry for long, nahmean?" If I was understanding him correctly, Simon wanted to take this kid's virginity before anyone else did, but god he was young! And so innocent. He still played on his little trick bicycle and scooters with his little brothers. Had I looked that innocent when I was 18? Then I remembered one of the first guys I'd hooked up with had been twice my age, so maybe 18 wasn't such an innocent age after all…. "So what do I do?" I asked, still not understanding what any of this had to do with me, and not really wanting to be a part of it, either. "I just need you to be there for…moral support," he said, "to make him feel comfortable 'n' shit." This still didn't make sense to me, but as he nibbled my ear and slid his hand down to my cock and balls, I agreed to help him. He needed me, and that was enough. A week later, I was back at Simon's place working on his cock while he was texting with the kid, who was trying to get away from his family and come over. I just wanted it to be the two of us, without that stupid kid ruining everything. But it's what Simon wanted, and he knew I couldn't say no to him. So I stayed on his fat cock, trying not to think about how many people he'd fucked with it since I'd seen him last. "Oh snap," he said, "kid's comin' over. Can't wait to get this hard cock in that phat virgin ass!" As he said this, he pushed my head all the way down on his cock and made me gag for an extra long time, slapping my hands away when I tried to come up for air. Finally he let me go. After I had caught my breath a little and wiped the slobber off my face, he took me delicately by the chin and pulled me right up to his face, so close I thought he was going to kiss me. "I'm so glad you're here, baby doll," he said to me so quietly, "I couldn't do this without you." And I think at that point I would have done anything this man had asked. "Now get back on my fucking dick," he said, and pushed his cock back down my throat for a few jabs, before extracting himself from my hold, getting to his feet, pulling on a pair of shorts on and leaving me alone in the bedroom. Why was he always messing with me like this? Did he like me, or was I just a fuck to him? And why did I keep coming over?? When he came back into the room with Jaime, he was grinning from ear to ear, obviously pleased with his latest catch. Jaime looked happy, too, but nervous. I watched as Simon took off Jaime's clothes, and saw that Jaime was already hard. Simon had him lie down on the bed on his back. "Have you ever gotten your dick sucked and your ass licked at the same time?" he asked Jaime. Jaime shook his head. "Well you're about to," Simon said, as he lifted up Jaime's legs and dove in. I took that as my cue to work on this kid's cock, so I did, even though I knew nothing about him and technically hadn't even spoken to him yet. What was I doing? Well, Jaime loved the attention, and I started warming up to the whole idea, too. He seemed like a nice-enough kid, and in a way I guess it was hot to work with Simon to make him feel good. I started rubbing his body and playing with his balls, and he liked that, too. Then Simon started working a finger inside his hole, and after Jaime relaxed onto that, a couple more, asking "Are you ready to get fucked, Jaime?" "I think so," Jaime answered, so Simon spat on his cock a few times and lined it up with his hole. "I'm just gonna go in a lil' bit so you can get used to it, alright?" Jaime seemed okay with that, and nodded. So I leaned directly over where Simon's hard white cock was rubbing against Jaime's virgin brown skin, looking so evil and menacing. I could stop all this right now, save this kid's innocence, keep him from the life of cheating, lying, humiliation, taking loads from complete strangers, and worrying about the consequences that I'd found myself in since I'd met Simon, but then I got another flash of all the times the two of them had been joking around easily, right outside my fucking window, rubbing in my face how happy they were together, and how much more Simon liked Jaime than he liked me. And that's when I decided this kid deserved what was coming to him. If he was going to get the fun, easygoing Simon in public, he was going to get the sick, twisted Simon in the bedroom, too. So I spat a few more times on Simon's cock, and watched with dark satisfaction as it sank, inch by inch, into this kid's dumb, unprotected hole. To his credit, Jaime took Simon's thick cock like a champ, eyes closed in concentration. Then, when it was about halfway inside, Jaime opened his eyes and said, "Oh wait, are you wearing a rubber right now?" I surprised even myself by saying, "Don't worry, he's only like this much inside you," holding my fingers barely an inch apart. "He's just letting you get used to him." "Oh really?" Jaime asked, obviously in some pain. "It feels like he's all the way in already." "Just relax," I said, rubbing his hairless boy-chest, "this is your first time, so you have to let him loosen you up. Do you want me to suck your cock again?" He nodded, so I went back down to his cock, and I saw Simon give me a big grin, like he was so proud of me. A nd that's when I knew I was doing the right thing. When Simon finally got all the way inside Jaime's ass, he started to slowly pull out and push back in, as I slowly worked on Jaime's cock, not wanting him to cum yet. Simon was getting into a rhythm, and as I looked up at him, I could see the satisfaction on his face. Then Jaime asked, "Okay, can you put a rubber on now?" But Simon didn't say anything, he just kept fucking him slowly. It was weird to be watching Simon do the same thing to this kid that he'd done to me the first time he'd fucked me. Jaime didn't know what to do, so after a few seconds, he looked over to me for help. But instead of helping him, I said, "Don't worry, Simon's always really careful, he almost never hooks up and he always plays safe except with people he trusts. I have a boyfriend but I still let him fuck me because he's always safe. Wait, you're clean, right?" The kid nodded with wide eyes. "Okay good," I said, "then he can trust you, too. You don't have anything to worry about, just relax and enjoy him inside you. Is he starting to feel good yet?" He nodded again. "Awesome, you're doing so great," and he smiled at me. God, this kid was dumb and deserved whatever he got. I went back to playing with his hard cock and balls to distract him, while I watched Simon looking like a stud, pounding his thick meat into this formerly innocent high school boy, taking this prize he'd had his eye on for months. After Jaime was opened up and stopped asking about rubbers, Simon really started fucking him with gusto: on his back, on his side, on his hands and knees, on his stomach, and then on his back again. "You're doin' so great, kid," Simon said with a big smile, obviously happy to be the one corrupting this teenager, continuing by commenting "You're almost done." With that, he started really pounding Jaime, making him feel it, and sending shockwaves through the kid's beef that were hot to watch. Jaime took it like a pro, and I was amazed his cock stayed hard through it all -- Simon really was being rough with the kid, but I liked seeing him in discomfort under Simon's onslaught. Then Simon started moaning, and I knew he was about to cum. I half expected Jaime to beg him to pull out or something, but I guess my lies to him earlier about Simon being 'careful' and 'safe' had done the trick, because he just watched Simon get closer and closer as he fucked him, and didn't say anything. Simon gave a few last, brutal thrusts, and moaned loudly as he shot his cum of unknown status deep inside this dumb teen's unprotected hole. I could tell Simon was very pleased with himself, because his mouth was open in a big smile as he looked up at the ceiling and slid his cock in and out a few more times. He slowly pulled out, then crashed on the bed between me and Jaime. "Fuck, kid, you were great," Simon said, which made Jaime smile, too. "Definitely worth the wait. And that was your first time getting fucked?" Jaime nodded. "Fuck, that's hot, son." After catching his breath for a few seconds, Simon looked down at Jaime's cock and said, "Looks like you're still hard. You ready for the other part of the deal?" Jaime nodded with a big smile. Well it sounded like Simon was going to get Jaime off, or maybe let Jaime cum on his chest or something. That sounded alright, but it looked like my part in this entire twisted thing was over. Then Simon was on top of me in a flash, grabbing me and pulling me down onto the bed. He'd done this to me enough times for me to realize I was wrong again, and that the other part of the 'deal' was the kid fucking me now, whether I wanted it or not. And incidentally, I didn't. Simon never lined up guys for me to fuck after he'd fucked me, actually he always did the exact opposite, and let his roommate fuck me, too. And he and Jaime had had this 'deal' the whole time, and hadn't told me? Is that how he'd gotten Jaime to come over? And was that the only reason he'd said he 'needed' me to come over tonight? I felt totally used and stupid, once again. As Simon held me down, Jaime climbed on top of me and lined his cock up with my hole. Simon spat a few times, probably showing Jaime how to lube up before fucking an ass, and then Jaime was eagerly shoving his hard teenage cock into me, never once asking if I wanted it or if I was ready. I couldn't believe I had kept this entire night from derailing when I'd convinced Jaime to take Simon's cock without worrying. I could have stopped this whole thing back then, and then I wouldn't be getting split in half by this horny teen who just wanted to get off and didn't care if it hurt. Maybe that's why Simon had given me that satisfied look back then, because he knew I was making sure I'd get fucked by yet another stranger, I just didn't know it at the time. And because of my stupid talk to Jaime about not needing condoms, here he was sticking it in me bareback. After a few tries, with Simon holding me down as I screamed into the pillow, Jaime got his young, hard prick all the way inside me, and immediately started pounding me as hard as he could. You'd think someone who'd just taken a cock up his ass would have a little more sympathy and patience, but Jaime fucked like he was just trying to get to the finish line as fast as possible. He pounded me mercilessly for a few minutes, then just as I was starting to loosen up, he moaned, slammed all the way into me, and started shaking all over. "That's right kid, give him your teenage cum," Simon encouraged him. "You didn't even ask if you could bust your nut inside him, so fuckin' hot." Jaime rolled off me once he'd finished shooting all of his load inside me, then Simon got off me, too. "Did you like that?" Simon asked, but I knew he wasn't talking to me. "Haha yeah, a lot," Jaime said, out of breath, "that felt so good." "Good. So are you gonna keep lettin' me tap that ass?" Simon asked. Jaime thought for a second, then he said, "Okay, but do I get to keep fucking him too?" Before I could say anything, Simon answered, "You know it, anytime you want, just keep lettin' me get at that hot ass of yours. I'll text you his number." "Haha, deal," Jaime said, the stupid twerp. I looked up at Simon to protest this arrangement -- the neighbor kid fucking me so Simon could keep fucking him -- but Simon gave me a warning look, so I stayed quiet. Is this how it was going to be? Simon pimping me out to more and more guys because he knows I can't say no to him? I could never predict what he was going to do. Why did he like it so much when other guys fucked me? I didn't understand him at all. Simon sent Jaime back to his family, full of his cum, and once again cuddled up next to me in bed. At least this was one thing he did with me that he didn't do with Jaime. "You were fuckin' perfect, baby doll," he whispered into my ear as he kissed my neck again. "The way you got him to take my raw cock was incredible. And you heard how happy he was after you let him fuck you? I told you I needed you here, baby, I need you. We make a great team, don't we?" Simon was messing with my head big-time. He was getting me to do all these sinful things, and to take huge risks that I never would have taken just a few months ago. Part of me just wanted my simple old life back, back when it was just me and my boyfriend, before I'd even met Simon, but I think I was falling for Simon more and more, because instead of telling him all the things I was upset about, all I said was, "Mm-hm." And all I was thinking about was that he needed me, and that we were a team. And if all I had to do to make him happy was to let a few guys fuck me every once in a while, I guess I could do that….
  22. It was Saturday night, and I had just gotten back to my apartment building, when I realized I didn't have the key to my front door. I'd taken it off my key ring for a friend to use that afternoon, and I'd forgotten to put it back on. Well now what was I going to do? It was 1:30 in the morning, everyone in the building was asleep, my boyfriend was gone on a business trip, and everyone else I knew was on the other side of town. As I was thinking about spending the night in my car, I saw one of my new neighbors drive by, probably just getting home like I was. He'd just moved into the building next door, and I'd seen him walk past my window pretty much every day, wearing his work clothes and looking fine as hell. He was white, pretty tall, and blasted hip-hop music in his car whenever he drove by. He always walked with swagger, but he also seemed really approachable, too, like he was always on a chill pill, and nothing ever bothered him. I'd been hoping to run into him at some point. My neighbor parked on the street and started pimp-walking toward his apartment, like he always does. I was still trying to think of where I was going to sleep that night, as he walked past my building. He nodded at me asking "Whatsup?" "How's it goin'?" I replied, thinking to myself he looked just as good up close as he did from afar. Then he paused at the foot of the staircase, looked at the keys in my hand, looked at the locked door to my building, and looked back at me and put the picture together asking "Are you locked out?" "Yeah," I said, laughing self-consciously, "I left my key inside." "Aw, shit," he said, "what are you gonna do?" "I don't know, it's not too cold. I guess I'll sleep in my car." "Ah for real?" he asked, "that sucks." "It's alright," I said with a shrug, "it's just one night." He seemed to think for a second, then he said, "Yo, I got like a big chair back at my place. You can crash there tonight if you want. It's gotta be more comfortable than sleeping in your car, man." My heart skipped a beat at that point. I'd seen this guy from a distance several times, but never even thought to speak with him, let alone being in a position where he would invite me to spend the night back at his place! I knew it didn't mean anything, which was good since I had a boyfriend anyway, but how could I say no? "That would be really awesome," I said, "are you sure it's okay?" "Yeah, man, it's cool, we're neighbors, right?" "You are incredible," I said, "I'll be gone first thing in the morning." "Don't sweat it, man." I tried not to look too eager as I walked down the stairs and let him take me back to his place. He told me his name was Simon, he'd just gotten back from some clubs with his friends, and he wanted to crash as soon as we got back, which was fine with me. He had a roommate, but the roommate was a heavy sleeper, so we didn't have to worry about waking him up. The chair in Simon's room was big and comfortable, and I was just starting to go to sleep, when I heard him say, "Fuck." I didn't think anything of it and started to go back to sleep, when he said, "Fuck, man." I sat up a little and looked over to where he was lying in bed. "What's -- what's wrong?" "It's all these bitches at the club, man. They want you to buy them drinks, buy them drinks, and they be rubbin' up on you all fuckin' night long, but then when you wanna take them home, then they got a 'boyfriend', or 'Maybe next time,' or some shit like that." "Oh really?" I asked, having no clue about bitches in clubs, then realizing I'd totally just given myself away. He didn't seem to notice, though. "Fuck yeah, man, and now I'm trying to get the fuck to sleep, and they got me hard as a fuckin' rock." What did he just say? Did he really just tell me he had a fucking hard-on, and did he tell me this as I was prepared to spend the night in his bedroom? Is this what straight guys normally talk about with each other? Or was he looking for…something else? "You're -- you're hard right now?" I asked, trying to figure out what the heck to do. "Rock, fucking, hard," he said without hesitation. "How the fuck am I gonna go to sleep like this?" I was glad the room was dark, because I probably looked like a deer in the headlights. If he weren't my neighbor, if I didn't have a boyfriend, and if I'd had a few drinks in me, I might have jumped at what seemed like an open invitation to this hot straight guy's cock. But if I made a move on my straight neighbor who walks past my place every day, and it turned out I was wrong…. Just then, I heard him make a slapping noise, one, two, three times. "Uh, Simon?" I asked. "Yo." "What was that?" "That was my fuckin' cock, man, I'm tellin' you, I'm rock hard right now, I can't go to sleep." "It just sounded like your hand or something," I said, still trying to buy time and figure out whether I should just go for it, or forget the whole thing. "Yo, if you don't believe me, turn on the fuckin' light, man." I still didn't know what to do, but there was nothing wrong with just looking, was there? So against my better judgement, I got up, went to the light switch, and turned it on. And there was Simon, no shirt on, his boxers pulled down, and his seven inch hard cock pointing straight up to his belly button. He lifted his cock up, then let it smack down hard on his abs a few times. So that was the slapping noise I'd heard before. "Wow, you're really hard," was the only stupid thing I could think of to say. "What are you gonna do?" "I need to fuckin' bust my nut," he replied, adding "I don't even care, a hot mouth, or a tight pussy, or whatever the fuck, you know?" When I didn't respond right away, he looked at me and asked, "You like dick, don't you?" "What?" I asked, panicked. I wasn't expecting that question, even though I guess it was obvious. "I -- yeah, I ...." "Can you help a brotha out? Please, man," he said, making his fat white cock smack on his abs a few more times, then looking back at me. I knew I had a boyfriend, and I knew I shouldn't be messing around with guys who lived right next door…but how many times was I going to get a hot straight guy begging me to suck his cock? So I turned the light off again, figuring that's how he'd want it, and walked over to the bed, filled with lust, and guilt. I climbed between his legs and tentatively put his cock head in my mouth, still not believing he was letting me do this. He sighed as soon as my lips closed around his hard-on, so I kept going. I slowly went all the way down to the base, feeling his cock gag me a few times. When he still didn't stop me, I sucked his cock a little faster, gagging myself a few more times. Then I went after his balls, swirling them around in my mouth and licking underneath them. After a couple minutes, I had this stranger's hairy balls rubbing all over my face, and I felt so disgusting, and so happy. Then Simon surprised me by grabbing my head and moving my mouth from his balls back onto his cock. I figured he wouldn't want to touch another guy at all, but he kept his hands on my head as he started roughly forcing his cock head down my throat, making me gag and slobber. "You like that fuckin' dick, don't you, pussy boy?" My eyes were watering, my nose was running, and he wasn't letting me off his cock, even though I tried pulling up a few times. "Yeah you do, you fuckin' bitch boy, I knew you wanted this dick the moment I saw you." Then without warning, he took his cock out of my mouth and started pulling my shirt off. I started to say something, but I was still trying to catch my breath, so I just let him do it. Then he moved around behind me, pushed me up the bed onto my stomach, and started tearing my jeans off, too. "No, I don't --" I started to say, but he kept pulling them off, and threw them onto the floor. He moved back up the bed and forced his cock down my throat again. This time as I was gagging on his cock, he slid his hand inside my briefs and started playing with my hole. Well this was happening too fast, and it was more than I'd bargained for -- I'd thought I would just suck off this stud, and keep my clothes on, and that would be that. That wasn't really cheating on my boyfriend, was it, if I didn't even take my clothes off? But it looked like my neighbor wanted more than to just get his cock sucked, which I wasn't really okay with. Well, maybe he just wanted to play with my hole while I sucked him off, I thought, and that was it. I mean, he was straight, wasn't he? And he hadn't even taken my underwear off. So after a few seconds, I stopped fighting him and just let him rub a couple slick fingers on my hole while he fucked my throat. But after just a few minutes of that, he yanked me off his cock and threw me up the bed onto my stomach again. While I was catching my breath and wiping the slobber off my face, he tore off my underwear, and then he was between my legs, with his tongue up my ass. How the fuck had that happened? He was straight, wasn't he? And I barely even knew this guy! What was his name again? And I'd been with my boyfriend for almost three years, and I'd never cheated on him. What the hell was I doing? This was totally wrong, and way too fast, and I had to get him off me, and get out of there…. But he was making me feel so good, and my boyfriend had never been this passionate and aggressive with me. In fact, sex with my boyfriend was pretty routine, and he almost never ate me out, and definitely never as good as this guy. I could barely even think straight…. Then my neighbor stopped eating me out all of a sudden, and after a few seconds, my head cleared up and I turned around to face him, remembering what I'd wanted to say. "Listen, I -- I should probably go, I mean I was just going to suck you off, and that's it, but I mean I barely even know you, and I just...." "Shut up, bitch boy!" he said to me. "You're mine tonight!" With that, he grabbed my face and slammed me down into the pillow, stunning me. Who was this guy? What had happened to the laid-back, easygoing guy on the chill pill I'd seen walking past my window every day? Was he seriously not going to let me leave? He kept my face buried in the pillow, then I felt his weight on top of me. I heard him spit a few times, then I felt him rubbing his slick cock head against my hole. No, this wasn't right, I wasn't a cheater, I couldn't do this to my boyfriend, this was way too fast, I had to get out of there. "No, wait, I have to go, I can't do this..." I started to say, determined to get out of there, only to feel a sharp, very painful slap across my face. "Shut the fuck up, bitch," he grunted. What was happening? No one had ever slapped me that hard before. I tried to force my way out from under him, but he was much stronger than me, and shoved my face back down into the pillow so I could barely breath. Then I felt his cock head push harder against my hole, and then he was inside me. I screamed into the pillow, and he held his cock still. "You can take this dick, you fuckin' slut," he whispered into my ear while holding my arms down so I couldn't fight him. "You know you want it. Let me in, let me get off inside you, make me feel good." I had stopped fighting him and was just focusing on relaxing my hole so it wouldn't hurt so bad, and he had started kissing me as he was whispering these nasty things into my ear. "I'll stay right here till you get used to me, I'm not goin' anywhere, I know you want this dick." I don't know if he was right, and I did want it, but my ass eventually started to open up and let him in. I couldn't fight him, he was much stronger than me. So maybe if I just let it happen, it would all be over soon and I could just forget about this whole thing, and my boyfriend would never find out. "That's right, I can feel you loosening up for me, I knew you wanted it," he kept whispering into my ear, with his hands still grabbing my wrists. "Fuck, that feels good, bitch boy, you feel so good." He started moving his cock in and out of me, and moaning into my ear. I hoped he would just finish soon. Then I heard him say, "I've fucked hundreds of bitches just like you, you always put up a fight, but you always take the dick in the end." Wait, did he just say hundreds? How was that even possible? I'd only been with 20 guys, tops, and I thought that was a lot! Was he even wearing a fucking condom? "Wait, are you wearing a condom?" I asked, but he didn't answer, he just kept sliding his hard prick in and out of my hole and breathing right onto my face. I know he heard me. Why didn't he respond? "You have to put a condom on," I said, "I never -- you can't fuck me without one." He still didn't say anything, he just moaned a little louder, fucked me a little faster, and grabbed my wrists a little harder. I had to get him to stop. I'd been so careful with the other guys, and I'd even gone with my boyfriend to get tested when we'd first started dating. Now here was this total stranger inside me with no protection, and he'd said he'd had sex with hundreds of other people! Had he fucked all of them without a rubber, too?? "No, stop, I have a boyfriend!" I said, desperately trying not to catch anything from this guy I had just barely met. "Get off me!" I started to struggle again, but it was no use. Instead of letting me go, he got up off me, grabbed both my wrists with one hand, and slapped me hard with his other hand, one, two, three times. My face was still sore from the first time he'd slapped me, and my eyes started to water. I knew there was no way to get away from this man, he was all the way inside me with no condom on, and he wouldn't stop no matter how much I begged him or struggled to get away. He didn't lay back down on top of me or start kissing me again. Instead he grabbed my wrists and started slamming his unprotected cock into me as hard as he fucking could, anger-fucking me into the mattress. I could feel sweat dripping off of him onto my back. He seemed determined to give me a fuck I'd never forget, whether I wanted it or not. I stopped fighting him, and just hoped he'd hurry up and finish, so I could go. Then he switched from slam-fucking me to piledriving me, pounding his cock into me over and over again without stopping. And as angry and worried as I was, his cock started to feel really good inside me, and I started to moan in pleasure. I didn't know what was happening, or how I could enjoy this even a little bit, but his cock started to feel incredible inside me, like it belonged there. Once again I couldn't think straight, and started to forget that I wanted to get out of there. Then after a few minutes of pile-driving me, he started to moan louder, and I knew he was about to cum, which brought me back to reality. For a second, I still had hope he would do the decent thing and pull out before he came, since he knew I didn't want this, and that I definitely didn't want his cum inside me. But then he started to really slam his raw cock inside me and hold it there, and I knew he was shooting his load deep inside me. He knew I didn't want his cock or his cum, but he didn't care, he was giving me his load whether I wanted it or not. After he finished cumming inside me, he let go of my wrists and rolled onto his back. "Fuck, that was good, bitch boy," he said, slapping me hard on my ass, which was now full of his cum. I couldn't believe what had just happened, or that I had this total stranger's cum deep inside me, and I didn't even know what his status was. Did he even know? What had I done? I started to get up so I could get my clothes back on, when he rolled toward me and held me down again, pushing me into the pillow. What more did he want with me? I thought he was done? Then I felt another hand on my ass, and I knew it wasn't his. What the fuck? He felt me jump and held me down harder. "My roommate wants some, too." His roommate? What the fuck? Had he been there the whole time, watching this guy force his bare cock into me and shoot his load inside me when I'd begged him to stop? Had he watched me struggle and done nothing? The roommate didn't waste any time with foreplay, and before I could say anything, he was on top of me, sliding his hard dick right into my loose, well-fucked hole. I hadn't even seen the roommate and had no idea what he looked like, and I knew he wasn't wearing a rubber, either. He must have already been stroking his cock while he was watching Simon fuck me, because he only pounded my ass for a few minutes, then he was shoving his hard cock all the way inside me and shooting his load deep in me to mix with Simon's. "Fuck," was the roommate's only word, then he pulled out of me and left. I couldn't believe yet another complete stranger had just cum inside me, and I hadn't even seen this one. Was I even still clean now? Had they given me anything? What had I done? I started to get up again, but Simon wouldn't let me go. He turned me on my side and crawled up behind me, pressing his semi-hard cock up against my cummy hole. "You did so great, baby doll," he whispered to me, kissing my neck and nibbling my ear. "You made me feel so fuckin' good, you know that? So fuckin' good." He held me tight, pressed up against my back, and for some reason, I could start to feel myself getting turned on. He shouldn't have cum in me, and he shouldn't be holding me like this. I had a boyfriend, and this was so completely wrong. But he kept softly kissing my neck, and I didn't stop him. "And it was so hot seeing you take my roommate's dick. I wish you could have seen that." His hand started sliding down my bare chest, towards my cock, which he'd completely ignored before now. When he wrapped his hand around my cock and balls, I was surprised to realize I was totally hard. He started stroking my cock, and I didn't tell him to stop. He spat in his hand and went back to stroking me. I moaned a little and relaxed into his body, and I think he knew I was his. After just a few minutes, I was shooting a hot, guilty load all over his sheets, and pressing hard back into his chest. "I know you're confused right now, baby doll," he said softly as he nibbled my ear some more. "But I know you liked it. And I liked it, too. And I know you'll be back for more." And as I drifted off to sleep with these two strangers' loads planted deep inside me, I knew he was right.
  23. I think ISPs will definitely squeeze big websites for all they can, but I don't think smaller websites will be off their radar, though. From what I understand, YouTube has massively demonetized videos that might offend its advertisers, including a lot of political videos...although "official" news channels like CNN and Fox have not been demonetized. I think this is a preview of the kind of informal censorship we can expect once net neutrality is gone. It seems like the corporations will target anything that can make them more money, and anything that might portray them in a negative light (that's what I would do, if I were a corporation). And this website could fall into both of those categories, which is why I was concerned about what was going to happen to it. Also, it's worth noting that the previous FCC also tried to remove net neutrality in 2014, but there was so much public pushback that they left it in place (temporarily). So it seems like net neutrality and free speech are in the crosshairs no matter who's in the White House, as long as corporations are "donating" to both parties. The other thing that concerns me is that people don't seem to mind losing their freedoms, as long as it's slow and quiet, or there's a good excuse for it. No one complains about the Patriot Act anymore, no one minds the NSA recording all our conversations and emails, no one minds our ISPs selling our Internet activity (including this post) to advertisers...yet that would all have been unthinkable in 2000 or early 2001, except maybe in some Orwellian science fiction movie. But now it's all normal, which is why I think a censored Internet could become normal too, if it were censored gradually enough and no one noticed it happening. And I think a really close example is television -- everyone with a pair of rabbit ears used to get the same three channels, no matter what. Now, though, there are expensive "packages" for different channels, and I think sports games are pay-per-view only. If this website were put into whatever Internet "package", how many people would buy that package to keep coming here?
  24. I hope you are right!
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